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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is the first half of the season finale. The Mayor's Accsenssion is all set to take place during Sunnydale High's graduation and Faith has a plan to distract the Scoobies by poisoning Angel. This is one of the most important episodes of the season, with a showdown between Faith and Buffy, Angel nearly dying and Anya giving the gang some important new information about the Mayor. Honestly, "Graduation Day" isn't my favorite season finale, but if you're gonna see any part of the season, you shouldn't skip it.

    The Mayor's Assencession is drawing near and in order to ensure that everything goes off without a hitch, he sends Faith to kill a vulcanologist. It seems that he's only invincible when he's in human form. Once he becomes a demon, he'll be kill-able again. Meanwhile, it turns out that Anya has seen a thing or two in her 1120 years. Specifically, she's seen an Asscenssion. She tells the gang everything she know, and they try to come up with a plan to stop the Mayor. Who, as it turns out, is the speaker at the Sunnydale graduation ceremony.

    The Mayor has a plan of his own. In order to keep Buffy occupied, he has Faith shoot Angel with a poisoned arrow. Angel is dying and only the blood of a Slayer can save him. Buffy decides to kill Faith and give her blood to Angel so he'll recover. She tracks Faith down and they have a long battle. Faith finally gets stabbed in the stomach and falls off the roof of her apartment building. The Mayor, learning of the fight, rushes to find Faith, while Buffy heads back to Angel's.

    There's a lot to like about this episode. I love the Mayor finally confronting the Scoobies in the library. His taunts, Giles stabbing him, Oz stepping in front of Willow, it's all great. And I really like Angel getting shot. Not that I want to see Angel get hurt, but it does lead to some very cool scenes. Angel gripping Willow's hand, thinking that she's Buffy, and professing his love is pretty funny. And Faith and Mayor's conversation is really interesting. They start out discussing the shooting, but they wind-up talking about Faith's childhood and how much they've come to care for each other. I love them together. Wes is also great in this episode. He's just amazed that Buffy would quit the Council. Of course, he's about to be fired from it himself. And he may have tried to save Angel in "Graduation Day Part One", but within a few years he'll be willing to sacrifice Faith himself to keep Angel safe. So, this is kind of an indication of things to come for Wes.

    On the downside, shouldn't the Mayor have investigated that poison and the cure a little bit better before giving it to Faith? Poisioning Angel with a drug that's only cure is the blood of a Slayer is just not a great plan.

    My favorite part of the episode: The Mayor buying Faith a new dress for the Accsenssion. "If any boys manage to survive, they'll be lining up to ask you out."
  • It is almost time for Sunnydale's Class of '99 to graduate; while most students prepare to celebrate Buffy and her friends are more concerned about the mayor's ascension. One particular concern is the question of why Faith killed a visiting geology professor. As Buffy and Angel return from retrieving documents from the professor's apartment Faith shoots Angel with a poisoned arrow giving Buffy something else to worry about.

    This, the first of a two-part season finale, was really great. There is some great action; most notably the brilliant face-off between slayers Buffy and Faith the finishes the episode. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Eliza Dushku were on great form in this episode; particularly in their fight scene. I liked how we learnt quite a bit more about the ascension; some of this information comes from Anya, who witnessed a previous ascension and plans to be nowhere near this one, and the geologist's papers. Given the action and major plot development it was a pleasant surprise to see some great character development too with Anya and Xander getting a bit closer and Willow and Oz's relationship progressing. The ending was an effective cliff-hanger that should leave viewers keen to watch the series finale. Overall I'd say this was a top notch episode that delivered in every way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Graduation Day: Part 1 is about Faith poisoning Angel in an attempt to distract Buffy from the Ascension.

    A very eventful heightened episode and probably the better half of the two-part finale, though I would say the strongest individual moments are those proceeding this, in the hospital. The addition to the storyline here is excellent, with the existing carcass and Anya's knowledge of a past ascension. Faith forces Buffy's hand by poisoning Angel, leading to the catfight. Funny though her sitting around with a vampire as a daily. Sarah so alluring.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer acquired two trademarks in its seven-season long television run. The first is the ability to portray its characters to the audience, for the scene to travel deep within the viewer's soul, then stinging the cords on the inside that makes us identify with a character, a feeling, or a situation without it being exactly the same as our own. It's second trademark is the show-stopping season finales it brings. The season finale is usually unanimously the favorite episode of the season. So what happens when you sit all seven of the finales next to each other in a line to compare? The ones that don't have the same gutting material to work with don't always stand out. That's how I've always felt about Graduation Day.

    This episode is a showcase for Joss Whedon's radical directing skills. Whedon is the type of writer who was born to write. When his pen meets paper sparks fly into the air because it's that revolutionary. With the toned-down writing this time, Graduation Day allows the Buffy fan to really be captured by Whedon's vision for the adieu to childhood. There isn't much here to write about. Anything he would've thrown us would come off as unappealing to the adrenaline ready Buffy fans waiting to be shaken off our seat by the finale, but all things considered, the writing is good. It has a few laugh-out-loud moments as well as great dialogue.

    The scope of this episode, the meaning, and the emotion for Graduation Day, however has never been fully realized by myself until this point and time. I've seen it numerous times before, but never really understood what Whedon really intended to with it. He goes back to Trademark 1. We get to experience graduation. As the characters depart from high school, the audience members who have traveled through high school and successfully graduated will understand every nuance here. I watched this on the night of my graduation, it's the perfect time to revisit it. The feeling of extreme love and warmth to everyone around you, wanting to be united with everyone around you, and realizing you are finally in the position to step away from what has taught you right from wrong all your life (such as Buffy does in the first-rate scene where she quits the Watcher's Counsel). All the characters get a moment to show their maturity and the person they've grown into from high school. We can feel our high school memories haunting back into our mind as Buffy gets to live her experience.

    One of my biggest objections with this episode has been the Buffy/Angel subplot that links part 1 and part 2. That is all that used to be to me, a chain linking the two halves together, but this section is undeniable and their relationship comes to a close with poetry. Buffy and Angel were clearly meant to not be together. This season gets to explore the devastating news that destiny has not intended for two people in love to stay together. Once High School is over, there are many things that have to be abandoned. Often high school romances are one of them.

    Season 3′s biggest fault in my eyes is feeling to convoluted and too manipulated into it's own little universe instead of stemming off in the real world, which the others do. Although, most of this took place in the earlier episodes in the season, the backwash is still felt here. That being said, Season 3′s arc, which is captured in Graduation Day, is prodigious. It questions our morality, explores our psyches, tests our emotions. Wait, our? I meant the character's morality, psyches, and emotions but if the shoe fits

    Graduation Day gets to depict a war film as well as being a compelling drama developing its strong characters. The metaphor of the students teaming up together to defeat the Mayor is one of the strongest metaphors of the season. Great acting from Eliza Dushku, Harry Groener, and the always dependable Sarah Michelle Gellar, as well as the entire ensemble. This episode also stirs up a wonderful dramatic score. The visual effects of the Mayor's transformation, though, are something to be desired. Decent for the '90s, but come on Joss Whedon! The iconic moment of the episode is the showdown between Buffy and Faith. The two slayers, evolved from friends to enemies finally get to face off in Graduation Day and trust me the fight was worth the wait.

    Epic and worthy as a finale, the episode itself doesn't shimmer like the past finales do, but it's still one of the top episodes of the series. The development of the characters is something all shows strive for, few ever succeed in finding, but what Buffy has copyrighted. The best scene is Buffy's coma-dream sequence. It's a beautiful scene that does what this show does that makes it the best: puts two characters in a room that speak to the audience and move their soul. The final fight is a tad underwhelming, that of Buffy and the Mayor, but it still creates a successful conclusion to the season. Directing his way to victory, Joss Whedon takes a stride with this finale!

    NOTE: watch Part One and Part Two, back to back, you'll leave more fulfilled.

    Rating: 9.5/10

    Grade: A
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really like this episode. It's a great start to the two-part season finale.

    In this episode, Faith is instructed by the Mayor to poison Angel, so she does. Buffy worries trying to find an antidote, and when they discover that Slayer blood will heal him, she goes to fight Faith, to the death, so she can save him. When the fight happens, Buffy stabs Faith, but Faith falls onto a moving truck and escapes. Buffy decides to let Angel feed on her and he almost kills her. Meanwhile, Anya, since she's been to an ascension, tells the gang about the process. We find out that demons aren't pure, and that the Mayor plans on becoming a full demon, which are a lot bigger and a lot harder to kill.

    Best part of the episode: When Anya asks Xander out on a date.

    Worst part of the episode: When the Mayor tries to kill Buffy in her sleep because of what she did to Faith.

    Overall, I give this episode a 9 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Amazing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, Faith shoots Angel with an arrow, poisoning him in the process with a toxin (Killer of the Dead) that is fatal to vampires. The Watchers Council know enough about this toxin to know that the only cure is to drink the blood of a slayer. So why is this never mentioned again and why is the knowledge never used against other vampires - i.e. the bad ones who pose a threat to human existence? Would it not, perhaps, have been effective against the Turok-Han in Season 7?

    That has to be, perhaps, the only serious flaw in an otherwise brilliantly conceived storyline. Apologies to Whedon and co but just had to point that out.
  • Joxerlives29 February 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Good; The battle between Buffy and Faith is epic and a long time coming. Note that for some reason Buffy feels the need to put on her shiny red leather trousers before deciding to kick Faith's delectable butt?

    The Bad; Couldn't Buffy just let Angel have some of her blood in batches whilst chugging down iron pills by the handful? We know the Mayor's impervious to harm but why don't they just grab him and tie him up when he's in the library?

    Best line; Willow (guessing who the Graduation Speaker will be) "Seigfreid? Roy? One of the tigers?" (according to Lorne in Angel Seigreid is actually evil, Roy not so much) beating Xanders 'We're going to need a bigger boat' from Jaws. Xander also paraphrases Private Hudson from Aliens (who in turn is paraphrasing every Vietnam film you've ever seen).

    Character death; No but Angel on the brink. Faith's murder of the professor and her glib remark about it marks the nadir of her fall from grace. But you note that even then she wants her victim to turn around so she doesn't have to look into his eyes. When she chucks herself off the building it's her first suicide attempt but she'll make another later in Angel.

    Shot; Angel with Faith's bow and arrow

    Tied up; Buffy and Faith handcuffed together

    Knocked out; Angel and Faith in a coma

    Women good/men bad; Actually the relationship between Faith and the Mayor is lovely, especially when we see her in her dress. Faith also refers to her childhood in Boston again and you feel her pain. As for Xander he neatly sums up the male of the species; "Yes, men like sports. Men watch the action movie. They eat of the beef and enjoy to look at the bosoms" Buffy tells Wes 'I love it when you take charge, you man you' but one day she will. Will and Anya still have hostility.

    Jeez!; Faith killing the harmless old prof is beyond horrible. Plus the Mayor's eating the spiders (liquorice?). And Buffy sticks it to Faith with her great big knife

    Kinky dinky; What must the Professor and his neighbours think when Faith arrives on his doorstep dressed as she does? Probably how much does she charge per hour? I for one am glad we don't get to hear the end of Anya's shepherd story.

    Calling Captain Subtext; Again, violence and intimacy with Faith and Buffy who even penetrates Faith's body with her knife. Faith's goading Buffy about Angel's pain could once again be seen as sexual jealousy. Faith to Buffy "Give us a kiss". Faith also refers to Buffy as 'big sister' (does this make Joyce mom and Dawn her little sister?)

    Guantanamo Bay; Buffy is quite prepared to feed Faith to Angel to save him

    Scoobies to the ER; Buffy get's a hiding at Faith's hands and Angel nearly dies through poisoning

    Where's Dawn? Presumably Buffy get's little sis out of town alongside Joyce.

    Questions and observations; Where's this anti-vamp poison been all these years? It would have come in useful, don't you think? Stonkingly good in almost every respect with the promise of even better things to come in pt 2. Love Will's chopper bike. Nice that Willow and Harmony make up before Harmony gets all bumpy. Can anyone please explain to me why exactly the Mayor wants to be a giant snake? What is his plan for Sunnydale? Buffy breaks from the Watcher's Council and won't come back into the fold again until season 5. Just what are the odds that Anya, the only living survivor of an Ascension just happens to be at SDH? Is that the work of God/the PTB?

    Faith's method of surviving her fall off the roof is reminiscent of Catwoman in Batman Returns. Love Giles and Wes fencing which will come in useful for both later.

    Marks out of 10;

  • ossie8512 August 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Faith's crime spree continues. Willow and Oz sleep together for the first time. Xander thinks he is going to die. Angel is poisoned by Faith and the only way to cure him is to get the blood of a slayer, Buffy then decides to go after Faith and kill her.

    Why It's So Good - Faith's brutal murder of a professor was shocking, and a point of no return for her. The battle between Buffy and Faith was one of the best fight scenes the show has done, and Buffy's sacrifice again to save Angel.

    Watch Out For - Willow talking about missing Harmony.

    Quote - "I've been lucky too many times. My number's coming up. And I was short! One more rotation and I'm shipping state-side, you know what I mean?" - Xander about The Mayor at Graduation Day.
  • Hitchcoc1 June 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is the set up for the finale. The Scoobies are fully aware of the Mayor's plans and need all hands on deck to destroy him. Faith once again proves to be a stumbling block. She has hooked up with the Mayor and has become his sycophant. She has become an expert Archer and fires a poisoned arrow into Angel's back. It leaves him in terrible shape. He is barely alive and Buffy and the rest don't know what to do. It is discovered that to revive him the blood of a slayer is needed. Buffy decides it will be Faith's blood and they battle to the death, with Buffy defeating her, though not killing her. But she is not able to bleed her and the gang is left, as the episode ends, knowing that graduation day is going to be a bloodbath.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Graduation day vastly approaches as Buffy gets ready to take on the mayor. Faith poisons Angel to take him out of the fight and only the blood of a slayer can cure him. The first part of this epic finale is amazing as Buffy plays nurse maid trying to find a cure and readies herself to take on Faith. What makes it truly exceptional is the fighting sequences as two slayers battle it out for supremacy in stylized fighting sequences as they swing from roof tops to busying through windows. It shows how far Buffy is willing to go by killing, actually put her in a coma, Faith to save her friends and the world. It amazes me how poison can kill a vamp as their already dead unless they turn to ash.

    Another great aspect is her friends are willing to stand by her decision as they fought by her side and trust her judgment call. It would be easy to call it quotes and wash their hands of the affair instead of standing with the slayer. It also shows the mayor having genuine feelings for Faith as he gets her the best care and rushes over to her apartment when he years of trouble like a dark father figure to her.