User Reviews (159)

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  • Ok so I love a bit of humour in horror but the lead actor absolutely nailed it Brilliant film, it had me hooked from the moment it started to the very end. Made me make an account and write a review it was that good.
  • I started to watch this movie with really low expectations but after five minutes I was really glad I did it. The main actor does a really good performance. The plot is entertaining and surprising and you never get a minute of boredom. I am in no way related to anyone in this movie but I highly recommend it. Not a master piece but I am sure most people will appreciate its originality. Very entertaining
  • vradenburgjerry15 January 2021
    Classic great horror film, entertaining the whole time and some unusual twist! Main character was great, and the plot was simple. Highly recommend watching!
  • jewelch16 January 2021
    A bit on the weird side but also really entertaining, you even really have to feel sorry for the main character. yes well worth the watch. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 1/15/2021
  • minasb4 May 2021
    What a gem.i a sucker for good horror comedies and this one get it pace gore funny memorable characters good lead actor.
  • ocosis1 August 2021
    This was a lot of fun. I'd never heard of it. Has some nods to other movies, Evil Dead 2, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But it's a horror comedy that is actually funny and quite original. And Meg Fraser, who plays a cannibal family's rebellious

    Good one.
  • During a bank robbery, Rex, a fella with the habit of talking to himself/conscience, takes down the robbers and after several gunshots, he successfully secures the entire establishment but unfortunately the whole successful mission ends in a tragic way for which he is tried and imprisoned. After doing his time, he moves to Finland for a break but gets trapped by a twisted cannibal family with a very dark secret.

    The trailer n synopsis made it look like a done to umpteenth no of times but the best part is the entertaining factor n the the two twists.

    The climax of the bank robbery is non predictable n so is the final sequence when our villains are deciding to flee for the night. Apart from this, the lead actor gave a good performance.

    One of the thing i highly disapprove is violence towards kids or kids at peril.
  • This was just a fun and entertaining movie. Without spoiling the film, the protagonist (Rex) spends a good portion of the movie talking to himself into and out of sticky situations. The banter between the two (the one?) of them is reason to visit this film alone, but add in a kooky family, violence, a touch of gore and a pinch of heart, and you've got a good time on a Friday night in.
  • I'm not a fan of horror/gore but I gotta say, Bloody Hell was bloody good. A fresh perspective on gore, horror, and foreign family affairs. No bad decision making to survive (like in most horrorABLE films) tactics, for what it was, the story made complete sense for a change. A decent amount of gore, revenge and payback. A weekend must watch....enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to love it. It had a good premise but did nothing with it. I was bored most of the time, because of the bad development of the family characters. They could have terrified us and done a lot with a family having a cannibal son!! And a hell of a terrifying family!! But once again ,they couldn't benefit of that!! I gave it 4 stars as the main character was slightly entertaining so as the little cheesy romantic story ' another one point I liked the fact that they didn't show up the cannibal character it was slightly exciting . But when he showed up, honestly I didn't like it.
  • Just as I was getting tired of modern cinema a well written comedy/horror flick like this comes out. I loved the subtle nods to Evil Dead and internet self defense videos. Pretty funny too.

    Gonna follow these actors and directors now. I liked this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Partly because the guy in the lead, a guy none of us have ever heard of, is a good actor. It looks like it's going to be a low budget badly acted movie but it wasn't at all.

    The story is good and for the most part, well directed (a little too smug, like "look at me, I'm like Tarantino!" which is annoying) but overall a well done movie.

    The thing I absolutely hated was the conscious. Too much of it. It became padding. I started fast forwarding through a lot of it.

    He's also hanging for way too long. I think there was more that could have been done here instead of the conscious talking and cut that "hanging" scene some.

    But outside that, I thought this was well done and a surprising entertaining movie. Good job to the director and that lead, who again, who is this guy?
  • It's a sad fact that filmmaking standards have fallen so low these days, trash like Bloody Hell is considered a 10/10 film.

    As someone said in another review, this movie starts to annoy you the moment it begins. The main character talking to himself and the irritating cameramen - I dislike this film. It was horrid.

    It's trying to be something different but it's just the pits. The whole plot revolves around this unlikeable guy. I don't care what happens to him, or what happens in the film.

    I was clock-watching throughout. I couldn't actually finish it. I bowed out at 55 minutes and fast forward to the end. I least I saved 40 minutes of my life.
  • I saw this come up and I never rent movies but the trailer looked unique. It was kind of low budget but honestly one of the best action, horror, comedy films I've seen in a long time. The main actor is actually really outstanding. I hope to see him in even bigger films. Wow, take a chance on this and you'll be rewarded too.
  • thesar-210 March 2023
    Minus Texas and a Chainsaw and you got this blood feast.

    Weird but enjoyable - they really tried throwing so much at the wall. Admittedly, some things really stuck.

    While Not-Devon Sawa, a concerned vet, attempts to save lives during a bank robbery, things go bad, swiftly and causes the "antihero" to get a bad rep. So much so, he has to escape to a random country where things...get...a...ton...worse. Some you would not imagine nor wish upon anyone.

    I think they were trying way too hard at times and really hit the nail on the head more times than not. Plus, it gets progressively better, which is always the right way to go.

    If you like weird, BLOODY and dark comedy...have one helluva good time with this one.


    Final Thoughts: I love Shudder. It's super cheap and not only has countless GREAT horror films and TV, it has gems like these you've never heard of. Definitely my favorite streaming channel.
  • This was a nice surprise.

    Dont get me wrong, this isnt 'Dead Alive' or 'Evil Dead II'

    It is slow in some parts, but over all, it is very original and frequently funny. There are some good action sequences and the movie keeps you guessing.

    Ben O'Toole gives an award worthy performance. He carries the whole movie and looks to have a bright future in movies.

    This is a wacky little film and I enjoyed it.
  • Not bad. Like I said worth the $6 I paid to see/rent it. Wasn't sure if I should rent it, but it wasn't bad. Some things were a little outlandish; but it is a movie not real life. Worth the price of admission.
  • What a delightfully, twisted, violent and just plain messed-up movie. It certainly made the start to an otherwise bleak 2021 a little brighter.

    An army vet with emotional issues is caught up in a bank robbery. He saves the day but is punished for his heroics. He decides to start fresh in a new place but trouble seems to follow him.

    If you like your movies violent, bloody and unnecessary, you will enjoy this one.
  • Stanlee10721 January 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is such a fun movie & it pays homage to original The Evil Dead series & has that silly Ready or Not vibe to it. It's so unexpected & once I was on board then I enjoyed the ride. It doesn't take itself too seriously & quite meta. It is worth a watch.
  • This movie decides to be stylish. Comical quick-cuts and back tracks, a main character who carries on a conversation with himself for no real reason, and unexplained horror are lumped together to give Ben O'Toole a reel he can use to try to land the next Ironman incarnation.

    We get O'Toole doing his best Robert Downey Jr. comic toss-offs in the middle of action sequences. Other than that, there is nothing going on here.

    He is some guy....somewhere and then something happens and he deals with it and it makes no sense that it ruins his life. So he tries to escape his past and something happens and he deals with it....because despite his hallucinating projection of his ego .... he is just a super cool dude at his core.

    The monster makes no sense. The people around him make no sense. But he is so busy talking to himself, and doing RD jr. wise-cracks, it doesn't matter.

    Everything starts trivially, proceeds trivially and comes to a trivial conclusion. You'll chuckle a few times and see a few weird things, and then think....why did I watch this?
  • contactmaz16 January 2021
    What a breath of fresh air... this film was great, thoroughly enjoyed it from start to 'finish' and superbly filmed, the acting was excellent, and Ben was exceptional!

    Very highly recommended... just changed my rating to 10!
  • Good movie, stops before grotesque. Its mainly creepy. Acting staff are pretty which is important when making between an AA and B grade film. Main character, Hateful Mother and the Love Interest is are great in screenplay and portrayal. Loved the Cannibal themes and the Lovable loser main character thinking to himself. Audio is good creep complement.
  • kathmummybear4 March 2021
    I'm sorry to say the pacing is very off! long drawn out scenes that add nothing mixed with short bursts of action .the script and the dialogue needed much more work along with the acting of the lead female actress all in all a huge let down .I have no idea what film the other reviews are about.In hindsight I should of been suspicious of all the 9 and 10 ratings
  • Well, it can truthfully be said that the 2020 movie "Bloody Hell" from writer Robert Benjamin and director Alister Grierson is something unique. And granted, when I sat down to watch "Bloody Hell" all I knew about it was that it was a horror movie of sorts - which is essentially enough to make me watch a movie - and also that the movie's cover was rather interesting.

    And on that note, then I believe that "Bloody Hell" is not a movie that will find a wide appeal to every one in the audience, as this was somewhat of an acquired taste. While there wasn't a whole lot actually going on in the storyline as the movie progressed, the movie was all about style and narration.

    For a horror movie then "Bloody Hell" is not your archetypical horror. This is not a movie with jump scares or a lot of cruelty and such. Instead it is a movie about isolation and helplessness, and about being trapped at the whim of a deranged family.

    What made "Bloody Hell" work for me was the acting performances, especially the one put on by Ben O'Toole, as well as the dialogue throughout the course of the movie. And I also enjoyed that whole trapped and restrained without any means of escape certain doom aspect that permeated the movie. So writer Robert Benjamin definitely managed to put together something interesting here with "Bloody Hell".

    Give "Bloody Hell" a chance, as it might just be something for you, given its unique plot and presentation.

    My rating of "Bloody Hell" lands on a six out of ten stars.
  • Anything with gore in it is a win for me. Loved the beginning part and the main actor was very funny. But then you saw less of him and his alter ego, and they were the funniest part about the movie. It did get a little long in the middle but it was still worth my time. Best Ausie gore movie I have ever seen. I would definitely watch another movie with this guy in it. As long as he is in majority of the movie talking to himself lol.
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