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  • The first two episodes are excellent. They're well-produced, have genuinely funny parts, and are actually pretty touching in a lot of ways. The last two episodes... well, they exist. That's all I'm going to say.

    Still a 7/10 because episodes 1 and 2 are genuinely special in a lot of ways.
  • Enlightening and heartbreaking.... at first I was hopeful that the comedy element would bring relief to those in the regions that were highlighted. I was touched by their efforts, but saddened by the realities of their lives. The complexities of this paradox left me in a tailspin of wonderment. I live in Fayetteville NC which is closely connected with Fort Bragg NC Army base, the social climate has been affected by the residuals of many conflicts. I am hopeful for our vets and people of conflict around the world. However, I myself am a human paradox , for I am a believer in the protection of human rights and freedoms, and the defending of those rights.
  • First 2 episodes are brilliant and inspiring, 3rd isn't great, 4th is abysmal.
  • This is as real as it gets. Comedy as method to cope with real life horror and death.
  • Deep, profound, touching and real. It really was an amazing watch, kudos to Mr. Charles, once again he has presented a masterpiece. Plus, Larry might be the only person willing to go this far to further deepen our understanding of humor, and for that, he has my utmost respect.
  • There is a reason this guy's highest point in life was to be the bearded guy that passed through the scene with no line: he is dull. He talks to much, yet he gets too little. He is on a crusade to show how "his" guys are better than the rest. And I am glad some network executive was so dim as to pay this guy World Wide trips to make some half baked interviews. Hopefully, this would be his retirement gold watch and go back to his hole in the ground.
  • My first review was before watching all the episodes.. now I concur with Johnathon Wilson " insightful and uplifting piece of work that feels more necessary now than ever. As long as it remains so crucial not to forget the power of laugher and how it can help us survive the traumas we'll all inevitably be beset by, shows like this one (which) are integral to understanding quite how much we all have in common." And how we all need song, dance and laughter to help bear the rigors of life , good and bad.
  • ozmartian7716 February 2019
    Just watch it! comedy is the opiate of the masses regardless of location and hardships... this show will connect you with comedians seeking light in times of darkness all across the globe... Larry Charles deserves every award available for this... touching, tear jerking and oh so full of heart and purpose... well done my man!
  • hi_im_mivan15 February 2019
    Great piece of work Its amazing to the lengths this guy will go to for a good comedy showa
  • A really influencing and entertaining show. It's incredible to see how powerful comedy is and how it stays alive in the most dangerous, dramatic, wild and chaotic places or issues. Hope to see more seasons for this original work.
  • This show is a trainwreck. Patronizing from the first minute and it doesn't get better from there. Larry Charles apparently has no cultural awareness of the places he goes and also seems to think Westerners invented comedy, and says out loud he doesn't believe people from certain countries have historically had a sense of humor. What?? He also doesn't even showcase good examples of comedy from the places he visits - he just asked people over and over to tell him about their trauma. In one scene near the beginning, Larry says that Iraqi humor involves a lot of references to martyrdom - and then uses a scene from a British movie!!! That is not an Iraqi movie!! The only people who could like this show are people who have never met anyone from any of the places Larry talks about and who have absolutely no political, historical, or cultural awareness. If you know someone from one of these countries, you would know how insane this show is.
  • This show is raw, crude, a bit funny ...but you need to appreciate irony, sarcasm and tragedy.

    Its not for movie newbies, very young people or just people who think that avengers is the best movie of the Year.

    This is for people who like weird art, and very original content. Not for everyone, only experienced viewers.

    If you are a sensitive person, DO NOT WATCH IT.Its very crude and violent like a war documentary would be, guts, severed heads, and so on ( no, not fake, real severed heads and tragedy ).

    If you have the stomach for that, its a great series, hope there is more.
  • Larry Charles starts off strong by covering dark comedy from war veterans and murderers in the first two episodes, providing a compelling view on comedy that is rarely covered in such detail. It can be incredibly uncomfortable, but it's handled respectfully and if you can stomach the horrible war crimes, footage of people being murdered, and some seriously depressing moments, you get some very heartfelt moments as well. Unfortunately all of this emotion is sucked out entirely by the start of episode 3 as the following two episodes cover "Race" and "Gender" respectively. What starts as a politically incorrect dark comedy series suddenly becomes focused with social justice and it's not only incredibly jarring, but comes across as very forward and ham-fisted from a series that started with a surprising amount of nuance. The ends seem to justify the means as they bring up examples of far right extremists twisting the facts to justify their own twisting of the facts in the opposite direction in these episodes. "White people" are blanketed as whiny racists who constantly play the victim card with a few examples of abnormal people who fit this narrative with the scale of it being inflated. Race went as far to strongly imply that Black Lives Matter has not caused violence, which fails to mention the group who kidnapped that autistic man and tortured him with a knife and livestreamed it. If you're going to make a political documentary, try a little harder to provide an unbiased presentation of the facts.
  • While I think that the idea of investigating comedy around the world is really interesting. And not explored that much before.

    The american (usa) context provided in explaining comedy culture in other countries is way to dominant and many times undermines the ability to appreciate comedy from other cultures in their own right. Everything seems to be to some extent a derivative of American comedy products.

    Perhaps it is some sort of availability bias that enabled the presented logic. And the potential audience was supposed to be American. And though I do not contest the fact that contemporary western comedy culture has had international impact, the series fails to present actual new information. What is the inherent comedy culture present throughout the world.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The show goes downhill extremely as fast after the first 2 episodes. These two episodes have people who have good stories and they give good reasons on why they turn situations that upset people into comedy. They make clear why some things work when they make jokes about them and how their jokes work. I respect these people and they respect comedy. They know what comedy is at its core. We see the importance of comedy in people's lives and how it impacts people no matter where they are. Comedy is a part of the human experience and we see that what people like is different, and the need for comedy has a different reason. All of this makes the first episodes more respectable and you can feel a deep amount of thought put in by the comedians featured on this show. Then these last two episodes come and they could only set in a valid feeling of frustration. Theses episodes make clear how oblivious Larry is in general, just like the people he interviews. You can see that people who talk the most about racial equality are the most oblivious in these episodes. There's a lack of empathy and understanding. And most of these people also don't look like they can hear what's coming out of their mouth. The doom of foolishness sets in from the American interviews. The native American people literally criticize comedy shows for misrepresenting their culture. A black woman says that the media represents the experience of African American citizens. You can see that these Native American comedians are somehow unable to understand that this happens to any culture on comedy shows. These people also criticize people who misuse their culture accidentally. I can understand that they have the right to be offended, but that doesn't mean that they aren't wrong. They can just shoo out anyone who does anything about their culture and give a lesson about their culture even though the reason why people misused their culture from the start was the fact that this topic isn't fully interesting to them. They also say that they are representing their cultures, but I still don't understand how these people are fulfilled by the job they are doing right now. The black lady also ignorantly also makes the point I stated above, and acts like black people can't come from different backgrounds. This episode is just a pat on the back for people who try their hardest to stand out using things so they can hide their lack of personality. The sexism episode, which is the last episode, limelights too many people. These people also show a general lack of social intelligence. They think that anyone who gives them a bad glare is only doing this because they aren't straight. They somehow can't cope with the fact that what they do is something people aren't used to and they are just interested. This is obviously considered to be rude but this is something we all have. It's just a habit humans have which didn't turn out to be good in this age. These people who act like they are ahead of their time are still showing the same problems people have shown for eons. This is a basic loophole that repeats as people try to find a spot in the time they live, and it's mostly wrong due to people trying to become the opposite of what the people who existed before them did, which is influenced by the culture portrayed a in a span of hundred or so years ago before their birth. They can't cope with the fact that they aren't too special. These two episodes show that if you're as pathetic as the people in these episodes, you're going to die and won't be remembered because chasing your own tail for your whole life isn't too memorable if you do it in every part of your life.
  • I think the idea is great, and I enjoyed the show at first. But then I noticed how Larry Charles let more and more space in the series for promoting hate of the right-wing, the left's intersectionality and then even cultural appropriation.. I think it was a mistake because hating Trump is not "edgy" or "dangerous" in any way. It's pretty mainstream. And so was going to promote political correctness when you at the same time show how people die or risk their lives to make provocative jokes. So why going away from the topic of the series so much? I think it's a sign of weak minds. Sad! So I will give it 4 for great idea.
  • ayman-ali-alghamdi16 February 2019
    There are lots of twisted informations for this guy own agendas. Yes the world is dangerous and women need more freedom, but to portrait all , even male comedians as evil ? The stand up community struggles to fight against limitations and Political Correction , but he seems against what comedians fighting for
  • First two episode are very inspiring bringing us closer to people and sceneries often fogotten but because of this they are of much of interest

    well, starting with episode number 3 it became biased only pushing american left wing ideas instead of objective view on both sides. I stopped in the middle of ep 3 when a normal situation of living was described as 'white privilige' by a successful person of color living a better live than most 'white' people, taking advantage of this 'privilige' on his own, which seems to be more relevant than the person of color coming from the street not caring about such topics at all although pushing the opposite stereotypes himself for money, which would be more interesting to question the actual point is there are people turning their bad experiences into their good and using it for dealing with their past (which havent been identified as related to the topic of ep 3, but probably it didnt fit well) and there are others pushing narratives to make money this was not worked out, questioned or challenged but instead Larry jumped on the train of pushed one side of the narrative himself

    a very good idea for a show, sadly not carried out very well
  • Nothing to see here that you cannot see anywhere else.... Just another leftist bias tv show that you could see in a thousand other places. Obviously Netflix doesn't mind but the rest of America does.
  • bmv58225 June 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with some of the other reviewers, the first two episodes were great. The last two episodes were completely unnecessary. I would like to have seen more from other countries rather than rhetoric from my own.