• I've never been a big fan of sports but I like this movie a lot. This is a film with a lot of heart. It's about a kid named Scottie Smalls who moves into a new town and has a hard time fitting in. He bumps into a group of his peers playing baseball and decides to join them. Through this experience over the summer, he befriends the leader of this group named Benny who has sympathy for him from the start. Smalls also meets an overweight goof-ball (Ham), a dorky kid who has the hots for a lifeguard, and others. At first, they don't like him but as their friendship is put to the test, they all form a bond that has a great payoff.

    One day, they run out of baseballs and need a new one. Smalls decides to steal his stepfather's ball that was autographed by Babe Ruth. They use it and it goes over the fence where a supposed dangerous dog lives. So the gang decides to find ways to get it back. I won't spoil anything but it's really good.

    Growing up, a lot of us have had friends like the characters in this movie. It feels authentic and believable. The dialogue is also very quotable. Who can forget "You're killing me smalls"? The Sandlot is a classic movie that's great for the whole family!