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  • In the 1980s there were 3 remakes of Popular 1950s Horror films, first there was THE THING (1982) then THE FLY (1986) And in (1988) We got THE BLOB, which is often overlooked and considered to be the lesser of the 3 remakes, and to me that's really sad because THE BLOB is in my opinion is Just as good as the other two remakes from the 80s, The 1950s version of The Blob is a classic B-Movie worth watching for a good laugh, as for the Remake it is a truly scary film, the suspense is there, the special effects are incredible to this day, the only effects that are dated are the green screen effects which don't show up until the latter of the film and there's only a few of them.

    The Plot is the same as the original but with a slight twist, Like in the original, A meteorite hits earth and a strange blob creature oozes out of it and starts to devour anything and anyone in its path, the film has 2 heroes played by (Kevin Dillon and Shawnee Smith) who both do a good job with their roles, and the supporting cast is good also.

    The film succeeds as being a good remake because it gives you something old and something new, it pays homage to the original without completely ripping off the original, In fact there are only 2 major scenes that are lifted from the original, but they are Done in good taste, unlike many remakes today where they just add an overabundance of scenes from the original making feel like a total repeat of the original and not add anything new, But the real show stealer is the Blob itself, the biggest improvement being the special effects, the blob has never looked more threatening or scarier.

    Overall: The 1988 remake of THE BLOB is a classic but sadly overlooked Horror/Sci-Fi film, The Only problem with it is some cheesy dialog and maybe the new twist on the plot is not the best, but the biggest problem is, WHEN WILL WE GET A SPECIAL EDITION DVD/BLU RAY? It would be good to see some bonus features as well as some remastering, they could surely Polish up some of the bad green screen moments. But overall the film is a lot of fun, Highly recommended for Horror/Sci-Fi Buffs.

    8/10 4/5
  • (70%) Along with "The fly", and "The thing", this is a member of a trio of fine remade 1950's B-movies that did a great job of recreating some pretty gross ideas by adding some 80's style gore, yet still keeping the basic premise, as well as maintaining some of the better ideas roughly the same. This is the lesser of the three movies, but the other two are fantastic, while this is just plain good. The plot is well told with enough time on the main characters, but not too much to ruin the pacing, and the effects are really well done throughout with great gore and creature based attacks. Overall though it's just a very entertaining movie to watch that I'd recommend to all horror fans.
  • The Blob (1988) was a bloody and nasty update to the fifties "classic" horror/science fiction film THE BLOB. I actually prefer the remake (one of the few times you'll hear me say that) because it covered ground that the original failed to cover and the Blob looked meaner and nastier than the original pile of goo. Kevin Dillion stars as the reluctant hero. The story to the remake is very much the same (except for the expected eighties additions and themes). No hokey pokey stuff here folks. If you like the original then you probably wont enjoy this update. More horror than science fiction and the gore level is real high.

    I hope they don't try and remake this movie again. I felt that once is enough. Kevin Dillion was enjoyable as the rapscallion who does good and Shawnee Smith is in hot mode, Bill Mosley, Donavan Leitch, Art La Fleur and Candy Clark co-star as well.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Thank God.

    All bets were off when the five credited screenwriters decided, hey the monster can kill a ten year old kid, and it can be fun.

    This wise remake (re-imaging) based on the old Steve McQueen solid drive-in hit delievers the horror/suspense goods in spades. And rather than make a retread, they dropped a little 'explaination' into the frey and not only does it work, it enhances the original.

    Kevin and Shawnee prove they can hold their own in the leading man and woman roles. It's odd that this really marks Kevin's biggest contribution to the entertainment world. Perhaps he looks too much like his brother.

    In any event, chills and spills in this wacked out story abound. I mean, who of us wouldn't be scared of a thing without a face -- a thing that just eats everything in sight.

    Catch it.
  • One night, just outside of a quiet and small town, a bizarre meteor crashes. A man who goes to investigate finds a weird glop that jumps on his arm and puts him into a state of frenzy. Some young people take him to the hospital and we soon see that the weird substance has eaten most of him and it is still hungry...

    The result is a very entertaining monster flick with a very unusual monster - an amorphous blob. After films like Alien, Predator, The Thing, and others thinking of a good monster idea can be tough. Even John Carpenter's well crafted The Thing is a remake, but that didn't stop the film from becoming one of his best due to a good visceral interpretation of the story. The same goes for this film - a remake of an old movie with a very visceral and gory style. Featuring top-notch aesthetic and even some obviously aged, but nonetheless fun, old computer effects it is more of a thorough re-imagination like The Thing was.

    However, the film falls a bit on its face when it comes to creating suspense. Many scenes with the title monster are tense and the action good and the gore first-rate, but the connective scenes between them surprisingly lack in tension. With material ripe for an eerie atmosphere it is a shame to see this horror element not fully developed in the film. The result is a fun movie, but it could have been much better. Also the mad scientist/cold war element is a bit stale by today's standards.

    But, overall it is a fun little flick featuring a truly merciless monster that gobbles up just about anyone (even kids!). Horror/sci-fi fans will definitely want to check this flick out. 7/10

    Rated R: violence, horror images, and profanity
  • Nice horror flick of the late 80s, spiced up with some gore. The effects of this B movie look maybe a little outdated for today's eye (or nostalgic, depends) but still The Blob is worth to watch. In my opinion the remake is better than the solid original from 1958, of course Steve McQueen would have been a nice addition to the remake. Anyway, after watching, you will look at any drain and the like with a different eye. Great fun to watch.
  • Remakes of classic films are usually terrible (especially with the likes of PSYCHO and GODZILLA), but a handful of them are actually rather good, and in some cases improve on the original, which was the case with Cronenberg's remake of THE FLY. THE BLOB happily falls into the latter category, being a adrenaline-pumping tale which mixes horror elements, science fiction moments and has the speed and energy of an action film. While the 1950s original classic starring Steve McQueen was a good, original, monster movie with some frightening moments, it was somewhat lacking in the special effects department, and what effects there were just weren't enough to do it justice. This is where the 1988 remake of THE BLOB comes in.

    The special effects are spectacular and especially gruesome this time around. In the scenes where a large-scale Blob is attacking people, back projection is obviously being used just like it was in THE STUFF, but this does not detract from the entertainment value. There is a high death rate in the film, and lots of spectacular and bloody deaths mostly involving people melting and being enveloped in the Blob's tentacles, and it's pleasing to see that the effects are not at all CGI-generated, like the similarly slimy tentacles were in DEEP RISING.

    To move the film along, there are a lot of chase scenes, on motorcycles, in sewers, in the streets, everywhere really. These make the film feel a lot like a roller-coaster ride, and that's exactly what it is. The acting is good all-round, from Shawnee Smith as the tough heroine to Kevin Dillon as the outsider who turns out to be a good guy, with support from a creepy Reverend. All of the actors put in over the top performances in terms of emoting, which is amusing, and they thankfully don't take themselves too seriously. THE BLOB sticks (no pun intended), in terms of plot, to the '50s original, but fleshes out the story a lot (even adding in an up-to-date government conspiracy angle), and generally feels to be a bigger, more packed film. Not a minute goes by without something exciting happening. If you're looking for solid escapist entertainment, then THE BLOB is for you.
  • Usually, when they attempt a remake of a classic sci-fi/horror flick, they bungle it beyond redemption. "The Blob" is actually a pretty good remake, elaborating the original's story. In this case, the protagonist - aside from the title character - is punk Brian Flagg (Kevin Dillon). The movie's strength comes from the intrigue that it portrays.

    Needless to say, now that the censorship laws had eased, they were able to add in some more things. I'll never forget the sink scene (as I call it). And, as I understand it, Donovan starred in this movie (or was it someone else with the name Donovan Leitch?). Oh well, the point is that they eked out a good movie with this remake.
  • The Blob (1988) is an 80's action horror classic remake from Steve McQueen version 1958 film. I love this film to death. It is one of my personal favorite horror movies. I was 10 years old and a kid when I saw the first time this film and I absolutely loved it. I saw some owner of the video store that was selling movies on VHS one of those films was this film from the 80's The Blob, I wish I could get this film on VHS before it was soled out, but my parents didn't give me the money, than the film disappeared of the air and I have never saw it or watch it. It was never on TV it took me 20 years to watch this movie, recently I found some guys who love this film and I order it on Blu-ray disc and I got it. I absolutely love movie's from the 80's and I love this flick to death it Is my favorite monster movie. I am, putting this flick right between Aliens and Deep Rising right between them as a monster movies.

    This is my second favorite Chuck Russell film the first one will be A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) that I absolutely love to death, this is the second film I love to death. I definitely appreciate what the original did but, yeah, the '88 Blob is certainly a feast for the eyes. I have always enjoyed this movie and I had such a fun watching it. It is fun, exciting and pure entertaining. Simon West want's to direct the remake of the Blob that is coming out I think this year which is a stupid dumb idea! I don't want to see another remake of this film so no!

    I love Shawnee Smith as a bad ass - tough cheerleader, she is so beautiful, gorgeous and sexy, I am completely in Love with her! I love her to death in this film. Shawnee Smith will always be Meg Penny for me, not Amanda Young from Saw! I don't care about Saw or the franchise none of those horror films are my favorite! I rather watch films from the 80's and the Blob is one of my favorite monster creature movies! I saw this flick as a kid. Shawnee Smith is gorgeous in this film she saved her younger brother, she tried to save a younger kid Eddie as well and when The Blob eats and swallows a younger kid in the sever she jumps in the water trying to saves him and she couldn't. She fires a machine gun on the Blob and say's "come on, you can do better than that!".

    I love the music score from Michael Hoenig and I love the song on the end of the title Brave New Love by Alien. You also have Paul McCrane in from RoboCop (1987) after seeing him in this film, I recognized him right away, it is Emil M. Antonowsky from RoboCop!

    The movie has likable characters, fast paced, a lot's of action, fun bits of humor, Paul Flagg (Kevin Dillon) escapes from those government guys, jumps over this little bridge and gives the middle finger when he jumps over the bridge on his motorcycle. I love this scene it was memorable scene I remember it. In the opening scene he crashed down the bridge but now he jumped over which was excellent. Fun bits of dialogue, the budget was used very well against great special effects, I have no problems with them, it is one of my favorites of all time.

    This film is only shot an hour and thirty-five minutes which is not that long, it is like is said pure entertainment, I grow up with this flick and I love it.

    I disagree with the reviewers who say the original is much better than this version. I think quite the opposite is true. The 80's "The Blob" along with the 80's "The Fly" are two of the few remakes that I think far surpass the originals. Sure, it's a schlocky 80's horror movie, but taken in that context, it's damn good!

    A great script, an excellent combination of FX to achieve the look of the Blob, and absolute horror and carnage... I love it! This is a horror movie with BALLS. Within the first half hour, (spoiler alert) they kill off the guy we're expecting to be the star! They kill little kids! They kill off innocents, characters we like and want to live!

    This movie takes no prisoners and pulls no punches. It takes the idea of the original, puts an interesting twist into the plot, injects it with good FX, good acting and a decent budget, and you have something far superior to the original. Just like "Little Shop of Horrors" -- The cheap and dated original can never hold up to the musical remake.

    This flick get's a 10 out of 10 by me for been my favorite sci-fi horror flick of all time.
  • If you're reading the comments to decide whether you should see this movie, you've already overthought it. This is not the type of film you think about. It's the type you watch by accident. But the good news is, it's a happy accident.

    "The Blob" is the very essence of a B movie, and that's meant as a compliment. Equal parts ham and cheese, this flick aspires only to deliver schlocky fun. And boy does it succeed.

    Kevin Dillon overplays the snarky rebel with tongue-in-cheek glee. Shawnee Smith, who will never be mistaken for Meryl Streep, glides through the proceedings with an I-can't-act obliviousness that actually enhances the film. I can't decide if this is her best or worst performance ever. It may be both.

    If you enjoy campy B-movies, camp here for 85 minutes. It might be a Blob, but it ain't a mess.
  • I watched this film 20 years ago and loved it then. Finally got hold of a DVD version and watched it again. What a disappointment! Guess my perspective has changed over the years. Found it badly directed even for a B-movie. The plot does not keep you interested throughout, too much of the action takes place either on the mountains or in the sewers. the killings by the blob get to be boring. I particularly disliked this time around that some very good people get killed, people I thought would be around trying to nail the blob. The last killing was particularly unnecessary and annoying. Guess the producers had a very mean streak in them with all these killings of good people. Still like the ending, though. But overall, very disappointed with the film, although the special effects were good.
  • In 1958 and in 1972, audiences were able to see the most vile of all alien life forms come onto the screen; the blob. But the word "vile" would not be in the interest to use for these films. The blob in both previous films were slow moving and were barely on screen and when they were, it wasn't for long. Thirty years after the first "blob" movie, director Chuck Russell, The Mask (1994), takes charge of this franchise and decides to rejuvenate this creature once more. And although, it had a mild reception from critics, it is arguably the best movie of The Blob.

    The film actually starts out relatively the same as the first in 1958. However, there are several parts to this film's story that are quite different from all the others. For example, in the 1958 version, Steve McQueen starred as the so-called "hero", a good-natured kid who was only trying to warn the residents of a flesh eating Jell-O mold. The viewer may be surprised however to find out, that the hero is not who they'd expect it to be.

    Kevin Dillon plays Brian Flagg, a punk whom nobody likes just because he's a little bit misunderstood. Co-starring with Dillon is Shawnee Smith who plays Meg Penny, a good schoolgirl whom which both encounter The Blob. Another thing that is different from the other films is that this movie doesn't have the main characters trying to find the authorities and convince them of what happened. It seems that the authorities find them more than half the time. Interestingly enough, Russell's direction put quite a twist on the beginning story line. It may not be original, but it definitely good to see something out of the ordinary.

    There were only a couple elements in this remake that did not really work here. The music was composed and conducted by Michael Hoenig. His music did have a lot of dark tones in it, but it failed to leave a memorable chord and it wasn't scary enough either. The other element that needed work was the dialog. Not all of it was bad, Dillon had some funny exchanges between characters with his wisecracks. But the issue was that much of it was predictable. The viewer will be able to tell what will happen next even before it happens. It's actually disappointing for a remake that was done this well.

    However, the good outweighs the bad by far. The Blob is so much more appealing to see for its grotesque and vulgar look. The Blob is no longer that solid maroon color from the past two films. To describe it in the most simplistic way, it looks like a mass of human brains that were mashed together as a whole. It really is a mess (in a good way) and that's not all. This particular Blob not only has looks, but is also quick on its feet! The special effects in this film are stunning. Of course it looks dated now but compared to the others, it is by far the best looking.

    Another great aspect is how much more graphic this film is. The other two for its time, I guess, you could call rated "R" but this version, is by all accounts rated "R" for a reason. The killing scenes in this movie are just all out gruesome. It's not a blood fest but it can be nasty at times. The last thing to mention about this creature is how closely it followed the traits of The Thing (1982). It seems like anything that resembles these two organisms share the same weaknesses and yet they are very different from each other.

    Chuck Russell's version of the 1958 "blob" not only pays homage to its predecessors but it redefines what The Blob should be like as a terrifying, flesh-eating, gelatinous life form. The only things holding it back are it's somewhat undeveloped dialog and not a dark enough musical soundtrack.
  • A remake of the 1958 Steve McQueen film of the same name which follows a jelly-like, amoebic organism that crashes down to Earth from a meteorite n dissolves anything in its path, thereby growing in size.

    I first saw this in the early 90s on a vhs. Revisited it recently. As a fan of McQueen, i consider the original as a classic monster film of the 50s, this one i consider as a creature film of the 80s.

    It is more violent than the original with lots of body counts including that of a small kid. It has humor n action too. While the original is a simple one, this one functions as a biological weapon gone haywired as well as an authoritarian one where the military doesn't care about the citizens. We have Matt Dillon with mullet n leather jacket n a very young Shawnee Smith.

    The sheriff's death scene was ahead of its time n later imitated many times in horror movies. Dr Meddows' death sequence, i believe, inspired the one in Deep Blue Sea involving Morgan Freeman. Watch out for Bill Moseley in a tiny role of that of a soldier (watch closely the sewer scene).
  • People keep saying how this movie is fun to watch as a spoof and satire on the genre, while in fact it was the 1958 movie that did a much better job at not taking itself too serious. Something that did movie could had learned a lot from.

    This is really a hard movie to get into because it simply isn't an either very exciting or interesting one to watch. There are several reasons as to why. First of all the characters just aren't being really likable or well written enough. They are quite flat and bland and it makes you wonder why the movie is focusing on these characters, while a different approach with different characters would had made the story at least whole lot more interesting to follow. Which brings me to the movie its second problem; it's being too much of a lackluster and too much of a bore. This is not necessarily because there aren't enough killings, or action happening but more because there is never really a good sense of danger in the movie. It also makes the movie fall flat as an horror. You could say that this is also mostly due to the treatment of the blob. It seems to pop up at random places, for some unexplained reason and is more of a monster with tentacles and all than a scary slow moving, all consuming, single cell entity, there is no escaping off and can't be stopped by anything.

    So no, I just couldn't really enjoy watching this movie, despite its hard efforts to still make this a fun movie to watch. It instead makes this movie more often a ridicules one to watch, since it allows its story to feature some highly unlikely- and just plain silly, bad written, elements. I'm talking about especially the stuff involving the military. This seriously could had better been left out and it perhaps would had strengthened the small town- and desolated feeling and atmosphere of the movie.

    Needless to say that you are better off watching the original.

  • Given the 30 years gap between the two certainly isn't "thirty years better"..... just 30 years different!

    Certainly a good attempt at a remake but not within a bull's roar of John Carpenter's THE THING which blew the original out of the water! (Why, so many climed on its back I could never fathom!)

    Dillon does an exemplarary job in an "I'm angry with everyone" McQueen reprise. Part LOST BOYS part EASY RIDER, Dillon handles the Blob pretty well. Lots of people die, some you might not expect but hey, like ET its the Government's fault again isn't it? Anyway, all the bad guys get their come-uppance, so no problem! Neat little ending too. Shame no movie producer has capitalised on it!
  • Slasher movies were at the order of the day in the 80's. 'The Blob' is a different kind of slasher film, but nevertheless essentially still a slasher movie.

    It's so good to watch a horror movie with practical effects, excellent make-up and incredible puppetry. Although the blob itself is not that good in terms of visuals, the killing scenes - especially - are visually amazing. With regards to the killings, I must admit it was unpredictable, and relentless. There's also very good character development.

    As the film progresses, it becomes more intense and action-packed. There are a number of conveniences that could easily have been avoided or fixed, but this is nevertheless a very good watch. Shawnee Smith is a likable hero while Kevin Dillon's character Brian, becomes an unlikely hero. Well done!

  • "The Blob" is what 80's horror was about: mindless fun with a stupid story, a rebel without a cause-hero, his beautiful cheerleader-love interest and insane gore effects. Amazingly, the Blob still works as an 80's movie monster. If you have read the Stephen King-short story "The Raft" (or have seen the movie version in "Creepshow 2"), you'll get an idea of how this is going down. A slimy creature of unknown origin wraps around its prey - that would be us humans - and digests it alive. That makes for some very cool death scenes and some of the best make up-effects, the 80's had to offer. And hey, if they don't look so great sometimes (a scene with a young Erika Eleniak comes to mind), they are still great to laugh at.

    See, you can only win with this movie. You're either amused by how dated the haircuts and effects are, or you're blown away by the movies' sheer boldness to show all the killings in detail and to even kill off kids (in a scene which might be among the most memorable of the whole genre).

    Having spoken of Stephen King earlier: Frank Darabont, director of King works such as "The Mist" and "The Shawshank Redemption", has co-written the screenplay for this movie, which gives it that extra King-feeling (only it works a lot better than many actual King-adaptations do). Chuck Russell, the guy who had made the best "A Nightmare On Elm Street"-sequel just one year earlier, directed and Michael Hoenig wrote the eerie score.

    After an atmospheric intro, the movie starts off slow. The first few deaths may be a little disappointing, but soon "The Blob" gets some go. People start dying left and right, it becomes a downright massacre and after a big showdown we get one of those nice little cliffhangers, that were so prominent in 80's horror movies. And this one looks really great, like the final page of a comic book. Then the credits roll and some ridiculously bad 80's rock music kicks in. That's what I call a the perfect ending for a cheesy horror flick.

    As a whole "The Blob" isn't perfect, of course. It could have used some (deliberate) comedic relief instead of Kevin Dillon's constant straight face. In between the death scenes the movie slows down a bit too often, and the dialog is pretty lame for the most part.

    However, if you appreciate 80's horror movies, you will find a lot to love here. "The Blob" is one of the most overlooked big budget-flicks of the decade. Fans shouldn't miss it!
  • Remakes are often frowned upon by film fans, and for good reason, but Chuck Russell's take on the silly fifties Sci-Fi flick of the same name certainly doesn't disappoint! The film has the fifties plot structure and ideas, but it's been updated to the eighties - which means gratuitous amounts of special effects, a trashy atmosphere and lots and lots of gore! This remake has sentimental value for me personally, as it's the only film in history to make me physically sick. I would have been about seven at the time, and watching this film over breakfast isn't recommended for seven-year-old kids! However, I did, of course, get the day off school. I've grown up a bit since then, but upon watching The Blob again; I've got to say that it's lost none of it's charm, only I managed to hold back on being sick this time. The plot follows an asteroid that comes down from space. Upon inspecting it, a lowly bum finds himself with a strange organism stuck to his hand! The Blob also takes advantage of the eighties teen comedy craze, and after a couple of kids find the tramp on the road, they take him to the hospital, and that's where the fun really starts…

    The special effects are often silly, but nevertheless; very effective! The sequences are very imaginative, and take advantage of the eighties style humour that make eighties horror films what they are. The way that the blob consumes people is always disgusting, and seeing the half-melted outlines of people inside the creature is lots of fun and makes for some really good horror. Because it was made in the eighties; many of the scenes focus on raunchy kids, and this gives The Blob lots of room to manoeuvre the central monster into all kinds of hilarious situations. The acting, as you would expect, is nothing to write home about; but the cast approach their roles with gusto, and the fun performances help to make the film what it is. Chuck Russell does a great job of creating the right sort of atmosphere for the film and the screenplay is better than you would expect for a trashy eighties horror flick. Some will notice that the script was co-written by one Frank Darabont, who would, of course, go on to write and direct one of the 'best films of the nineties'. Personally, I'd rather this watch this film!
  • SnoopyStyle2 October 2013
    Brian Flagg (Kevin Dillon) is the town teen delinquent. Meg Penny (Shawnee Smith) is the high school head cheerleader. An alien asteroid lands carrying a deadly blob lifeform that consumes everything. Nobody believes when the blob eats Meg's boyfriend.

    There is some good cheesy fun to be had here. Taking the '59 B-horror classic, it doesn't really need to add much more. Kevin Dillon has the fluffy hair. He needs to do something more than a 1950's cartoon of a ruffian. He's not a bad actor otherwise. Shawnee Smith is cute and compelling. They're both good at taking this cheese seriously.

    The one thing that bugged me is the lack of reason from the cops. The people at the hospital were definitely killed by something extraordinary. Yet they talk like it's a regular murder case. But you have to allow for B-horror reasoning.

    There is some good gore and creature feature scares. As a story, it works pretty well and quite effective. It does run into problems when the blob becomes big CG. The graphics at the time just can't do it justice.
  • This a great movie. It is one of the scariest movies of all time. 6.3 is underrating it. The 1958 version is very scary. This one is scarier. The 1972 version is just crap. This one is a lot better. The story of a space monster that come to earth one a meteor. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. This one remake that is better then the original. This one the best scenes fiction movies ever. This is a great movie. See it. Kevin Dillion is a great actor. This is one very scary movie. Shawnee Smith is a great actress. If this movie does not scary you then no movie will. This movie is a must see.
  • Hollywood doesn't make horror movies like this anymore and it's a damn shame. The practical effects are so cool and creepy. And the one liners are non stop all the way to the end. It's a lot of fun. It's not on the level of The Thing, but it is a solid movie to put on at a Halloween party.
  • i didn't find this movie to be anything spectacular.i didn't find it scary,but it was gross.i also didn't feel the creature effects were very realistic.the acting wasn't outstanding,although i do like Shawnee Smith.really i just felt the whole thing looked way too low budget and cheesy.i can't compare it to the 1950's era original,but as a standalone film,it doesn't really make the grade.also,i never really invested any emotion in the movie,so i didn't really care about most of the characters.the movie was directed by Chuck Russel,who i also think directed a much better movie called the mask,with Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz in for the blob,i found it just uninteresting and even boring.i give the Blob a 4/10
  • acedj7 January 2020
    This movie takes the classic made in 1957 and updates it with a modern tone and special effects. If you are unfamiliar with the plot; A meteor crashes to Earth, and contained within is a gelatinous creature with an insatiable appetite for humans. As it eats more and more people, it grows in both mass and red color. How do you stop a creature that is impervious to bullets? Beware the blob. Comparing apples to apples here, the original movie is like a Sunday drive with your grandparents, slow but ominous. The remake is more like a Grand Prix race with a driver on speed. What the different tempo and special effects could not do is vastly improve upon the original. If this was your first exposure to The Blob, I would say you would hate the 50's version. If you saw that one first, then you will like this movie, just not quite as much. All in all this is a great updating, but it lacks some of the heart.
  • I'd like to say that I enjoy both the Blob movies. Simply because the Blob is a great concept for a monster. It's gross, quiet and munches on people with out leaving bodies around. The thing I enjoy about this movie is how they improved on the monster. It's faster,more scary and gets far more screen time than in the original. Since you get to see the Blob eat people in gory detail, it's almost scary. The rest of the movie unfortunately reminded me of formula 80's teen horror. You have the hoodlum, the football player, the cheerleader, the smart aleck little brother, the housewife mom of the last two and on and on. The amusing thing is how the original also wallows in 50's teen movies cliches as well. Some things never change in Hollywood I guess. I liked the twist on the plot about the Government agents and their agenda with the Blob. It reminded of similar story lines that X-Files would do a billion times. Only this was before X-Files(which borrows greatly from bad sci-fi and horror anyway. In a good way, might I add.) Overall monster A+ the rest of the movie C+
  • Filmed in living color. Vastly improved special effects. More eye opening scenes. But this version could not even be the shadow of the original thirty years earlier.

    An alien life form devours flesh in order to sustain itself. A couple of teenagers stumble on how to make the menace retreat. And also discover that the attack is part of a 'government experiment'.

    In the cast are Kevin Dillon, Donovan Leitch, Candy Clark and easy on the eyes, Shawnee Smith.
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