User Reviews (14)

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  • Larry, Curly, and Moe are the Wrong brothers. The draft board defers their military service due to their claim of inventing an airplane. The bumbling brothers fly their plane "The Buzzard" but it doesn't go well. They are forced to join the army.

    The plane section is hilarious. I love all of it. The army part is a little flat. The drill sergeant has been done plenty of times. It is saved by Curly's wild antics. This is overall a fun one.
  • This Three Stooges in this short subject play,Moe,Larry, and Curly Wrong,the Wrong Brothers and they are busy inventing an airplane that our Armed Services could use in the war. What they're inventing looks like something from the previous war, but never mind.

    What was interesting about this short subject is for once Moe was getting the business. He gets blown up in an inflatable suit and it's Larry and Curly that have to bring him down. Of course he's the same old Moe when he's back on terra firma.

    Their test for the army is a bust for their plane in Stooge style. And lucky us they're drafted. We still defeated Hitler in spite of that.
  • rbverhoef21 January 2004
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a short from the Three Stooges with some great moments. They are the Wrong Brothers and have invented a new kind of airplane. They have thirty days to make it work. If it doesn't work by then they must join the army.

    Minor spoilers.

    We see how they mess things up while making the plane. One joke that involves fluid rubber is absolutely great. Other jokes, with some pretty nice special effects, work very good. We also get to see their test run, another great moment, and of course they will fail and therefore they must join the army. The short ends with some funny moments there. One gag involving a drill instructor, a rifle and Curly made me laugh a little too hard.
  • The Stooges are very easily at their hilarious best in this short subject where they play three brothers trying to build the greatest plane ever made so they can avoid being drafted into the military. I laughed out loud the first time I watched this film and I find it no less amusing now. There are plenty of genuinely hilarious laughs throughout.
  • The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have loved. I love just about every one of the shorts that they have made. I love all six of the Stooges (Curly, Shemp, Moe, Larry, Joe, and Curly Joe)! All of the shorts are hilarious and also star many other great actors and actresses which a lot of them was in many of the shorts! In My opinion The Three Stooges is some of the greatest actors ever and is the all time funniest comedy team!

    This is a very good Three Stooges short. Harry Semels and Al Thompson are in this one. Richard Fiske is also in the short but his scenes are from archive footage from another Three Stooges short called Boobs in Arms. This is a very good Three Stooges short with many funny parts and I recommend it!
  • The Wrong brothers building an airplane is a great idea, and the stooges do their classic comedy for most of this short. But when they crash their plane and the writers ran out of ideas, they had to recycle footage from Boobs in Arms to pad out the rest of the running time.

    While there's nothing terribly bad about this, it's so obvious. The tone of the whole short changes. The ending--with the boys in the army--has absolutely nothing to do with what's gone before. They obviously recorded the introduction--Moe reading a draft letter--to try to make the ending somehow be related to the rest of the movie.

    I only wish they had worked a little harder on an original ending--it would have made the short a true gem. But this ending is a let-down, so it's difficult to give it all the love I want to give it. I guess they just ran out of time.
  • lesgermsheid8 November 2002
    This is easily my favorite Stooges Short.I became a Stooges fan when I was about 5.I'm still a huge fan at age 47.I feel the Stooges were at their peak with "Dizzy Pilots".I believe most guys would find "Pilots" hilarious.while most females may find it rather silly.Too bad.Of course,most women don't like football and some children don't like ice cream either
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Directed by Jules White, "Dizzy Pilots" is a very good Three Stooges short starring Curly, Larry, and Moe. The boys, known as the Wrong Brothers, claim that they can invent an airplane that will revolutionize flying. They receive a letter from the draft board stating that they have thirty days to finish their plane ("The Buzzard") and get it in the air, lest they shall be drafted into the army. As expected, the Stooges bungle the whole operation, their test flight fails, and they get inducted. (99.9% of the closing army drill sequence is stock footage from the 1940 Stooge short "Boobs in Arms.")

    Here are, in my opinion, the most memorable scenes from "Dizzy Pilots." Moe's inflated rubber suit gag is probably one of the oddest occurrences in a Three Stooges comedy. In attempting to start the propeller, Moe ends up clinging to one of the propeller blades as it spins. (This gag would be reused much later on in the 1962 Stooge feature film "The Three Stooges in Orbit," again with Moe as the victim.) Among all of the Stooges' hilarious army drill antics, perhaps the best gag is the skip-stepping. While taking "The Buzzard" up in the air for its test flight, Moe tells Curly to throw out the clutch, but he instead throws out the gearshift lever!

    "Dizzy Pilots" is very entertaining; not the best Stooge film ever made, but still a winner. As the title suggests, the boys simply cannot pilot an aircraft, even if their structural design of the plane appears convincing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    IN OBSERVANCE OF the on-going conflict, that we now know as WORLD WAR II, this Stooges 2 Reeler looks into an aspect of the United States' War Effort that appears to have been largely neglected, at least in the comedies of that period. Whereas you have many a picture involving the Draft, Basic Training and even Serving at the Front; there is very little attention is given to the industries that gave their full support to "Our Fighting Men."

    IF THEIR IS one rule that one should use in gaging the level of quality in a particular movie. That would be the principle of age. Briefly and concisely defined it is: "THE OLDER A STOOGES COLUMBIA MOVIE IS, THE BETTER IT IS." It's just that simple.

    SO THAT WOULD mean that subscribing to our 'rule', DIZZY PILOTS would fall somewhere near the middle. It was not made in the mid 1930's (as were MEN IN BLACK, PUNCH DRUNKS, UNCIVIL WARRIORS and GRIPS, GRUNTS and GROANS); nor was it produced in a period of decline and lowered budgets (as were those films done with Shemp Howard and Joe Besser).

    CONCERNING THE MOVIE, we have a certain premise about Moe, Larry and Curly's being in the invention business, Aircraft Division, and have a deadline to meet in providing Uncle Sam with a new aircraft. The story goes through some typical Stooge bits of Business; being highlighted with a lighter-than-air balloon, which completely engulfs Moe!

    WE DID ENJOY this when we first viewed it while being a student in Junior High! Of course, we've seen it since (How many times, Schultz?) and enjoyed it, almost as much.

    INCIDENTALLY, WE'VE NEVER thought that the main verbal joke of dubbing the Boys "the Wrong Brothers" was sort of tame and they got very little mileage with it!

    WHAT WE MEAN is how funny is the line: "Whatever the Wright Brothers can do, the Wrong Brothers can do!"

    WOW! IS THAT ever some real knee slappin' funny chortles if we ever heard one!
  • "Dizzy Pilots" is my all-time favorite "Three Stooges" short. This short 17 minute film makes me laugh every single time I see it. I laughed out loud the very first time I saw it, and I just saw it again last night on AMC and laughed out loud again. In "Dizzy Pilots", The Three Stooges (Moe, Larry, and Curly) play the Wrong Brothers, a trio of inept guys who build an airplane and make attempts to assure that everything goes right or they'll be drafted into the army. The usual slapstick comedy that you would expect from The Three Stooges is very well intact here. Hilarious from start to finish.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Dizzy Pilots" was originally released back in 1943.

    Anyway - As the story goes - The Wrong Brothers (Moe, Curly and Larry) have thirty days to show the military that they can get their flying machine in the air or else they'll be drafted into the army.
  • One most creative Stooge's episode when our friends are making an Airplane to US's Army, otherwise they'll sent to the front as soldiers, they try their best, of course it wasn't enough, meanwhile in the process they haphazardly break down Moe in a tar's bathwater, it dry fast and Moe float into the roof, many attempts to get bring Moe down ends up useless, then he escape though the roof toward in the atmosphere, they shot him and falling down at nearest water well, back at work they finally finish the Airplane, however they forget that there no space at door to take it there, Curly has a bright idea to saw the Airplaine's wings, Moe take the handsaw and saw Curly's head, the whole handsaw is broken, funniest episode from the classic line up of the Stooges!!


    First watch: 1973 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 8
  • The boys must produce a new "revolutionary" airplane, as promised, or they will be drafted into the military.

    This "short" has the semi-famous Moe-as-a-big black-balloon skit in which he first floats to the top of the room and eventually out a skylight window has to be shot out of the sky by Curly.

    It takes just over half the movie for the "Wrong Brothers" to get their plane, "The Buzzard," out of the hangar. Before that are bunch of verbal jokes and a lot of slapstick where the guys take turns taking a beating from something or someone. There's the old "Oh, oh, oh......oh, look" as we see the blades of saw all ruined after they were used on his head. That sort of thing.

    With all three of these bozos in the small cockpit as the same time, you know their flight is going to wind up a disaster.

    I was disappointed, however, to see the final three minutes is not original, a scene from a previous Stooges film called "Boobs In Arms." There is no need for that kind of cheapness from Columbia Pictures.

    If you like the Three Stooges, you'll like this because it incorporates most of their sight gags and slapstick all within a 17-minute time frame, even if that last part is a "repeat," which still is inexcusable and makes me downgrade my final rating of this.
  • Dizzy Pilots (1943)

    ** 1/2 (out of 4)

    Moe, Larry and Curly Wrong have thirty days to perfect the top-secret plane that they're building or else they must enter the draft. The boys try to get the plane into the air even though none of them know how to fly.

    After a string of good films, this one here turned out to be middle tier as far as the Stooges go. There's certainly nothing awful about the movie but it's a tad bit too uneven for its own good and it doesn't contain enough major laughs to make it a complete success. The weakest part comes towards the end when the boys find themselves in the Army and not knowing how to do anything. These gags were done much better by Abbott and Costello in BUCK PRIVATES. The first portion of the film has some nice laughs including one with Moe falling into some rubber.