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  • ops-5253527 September 2021
    Been told before, both as bios and in documentaries, girl hate mum and dad, and drives boyfriend into a hateful rage of anger towards his girlfriends parents, who takes the blowjob blowing their heads into salami.

    Its average acted, the court settings seems very artificial, and the build up seems to me far too big, what about the aftermath?, did they call themselves in, did they flee on a busy bee.? What about the little brother...

    well its a time filler for you that likes true crime dramas, and understanding the portugese language is an upperhand. So just a 6 from the grumpy old man, abla no portugese.
  • The actors did a good job, but the storyline is a bit boring at times.

    Also, I thought they would go through the murder itself and what happened after that, since it is when the psychopathy of Suzanne is more evident, but they didn't explore that much.

    All in all, not an exciting movie.
  • The guy's pov. Good thriller but it doesn't focus on the people but rather is more interested to give us a recap of the relationship of the perpetrators. I think a documentary on the incident would yield a better results.
  • Real life crimes aren't as well explored in Brazilian cinema as they could be. Which is why I think the idea to dramatize a famous crime was a perfectly valid attempt. And some of the details shown are very interesting, The choices made, though, fell flat in an attempt to maybe try a new formula. The choices I refer to are skipping the whole police investigation, not making any attempt to build up suspense and straight up spoiling all the facts to the audience in the first 5 minutes. The two-part movie was made with the only purpose of making a point that the testimonies of two perpetrators are conflicting in a few key points. The result is that the two parts are mostly redundant and feel like you're watching two slightly different cuts of the same movie. The conflicting testimonies aren't a strong enough premise to revolve the whole project around, and could be clearly shown to the audience in maybe 10 minutes in the third act. The events the movies are based on happened almost 20 years ago, but the script just assumes that it's useless to make a compelling narrative because everyone already knows how it ends. A sad waste of potential.
  • This is one of the two films released simultaneously about the most famus of the Brazilian crimes, in which university student Suzane killed her parents with her boyfriend and his brother. The exact participation is exactly why we have two films. One with her own version, and other with her boyfriend's.

    This will only appeal to Brazilians, because of how famous the entire affair is. It is not particularly interesting as a crime, for fans of the genre. The film focuses on the events that led to it, not the act per se. Which is a good decision, people want to know how they were able to do such a brutal murder, without remorse.

    The idea of two films is interesting, and though they are very similar (most scenes shot only once), the films should be seen in sequence (the order doesn't matter). They are short, under 90 minutes each.

    Acting is surprisingly OK, I believe most people expected an exploitation spectacle. It has a lot more dignity than that. Nothing fantastic, but it will be enough for the millions who are curious to understand what is not understandable. I would have liked to see more of the crime, the lack of images leaves a lukewarm sensation. I dont like brutality at all, but you can only "feel" this whole story within a brutality scenario.
  • The worst movie I've ever seen. The casting, the direction nothing was good. It isn't worth watching. The story wasn't actually portrayed in a good way. Also, the acting was too intense where it shouldn't have been. I'm sorry but the actors should really learn acting first. There was no suspense in the movie, it was so obvious why and who killed them. They could've done a better job in showing the story in its actual way. I'm surely not gonna watch the second part also will suggest that you don't have to spend your 1.5 hour on this movie. I'd rather watch a cartoon than this movie, still i wasted my time.
  • kosmasp4 November 2023
    No pun intended - apparently there are two other movies connected to this (real) story. Not sure I will watch them - just found out while I looked for this to rate and review. While this is a movie and is a dramatic reenactment - it can still be classified a true crime story/documentary I reckon. The English title gives the game away I reckon - on the other hand, it won't take long for the main characters to do so themselves.

    That all being said, the acting is good. If characters annoy you, that is meant to be that way. We all react different to pressure ... to difficult situations. Life is stranger than fiction ... this is even stranger I reckon - sorry for the pun. Acting is ok ...

    Brazilian film where he narrates in the version of Garoto Daniel what happened before Suzane's parents were brutally murdered in her bedroom. The film consists of showing all this context before the act, but the film is very poor in many aspects, from directing to editing, first let's talk about acting, I didn't really like the acting, especially coming from Carla Diaz, who plays Suzanne, at various times it becomes forced and cannot build the tension of the moment, in addition to the direction not helping much in this construction of tension, her acting forces at various times, I even wondered if I was watching a movie or a play made by the sisters of church in which I congregate. The soundtrack doesn't have much to say, it's not very essential in the film since it doesn't contribute much to the scenes, much of the soundtrack is made of heavy rock. Perhaps the biggest factor that this film lacks is the direction and editing, as in fact the narration of a real story can be interesting if applied in a succinct and good way, it didn't need so much screen time for contexts than in thirty minutes of film we can understand, in addition to the fact that the film, as it is a case of homicide, it tries to give an air of psychopathy in its edition full of flash and memories of crazy or depressing moments, but it ends up becoming crude because it cannot create tension and it stays those scenes flashing over and over as if the terror of the characters' minds had passed, sanity slipping away, if the scenes were more direct, unedited, untracked, just the movement and blood splashing along with the screams I can guarantee the tension would be bigger as it would be a raw and cold death without any trace of humanity but thanks to the editing of the film this is broken and the credits go up giving the dear viewer a relief from having put up with an hour and thirty minutes with a slur and weak contexts that make me sleepy. In addition to other factors like not feeling connection between the main couple that makes the movie move, The Girl Who Killed Her Parents becomes a real boring case movie and it frustrates me a little because we know it really happened and it could be a lot better tapped, but in the end that's what we got. Closure The girl who killed her parents with grade: 4.
  • dougdemelo13 October 2021
    The acting is awful and the casting doesn't reflect the real people. Did the actors were technically chosen or they are the sons of people who contributed to the making of the film? Terrible. Don't wast your time.
  • Carla Diaz did an amazing job! I remember really well about this brutal crime and she did an awesome job...she is Suzane in the movie.
  • What is is with ths specific region that it falls into such outdated stereotypes when it comes to the visual aspect of storytelling through film.. landscapes are awesome, houses are spot on but when it comes to the actors suddenly the level drops to high school musical drama. Saw the same sad attempts at relevance or street smarts in the Millenium trilogy, makes your toenails flip if you have ever seen the real life version of what they are trying to portray, as they lapsed into cartoonish charicatures that lack any believability if you are over 8 years old and sober.
  • Exepctation was high! A intriguing crime that shook the midia. A privileged daughter who kills her parents. I've red somewhere here that watching the movie, it felt like it was fake. Sure did! Fake dialogs, fake scenes, fake situations, typical movie made by who doesn't know how to tell stories. It's lke that all actors got together and decided to make a movie in the night before, very poor drama. And what about 2 films about pratically the same narrative. Similar and often same takes used to tell the story. At least, with just one movie with 2 visions could earn an extra star.
  • This film is intense and shows how the same story can have so many versions. But in the end, for those who remember the time the crime took place, it is obvious to know what is true or false. One of the most impressive things about the film is the performance of actress Carla Diaz, who plays Suzane. It's clear her talent and how she studied for this role. She's just amazing, she's terrifying when she needs to be, you can see how intense she can be without looking fake, instead you believe 100% in her, until you see the other movie and see a completely different person.
  • This is not good at all. Nobody I know liked it and neither did I.
  • I know Carla Diaz from her acting when she was still a kid and, later on, during her teenage times. I could never imagine such terrible acting and I am inclined to believe she was misguided by the direction and production to present such a poor acting. Actually, she is not the only one who did bad in the dialogs, making me even more certain that the director didn't know what he was doing. The movies are both boring and repetitive. Of course it should be at some level repetitive since is the same story being told by two people, but they could save us some time to skip the same scenes. The dialogs are unnatural, far from feeling reality while watching. I could see all the time the actress playing instead of the character and I wouldn't recommend this waste of movie to anyone. Such a good idea for a movie based in true facts, great actors and such a terrible outcome. Sad sad sad.
  • gabby-123428 September 2021
    For some reason my previous rate and review has been deleted. I am wondering why!

    All those spammers giving a 10 rate don't know nothing about movie.

    As I said before, most of the acting was weak. It seems that they were playing a soap opera. The both main character was hard to believe, not natural at all.

    The better acting was from the guy who played the brother Christian ! By the way he is the only reason that I am giving 3 stars. Otherwise would be a zero.

    The script was also weak and superficial.

    Also the make up and hair stylist was weird, some point at the movie the main character was looking like a zombie from The Walking Dead and that wig??? Really ?!!

    I could even watch the second movie about the Boy view ... the first 10 minutes was painful.

    If you are a movie lover and know about movie don't waste your time! If you are a soap opera lover this movie will be very entertaining for you.
  • mimabessa26 September 2021
    If you like true story crimes, you should definitely watch both movies of this story. The Von Richthofen case was one of the most shocking crimes in Brasil.

    Carla Diaz should receive awards for her amazing performance of Suzane. I had chills in some scenes.. I also really enjoyed the soundtrack and directing.
  • killercharm11 August 2022
    This is a mediocre flick but I like it better than its partner, The Boy who Killed my Parents, a movie made by the same director with the same actors playing the same parts. One movie is from the girl's POV and the other is from her beau's POV. They each accuse the other of being the mastermind behind the crime. I find this one more believable and it seems as if Carla Diaz is actually better in this one. Nonetheless, this is still a production plagued with horrible dubbing and/or subtitles. Alas, even when I turn the titles and dubbing off the actors are nowhere fast. The visuals are hinky as well. This is based on the true story of Suzane von Richtofen and the murder of her parents.
  • Because this movie is crap.

    The main actress is a deception.

    The atmosphere of the film is shallow and I would give 1 to direction, leader actress, leading actor, script, photography and so on...

  • I followed the real case in Brazil when it happened and ygr development of the investigations. However, the film didn't explore more about the crime, it focused too much on the before and could have been better detailed, even the past.

    The cast could have been a lot better, as well as the focus on the proper planning of the crime and what happened to Suzanne after....

    It kept going in circles, with poor acting and the dialogue is monotonous, disconnected scenes making the film boring.

    Honestly, I wasted my time and I do not recommend anyone to watch this film, it is better to look up on Google what really happened, as it is more interesting.
  • At first the acting was looking fake, but doing some research about the real case, and watching some interviews we can see that this was the reality!!! The girl with 22 years old was dressing up like a kid in the court and acting exactly how is expressed in the movie. The only thing that could change is maybe tell a little more about the judgment. Please, it you never heard about the real case search for it, is going to give you shivers.
  • Between the closed caption English and the English audio, the story was all over the place. Even though I got the gist of it it was hard to follow. Very laughable at moments. I don't know who's giving this movie 10-star ratings. It's pushing it with a four for me.
  • The real life story is well known, and I was seriously afraid of how bad taste could be exploring it. There is indeed some exploitation atmosphere in the cheesy music score. Anyway, tone is often a bad one, sometimes too melodramatic, others as stylish action, others as sluggish soap opera, others as cliché thriller... Script is not only shallow but also seems sometimes to justify the brutal crime as her parents (particularly her father) were very unpleasant. The narrative on the boyfriend, the good hard-working boy with perfect parents, also bothered me. It is just business: audience was predictably easy, and Amazon Studios did not care either about producing a good film or about respecting the dramatic real-life event, as profit is the goal.
  • RosanaBotafogo5 October 2021
    The productions are very good, in fact they only reinforce the doubt of who manipulated who, or both acted in their own interest, which is more likely, I felt sorry for the parents of the carnations and poor Andreas, who was the biggest victim, who still suffers from the sequels of the crime, while the trio managed to rebuild itself, and in this version the tarnished honors are up to Malfred who goes out with prostitutes, while his wife, Marísia had an affair with a friend, which we will never know if it was true either...
  • A very good movie, the script is great, the cast worked really well, the movie is perfect...
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