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  • horizon200824 July 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    I was quite impressed with the start of this movie, it has this bleached out look as if made back in the 1970s and you can feel the humid heat of the area as the girls chat and travel along in the car. Once they find the body of a girl beside the road who's been raped and battered things (in terms of acting) kinda slip a little.

    The actual rape of the girls which inevitably comes soon after, is probably not violent enough for a movie like this to really get the blood boiling for the expected later revenge. I remember the first time I saw I Spit On Your Grave (the original) I almost wanted to climb into the screen and kill those guys myself. The rape here though (to me) was portrayed a little too erotically (if thats the right word) and didn't convey the true horror that something like this entails. Effectively, if I watch a movie which involves rape and revenge, the rape should be horrible enough to set up the vengeful violence later (which must be twice as brutal to satisfy me). Isn't that what everyone wants?

    Hmm... Which leads me to that...

    The revenge:

    Well, it's just not very gory. OK, some may disagree (maybe I've seen too many horror flicks lol) but a minor hammer beating, and a barbed wire strangulation are a bit weak. Although a better director maybe could have built the tension up that these sufficed. Sadly there's little in terms of tension in the movie. I can see what the director was trying to do by hoping to create a bleak landscape with little dialogue. But a lot of it just doesn't work (again, the early part of the movie is excellent in doing this though). In the end, you really aren't given enough meat to build a huge connection and pity for the girls, and you aren't given enough bloody revenge against the men either. And I must say, that last killing, or form of, caused me to burst out laughing. I mean, really?

    This movie sadly, was a bit of a pig's ear.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Four young ladies traveling the countryside (Argentina?) come across a young girl beaten and raped. They take her to the police station and discover a cop was involved. In turn they are raped, tortured, beaten, and some are killed. The revenge part takes place 15 minutes from the end which made what should have been good climatic scenes, anti-climatic.

    The opening sound track of techno-death metal was decent, but then they didn't bother to use it. The English subtitles used the British spellings but also too frequently misspelled words such as "dont" and "colledge." The girls did some fast talking in the beginning as subtitles raced across the screen and then there was hardly any talking. You never got to know the characters in spite of a long poorly shot car drive scene where there was a lot of wasted silence. The film starts out claiming "it did happen" which is a credible as a Presidential tweet.

    Now if you just want to see young girls get raped without much of a story, this is the film.

    Guide: F-word, rape, nudity
  • Having seen this movie, come up as one mean nasty brutal shocker, I was very interested in giving it a chance. I read the positive and quite provoking reviews on IMDb, got my hands no this movie, and really gave it a chance. I really wanted to... What I got in return was the dullest, most outright senseless piece of garbage I cam across in quite a while. Never was one scene interesting or thought through enough to hold my attention longer than 10 sec. Never was one of these so called "characters" (because sincerely that had NOTHING to do with acting), likable enough, for me to care for them the least bit.

    The scenery, laughable, the screenplay, not to mention, character design, emotional depth of each of the figures, the plot, I will write it again the PLOT, was just not existent! Thankfully due to the state of modern technology we are able to enjoy, i fast forwarded the last 30mins or so, so not more of my life time would be stolen!

    For those who shall be interested in watching this nonsense, read the weather forecast for the next week, it will thrill you far more than this ever could!
  • kosmasp3 May 2020
    It's one thing knowing there will be violence and another to have it going on for an extended period of time. I'm not a big fan of the rape&revenge genre in general, but this is really something here. Maybe there is a "softer" version out there but if you watch the one that you are supposed to watch it will take a toll on you (or at least it should).

    Having said all that, what is even worse, when it finally comes to the "good" part, the one where the victims are going on a revenge spree ... it feels fake. There is no equivalent to what was done to them and to what they dish out. So even in that department it fails to deliver (us from evil) .... "Acting" does not help too much either
  • Attending horror conventions you were noticed that this would become an instant classic. To have so much fuss it must have been something special and face it, how many Argentinian flicks do make it to Europe? Adrián García Bogliano had made already a lot of flicks and even wrote them but naturally by doing it in Spanish it never got any of our attention.

    No Moriré Sola is a straight in your face grindhouse. If you could dig the original rape/revenge flicks like I Spit On Your Grave (1978) then I should recommend this one too. The story is written in a few sentences but ho, it really works.

    It works because it doesn't contain arty farty shots or CGI. It works because the overall look of this flick is cheap. No flashy effects or colour grading. It works because it goes slowly to involve towards the roughness at the end. Due being a revenge flick it doesn't have too much gory shots, it is even a bit low on the red stuff but the brutality is what gives you the creeps. The rape scene is also really slow and it goes on and on from one girl to another. On that part the girls go full frontal and even now and then a guys dick is shown. So for those with a weak stomach I wouldn't recommend it.

    It's one of those flicks that could happen, being at the wrong place at the wrong time and seeing that something isn't right, of course to us South America is known for its corruption which is exploited here too.

    The acting was believable especially from the 4 girls getting into trouble. And the score did at a bit of weirdness all over this flick.

    I'll Never Walk Alone is for the grindhouse/exploitation buffs, others will be offended in a way Irreversible did.

    Gore 2/5 Nudity 3,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
  • When Meir Zarchi made I Spit On Your Grave in 1978, he would never have comprehended the legacy that his film would eventually generate. Seen as one of the more controversial of the named video nasties, it and the genre it has recently been generating is making waves again.

    This Argentine roughie must rank as one of the more effective and respectful homages to Zarchi's film. Except that here, experienced micro-budget horror director, Bogliano, takes the genres usual conceits and batters the viewers conscious for the entire duration.

    Filmed in the stark sunshine of a remote part of Argentina, a group of four young girls drive past a battered and bloody body of another girl. After taking the body to the local police, upon leaving they are followed by a trio of hunters who show little mercy.

    Anyone who has seen I Spit On Your Grave or, indeed, last year's remake will know the direction the film will turn. The violence is very naturalistic which will repulse the unweary. Add to this a relentless, uneasy soundscape that permeates throughout (think Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974) which is both grating and disturbing in equal measure. A brilliant example of effective low budget film making, using subtle sound techniques to off put the viewer, making you forget any budget limitations (there are noticeably a few).

    The performances from the four leads are pitched perfectly. Bogliano not too indulgent with giving background detail, although a sense of compassion is forced upon us. This is especially true following the brutal ordeal that the group go through. Directly after the violent assault(s), there can be very few scenes as disturbing or powerful in recent memory as the reaction that the group's youngest member conveys, her character completely broken.

    Whether anybody would want to watch such fare is really an individual choice. But there is no doubt that this is the real deal - a modern grindhouse film without the retro trappings currently being thrown at us. Granted, there are references abound (see who the film acknowledges in its opening credits for further clues), particularly from the original grindhouse movement (Thriller: A Cruel Picture is covered on a number of occasions for instance), but No Morire Sola remains a horrific horror ordeal. A true video nasty.
  • All the puritan movie-critics that once labeled "I Spit on your Grave" as the worst, sickest and most gratuitously exploitative horror movie ever made (I'm looking at you, Mr. Roger Ebert) are warmly advised to stay a million miles away from this Spanish/Argentinean co-production called "I'll Never Die Alone" (lovely title, by the way). Every element that made the aforementioned Rape & Revenge milestone a "class-sick" are intensified several times here, making this one of the most unpleasant, repellent and disturbing cinematic experiences I ever witnessed. We're talking vastly extended and shockingly graphic rape sequences, uncomfortably long moments of silence, aggregating acts of retaliation, a pounding grunt soundtrack and an overall ambiance of nausea. Unless I overlooked a title, this is the first genuine throwback to the most infamous sub genre of horror of the 1970's. With the emphasis nowadays lying on torture-porn flicks and tributes to Grindhouse movies, the department of Rape & Revenge movies somewhat got pushed into oblivion lately. These new torture flicks are quite sick and mega-violent, yet none of them come even close to recreating the gritty atmosphere and level of intensity of such flicks as "House on the Edge of the Park", "Fight for your Life", the original "Last House on the Left" and of course "I spit on your Grave". With "I'll Never Die Alone"; director Adrian Garcia Bogliano impressively brings back the sickest type of 70's exploitation cinema and I'm convinced many fans of the era will welcome this film with wide-open arms. The plot is very basic and straightforward as it should be. Four young girls on a road-trip through the most rural countryside of Argentina witness the murder of another girl by a trio of poachers. As they stop by the nearest police station to get help, the trio's leader also turns out to be a higher ranked authority figure. Immediately after leaving the police station, the girls find themselves pursued by the poachers' jeep. They are barbarically raped and mutilated before the strongest once have a chance to fight back. The rape sequences are particularly excruciating because A) they are shot integrally and B) because the four lead girls appear to be incredibly young. They honestly don't look a day older as 18, which makes the shock-impact all the more intense. And either they are all four naturally gifted actresses or they were genuinely terrified during the shooting, as their facial expressions during the rapes and the rage in their eyes seem frighteningly legitimate. The bloody vengeance parts are reasonably grueling as well, including someone getting hammered to death and another bastard getting strangled by barbwire. The unsteady cinematography and raw editing may appear amateurish and low budget like, but it actually just epitomizes the raunchy tone of the film. If you are sick and tired of the nowadays exaggeratedly hyped torture flicks like "Hostel" and the numerous "Saw" sequels, try and get your dirty little hands on this authentic hardcore-to-the-bone exploitation effort.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    because I am so tired of rape victims, at least in the USA, being brainwashed by therapists to forgive and forget because their rapists were "sick" and could not help themselves. Hogwash. They are cruel brute beasts who deserve the same fate that the rapists got in this film.

    This film takes an entirely different approach from most of this genre. First, its hardly a travel brochure for Argentina as the police are shown as completely in league with the rapists who seem to be hunting women as well as animals.

    Four female college students are traveling through rural Argentina back to their middle class homes when they find a woman who has been severely injured and sexually assaulted. They also saw "the hunters". They pick up the woman, who dies, and go to the local police. Bad idea. The police seem completely indifferent. As they leave town the women are sideswiped, kidnapped, taken out into the brush and brutally raped. One dies from internal injuries when she is severely beaten prior to the rape.

    Afterwards, two of the women find one of the rapists' guns and decide to track them down and "do unto others". To me the deaths of the rapists were not violent enough. Maybe we Americans just do violence better because of our frontier roots and wildness that is still in us, but I was so hoping the girls could round up the rapists, cut their hands and feet off and then bury each of them alive in a mass grave. As it is the violence done to each is not nearly worthy of their past actions. Only the last killed gets a really horrible death, and you don't even get to see it.

    We probably won't have the death penalty in the US much longer, but films like this should remind people that sometimes to beat them you have to join them - in technique at least.
  • Looking at the cover of I'll Never Die Alone it seems to come across as some wannabe exploit flick. Which I guess it is, as it doesn't really bring anything new to the sub-genre of rape/revenge exploitation. But what it does do, it does very well.

    The story is about a gaggle of four femininas going on a lil drive, and they happen to pass a dying girl on the road. The other comment said one of the girls witnessed it. I guess I totally missed that. Anyways, they go back and pick her up, and see the guys who were responsible for her injuries. The baddies eventually meet up with the girls not long after...and you know what kinda things go down next.

    When it comes down to it the rape/revenge flick is a pretty easy exploit flick to make. Grab some gung-ho actors and actresses, and a good make-up artist. Bingo. But at the same time it's not that easy to make an accomplished one. Which thankfully is what Adrián García Bogliano has done here. With a slow-burn style that tries to suck you into the Argentine wilderness, and long intimate shots of graphic sequences, he instead of making it an overly extreme flick, it ends up becoming more emotional.

    As I just mentioned, the director enjoys taking long shots of his actresses. And this tends not to work so well sometimes. There were a couple one-shot sequences that lasted for far too long. A shot that felt stylish, eventually started feeling artsy, and then like the director was trying too hard. But the thing is, I'd rather have a director try hard, than not try at all.

    Because of a cast of pretty good actors (besides the cute flabby girl), a few choice scenes of brutal violence, some sleazy rape, and the director's appealing style, No Morire Sola very easily becomes a recommendable modern exploitation flick that many should enjoy. And one I hope to enjoy more once I see it with subtitles.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "I'll Never Die Alone" is a nasty and mean rape and revenge flick obviously influenced by "Last House on the Left" and "I Spit on Your Grave".It tells the story of four female university students,who travel back to their family home in the remote outback of the La Plata region.During their journey they find raped and battered woman.She was sexually violated by three local hunters.Soon all four girls are captured by them.The orgy of rape and sexual violence begins in the sunny woods of La Plata.Two surviving women mercilessly pursue their attackers and extract bloody revenge via hammer,shotgun and barbwire.The rape sequence is nasty,merciless and very disturbing as is the violence.Unfortunately some shots are far too long and the lack of dialogue comes across as slightly disappointing.Still truly brutal and sick rape and revenge flick perfect for fans of misogynistic exploitation.8 out of 10.
  • Rape/revenge movies aren't supposed to be enjoyable. And this is not enjoyable but it's a great piece of film making and a great addition to the genre. For many, it may feel far too slow and even dull, but that's where the strength and power of the movie lies. As with Funny Games, the director refuses to rush through the mundane, forcing the viewer to acknowledge the reality simulated on the screen. An exploitation director wouldn't spend 3 minutes on burial, let alone on a long shot of it.

    Adrián García Bogliano also takes defies convention by keeping the soundtrack minimal and ambient emphasizing the dull horror of not only the rapes, but of the revenge.

    The huge accomplishment of this movie is in getting the words "subtle" and "rape/revenge movie" into the same sentence.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My wife and I have been on a kick to watch the the worst, or best, depending on how you look at it, of these type of movies for the last year or so. This is a depraved and awesome example of the rape/revenge genre. If you are looking for a dirty and nasty movie where you get to see all 4 protagonists get raped and naked, this is a great film for you. If your squeamish at all, give it a pass. The production is great, acting is on par, and for the most part, you are not screaming at the screen for better decisions to be made. Ignore the negative reviews but make sure you buy the uncut version. Expect I Spit on your Grave but better!