• The first episode was good. The hope and optimism that it would be an exciting watch, great festive viewing...

    Then they go and show you virtually noting of the invasion or the defence of humanity instead opting to skip to events after the war was won.

    To make matters worse we're given a dull female lead, told that the invasion is probably our own fault because (going into full white guilt mode) how would a tribesman in the jungle feel when facing the British empire with nothing but sticks and stones?

    It's all very boring and even the alien designs are rubbish.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I only heard about this a couple of weeks ago and read nothing about it to avoid ruining my viewing pleasure as I love a good bad movie as much as I do a good one.

    Oh my god... So bad...

    There is no tension at all, the characters are wooden and mostly unlikable. I'm glad that most people died, I only wish more had had the decency to die in it.

    The Splits themselves are slow and cumbersome, even their car which is used to run a guy down (eventually) is so slow that the victim is able to out run it!?

    I liked that it's the Banana Splits, I like that the footage is not great quality so it looks like it's from the late '70's to early '80's but then they ruin it by (I think) setting it in the modern day as everyone has smartphones...

    Ok, there are a couple of 'ok' scenes but honestly; just don't waste your time or money on this as you'll regret it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So... Just back home from seeing this and I'm conflicted.

    On the one hand this is a very competently made addition to the MCU but on the other hand it feels like it's confused about what it is trying to be?

    The heavy hints towards Peter becoming the new Iron Man feel too clunky to feel like a natural progression although one scene later does fit better. I really didn't like the suite at the start of the movie.

    The worst of it though is that the baddies in the first half of the movie are dull and I felt bored until about half way through after which it becomes better but is still a little dull :( it could be an anti-climax after Endgame though.

    It is "fun" though, but maybe aimed at a younger audience on this occasion... I just missed Keaton as Vulture who gave homecoming a bit of gravitas which was missing as Nick Fury wasn't himself this time around.
  • So, as the title says, don't believe the critics because Venom, is actually pretty good.

    Now while it's not anywhere close to being a classic, it has that same sort of subversive feel that you get when you watch Daredevil on Netflix for the first time. It's a bit rough, but worth the effort.

    One thing I have to admit is that the first half is a little on the slow side, but the second half just disappears. Seriously, one minute I'm thinking I'd made a mistake and should have waited for the bluray and then then I'm left wanting more.

    Brock and Venom make a great double act, it's like if the Hulk had Cujo as a pet. All Venom really wants is to eat things, everything looks delicious, and Brock is reeling him in all the time while apologising.

    This movie will not win awards, the industry simply will not allow it, that much is obvious, but... it will win fans, hopefully enough to gain a sequel :)
  • Squeaky clean cop TJ Caruso is a good cop, the same cop as in the title.

    His dad, not so squeaky clean and no longer a cop...

    People die, the good cop solves the crime. It's fairly basic stuff but done well.

    The cast do a good job with a not too taxing series of misadventures.

    It's not ground breaking stuff, but it's nice easy watching comedy drama. A solid 7 out of 10.
  • Ok, I'll start by saying that the reviews below which have slated the program because they have a problem with the the basic premise should be removed as it's making a mockery of IMDB. I'm dubious as to whether they've ever watched more than the original 20 second trailer.

    That off my chest, to the show itself.

    It's great! The acting is good, a little hammy in places but with a satirical style which makes it obvious that it's intentionally so.

    The shaming which takes place is of the people who were 'mean to the fat girl', they're shown to be shallow and unpleasant.

    The flip side is that it shows that despite losing the weight, the damage is done.

    I'm digressing, watch it. It's funny. If you have a problem with the subject then at least watch an episode and you'll see it's not what you're expecting.
  • I really enjoyed the first Ant-Man movie, it was fun and quirky and disjointed from the rest of MCU.

    In addition to this, I generally have loved all the other MCU movies, even Iron Man 3.

    A lot of this went over my head, too much techno babble which I stopped paying attention to and I don't know, but I must have missed something because the "villain" of the movie was just some randomer with some random weird fading thing going on. I didn't get it, worse than that - I didn't care either. It has Laurence Fishburn in it too, why? Dunno, don't care.

    I did like the relationship between father and daughter, I liked the idea of making normally small things big. I liked some of the fight scenes and chases... I also liked Michael Pena.

    After Black Panther and Infinity War recently I was hoping for big things but this is more filler than thriller. I'm glad I went to see it, but I wouldn't worry about not seeing it again.
  • Just seen this movie on Pick TV channel.

    Well, I was entertained but just not in the way that was intended... Or was it?

    Honestly, everything about this movie is atrocious. Literally EVERYTHING.

    But despite that, I watched the whole thing. Why? Because I can only assume it was filmed on a shoestring budget and presumably without a script or any any idea about continuity or without considering if the cast could act - everyone could have a go at acting. Lovely. They even went to the trouble of hiring people with zero sense of balance as at every opportunity people would run up to water or places in general with the Lampreys in the vicinity and just fall over.

    Honestly I don't want to go into detail as it's not really worth the effort but if you like awful movies which waste an hour and a half of your life then this is worth a go.
  • I've been looking forward to this movie since the trailers first started to appear, luckily I had't read any reviews as I didn't want spoilers and I didn't want to read hype (Last Jedi anyone?).

    So pleased I did, it was a genuinely pleasant surprise!

    So the basic story line of buddy cop movie isn't original but the setting certainly is and it's due to this originality that I was able to forgive it a lot - it's just a fun, fast paced movie. Think Lethal Weapon and Harry Potter mashed.

    If you have Netflix, watch it. If you don't, it's certainly worth a free trial to check it out - plus, it's in time for Christmas and we all know how booooring terrestrial tv is over the festive period :)

    Looking at the negatives, I'd have to say that the baddies aren't overly well developed. There is a lot of talk about how powerful and dangerous they are and how they want to bring back the dark lord but in they end they're just a bit handy in a scrap but ultimately shallow. Also, it felt very light weight - it sped along without ever dwelling on what had just happened but then I guess that is because the whole thing is set over the course of a few hours.

    Give it a watch, you'll probably enjoy it if you like either buddy cop movies or fantasy stuff.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok, I'll start by saying that as a life long Star Wars fan - that could have been worse.

    I know it's not a resounding thumbs up but these reviews are (in my opinion) overly brutal but hey, this is the internet right? ;)

    So after the dark and desperate Rogue One I was expecting a similar tone to this movie, I know that Force Awakens was a bit light hearted but this is a bit like the script writers had spent a year watching nothing but comedies and took their inspiration from there - that's the only thing I can think of to explain why this is so comedic?

    To be clear, I did enjoy it but only just... They just appear to have ruined (Disneyfied) the whole thing with the Evil Empire being about as intimidating as Basil Fawlty with a tree branch, the main enemy (Kylo Ren) being about as nasty as Jeremy Corbyn and the big bad boss (Snoke) being completely two dimensional.

    That said, the heroic Rebels only had about 10 ships and they mostly got blown up or ran out of fuel as they ran away... And Disney - it's ok to kill a princess (in a film, not real life obvs). Oh, and what did you do to Luke Skywalker? You turned him into a lazy wuss who can somehow astral project himself making himself solid one minute and holographic the next? Huh?

    I'd like to be more harsh or nice about the film but it was all a bit bland and silly.

    I may watch this again, just to see if it's really as bad as I thought but I'm not sure...
  • Good idea, looks good, great cast... What could go wrong?

    Well, besides it being incredibly boring (with the odd spark of brilliance, good turn by an almost unrecognisable Jim Carrey) it just lacks depth.

    I didn't find myself warming to any of the characters, it was all superficial and in the end I found myself just wondering what else I could be watching instead.

    This film will probably get some sort of cult following but it doesn't deserve it.
  • I'll start by saying that while I've given an 8, it's actually more of an 8.5+ (but not a 9).

    I hadn't been looking forward to this... Despite the trailer looking good, memories of previous DC universe movies put me off - do I really want to see a po-faced movie about an Amazonian goddess? Well, OK so I admit the prospect of seeing Gal all 'Wondered' up was appealing but just how appealing? Hmm...

    So, the good reviews convinced me. No too ways about it, if this had received bad reviews I'd have not touched it with a barge pole but phew! All is good in the world again :)

    I really don't want to give away anything, I just want people to go see the movie because it is genuinely one of the best superhero movies in recent years and I think it's all down to the amount of humour they've injected - remember those laughs from Superman and Superman Vs Batman? No? That's because there weren't any and jeez they were boring...

    To sum the movie up, it's well written, directed, acted and shot* so really do just go see it and thank me later!

    *Ok, small caveat - some of the special effects are laughable but as the script is quite witty it's easy to loom beyond them, no really - you'll see ;)
  • Well I enjoyed it, but it's not really a Taken movie now is it?

    OK, so it has the same cast (excluding Lenore's husband Stuart who is updated with Dougray Scott) which is a saving grace as I think the characters are all quite interesting but that's about it.

    This is a weird mix of several different movies and removed from the Taken series would probably have received better reviews but everyone thinks back to the brutality of the first movie and in comparison this is a bit like what Justin Bieber is to Black Sabbath - chalk and cheese.

    The most noticeable thing you'll find is that it takes our man Bryan bloody ages to "work his magic" as he's pegging it from the cops which is fine but while he's not bumping them off the population if Europe is just getting bigger... Luckily the last 30-40 minutes make up for it but even then it's very diluted (how does a near naked man get shot at very close range twice and despite bullet holes there's no perceivable blood?).

    So in the context of a Taken movie it's a bit weak but as a thriller it's worth a watch :)

    If they do make a Taken 4 lets hope they go back to being bad ass mofo with painful to watch action sequences and maybe get his old team in on the action a bit too as they're just too cool to spend their time in the background!
  • Ha, OK so this is not going to win awards for it's acting and script but this is solid Saturday beer and pizza fare!

    Guy shows up and introduces himself to the family of some young marine who has been KIA and introduces himself as having served with their son and his dying words were of his family so he dropped by.

    Seems OK right? Right.

    Then he works his way into the said family's favour teaching the kids a few things along the way... Then things go a bit awry and people start turning up dead... That's all I'm going to give away, no spoilers here!

    Ignore the "movie critics" slating this movie as it doesn't fit into their idea of what a movie should be in this day and age and accept it as being a B movie throw back with a likable anti-hero thrown in to boot!

    Get some friends over, get some beers and a pizza then kick back and enjoy...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this on the recommendation of an article I read somewhere about the 'top 10 best unknown horror movies'.

    Maybe I'm desensitized but while it's a bit graphic in places it's not done believably if that makes sense?

    Some woman goes around with RAZOR sharp scissors (like even when they're closed) and a knitting needle dressed like Darth Maul without the face paint killing anyone who drops by.

    She eventually gets her face melted off (it takes about 2 seconds, doesn't blister but literally blackens and falls off) but then manages to kill someone that she'd previously shot in the head when he rises up from the dead and starts flailing around zombie style and then go off to do a c section on the stairs...

    The Woman who gets the c section seems happy to shout and scream but do nothing to attempt to stop her!

    Garbage, go eat some fiber then go to the toilet and look at the results instead :(
  • OK, so as a kid of the 80's I was sooooo pleased to hear that another TMNT movie was in the offing although I was less pleased when I heard that Michael Bay was involved since his one man destruction of Transformers (but that's another story)...

    This movie however is SPOT ON!!! It is everything that I want in a TMNT movie!!! It has action, comedy, suspense, drama, catchphrases aplenty and even just typing this I feel like a kid again which is all I ask for any reboot of a show from my youth :)

    Everyone has their favourite turtle and I think they captured the characters of the show (and the style of the original comics which is nice to see) - my personal fave Donatello was perfect! Even Megan Fox was OK as April O'Neill and I normally hate her in movies...

    If I have to be negative about anything it would be that Shredder was too bulky and hi-tech for my liking and didn't have enough screen time :(

    Roll on the next movie, I'll be first in the queue for tickets!

  • I can't believe the negative reviews this show is getting despite only airing a couple of episodes?

    Sure there are some aspects of the story line which are getting hurried along a bit but for my money the show is about Jim Gordon and his growing relationship with a tortured kid Bruce Wayne and how a relationship of trust grows to the point that one day Bruce trusts Gordon to the point of being his only liaison within Gotham PD and the rise of Gordon to Police Commissioner.

    Asking why things are happening so early on in the show reminds me of watching a film with the kids "but why did the bad man steal the gold?", "but why is the monster trying to eat that little boy?", "but why..." JUST WATCH AND FIND OUT!!!! LOL

    I have no problems with the acting, it's fine, not award winning (watch this space lol) but good enough to not ruin my entertainment.

    Lets be realistic, the main appeal of this show is going to be that it's a Batman tie-in so the majority of people watching will have a reasonable idea of what is going on and just get off on the idea of recognising names and crimes linked to them.

    This is a very watchable show, my only bug bear is Alfred. Now I think Sean Pertwee is a fine actor but being a bit old skool I like the idea of Alfred being posh and kinda refined (Aka. an English Butler) whereas this version is a little too rough around the edges but then that's maybe due to the fact you only really see him around Bruce and he is treating him more like a child/young man which is why he can be a bit... Snappy(?).

    On the whole, I have high hopes.
  • I'd not heard of this movie before I watched it and had no clue about director, actors, plot, etc.

    That said, as soon as I started to see the ensemble cast as they appeared on screen I knew not to expect too much and was pleasantly surprised!

    Everything made sense to me, I felt engaged and felt that the characters (ok, the baddies) were interesting to want to find out what was going to happen...

    Benicio Del Toro stole the show, no question but I didn't feel that anyone was especially bad although I wasn't a fan of the voice over either!

    If you want to be entertained and don't mind a bit of stupidity and woodenness then I say give it a go! There are many more less enjoyable movies to waste a couple of hours on :)
  • When I heard that there was a new Tarzan animated movie being released I was really quite excited because despite my love of big robots and monsters smashing things up and things going BOOM I do have a soft spot for Tarzan, I have fond childhood memories of running around with a tea towel loin cloth and a potato peeler shouting Ahhhh ah ahhhh!!!!!

    But this, was poor... Very poor... and a little piece of my childhood feels violated :(

    So, the animation is like something from an average quality PS3 game cut scene and is the style that I would expect to see on a kids TV show (although the motion capture was put to good use, the poor animation at least moves well).

    The potentially interesting story was diluted to focus on nothing in particular.

    There was (in my opinion) totally needless narration at certain points to tell you what was in front of your face.

    If I didn't know any better I would have said that this was developed to promote a new range of dolls for girls (Jungle Barbie and long haired, loin clothed Ken?).

    Save your money, watch something else or if you really want to watch an animated Tarzan look to Disney's offering which while being a little more childish trumps this one in EVERY way!
  • I only recently saw the first Wolf Creek movie and really enjoyed it which is obviously the reason I watched the sequel...

    First of all, I think that Mick Taylor is a great baddie! He is a sort of mix of Freddie Kruger, Wolverine and Alf Roberts from Neighbours! He's likable but for all the wrong reasons...

    So, the movie was a little OTT and if I'm being brutally honest as much as I love Mick you do see too much of him wandering around in broad daylight while he was so much more intimidating in the first movie as it was mostly set at night plus you didn't entirely know what was going on in his mind whereas here he appears to have verbal diarrhea at times and sadly that only serves to make him more comic book.

    Honestly I got confused with the direction of this movie as it seems to take influences from a number of classic movies and then mash them crudely in place as opposed to reference them and the last half an hour was a little boring and could have been cut in half.

    This movie is OK, it's watchable but if you have to decide whether to watch this or the original then go with the original but isn't that always the way?
  • OK, so I'm not going to waffle on about how bad the script is and how many plot holes there are to this show as I think from a run through of a number of reviews on this site... That bit is covered!

    It's not great but what I am starting to see coming through is a fairly sincere interlacing storyline between what is happening on the Ark (the big space station with the last of the humans on it) and those dumped back on Earth.

    Bottom line is that it's entertaining! And it is getting better too, there are even moments which remind me of Battlestar Galactica (the remade series, not the original) as resources on the Ark start to dwindle and decisions have to be made.

    I'm enjoying it, and I think that anyone else who likes to watch throw away TV and just be entertained will enjoy it too!

    If I have any concerns about this show it's that it's a little bit too "high school" to start with and I don't see how this is going to last beyond a single series as the current plot (barring any miracles) pretty much means anyone left in space after a few months is dead?

    I'm just going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts and ignore the haters of which there appear to be many...
  • I'll start by saying I'm not a film critic or a buff or have any desire to critique the directing or script or anything which a film student might get off on... I'm writing this because I enjoy being entertained...

    This series has a lot to offer, there is a strong recurring story line running throughout but at the same time you get the immediate satisfaction of a feel good story in each episode similar to what you used to get in the littlest hobo when the dog would befriend a down and out or a depressed old woman who thinks her son has died, that kinda thing :)

    In short you feel good for watching this, it's a nice show with nice characters and a cute kid.

    There are so many great series out there at the moment and while this isn't current "great" it's easy to get swept up with the action on screen so long as you put reality to one side and "Believe".

    Oh, plus the Asian chick is bow-chikka-wow-wow!!!
  • I paid money to see this? Not only money but I spent time out of my life watching this waiting for it to get good... Why God why!!!

    OK, I've had my little gripe now I'll star my review with what is good about the movie it had a funny Jim Henson Lion in it and it eventually ended.

    There are no redeeming qualities to this movie and don't get me wrong I LOVE bad movies, you know those terrible films which make you laugh at how bad the acting is or how cliché the script is or how low budget the set is? I like a good BAD movie as much as I love a great one (some of friends say more so LOL) but this is just painful and to add further context - when a kid's phone rang and he answered it, nobody told him to shhhhh!!!

    I recognised some of the actors and yup, Hollyoaks... Really? Did this really have a budget of $70m or did someone make a typo and it should have been $70k? I genuinely couldn't see anywhere that the money could have been spent? The Legendary Adventures of Hercules starring Kevin Sorbo (which I love BTW) looks better and is better scripted and acted!!!!

    How this currently has 4.3/10 as an IMDb rating I do not know unless everyone involved in the production has voted to beef it up a bit?

    Save your money at the very least, if you want to waste an hour and a half of your life then have a nap at least you'll feel refreshed.
  • I hate this movie.

    Why might you ask have I rated it 10/10 then? Because it is possibly the most completely wonderful story I have ever watched.

    I'm getting on now, I'm a guy in my late 30's who is into action and violence and explosions and big robots smashing things and never before have I seen a movie which moved me to tears.

    There were elements which reminded me of silly things which I have done in the past and wished I could have done over, moments I wish I could relive and times I wish I could get - even writing this makes me want to cry! Damn you Richard Curtis, you've made me into a sissy with your perfect casting in this bloody beautiful, touching movie!!!

    I don't usually do sentimentality but this isn't the reason I hate this movie... No I hate this movie because I think it has replaced the Princess Bride as my no. 1! And yes I know that was a soppy romance but it had pirates in it so it was fine!!!

    See this movie.
  • I do not ever recall seeing a production which has moved me so deeply as 12 Years a Slave.

    As a drama it has everything that you could wish to see, I do not want to trivialize the events captured but I do believe that this is a movie that everyone should see.

    As a production, I can only describe this as faultless matching stunning staging with immaculate if brutal acting while set to a hauntingly beautiful score.

    Honestly, I had never heard of this movie until a couple of weeks ago and it is not the sort of movie which I would generally go to the cinema to see but I have I'm glad I did and the biggest compliment I can offer is that it made me want to read the book and find out more about slavery and it's abolition.
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