User Reviews (17)

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  • angusking-3999822 September 2020
    Boy meets non english speaking Mexican girl, it's only a brief encounter but she gives him her address so.. impulsively, he decides to pay her a visit taking his two buddies along for the ride - Is she the one?. Our tech geek is quite neurotic. He has problems especially when it comes to meeting and talking to women and he's also claustrophobic. In one scene, set in a wine cellar, he feels trapped and begins to panic - amusing? Or maybe not. It's quite a predictable tale. Most of us will soon guess the direction it's going. if your looking for a non-demanding and entertaining ninety minutes this will do nicely.
  • We watch Hallmark movies for the predictable cheese, and this movie was very similar, but with a bigger budget. Still cute and fun though, we enjoyed it.
  • Boy meets non english speaking Mexican girl, it's only a brief encounter but she gives him her address so.. impulsively he decides to pay her a visit - Is she the one?. His two buddies come along for the ride. Our tech geek is quite neurotic. He has anxiety problems especially when meeting and talking to women and he's also claustrophobic. In one scene, set in a wine cellar, he feels trapped and begins to panic - amusing? Or maybe not. It's quite a predictable romantic-comedy. Most of us will soon guess the direction it's going. So if your looking for a non-demanding and entertaining ninety minutes this will do.
  • v-sumner-392-38413029 September 2020
    Watched this today, really loved it. Really enjoyed the performances of the actors and the beautiful a Mexican scenery. Clever, punchy dialogue and a love story entangled with the usual highs and lows.
  • McClungalong23 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I can't comprehend how a movie this bad could be made in today's day and age. The lead "actor" was terrible... (the worst Jim Carey wannabe you've ever seen), the story was incoherent and they wasted the best part of the entire movie! Chris Kattan! The female leads were trying their best but they weren't given much via the script. What a weird plot line! The rich grandma or whatever saves the day by dying??!!! And why does Drew's hair color change from red to brown over and over? I feel like we got fooled... my partner was in the mood for a romcom, but I should have known better when I saw the opening title sequence. I hadn't seem a generic city scape opening title sequence like that since 2002. What a waste of his friend Kiki and Chris Kattan... I've never wanted my money back more
  • This movie is a notch below Hallmark movies. Stupid movie about 3 morons. The ironic part is that there are morons like them all over real life dating sites.
  • This hit the spot in my heart. With the prime error not showing subtitles correctly I watched on another platform but I loved it both times! Without captions made you really feel the characters and not knowing the language. The 2nd time let me pick up on more humor. Don't let prime change your mind on this movie! I'll watch it again and again and again! Couldn't stop laughing and loved the story!
  • bethgrego21 September 2020
    The movie was great!! Really enjoyed it from beginning to end!! The actors did a great job!
  • Seriously the movie we needed to watch right now! I screamed and laughed and cried. A nice little reminder that love is still out there.
  • Just exactly what we needed to see right now - the funny parts are SO FUNNY, and the heartwarming parts are so heartwarming. Just great! (I'm not sure what some of the other reviewers were talking about... the parts that were supposed to be subtitled worded for us just fine?!?)
  • The Acting performances were good, the story was great, the characters were well developed. This is a RomCom that I could watch again and again.
  • This is such a fun film! It's not only hilarious but the acting is great and it has a heartwarming storyline. It's also nice to see more latinas represented in mainstream films!
  • angeles_rojas21 September 2020
    So eloquently written, this romantic comedy will leave you feeling warm and toasty.
  • kahlanoelle21 September 2020
    Loved this movie! Cute, funny, and feel-good movie with gorgeous scenery! Could watch this over and over; even better with a glass of wine!
  • Just what we need right now, a light-hearted movie that leaves you feeling hopeful. Great acting, lovely story with some good laughs. It was thoroughly enjoyable!!
  • a-hillsberg6 February 2021
    So fun!
    What a fun, heartfelt romantic comedy. Full of great jokes and twists and turns, it was very enjoyable.
  • This film is beautifully written with all the elements of an award-winning RomCom! I thoroughly enjoyed this family friendly comedy... it's heartwarming and funny! I was very impressed with how natural and likeable all the actors were in their performances- especially the Lead character "True" played by Bryan McClure- a Christian Actor and role model to other actors. Job well done, In Other Words!