User Reviews (29)

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  • I hired out Hybrid on the weekend. What a disappointment! A stupid lame attempt at a tele-movie. The guy they got for the lead was totally weak and when running {he did a lot} looked like he was eating those minty sweets...with his backside! The wolf contacts he wore were great, though I feel the actor relied on them too much, as there was nothing menacing about his acting at all. The wise native American Indian chick has to be one of the most stony hard faced hags ever seen. Talk about a sour cow! She smiled about once for the entire film, and I think that is because she had sex. The sex scene was lame too. They may as well have shown blowing curtains, if you can dig that.

    Last of all, and this is a big pet hate of mine, on the cover and the DVD menu, the losers digitally drew in cool sharp teeth on the guy. They were nowhere to be seen in the film. :(
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie has some fatal flaws in it, how someone could walk through an open back door of a highly secure medical facility is unbelievable. Then this same person just walks around the facility and enters the Dr.'s office, is just bad writing or bad editing.

    Very very very predictable movie.

    I am not sure how this film got made, except it is was filmed in Canada, and probably received a government grant.

    I must say the person playing Aaron, Cory Monteith, did a good job.

    Unless you are really bored and there is nothing else to watch on television then I would say it will kill some time, but otherwise, it is a movie no actor would want on their resume.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I couldn't believe that this movie dates from 2007, it had all the looks of a below-average seventies horror-flick. Didn't they have any knowledge of modern special effects or CGI?!? The story is lame, it's about this guy Aaron who, on account of some weird experiment, gets eye-transplants from a wolf. After this, for some unfathomable medical reason, he suddenly has visions of wandering wolves. So are we supposed to believe that the memories of the donor-wolf are situated in it's eye-balls?!? And that the recipient of these eye-balls also adopts the wolf's craving for red (life-) meat?!?

    The acting didn't help the credibility either: everyone stumbles through their lines like wooden dolls, especially this Indian girl, she may be pretty but she can only come up with one expression (vexed) and some disinterested mumblings about the force of Nature. I really sympathized with actor Cory Monteith, they didn't give him much to go with, apart from running around bare-chested for half of the movie. His (few) killings and attacks are hardly shown, we just hear some growling and cries of fear and then there's another victim lying down and Aaron with some more blood on his face and chest. Not much for a modern sci-fi horror! The only decent acting came from Justine Bateman, doing the best she could with her silly lines.

    In the end this sums up as being a silly and rather boring movie, hardly scary or thrilling, with unbelievable goings-on, a lot of overlong National Geographic-like visuals of wolves running around woods and slopes (who cares?!?), some pretentious Indian ramblings about Man and Nature and an uneven musical score with poppy songs at the most inappropriate moments. I guess the word "superfluous" covers it.
  • Bill-62530 July 2007
    The plot sounds vaguely interesting ... a scientist (Bateman) discovers how to transplant animal eyes and optic nerves into other animals, like humans. A young man (Monteith) is blinded saving a coworker at work - the scientist gets a call from a doctor that the young man is a good candidate to be the first human recipient. The recipient starts becoming more and wolf-like, but the effect is nothing more than "weird eyes" and running at night with dogs! (for the whole movie) The budget is too low, the dialogue too stilted (I laughed out loud at some of the ridiculous talk), and the acting too inept. Long portions of the movie are nothing more than dreamy looks, eerie music and interspersed clips of wolves in the wild. Way too long even at 90 minutes, boring, and devoid of ideas.

    The military want to use the eye transplants to give wounded soldiers back their eyesight, and presumably want to militarize the technology. There's a silly subplot about a beautiful Indian girl (Korey) who thinks she can help, using Indian wisdom about the wolves. They make love while music heavy on drums and Indian chanting is heard - crazy, man! The love making takes place immediately after a gruesome murder - who edited this turkey?! A grouchy "medicine man" who spouts platitudes seems to do little, except for adding atmosphere.

    Here's two ridiculous scenes. A worker at the research lab goes into the animal room to discover the monkeys have been let out of their cages. She gets scared, looks left at the monkeys, turns right, turns left, turns right, turns left .. this goes on for a while (who edited this??). RUN OUT OF THE DAMN LAB! It was so stupid I started laughing. Another ridiculous scene - our hero is at home, escapes out a window as the heavily armed military arrive - he leaves the window open, the military guys go to the open window, look out the window, they say "looks like he was here", and LEAVE! He went out the open window, guys!! Crazy.

    Near the end of the movie, military guys are firing machine guns over and over at trees, when obviously nothing is there - easier to place the squibs I guess. They have 6 machine guns which have cut down trees, but decide to fight our hero with 1 knife!!! Shoot the guy!! Who wrote this trash?? There's a pointless confrontation at the end, and believe me I'm not spoiling anything for you - there's not enough plot to spoil.

    I figure the whole thing was a tax write-off or a rush job to make use of unused budget money left over from some better movie.
  • When the operator of security cameras of the Olaris Corporation Aaron Scates (Cory Monteith) watches one of his colleague trapped in a fire, he saves him but burns his eyes becoming blinded. Dr. Andrea Hewlitt (Justine Bateman), who is ahead of a secret research of eye transplant, decides to use Aaron as a human subject of her experiments, successfully transplanting the eyes of a wolf found wounded by the half French half American Indian Lydia (Tinsel Korey), restoring his vision. However, Aaron changes his behavior and abilities, as if he were dominated by the spirit of the wild wolf. Lydia helps Aaron to escape from the facility and go to the woods while the government troops chase him.

    "Hybrid" is a weird little movie with a quite original story. Unfortunately and probably due to the restraint budget, something is missing to make "Hybrid" a good movie. The unknown Cory Monteith shows a great physical shape but the plot does not work well and in the end this film is a forgettable entertainment. My vote is five.

    Title (Brazil): "Olhos Selvagens" ("Wild Eyes")
  • Scarecrow-887 February 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    The bio-engineering transplant of wolf eyes in a young man yields devastating consequences as the wild spirit of the animal motivates him to act out his primal nature. Thankfully he encounters Lydia(Tinsel Korey), a Native American woman who wishes for the outside world to appreciate her people's beliefs and customs. Her confidant is Claude Robertson (Gordon Tootoosis), a wise old Indian whose private wilderness is desired by the white man. Lydia's beliefs in nature are important in that Aaron(Cory Monteith)has someone who might can lend a hand in taming the beast that wishes to unleash itself. The scientist responsible for the successful surgery, Andrea(Justine Bateman)begins to understand that their human subject, the guinea pig they experimented on, may've had psychotic tendencies that wouldn't react too well with the transplanted eyes, and thus wishes to help him cope with such a radical change in behavior. But, Andrea's organization is one of those secret government projects and she's up against the military who want to start up a program using her "success"(..Aaron gains senses of the wolf, like nocturnal sight, that would certainly benefit men in the field). When Aaron escapes, the military commandos will seek him out leading a manhunt as Andrea fears for her subject's well being and stability among civilization.

    The werewolf genre has always yielded so few really good films. I remember seeing this for sale, part of The Maneater series, and the cool box art had this man transforming into a werewolf..quite catchy and could easily sucker those who know nothing about it. But, the film never shows Aaron transforming into a wolf, he's often seen running with the pack, shirt off, eyes glistening. The best part of the movie was the wolf contacts used on Monteith's eyes..but, he's not an imposing presence(..I felt Monteith is just too scrawny and non-threatening which I felt works against the film)so the eyes do little to make him a real threat towards innocents. Bateman has a secondary role, merely a worried scientist who finds that her procedure is flawed and regrets performing the surgery without further testing. Korey is the dramatic heart beat of the film, the girl caught between two worlds, the modern and natural, finding in Aaron her possible soul mate. Korey's Lydia will have to protect him and, in a sense, find a type of psychological leash to bound him even though the spirit that possesses him wishes to be free from restraints. This is where spiritual mysticism, laid on thick, plays a major part in the story..Lydia's mentor, Claude, has the means to let Aaron free from those restraints. The ending is typical..the commandos enter the wilderness to pursue(..possibly kill)Aaron and find they have their hands full. I think in the climax credibility goes out the window as we see these heavily equipped military men unable to stop a young man running throughout the woods with wolves as his companions. I think people will have a hard time believing Aaron could evade and attack his pursuers when they have such an arsenal at their disposal, but in these kinds of movies, we have to see nature defeat technological progress, and crooked government must be defeated, so HYBRID just follows the formula.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hybrid starts as water treatment planet security guard Aaron Scates (Cory Monteith) is involved in an accident which leaves him blind. Luckily it just so happens that brilliant scientist Dr. Andrea Hewitt (Justine Bateman) who works for Olaris has developed an operation to transplant organs from one species to another, Hewitt decides Aaron would be perfect for her first human experiment. Hewitt & her team transplant the eyes of a Wolf into Aaron & he miraculously regains his sight. Brilliant, right? Well, no not really since Aaron starts to go mad as he sees random images of Wolves & starts to develop a lust for blood. Aaron escapes the Olaris building & goes on the run but he is too valuable to just let go & a full scale search is mounted to capture him...

    Directed by Yelena Lanskaya this is yet another Sci-Fi Channel offering that is quite simply put terrible in every possible way, I think it probably started out life as a straight 'Creature Feature' but ended up as one of the most boring & dull Sci-Fi Channel films I have seen that doesn't even feature any sort of monster or creature. Hybrid is awful, the script is terrible & I am not even sure who it was meant to appeal to. The initial set-up is OK with Aaron getting Wolf eyes but then Hybrid ditches the sci-fi elements & becomes some sort of horrible drama as it focuses entirely on Aaron's mental state as he wonders around doing nothing in particular with some Native American woman. Yep, you don't think the Sci-Fi Channel could make a film about Wolves & put loads of rubbish about Native American mythology in there as well do you? The dynamics of the character's is bizarre, Aaron is shown as the persecuted hero yet he is the only character to kill anyone in the film & is a fairly unlikable, ungrateful & annoying person while Dr. Hewitt is shown as the evil scientist yet she gives Aaron back his sight & does nothing but try to help him. I mean Aaron is given back the gift of sight yet Hewitt is the villain? Also the regular Sci-Fi Channel staple of US military intervention is present, the problem is why do they want Aaron so badly? He isn't a soldier & while he has Wolves eyes to help him see in the dark he's utterly unremarkable. The script can't make it's mind up whether it's all in Aaron's mind or it's real, the ending is hilariously bad with a half naked (rememeber this was made for telly) Aaron running through a forest with a pack of Wolves set to some horrible music that I think is supposed to be emotional but makes it even more funny. There are so many things wrong with Hybrid, it's slower than hell, there's virtually no action, there's no Werewolves & the film goes round in circles trying to get into Aaron's mind yet it's all so ridiculous, silly & boring you won't care one bit & there's never any explanation as to why despite just having Wolves eyes transplanted Aaron starts to develop other Wolf senses.

    As a diabetic I have problems with my eyes, hell I have had major surgery on my right eye & I can guarantee you that after an operation your eye would be puffed up, you wouldn't be able to open it & it would hurt like hell yet despite having eye transplants as soon as Aaron wakes up in bed his eyes are perfect with no swelling or even redness. There are no special effects, no blood or gore or violence & nothing to excite you. In fact now I think about it there's nothing even remotely horror or sci-fi feeling about this, it feels like a drab film of the week.

    Filmed in Manitoba in Canada the film looks OK but is bland & forgettable. The acting is poor from all involved none of whom I have seen before & hopefully never again.

    Hybrid is a terrible film that is obviously marketed as some Werewolve 'Creature Feature' but is far from that & most people will really struggle to get to the awful ending which will probably have you in stitches.
  • leader-1617 March 2008
    When i saw the preview for this on TV i was thinking, "ok its gonna be a good werewolf movie" but it was not. it was not scary at all! acting was good, plot was horrible, the military bid was just plain stupid. I think the SCI-FI channel could of done better than this piece of crap. The movie made it sound like Arron was going to turn into a werewolf, instead he turned psycho and bit some doctor's throat out. If you have read some of my other reviews on other movies, there all positive, but this one is not simply because the story was terrible. One out of 10 max. Im sure you all were expecting some werewolf flick, but i bet you didn't expect this. Beyond Loch Nes was way better than this movie, heck, any movie thats on the sci-fi channel is better than this movie.
  • John-Savva23 December 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    The sort of film your mum would like if she was insane. Basically, this is a film about a boy/man who loses his eyesight. He is given an eye transplant using a pair of wolf eyes. He sort of turns a bit wolfy and starts a mediocre rampage of terror.

    He befriends a girl who fully understands his hybrid torment. She herself is half French and half Red Indian... a sort of haw-hee-hontas. She has the face of a log and the personality of a hairbrush. They end up having lame sex just after he eats a mans ear.

    Absolutely no singing. Was expecting a rendition of Don't Stop Believing. Instead there were plenty of dreary dream-like sequences that the director forgot to cut out.

    I ended up making so many cups of tea to alleviate the boredom I peed my pants.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hybrid did have a good idea going for it, but I was also dubious because it was a SyFy movie. Sadly, despite this idea my dubious expectations of Hybrid proved to be correct. While not among SyFy's worst or among the worst movies I've ever seen, Hybrid still managed to be a terrible movie. There are more cheaper-looking films out there, but that doesn't excuse Hybrid in any way. The camera work is choppy and spends too much often on someone or something, while the effects are very artificial. The music is not eerie at all, if anything it is obviously placed and too over-bearing, while the dialogue is stilted, the killings lacking suspense or genuine horror and the storytelling unsurprising and uninteresting. Not to mention with one too many ridiculous moments, the sequences with the baboons in the lab, the military actually leaving despite the hero character escaping through an open window(didn't know the military were this stupid) and the firing of the guns at nothing there were bad enough and the ending was contrived, but even worse was the idea of a man escaping the building after having wolf eyes, assaulting several people, walking around shirtless, biting a doctor's throat and killing a squad who try to apprehend him and then trying to make us think he is good when actually he is a psychopath. The characters have no likability or depth to them, and the acting especially from Tinsel Korey, who is another actress who looks beautiful but can't act. Cory Monteith is a little better, but doesn't pose enough of a threat. I also think for somebody coming out an operation that he looked too perfect. Overall, a big mess despite its initial potential. 2/10 Bethany Cox
  • m-adrienne8 January 2008
    I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I saw several characters get killed and enjoyed every killing. They all deserved it! If I had had my druthers, I'd have killed a few more. I found it refreshing to see a movie which did not have the moral requirement that people who kill should be killed. Delightful.

    As for the hero being stupid (as written by another the reviewer who called this movie, bad) for leaving a window open when escaping, I can only point to James Bond in Casino Royale, telling his French Colleague how he knew when Le Chiffre was bluffing at poker. Dumb, dumb, dumb, 007. I found the scenes in the woods – SWAT type of guys with machine guns against an unarmed man – riveting. And the wolves! Great actors.
  • I liked it.

    I think it's rather important to attempt to look out through the eyes of other species on the planet, many of which we slaughter, imprison and use in painful experiments.

    If the movie is low budget, I think the importance of the message can be taken into consideration.

    Running about with wolves looks pretty pleasant to those of us who work hunched over a desk much of the time. Running through the woods. Yeah.

    Wolves are cool, and they help ecosystems in countless ways, such as reducing predators that overgraze plant species in which birds nest. Prey carcases increase insects which feed small mammals including beaver which affect the water systems that support frogs, the fish that sustain bears and so forth.

    The lead was personable, the love interest attractive with her heart in the right place, and burning a braid of sweet grass with a medicine man is a fine thing. I liked the touches of light hearted humor.

    The movie was also about violence. The wolves' violence was to defend themselves, family and offspring. Bison were killed for survival. The shooters' killings, by contrast seemed purposeless. They seemed out of touch with nature outside and within themselves. Another way of saying that corporate people need to get back to what's important and reconnect with the natural world.

    I'd like to see the sci fi channel air more movies like this. Rather than feeling down and empty after watching nonsensical gore following a lot of hype which mainly serves to keep more of our eyes glazed on advertisers' shiny mirages no matter how good the special effects can be, we can go back to our lives feeling far better and even a bit optimistic. I think that's what entertainment is for.
  • john-431625 November 2007
    The plot sounded like it had promise. To be honest I did not watch the entire movie. After about an hour into the movie I had to make a decision. Is this movie worth watching until it conclusion? The answer was clearly NO! It was not the fact that the human body could not receive a transplant from a different species without rejecting it. Nor the premise that he was being chased by secret government authorities for an human / wolf transplant. It was because the movie was badly written, acting lacked emotion and I did not understand the several dream sequences with the wolves and buffaloes. When he was running to the zoo with a dog pack and leaving them at the front of the zoo gate the saying "If you can't run with the big dogs don't leave the porch" kept running through my bored mind. Save yourself the time and skip this movie. I can guarantee if you do dare to watch it you will sit there slack jawed as I did wondering why anyone waste money, time, energy and effort to make this insulting outrage to American cinema.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't blame Cory Monteith (Aaron) for what the director and film editor did with him - although most reviewers seem to blame him for the seemingly hours the camera spent watching him in close-up staring vacantly into the distance. I presume that was done to make sure we could see the cool wolf-eye contacts he was wearing. No acting was needed in these scenes, other than the ability to maintain a serious demeanor rather than breaking out in giggles.

    In the monkey-cage room near the end of the scene where the monkeys are out, the monkeys start jumping back into their cages, but does the Doctor close the doors behind them? Oh, no. She continues to panic and goes elsewhere.

    Finally, we get another hour of wolf-boy loping through the fields with his buddies the tame wolves, mostly them following him far enough behind that this could be construed as the wolves CHASING him, for an alternate ending. But the director chose to end it with Aaron following the wolf pack in their joyous romp in the fields.
  • kairingler30 April 2009
    Now this one did have a very interesting concept at the very beginning,, you get blinded,, and lose you're sight,, would you rather be blind rest of you're life,, or get some cool looking wolf eyes,, well heck the answer is easy ,, you go for the wolf eyes, right,, well as the movie progresses our character should have stayed blind,, he starts to develop strange wolf like behavior during the movie,, like howling,, trying to attack people,, he wants to start running with the pack and all of that good stuff, you gotta love the color of those wolf eyes, those very kewl,, what i didn't care for is the use of the stupid military in this movie again,, ihate when Hollywood has to bring in the military for a needless reason,, yeah the movie is hokey in spots sure,, and Justine Bateman is great in here also i thought,, a watchable movie indeed.
  • jboothmillard19 December 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's almost a mission of mine to seek the worst film in the world, maybe to find one worse than the absolutely disgusting and so far not beaten Freddy Got Fingered, obviously this TV movie didn't beat it, but it certainly a bad one. Basically Dr. Andrea Hewlitt (Justine Bateman) and other scientists in a facility have been looking into ways to increase the potential of animals, and they have found a way to better the vision of some primates when they have gone blind with the eyes of wolves. They are hoping to really prove the experiment works by finding a human to have the same procedure, and after he is blinded in an explosion, security dispatcher Aaron Scates (Cory Monteith) is the perfect candidate. So he is brought in to bring his vision back with this extraordinary-though controversial-medical breakthrough with the help of a wolf who happens to be brought in as well, despite concern by museum curator Lydia Armstrong (Tinsel Korey). So when he wakes, Aaron is pleased to have his vision back through these new yellow wolf eyes, but he also has the advantage of seeing in the dark. Soon enough though more developments come when he gains a high sense of hearing, he has horrible visions of wolves in the woods attacking and other things, and then he starts growling, and targeting people as if they were prey. But worse comes when his personality is diminishing all together, to the point when he has become a full agitated wolf-human hybrid with a taste for raw meat, and tearing into it. Lydia however understands how this has happened, being a human-hybrid herself, but she has channelled any animal like instincts via her shaman friend Claude Robertson (Pocahontas' Gordon Tootoosis). Despite an animal bond and mating like thing between Lydia and Aaron, and some rite-of-passage stuff with Claude, Aaron can't help his animalistic side coming out very aggressively, and Dr. Hewitt's colleagues are determined to hunt him down like the creature has has become. Also starring Brandon Jay McLaren as Ashmore, Aaron Hughes as Wilcox and Brett Sorensen as Deaver. I can see the connection the critics say there is to a B-movie theme, I found it similar to the theme in the Japanese film The Eye, but with the new additions to the body changing you into something else. However, this film completely fails to scare you, the dialogue is awful, the acting is dreadful, the action - if that's what you can call it - is pretty boring, I would have be out of my head to watch this abysmal science-fiction horror again, which I never will do. Poor!
  • My Score for this crap: 1 / 10 1 for the technical only. Everything else is very bad.

    Another film that makes no sense. Clearly it seems that creating a good script for film or television is almost a impossible mission.

    While it's easy to understand why politicians never say the truth, they are among the biggest liars on the planet, it is difficult to understand how to make films so pathetic.

    We must believe that taking people for morons. Perhaps it was reason to believe, since 99% of the films are crap. Because they are stupid and ridiculous and very bad scenarios.

    When you look at the price we give Oscars, we understand better why we continue to make films any more ridiculous than others.

    And oddly enough it was always money for such nonsense. But it was not for education and health.

    If you still want to listen to this s**t, press super Fast Forward button (at least 20X).
  • With the sound off this could be mistaken for a movie about a guy using the Native American technique of running with animals to train for a marathon.

    Man loses eyesight, gets wolf eye transplant, begins acting wolf-ish. Weak ass tropes and lots of repetitive wolves in the wild trances/flashbacks follow. We've got the super rare steak eating scene. Some running with puppers. Seeing and hearing better. Biting people... with normal human teeth mind you. But no transformations. Just becoming super best buddies with a pack of wolves and loads of shirtless running.

    The romance is forced and weird. The dialog is abysmal, every line is utterly forgettable. The villain is the military in its usual roll, you know the one, wanting to use scientific advancements for war. With some Native American schlocky mysticisms sprinkled liberally throughout. The ending seemed to drag on forever.

    Does not, I repeat, does not fall into the so bad it's good category (which sucks because I live for those movies). I don't think it could even be saved by RiffTrax because there are just too many scenes of wolves running, him running, and nothing really happening besides running.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    HYBRID is another bottom-dollar TV movie that has something to do with the Sci-Fi channel in the US. It never should have been released. Advertised as some kind of werewolf film, in reality this is nothing more than an excuse to fill a TV slot on a Friday night and it has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Bland leading man Cory Monteith (I blame the script rather than the actor) stars as a security guard who has his eyes burnt out in a fire. He ends up having the corneas of a wolf transplanted into his own, which leads to perfect vision, but some unwelcome side effects as well. Monteith soon finds himself running in the woods at night while Native Americans, scientists, and the police hunt him down.

    The story is plot less and dull and what could have been the set-up for a fun, cheesy horror film is wasted through inactivity and dullness. Never has a film been so boring as in the many scenes of Monteith walking around acting wolf-like. Some genre clichés pop up here and there (there's a bar-room brawl and a brief bloody attack in the woods at night) but they're shown in snippets rather than in full and for 90% of the film it's just inaction and lifelessness. A heck of a lot of stock footage of wolves is used but even when they tint it purple it doesn't look interesting.

    I don't mind B-movies in general and I realise that, due to their low budgets, they're never going to have the same technical qualities or level of acting you'd find in a Hollywood blockbuster. Generally, though, B-movies compensate for their lackings through increased campiness, lots of action, and special effects to keep your mind off the other inadequacies. Not so here. I also want to make special mention of heroine Tinsel Korey who is one of the most unattractive and downright glum actresses I've ever seen in a leading role; if only she'd smile once in a while she might have been more appealing, but no, her character is a total non-event. As is the film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's an experiment in human behavior. It's an exploration of the most natural of animal impulses. It's something new under the moon. And it bites. When security dispatcher Aaron Scates (Cory Monteith, Final Destination 3) is blinded in an explosion, he's put in the care of Dr. Andrea Hewlitt (Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Justine Bateman, Arrested Development), famous in her field for spearheading extraordinary-though controversial-medical breakthroughs. Her newest is cross-species organ transplants, and Aaron is her first human subject. When a severely wounded wolf is brought to Dr. Hewlitt's office by museum curator Lydia Armstrong (Tinsel Korey, Into the West), Dr. Hewlitt leaps on the opportunity and successfully transplants the wolf's eyes to Aaron-despite Lydia's objections. Aaron, however, is thrilled. Not only can he see again, he can see in the dark. He also has an unusually acute sense of hearing, and tears into a raw steak like never before. Unfortunately, he also tends growl, and to target people as prey. Lydia knows why. Knowing Aaron is in danger-to himself and to others -Lydia confesses that she too is a cross-breed but has learned to channel her feral instincts into a source of strength, not violence, with the help of her shaman friend, Claude Robertson (Gordon Tootoosis, Dreamkeeper). After Lydia and Aaron explore their other animal instincts in the privacy of Lydia's lair, she takes him to Claude's for a rite-of-passage to integrate the young man's spirit with that of a wolf. But Dr. Hewitt's colleagues, who have seen Aaron's wilder side, are determined to hunt the beast down and destroy him. What they don't know is that Aaron has more on his side than a shaman and an empathetic girlfriend. He's made some new friends at the zoo. They travel in packs. And they don't need a full moon to commune. Like Wolfen, The Howling, and An American Werewolf in London before it, Hybrid delivers a snarlingly sharp twist on the werewolf genre for an all new generation of animal lovers.

    not the best movie I've seen, yet I still would not recommend watching the movie.
  • amorarite16 March 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was a great movie with some beautiful imagery of wolves. There's a spiritual element to these scenes in a way so if your not willing to open yourself up to a nature oriented spiritual viewpoint you really won't get it. It's a nice change from your typical blood and gore filled werewolf movie where people are being mauled and eaten alive. If you've seen any other movies involving transplants you'll know of the phenomenon surrounding some where the receive seems to take on the characteristics of the donor. This movie is a play on that theme. In my opinion the Native American element was a nice way to tie everything together. If you know anything about native Americans and how wolves are revered in their culture you'd get it. I loved the ending scene where Aaron is running with the wolves.

    To set some things Bill-625 said straight because they're a bit misleading:

    Those weren't monkeys in the lab. They were baboons. Which have huge teeth that can rip a good sized chunk out of your arm. So I can understand her reluctance in running out of the lab at full speed and drawing attention to herself- that would have been stupid. Baboons+running= death by primate.

    The scene where Aaron escaped out the window, the reason they knew he was there was that they see his clothes from the lab on the floor. Also it'd be plain ridiculous for them to assume he went out the window just because the window is left open. And since they didn't see him go out the window or look out the window and see him running away from the building (he was long gone by the point they did look out) they obviously didn't make that assumption. Which I give this movie points for. Too many movies seem to magically have the pursuers knowing that the hero went out the window with no real evidence on their part to support the fact.

    The "grouchy old medicine man" has the important role of sending Aaron out on his spirit quest to connect with the wolf spirit. So he was there to do more than just "spout platitudes" and "add atmosphere."

    When the military men start shooting at the trees, it's understandable- they're in a forest with wolves and Aaron ducking through trees around them- they're spooked, so of course they start firing. If anything the scene shows the writer has an understanding of the human mind and how it functions under stress.

    The reason they didn't use the guns to take our hero out, is because Aaron takes the guy he has the knife fight with over the cliff when the guns were being reloaded, and the guy left on the cliff couldn't get a clear shot at him hence the knife fight. Also all the other guys with machine guns are incapacitated by that point so there weren't actually six machine guns available.


    There were a few points in the movie that needed more work. I thought the hand to hand fight scenes could have used more energy.
  • wolfsbane_3318 December 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    I actually thought that this movie pretty good. But can be re-filmed to be better. Everyone who thought this movie was bad is wrong it is good! Especially with Cory Monteith. Obviously there was going to be no singing It was made in 2007 and Glee was made in like 2009! Cory had no idea That he was going to be a Glee star.

    Also I like how they didn't actually make him actually turn into a wolf (Even though I like that sorta stuff) Because in most movies its stereotypical. He gets bitten, His life sucks. Loses everything and then turns out right. BUT! in this movie It was a whole different concept. I liked it and Maybe in the future they can make it better.
  • Frightening film dealing with the consequences of science gone mad and the terrible results of horrible laboratory experimentation. While this deals with the implantation of the eyes of a wolf into the sockets of a human, it serves well as an overall cautionary tale regarding the steps that are being taken in the name of science to invade the realm of the natural and assaulting that which is outside our domain. Powerfully expressed through a brilliant script by Arne Olsen and stunningly directed by Yelena Lanskaya, this motion picture features superb performances by Tinsel Korey, William MacDonald, and the always welcome Justine Bateman. The imagery is haunting and the horror is sometimes simply overwhelming in its intensity. The important message of the film does not preclude it being a terrific genre entry and entertaining movie. Do not miss the jolting terror, unholy monstrousness, and disturbing horror that is Hybrid.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, after reading some really brutal reviews and having seen the movie myself, I'm still getting mixed feelings.

    It has the potential to be a good movie, but there's a lot of confusion, a ton of loose ends, and scenes that feel really out of place.

    Case in point, how does him having the eyes of a wolf give him the instincts and memories of one? Eyes don't have memories, they merely transmit them. That's like saying if you look into a mirror you can see everything that has ever been reflected in that mirror. Obviously, you can't.

    The weird scene with the monkeys getting out of their cages made no sense either, and how he just runs up to the Indian girl's door 3/4 of the way through the movie and next minute they're doing it? What the heck? Overall, I'd say it's not a good enough movie to watch for the sake of watching a movie, but if you're seeking some artistic inspiration it might be worth your time, especially if you're aiming for a nature or native American theme.
  • The movie is a good movie and it is Science fiction so if it is not good because of stuff that can't happen in real life they should not watch science fiction movies!!!The story line was a little awful though! Someone with better acting skills and directing should be a part of a movie like that! Someone should try to remake the movie and add more detail to the original movie idea! Besides those issues this movie is a good movie for teenagers like me that just enjoy the way it turned out!I like wolves and that is part of the reason why I like the movie! And there are people out there that enjoy this movie too! Just because some people are retarded that doesn't give anyone the right not to try to have a remake of the movie! And if given the chance I would even be a part of the movie as an actor!
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