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  • After being bored with a board meeting after stopping Solomon Grundy from stealing a magic staff, Bruce Wayne puts a new machine revealed, Brother Eye, in charge, as he proceeds to sell Wayne Tech. However, this leads to Two-Face buying the company, and plotting to use Brother Eye to take other Gotham and destroy both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Also, Red Hood has arrived to challenge the Bat Family.

    While some people may not like this, this is actually a good film for kids who are not yet ready for films like the ones in the DCEU or the Dark Knight Trilogy. As a result of this being a Lego DC movie, they did change Red Hood's origin story to be more kid-friendly, however, seeing as the Lego DC films are part of their own continuity, it should not be a problem. Also, the movie has some good references to classic Batman shows and cartoons (one scene has the bat poles from the 1966 Batman series, complete with automatic suit up, and another scene has a Grey Ghost playing as Batman and Two-Face duel with swords, a neat reference to the episode from Batman: The Animated Series).

    However, there can be some annoying things (Nightwing and Batgirl keep bringing up a missed text that got them on non-speaking terms, which they never shut up about), but this is a good DTV movie and one that is perfect for younger kids or anyone into Lego or superheroes.
  • Stunning CGI but it's just for kids. I liked the other one better. This one couldn't hold my attention for too long. But it's very well made!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love Lego films. What I love about the films is the dialogue. There is a level of sarcasm that is critical of itself, culture, and the action film genre. This is especially true when the kids don't get it because they were not alive 30 years ago. This film limited the clever dialogue and instead gave us a lot of action. That is not to say it didn't have some good lines or the sarcasm wasn't there. It just wasn't as good. This tends to happen at the end of a good series run.
  • It's hard to say what the point of this movie is. It lacks the grit of the animated Batman movies with similar stories, and has at best a very tame version of the satire of the mainstream Lego Batman movies, or even the games.

    You could say it is a good entry level film for kids, but it does really require at least some knowledge of the Batman universe due to the multiple characters who don't have any sort of introduction. The story definitely assumes that you know your Batman and yet doesn't try to do all that much original.

    Having said that it is not a bad movie, it's a fine story and will definitely entertain any child fan. If there werent multiple other better versions of this then it would probably be pretty good, but as it is, it just seems unnecessary.
  • raglejo16 November 2019
    If you an adult hoping this will keep your attention, it's a LEGO movie... you should know what to expect. It's appropriate for my 9 yr old and that's about all that matters.
  • For a straight to DVD lego movie this was one of the better ones, with better animation than the other lego DVD movies and is pretty funny.

    Batman and DC characters that we love in lego form, how isn't this fun watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with Batman take down a bad guy called Solomon Grundy! As turnout, this film is about Jason Todd aka Robin disguise as Red Hood to take revenge on Batman! He accuse Batman abandon him and acquire Batman company and the A.I machine "Brother Eye" to ruin Gotham! He later use by Two-Face and turn back to good side with Batman again! Entire film full of action and funny scene! From beginning Batman take down Grundy, Batwoman fight with Killer Croc! Nightwing, Robin (this one is Batman's son), Batwoman and Batgirl driving two jet and fight with Penguin! Batgirl defeat Scarecrow gimmick! All this action scene actually quite watchable! I simply point out two funny scene! The Whiz reporter ask Batman donate him five dollar, after Batman really donate the amount, he regret saying should ask for ten dollar instead! Another one is, Batman ask a random guy "Fred" for using his vehicle, Fred ask Batman help him to buy things in return and ask for Batman autograph too! Later Fred saying Batman forget to buy ice-cream! At the end, Batman and his ally take down the Omac drone control by Brother Eye, and shutdown Brother Eye! At the very end, Batman playing video game with Robin(Jason Todd), and asking another Robin(Batman's son) walk his dog! Still have a post credit scene! The Whiz reporter actually is Billy Batson aka Shazam! He walk in a train at that scene! That's it! A worth to watch animation film!
  • Decent movie, stopped paying attention early on, still alright to watch though. Couple good jokes
  • dasa10810 August 2021
    It is a funny movie. The characters are presented in a friendly way inviting various quality jokes. Batman wears his traditional costume (Adam West type) and it's a welcome tribute. Here the main generator of jokes is Batman and that is appreciated; the current way of presenting the character as a traumatized and vindictive being is far from the character we grew up with. Ideal to watch and have fun.
  • Lost interest when heard batman's voice was different...
  • shroomanp3 September 2021
    The amount of people over analysing this movie is ridiculous.

    It's LEGO for chrissakes, it's literally made for ten year olds, yet most people reviewing it here would think it had been entered for the Palm D'or at Cannes!

    Stop trying to sound like you're writing a dissertation for a degree in negative film criticism and maybe watch something in your comfort zone, as films that are made for children don't seem to be your thing.

    Oh, and giving a movie a low score because you didn't like a particular voice actor is not the point of these reviews, it's childish and unnecessary. It lowers ratings, and puts off people who would otherwise watch it, i.e children, who it was intended for.

    My kids, who DO fit the target audience loved it, and I thought it was quite funny too.

    If you're ten, then you'll love it, if you're a disgruntled twentysomething who thinks their opinion is of great importance and must be shared with the world, then you're probably better off with whatever's being shown at Montreaux or Sundance.

  • LEGO DC Batman: Family Matters (2019) is a movie I recently watched on HBOMAX. The storyline follows a villain known as Red Hood who wants to tear apart Batman and his friends - Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl and Alfred. Red Hood will be aided by Two-Face, Scarecrow and other legendary villains. Can Batman and team stop this mysterious villain? This movie is directed by Matt Peters (Lego DC: Aquaman) and contains the voices of Tara Strong (Loki), Christian Lanz (Coco), Troy Baker (Batman: The Long Halloween), Tom Kenny (Transformers) and Jason Spisak (Piranha 3D). The storyline for this is very entertaining and does a great job of delivering Red Hood while mixing in other key members of the Batman universe. The animation is excellent as is the dialogue. The fight scenes are awesome and I loved how the Scarecrow was depicted. The Bruce Wayne vs Batman conclusion was also clever and well executed. Overall this is an entertaining film worth your time that I would score a solid 6.5-7/10.
  • Although Troy Baker and the rest of the cast are giving their best to deliver great performances - it's not enough to save the movie from it's terrible writing, which includes the story, characters and dialogue as well as the mediocre and forgettable music.

    While the animation is not as appealing as the theatrically released LEGO movies in "The Lego Movie" franchise - it's still very impressive to look at, even if people complaint that it looks more like a low-budget movie or a video game quality cutscene that the LEGO games have today. The sound is great, but it does include some stock sound effects that can be found in many terrible animated movie (also in comedy movies) and the cinematography is also great, however there was a moment where Batgirl falls from a great high in her hallucination, which was caused by The Scarecrow and for some reason they cut to six different shots of the same falling and it looks very bad.

    Overall it was a enjoyable movie, but contains flaws, which can really ruin the experience for a lot of people and i don't think that many would want to watch it again after the first viewing, but even with it's problems - i'll still revisit the movie again in the future and "LEGO DC: Batman - Family Matters" gets a 4.6/10.