User Reviews (18)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I give it 5 for the storyline which could have been a lot better if it wasn't for the wooden actors, the main lead Laura is so wooden she would give Pinocchio a run for the money. It doesn't explained why the male inn owner was cutting up dead bodies that was out of place with the rest of the movie. If you liked the movie The Other's this could is a poorer version. Would I recommend this movie ? No, it lacked the suspense of The Other's, there is a lot of running about the hallways screaming, mainly the lead character looking for Steven another lame character who's not as annoying as Laura and the acting a tad better. Is there anything I can say that's positive about this movie, yes, it only on for 98 minutes.
  • Well, given the storyline, acting and dialogue that took place in this 2021 horror movie, then no wonder this is the last inn. Let's just say that you are not in for a good old time when you sit down to watch this horror movie from writers Bill Jones and Catherine Lewis. In fact, you are in for 1 hour and 37 minutes of toe-curling narrative with acting performances as wooden as ventriloquist dummies, and dialogue to match.

    But I am getting ahead of myself here. Let's stop and take a look at the storyline in "The Last Inn", or what was supposed to pass as the storyline. The events that took place in the movie was so generic and pointless, not to mention predictable, that there virtually was no effort put into it. You could watch the first 15 minutes of the movie and the last 15 minutes and still get the same outcome as if watched the entire ordeal. And an ordeal it was, trust me.

    Then there was the acting, or what passed as acting here. This was just simply beyond my comprehension. Not even middle school theater shows have acting performances as wooden and rigid as what you see in "The Last Inn", nor delivery of dialogue so devoid of emotion or tone that you think it was a voice box.

    "The Last Inn" is labeled as a horror movie. Yeah, well don't go about believing that you will be in for a classic tale of proper horror. I did that mistake, so learn from my suffering and don't go there. The only thing horror here was the total absence of proper story and acting.

    Visually then "The Last Inn" was so-so. I mean, there wasn't exactly an abundance of special effects, and whatever special effects or CGI there was in the movie was mediocre at best, but at least it served its purpose.

    Trust me when I say that you should stay well clear of director David Kuan's 2021 movie "The Last Inn". It just simply isn't worth the effort, money or time.

    My rating of "The Last Inn" lands on a generous two out of ten stars, based on the fact that they seriously put in an effort here, and also because of semi-adequate production value.
  • parry_na28 March 2022
    While watching this, my heart went out to Emily Hall, who plays Laura. She gives a decent performance considering all the things working against her - namely, her appalling dialogue, unfathomable dubbing (from American into American), the stone-dead pacing, derivative storyline and the performances of all of those around her. Oh, and the ballad accompanying the longed-for finale 100 minutes later.

    There is a scene towards the end of 'The Last Inn' involving a priest explaining the entire plot (which seems to be cribbed from 'The Others'), which involves some of the worst acting I have ever seen on film. So bad, it's as if everyone is emoting through a mechanical speech-generating device.

    It's as though the dialogue and delivery were translated strictly from another language - possibly Chinese, given that the filming took place mainly at Hengdiah film studios. Remember the old Japanese 1970s 'Godzilla' films from Toho studios, and how they were often let down by poor dialogue and dubbing? That's what this reminds me of.

    Elsewhere, the cinematography is very good and nicely lit. There is no skimping on the budget either, because some money has clearly been spent on this. That the results are so off-kilter and odd, ensure that it's a challenge to get to the end, where you can at least get some comfort spotting the spelling errors in the closing credits. Hopefully Emily Hall can put this behind her. My score is 3 out of 10.
  • If you make it to the credits I think it's genuinely worth it with all the spelling errors. Was it made to be this horrible or was this just an accident? It was the best laugh I've had in awhile. Very predictable from the beginning and the acting is atrocious. The actors are very wooden and robotic with their speech and movements.

    The story line was weird and the flashback of the two main characters falling in love was hysterical. It looked like a online dating commercial.

    I want to give it more stars just because we found it so comical and laughed through the entire film, but I can't because I don't want deceive anyone.
  • The terrible dubbing, editing, etc present in this film can only be described as diabolical. The voices are so out of sync and mismatched it's almost comical. Really, though, it's just a bore to watch.
  • Wow, this is bad, mega bad, I don't think I've ever seen a film like this before, so that's 1 star at least for the effort.

    The problem for the viewer is that it's so awful, you keep trying to work out if they're serious or if it's a parody, along the lines of Police Squad or even Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.

    The element that makes it confusing is that they have great cameras, so it looks pretty good, everything else though is odd. My sense is that this was a serious attempt at a horror movie, or maybe even a comedy/ horror, but Director & Producer David Kuan, hasn't a single clue how to achieve that.

    Every single scene & every word spoken is wrong or off, so to critique this properly would take all day, suffice it to say this should be on Red Letter Media's Best of the Worst, they'd love it!

    I didn't make it all the way, but maybe after a few bottles of wine I might try.
  • From the start it looks normal however straight away from Laura getting out the car with a head injury she turns round and she's got a plaster on. First were did the plaster come from second you can tell she's sitting behind a green screen in the car. Anyway we carried on watching and it just went from bad to worse. The voice for the little girl is from about a 60 year old woman. All actors are stiff and can't speak properly. It's addictive to watch as the acting is so bad ! Like I think I could video myself around my apartment block and could make it more scary using my phone. If this is free and your into that type of poorly written and acting film then watch it but this shouldn't be allowed to be sold in shops. I'm even tempting taking this back to Asda and demanding my money back. And at the end watch out for when the preist is talking to the man and woman and child because when the camera is looking at the man speaking and then switched to a side angle it's a completely different person.. just waisted and hour and a half of my life which I won't get back watching this terrible film !
  •'s so bad it's a crime not seeing it. Won't say this or that or the other is bad because everything is so really bad. Go-ahead and watch it.
  • Warning: Spoilers





    Please do yourself a favor and do not watch it !! One of the most horrible movies I've ever seen in my life entirely!

    Not only did they try to copy one of the iconic movies "the others" but they managed to F*up the storyline.

    Why! Please quit your job! You can't torture people with such a horrible production.
  • What did I unfortunately just watch ? "Are we there yet" ? Is it almost over ? No ...not yet. It just keeps going. What a script ! Holy smokes ! What a herundous movie. Rated this a 1...because there is no zero .
  • I'm not going to talk about the creative director, you have to watch Death is Here 3 to see what I said creative. Even in this film, I see in the eyes of the critic, which - different from the eye of the viewer - that this director discovers actors, Laura (Emily Hall) is making her way into the world of stardom with confident steps, she may stumble and this is normal, but she has a talent that will enable her one day to be in the ranks of stars Hollywood, such as Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts (hint: I hope you stay away from nude appearances, as the two above-mentioned actresses achieved stardom with valuable scenes and performances, not nudity or intimate scenes). In other words, a deep explorer. Certainly, this movie has a good budget. I can say that from the quality of the shooting, the locations, etc. But frankly, he was missing something that would lead the viewers together and not make the viewer wake up with each scene as if he was seeing another new movie. I gladly give this movie an 8 rating for the following reasons: The discovery of an actress, Emily Hall, who I expect to have stardom in the future (bet) And photography and scenes that I benefited a lot from and learned from (and this is the purpose of all of that, that we learn, watch and learn again).

    Thanks to all.
  • Brave and new more thriller than horror. It is a ghost story. Had me and my son watching and enjoying..guessing out next part of script,, was a good movie on a low budget but I will let others know to give it a Chance..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You immediately notice the homonym pun of Lawst and Last which makes the plot as to what is going on fairly easy. Laura (Emily Hall) has a car accident and loses her memory as she walks to the Lawst Inn run by the creepy Lawst couple. Here she meets Steven (Walker Barnes) and a couple, Peter (Jamel King) and Nicole (Tristan Cunningham).

    The back story had holes in it and not well thought out. OUIJA boards are 19th century. Boards with English letters did not originate in Ancient Asia where they used a gazillion symbols. Why did they make it Asian at all? The plot gives some basic clues, but it isn't until the end that all is explained.

    Guide: No swearing or nudity. Brief sex scene.
  • Seriously, aside from the absolutely horrible dialogue and wooden acting, the story and creepy visuals are actually pretty good.

    Pretend it's stage play, and just enjoy it.
  • This movie had a very entertaining plot. The dialog of some of the characters was too lengthy and did not flow naturally and some of the cheap special effects were not believable. With a bigger budget, better special effects and more experienced actors, this movie would have been awesome. Being a ghost story lover, I still think this movie is worth a watch. I really enjoyed seeing the story unfold, as well as, the unexpected plot twists. Just don't expect the movie to be the same quality as a James Wan or Mike Flanagan movie. This story as a book would have been a very enjoyable read. Overall, it's worth watching at least once.
  • The Last Inn (2021) is a movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a young lady who unexpectedly arrives at an Inn with little memory of where she came from and where she's going. She runs into another couple and a young man also staying at the inn. They decide to play a board game that seems to unlock the spirits within the house and strange things start happening. Can the new friends put the spirits back in their place or will they all die trying?

    This movie is directed by David Kuan (Death is Here 3) and stars Emily Hall (Lumina), Walker Barnes (Butter), Tristan Cunningham (Sleeping with Strangers), Jamel King (Unhinged) and Lauren Peterson (Moxie).

    This is one of those movies where the twist at the end was likely written first and then the author had to build a story to get to it, because the end was definitely the best part of the movie. The acting and dialogue were average. The makeup and creation of the horror elements were also mediocre to bad, though some of the props were cool. There is a bathroom scene in here that's perfectly executed and very well done, but shortly after there's a flashback montage and background song that's painful.

    Overall, with a little more patience with the writing of the screenplay and a bigger budget this could have been a worthwhile addition to the horror genre; unfortunately, it ends up falling short of its potential. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (2021) The Last Inn PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR

    Co-produced and directed by David Kuan that has Laura (Emily Hall) driving along the highway when she hears about an announcement on the radio about an upcoming storm, and she ends up crashing her car onto a single tree. When the passing truck driver did not stop for her she then walks toward a nearby town stopping by at a town called Sass and going into the first inn she sees called "The Lawst Inn" meeting the owners, who happen to be an elderly couple of Mrs Thessy Lawst (Lauren Peterson) and her maintenance husband Mr. Louis Lawst (Scott Talbot). And of course, she is staying at the inn with other guests including a young African American boyfriend and girlfriend couple of Pete (Jamel King) and Nicole (Tristan Cunningham) and a friendly photog student, Steven (Walker Barnes) who coincidentally was heading to the same city as she was called Galveston. Except that as a result of that car accident, Laura has a loss of memory of what happened, nor does she know why she was heading toward Galveston in the first place. And during her stay, she also has to experience some strange going-ons with the tenant that live above her, who is a recovering drug addict, Britney (Zarema Akmalove) and her son, Charlie (Louis Limantour) who often plays with another child who also lives in the inn, Emily (Sofia Solareva). And at this point she has to stay there until the roads are cleared, and as each day continues she learns more about herself as well as the history of the inn itself and the small town of Sass itself.

    SPOILERS Not much of a spoil, but as it turns out, and as I had suspected, Laura was kind of dead all along, more like unconscious as the movie counted the days at least until the seventh day that does not remember, except that she does. And as she makes attempts to escape the inn she not only stumbles onto the graves of Mr and Mrs. Lawst but also stumbles onto the bodies of the two young couple Nicole and Pete. The name Adele is the doll's name that belonged to the Lawst's young daughter Emily, and was killed in a cult, therefore she as well as the others were never alive in the first place. The more Laura regained her memory, the more she wakes up from her coma. And it was at this point, that she never drove alone by herself like she claimed she had done, but was driving with her boyfriend, Steven together to go visit his parents who live in Galveston, which viewers never got to see what they ever looked like. And that it was a rock slide or rock boulder that killed Steven when he sacrificed his life to save hers by being on top of her when the boulder came down and landed on top of the vehicle.

    A few things here, if a small town actually existed, how come both Laura as well as Nicole and her boyfriend Pete ever went to look around this town called Sass, if it ever existed! By the time Laura wakes up, where are her parents, or Steve's parents for that matter. We never even got to see a single police officer to jot down what she thought what happened. The movie tends to ignore proper protocol or ignores actual moments if something like this did in fact happened, making this film to be inconsistent.
  • When we arrived they could not find our booking they seemed more interested in talking to each other when we eventually got sat down the waitress asked what drinks we wanted we asked for a drinks menu she went away returned and threw a menu on the table and went again for another 15 mins when we eventually got our food it was average and cold when you are spending in excess of 120 you expect good service totaly ruined our 18th wedding anniversary.there was no atmosphere not even music we tried to get the attention of someone to ask if they could play some music it is actually a music venue the wine we had was very average for 25 pounds a bottle and later found the same one in a supermarket round the corner for 8 pounds don't waste your money go elsewhere.