User Reviews (20)

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  • Alright so I'm not exactly sure how to begin this review so I think I'll start off with the plot. Get Gone is the story of 6 hikers going up to this lovely forest area with a tour guide for 2 or 3 days as a group. Although living up at this beautiful area is a deadly family who are willing to kill anybody who dares to walk over their land! Unfortunately other than Lin Shae (sorry if that's spelt wrong) this movie is boring and horribly acted although for this director's first movie I'm pretty god damn impressed since Get Gone has won 6 awards some how, I guess for a first feature film it's impressive. I did enjoy the performance of a couple more cast members who looked like they were having a good time trying to make an entertaining horror flick. Get Gone seriously reminded me of the 2017 movie Leatherface which I thoroughly enjoyed even thought most people disagree on that. There are some hilariously bad Edits and camera work throughout this film but as I said this guy is a first time director so I can't be to hard on the man. I would say you should give this movie a watch one night to see what you think about it but don't go into this expecting a good movie because it's pretty bad but worth watching for certain fun aspects. The killer (Apple) has a brilliant first kill which is just extremely fun to watch although I just wish it was shot much better. So overall I'd give it a 3 out of 10 but possibly a 4 if I watched Get Gone with some friends.
  • Terrible writing, terrible cinematography, terrible acting by most, terrible editing, terrible art directing. I bet the cast and crew rated it so high. The director didn't want to roll until the fog machine ran for 10 minutes between each take, some college crap. I'd rather watch an hour and a half of herpe cream commercials
  • Absolutely crap. Not even the talented Lin Shaye could save this one - all on her own. The overall acting is very poor. It takes a very bad director to see through that. Not worth the time ...
  • This is a complete offense to the people who had paid a ticket for this. This is so terrible that the only reason that I gave 1 to this intelecual terrorism is the lady that I respect ( Mrs. Shaye ) who made great horror movies in the past. This is a bad joke to people who likes the genre and a word to the director...if you have seen 2 or 3 good movies in your life , how can you explain this?
  • SunnySonnie7 February 2020
    I love horror movies. Basically I grew up on them. Believe me I've seen bad ones, but this.. Doesn't even hitting the bad limit. If I could give a negative rating, I would. It was very boring, and nonsensly sick even from a horror. Do not waste 1 and a half hour from your life!
  • Neptune16529 January 2020
    I have watched some pretty terrible movies in my time and this one takes the cake. The acting is so terrible. incredibly incomplete movie bad from every angles. Even the trailer is terrible. It looks unoriginal and almost comical. Not trying to be rude just my personal opinion of a first impression.
  • henrytsang30 January 2020
    Don't waste you time to watch this movie. Suppose to be a horror movie but not even scary because everything is so fake in this movie. Thought movie will be good because of Lin shaye in the movie but end up turned it off after 10 mins play.
  • Rubbish film boring don't waste your time watching it
  • I'm a big fan of Shaye's so I was hoping for a little substance in this film. Although Lin does a great job with the material provided the rest of the film is just a train-wreck. Many a great actor will take a chance on a script, writer, and/or director which I believe to be the case here for Shaye. As far as these types of films (no name writer/director scores a trust fund and decides to venture into the horror film business), unless you're a big fan of an actor giving up their talent to give someone a chance, stay clear as you will likely be sadly disappointed. The movie is a flop. Don't waste your time unless you want to skip through to enjoy Lin Shaye on screen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Maxwell family has been squatting on Oregon state property for 30 years. The kids are freaky looking because of the poisoned fracking drinking water. They will defend their land.

    This is a twist on the inbred hillbilly genre, but the results are the same. Lin Shaye doing any "B" movie that will have her. Weston Cage Coppola is given a role where all he has to say is, "Get Gone."

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • arnaudberurier28 January 2020
    4 points for the effort Nothing to remember but so many things to forget Nothing else to add
  • cartjua30 January 2020
    I found the movie to leave me on the edge of the seat and wanting more! You can tell the actors enjoyed doing the film and the producer did a good job putting it together and setting it up for a part 2.
  • Lin Shaye is quite a showstopper, as usual. It was campy and sometimes pretty funny bc of how over-the-top it was. The script wasn't a work of art, sure, but it was actually quite visually impressive. I will probably give it a second watch. For people who are into horror, this is a slasher that gives nods to several classics, while also standing on it's own pretty well, for what it is. Not sure what people expect from a low (or no) budget horror film... seems like people either love it or hate it, but the bad reviews set my expectations low and I was pleasantly surprised. I loved the mask and the creepy country people. Give it a watch! I mean, don't pay a ton for it, but for sure worth watching.
  • It was so awful and so bad acting. I don't like the way they act, You can tell in the first place, first scene that it was too bad. The director waste a time for this movie. DON'T WATCH OR DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE or you'll waste your time to watch. Unfortunately, Lin Shaye would have been there, so don't waste time to watch this.
  • Where to begin with Get Gone? I've been tricked into watching this movie by the of course extremely fake positive reviews, the first reviews because I can promise you this movie will from now on only get negative reviews, it's extremely bad. And what to think about the 6 awards and 4 nominations it got? I can't imagine the quality of the rest of the movies if this one wins the awards. I watch tons of movies, made several lists and one of those lists is "Absolute awful movies to avoid at all costs", Get Gone will be number 37 in this list, that's my award they get for this garbage. Nicolas Cage started with a lot of good movies and slowly appeared in real stinkers. His son Weston Cage Coppola (also grand-nephew of Francis Ford Coppola) starts immediately in thrash, the lowest of the low. I wonder what Francis Ford Coppola must think of this piece of garbage? Michael Thomas Daniel, a name I will remember, and not for good reasons, a name I will avoid like the pest as soon as I see him appear in credits. It's just quite unbelievable nobody from the cast or crew told him what thrash he was making. The story is below mediocre, the acting is cringing to watch, the cinematography I can do better with my phone, the so-called skin disease the sons have is just a bit of white paint or night cream or whatever cheap stuff they found in their local store and it's not even correctly applied. You have to see it to believe it. I still don't get how I managed to endure this kind of thrash without scratching my eyes out. That I am that stupid to start watching garbage like this is my fault, but people giving this pile of dung awards that's just criminal.
  • rotini-525863 March 2020
    Can't believe I subjected myself to the entire 90 minutes
  • The movie is PATHETIC! That's all I'm going to say coz I already wasted 30 minutes on this movie.
  • A pretty funny almost farce/critique of the horror genre, this film spoofs without taking it into the level of the Wayans Brother's Scary Movie franchise and it's ilk.

    Lets be frank here, it is obviously a low budget film but multiple times it makes that fact an asset through additional, almost campy, moments. It won't win any Oscars but it delivers both moments of hilarity and of an absolute creepy, what-the-hell-did-I-just-watch quality.

    I want to especially call attention to Lin Shaye who's turn as the matriarch of the family was honestly masterful. Even in the weird and wonderful blend of horror/comedy she was able to deliver a flat out performance for this deep and complex character. Her choices created something in the character I don't even think the director/writer was expecting.

    I also want to call attention to Bailey Coppola's performance as Apple. His energy in the performance, and his communication of an almost innocence without his mask, and a single minded determination to kill everything in his path with the mask on was masterfully done. I was astounded that an actor could bring such a distinct energy while wearing a mask and completely covered from head to foot. Really, it was very well done.

    There are several homages to horror and slasher film titans, that take those moments and while winking at their source also eviscerate them. I have seen other critiques that complain about the lack of blood, but honestly I think it was a creative choice. Without the blood, the humor of the moment is changed and you find yourself laughing, and the filmmaker wanting you to laugh at horribly inappropriate moments.

    This film did something unique: it WANTS to be the next Mystery Science Theatre 3000 take down. It is a movie to mock and laugh with because it is making all its own jokes while leaving plenty of fertile ground for the audience to announce their hilarious thoughts. I understand how some might miss that, but if you remember that this film is supposed to be fun for adults in the meme generation while watching it, you are going to have a blast.
  • joannflanigan29 January 2020
    I just finished watching this movie and I loved it.

    I'm usually a "comedy" girl so for a horror/psychological thriller to keep my attention is quite the feat. The plot was seamless and the things you DIDN'T see made you have to use your imagination to fill in the blanks which made it even scarier than it would have been if it had been all guts-n-gore like slasher films tend to be. The cinematography was well done and the locations were gorgeous.

    Michael Thomas Daniel picked a perfect cast for this film - defnitely artists displaying their craft well.

    I could watch this several times - and for me that is saying something!

    Support indie films!
  • richardyj28 January 2020
    An enjoyable fun film with a great believable cast and script. Beautiful scenery fun dialogue and heart felt performances. Looking forward to more work by this crew.