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  • A nice homage to the 80's Friday the 13th type of films. Unfortunately, if there are too many holes in your boat it will sink, as this film did.

    I never heard of it until it played 1x only last night so I figured I'd give it a look. It started out fine with the stereotypical horny camp counselors, children (dorks, geeks, etc.) and 'adults in charge'. Then, of course, something awakens the evil spirit and folks get to dying. There is a twist in the beginning in how people start dying so I won't ruin it for you.

    In act 2 there are no surprises but this is when you start noticing the holes. 'How did this person get over there?' or 'Why didn't you tell your fellow survivors what you just witnessed?'

    In the final act it was almost like the scriptwriters just didn't care. They skipped over all logic, failed to explain how the rules/laws governed this spirit worked and just gave the audience an unsatisfactory ending.
  • Having grown up on 80s horror, I was excited to see what I thought would be a throwback to summer camp slasher movies. The fact that it was released in a local multiplex rather than direct to on demand upped my curiosity.

    Unfortunately, the film is so tonally challenged that I couldn't enjoy it on any level. It's poorly written and not particularly scary or funny. On top of that, there are too many characters which make it impossible to care about any of them. Acting ranges from decent to awful. The villain is ill conceived and the supernatural element is uninteresting. Gore was ok at times, weak at others. As the movie progresses you just start caring less and less and wanting it all to end.
  • "Another 80s throwback slasher?!?", I understandably hear you think. Well, ...yes! But hey, I usually give these the benefit of the doubt, simply a) because the atmosphere of horror movies set in the eighties is so irresistible, b) because they normally feature a good portion of gore and bloodshed, c) because I can't wait to discover what delightful 80s pop-song classic the makers have recycled this time!

    The song is Kim Wilde's phenomenal "Kids in America" and it's integrally playing during the opening credits taking place during the last day of Camp Briarbrook in Maine, at the end of the sunny summer of 1987! Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are far worse ways to kickstart a piece of nostalgia-horror. And we joyously continue with more summer camp horror clichés, like hormones-driven camp counselors celebrating their last day around the fire, and playfully performing a ritual that supposedly summons an evil witch who got buried here the woods 40 years ago after she possessed one of the kids at camp. Guess what, the campfire fright-tale is real! An evil spirit named Agatha is unleashed upon the campers and counsellors, and her presence brings a couple of dark secrets to the surface about the camp's founding family.

    "She Came from the Woods" is the long-feature version of a successful short film that won several prizes at festivals in 2017. Haven't seen the short, but the least I can write about this full-length update is that it is made by a spirited and extremely enthusiast cast & crew team! There's a remarkably splendid balance between mandatory 80s horror clichés versus fresh and inventive elements. The setting and characters catapult you 35 years back into time, but it's not as if they are getting killed in the order you expect them to. Personally, I found it quite (and effectively) shocking how the most sympathetic and innocent characters are killed off so fast, whereas most of the irritating ones remain around. The possessed campers are a nice twist in the script, although I must say the background story given to the evil Agatha is rather weak and implausible. Overall, it's a pleasing horror film, and even one of the better ones I have seen this year.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film takes place in 1987 at Camp Briarbrook because it won't work well with cell phones. We are in the last days of summer camp as we are introduced to Peter (Spencer List) and his girlfriend Lauren (Clare Foley). Shawn (Tyler Elliot Burke) is Peter's older brother who takes the work more seriously than Peter. They work for their mother Heather (Cara Buono ) and Grandfather (William Sadler) the owners. Dylan (Adam Weppler ) is the alpha male extra testosterone guy who no one likes. Kellie (Emily Keefe) is the eye-candy blonde, but not as cheesy as in other horror films. The camp legend is about Nurse Agatha who takes away children and cure them by blood letting. Peter conduct a ritual to bring her back which includes a finger jab for blood. Meanwhile Shawn is taking the kids to town in a bus that has an engine that overheats. The action starts about 30 minutes in the film as Danny (Erik Bloomquist) does not take rejection lightly.

    The characters were not great. Dylan had the most character and everyone hated him. Agatha's (Madeleine Dauer) back story came toward the end.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • She Came from the Woods is trite and vapid, seemingly unaware of what makes the movies it purports to pay tribute to work. It doesn't provide any of the thrills, surprises, or guilty pleasures that make slashers tick. It feels like a sterilized notion of the sub genre as opposed to something that finds a path of its own or carries any real weight or knowledge about the half-century of films it lazily emulates.

    The production is competent but entirely uninspired, with everything from the sets to the costumes to the cinematography being perfectly plain. The revelations and escalations hit hollow and most of the would-be horrific moments are marred by the inherent lameness of kids in camp clothes. It sometimes seems like She Came from the Woods could have been a home movie shot in someone's back yard.
  • This film confused the hell out of me. The tone cannot decide on itself. If it was trying to be a horror comedy, it failed, in both genres. The film is neither funny nor scary. Just poorly acted, written and directed. If it wasn't for the amazing William Sadler being a part of this, it would be downright worthless. The actors feel like they were plucked right out of a scifi channel original. The production values are garbage. The script needs several more revisions to conceal the glaring plot holes and bits that make no sense. Theres little gore or anything to try and stand out from the overcrowded summer camp slasher genre. Honestly, we should have had a different villian all together because there's absolutely no telling if she's a supernatural ghost, a serial killer or just a lame excuse to make a film. Seems to be all 3 at once. Seriously, the villian is so lame that there is a scene at the end that reminded me of Scary Movie 3, and not ironically. Overall, a waste of space. The ritual nonsense makes zero sense and the girl from the woods is not scary in the slightest, nor was the film funny. Even the stupid one liners were terrible. You can definitely skip this one, and be thankful that you did.

    1 summer camp out of 5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have been enjoying many of the Tubi original movies and when I found this. I thought I would really enjoy it, but I found there was something lacking. It had all the right ingredients, a great setting, a fun 80s nostalgic vibe, but, some there was something just not gelling. It just did not come together and the last act was just disappointing. I think what spoiled it for me was the ghost Agatha was not scary, not even creepy. This could have been a really fun film, but no sadly not. Movies like Fragile, The Lost Footage Of Leah Sullivan and The Taking Of Deborah Logan are much better. Check those ones out instead.
  • Well, if you have problems falling asleep, here is the remedy.

    I sat down to watch the 2022 horror movie "She Came from the Woods" here in 2023, after having stumbled upon the movie by sheer luck. I had never heard about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it. But given my fascination with the horror genre, of course I had to check the movie out.

    And I managed to endure a staggering 60 minutes out of the 101 minute runtime, before I tossed the towel in the ring out of sheer and utter boredom. The storyline in the movie, as written by Erik Bloomquist and Carson Bloomquist, was incredibly bland and rather pointless. And there was actually nothing entertaining about the movie. Yet, I managed to endure one hour, hoping that the movie would pick up and get into gear.

    But that never happened. And believe me when I say that this movie is definitely not one I will ever return to attempt to finish watching. I simply didn't enjoy the storyline, and there was no appeal to the incredibly bland character gallery.

    "She Came from the Woods" sort of felt and looked like a horror comedy, but it wasn't, and that just made the ordeal even more insufferable to sit through. Because you are unsure whether director Erik Bloomquist was trying to be funny with certain scenes on the screen, or whether it was just cringeworthy and toe-curling awkward to sit through.

    I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, except for actor William Sadler. And I am sure that they were talented actors and actresses, but they virtually had nothing to work with from writers Erik Bloomquist and Carson Bloomquist.

    If you enjoy horror movies, then do yourself a favor and give this movie a wide berth.

    My rating of "She Came from the Woods" lands on a two out of ten stars, based on the production value alone.
  • 6/10. Not a classic, but enjoyable and worth your time.

    This showed up on Tubi as a "Tubi Original," so I wasn't expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this flick. It's certainly not a classic, but it is competent, suspenseful, and engaging, and I found myself glued to it in spite of myself. The special effects are well done, and with one exception, the acting is on point. This is supposedly a horror comedy, but thankfully it's mostly horror with some jokes here and there. Unlike others, I didn't find the tone uneven.

    Soundtrack was also great.

    In short, you could do worse--A LOT worse--thank SHE CAME FROM THE WOODS. I recommend it to fans of the genre.

    1-3 Don't waste your time 4-6 Good 7-9 Great 10 Outstanding, must see.
  • jrd_7313 February 2023
    When the history of movie theaters in the 2020's is written, there will be some odd entries. Last year's Terrifier 2 and now She Came from the Woods seem like direct-to-streaming movies that somehow played theaters in towns with modest populations (20,000-30,000).

    She Came from the Woods is certainly more enjoyable than the gross-out Terrifier 2, but it is not as fun as horror fans might hope. This is a retro-80's summer camp horror story that plays like a cross between Friday the 13th and The Evil Dead.

    Some have pointed to the campfire story feel that some 1980's slasher films have, Madman being the most obvious. Therefore, it seems somehow appropriate that the screenwriters, Erik and Carson Bloomquist, credit their film's story as being based on stories told around campfires. However, that is also a problem. Around a campfire a story does not need much logic, but a film needs more of a cohesive story. She Came from the Woods just seems to have stopped with Friday the 13th meets The Evil Dead. There is not much else to it. The film does not even have an interesting backstory for its sometimes supernatural villainess Agatha. The killers in The Burning (a film namechecked in She Came from the Woods) and the original Friday the 13th had more reasons for committing murder than Agatha here.

    Perhaps a bigger problem is that the film is not as fun as it should be. I laughed twice and grooved on the negative character with the blonde mullet who looked eerily like a schoolmate from high school (the character even acted a little like the real guy). Aside from those bits, I was not overly entertained. I liked the use of Kim Wilde's "Kids in America" over the opening credits, but wished the song had been used more memorably (like "Jessi's Girl" in Boogie Nights or "99 Luftballons" in Grosse Pointe Blank). The disbelieving policeman was kind of fun. I don't begrudge the matinee price I paid to watch She Came from the Woods, but I wouldn't watch it again.

    For better 1980's horror nostalgia, I would recommend Deathgasm (2015), Lake Nowhere (2014), or You're Next (2011). She Came from the Woods did not bring enough to the party.
  • The acting was good, practical effects were solid, there were some jokes, and watching it in the theater was genuinely creepy, especially with the children's laughter in surround sound. I would say I watch most horror movies that come out and this is better than 80% of what's out there.

    This paragraph is just to make my review long enough for the new six hundred character requirement instituted because Amazon's $1Billion snow ranked and got bombed on this site. Hopefully they change it back because this is a waste of my and everyone else's time for quite literally seemingly absolutely no reason. Boom six hundred characters there you go.
  • aronharde4 February 2024
    She Came from the Woods is a fun horror comedy set in 1987 in a summer camp. The setting alone is great because I love these kind of horror movies and so the movie immediately had potential. There is a lot of childish humor and jokes that I didn't mind too much but will probably throw off some audiences. The overall premise was nothing special but definitely insured some funny moments. There is some gore involved that looks pretty solid and there is some decent action. You could tell that this movie was on the budget but that makes it even more likeable in my opinion. The acting is decent and the characters clicheed but entertaining. Overall I have my fun with this and I think that the current rating is definitely too low and I hope this review can attract some audiences to give this a try. [5,7/10]
  • I don't know where to begin with this movie. I saw the trailer and the bits and pieces the way it was chopped and screwed together to makes it seem like a compelling throwback to the Camp Crystal Lake era of movies had me excited . But, what I got is a very very different movie. It had the same archetypes of the counselors and the generic campground and all that jazz but, it came off like a old CW show in conjunction with a shudder original went completely wrong. The characters were completely unlikable. The director should have never let that print to film with everybody giving a very Breathlesss Mahoney approach to their lines. E Everyone delivered their lines like they were suffering from an asthma attack. If they weren't staring off with blank expression or doing hair flips. The "she" in the movie was underwhelming the backstory made no sense at all.
  • After the boredom of 'Evil Dead Rise' I was won over by this 80s inspired slasher mainly because the characters had depth, believability and sympathy when they meet their end!

    Ok, so it isn't exactly original and all the cliches are present ( the whole premise is about conjuring the dead , demonic possession that the Evil Dead was based on) but with a witty script and well drawn characters I really enjoyed this.

    The gore and practical effects are old school and well done, it's good to see (producer) William Sadler as the summer camp elder with a secret and has some pithy one lines , inc " why don't you use your tears as lube"!
  • sini-20029 February 2024
    I love campy 80s horror slasher flicks, even the new meta ones like "Final Girls" so, I was excited to see what this one would be like, another summer camp slasher movie. I was sadly disappointed, but not that surprised.

    Unfortunately, the film is not special in any way or considered horror or slasher. Nothing happens slasher-wise until you have already gotten bored. It's poorly written and not particularly scary or funny. Also, there are too many characters. None of them are likeable so you don't care if they live or die. Actingis oversll cringe and just bad. I ended up skipping most parts. You eventually don't care what happens.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie started out good enough. I thought it was going to be your standard camp slasher. But some scenes & characters quickly changed that. It turned into a movie that was part slasher, paranormal, parody, & a little comedy.

    The Good: 1. The death scenes are well done & realistic. Some are shocking & unexpected.

    2. Most actors are believable in roles 3. Ben. Just Ben. He should've been in it more.

    The Bad: 1. Reactions to their friends/ family getting murdered were calm sometimes. They just stood & watched or maybe one person helped.

    2. Mike. Just Mike. You'll see.

    3. Comedic moments that weren't funny & plain stupid. That's why I started thinking it was a parody.

    4. Most of the counselors blended together together into a basic white boy. I had to look them up before this review to verify character names. That means that I didn't connect with most of them. No character development or poorly done.

    Here's an abbreviated version if you like to know details.

    We start off at a summer camp owned by the McAllister family: Grandpa Gilbert, Mom Heather, Younger Adult son Peter, & Older son Shawn. Heather & her dad run it, while Shawn is the handyman/driver/fixer, & Peter is a camp counselor. There are several other counselors, including Peter's girlfriend Lauren and her gay brother Ben. The rest are friends of the family or it's just a summer job (Danny, Veronica, Mike, Dylan, & Ashley).

    At the end of summer, Shawn takes the bus to drive the kids to meet their parents, since the camp is so far out. While he's doing this, Gilbert leaves to take a break from being at the camp. Heather, her sons, & other counselors stay back to clean the camp & celebrate after. The counselors end up doing their yearly ritual of trying to summon a camp ghost at the bonfire. It's all for fun & 'obviously' has never worked. But this time, they decide to all hurt themselves with a pricked finger, so that the ghost (who was a nurse at the camp decades ago) will hopefully appear to heal them. 🤣 It apparently doesn't work so most of them go to the lake to party.

    At the lake, Danny finally gets the nerve to hit on his crush. She turns him down & goes back to the group. Danny approaches her and SMASHES her head in with a big rock. The other counselors are flipping out & finally someone stabs Danny to stop him. While this is happening, Shawn's bus breaks down on a dirt road beside a corn field. He gets out to fix it & the kids all run into the corn. I immediately thought that the ritual must've worked because the kids were acting strange.

    After this, the counselors are basically trying to not get killed by the kids, who are controlled by the ghost nurse. Anyone who comes to help, like Shawn, Gilbert, or cops gets trapped at the camp. The ghost short circuits electronics, like phones and cars. The family & counselors try to figure out how to stop the ghost, but by the ending I don't think they did. If you watch, you'll also learn of the nurse's backstory before she became a ghost. It was worth a watch, just for the death scenes and Ben. Lol Maybe if the ghost nurse was in it more, I'd want to rewatch it. That definitely would've improved the movie I think.
  • One of the better b-movies in my opinion, the gore was a bit unnecessary but then again it's a slasher flick. A throwback to campy 80's horror as others have mentioned. A fun little no-brainer with a little bit of everything for horror enthusiasts. I liked the story even if it's been done to bits, they pulled it off well. The cast was very charismatic, the acting was decent for the most part and let me just say that the mom is one fine woman! Nothing stood out to me as inherently bad in this movie except I do have to say that the reactions people had to people dying around them left a lot to be desired... It was pretty funny if you ask me, not sure if this was intentional. Other than that nothing to say, it's a solid popcorn flick!

    Definitely not a 9/10 but I've seen so many terrible budget movies lately and this does not deserve to be rated so low.
  • On the last night of summer camp, a group of counselors decide to play a game supposedly invoking a camp legend of a vicious witch as a joke, but as the night continues, they realize the legend has come true and they have released the figure forcing them to stop its plans.

    This was quite an enjoyable genre effort. Among the brighter aspects of this one is the highly inventive and enjoyable setup present here involving the background and lore of the witch at the campsite. Using a fairly routine campfire tale to tell the story, the idea presented here is such that it's fairly easy to see where the camp legend comes from, the seemingly harmless invocation ritual that follows is quite likable with the resulting freakout that sends everything spiraling out of control. Forced to defend themselves, the ensuing chaos and confusion that erupts over the murders that take place before them sends this into a bizarre series of occurrences featuring the counselors trying to come to terms with the situation while starting to see the advanced signs that something's happening. That all comes about with the highly effective and impressive means of the witch coming to fulfill its dark plans. As the confines of the curse and its legacy over them come together exceptionally well filling everyone in on the true history of what's gone on at the camp, there's an increasingly entertaining series of attacks and confrontations here that pinpoint the growing influence of the witch over the camp by taking over the children who were stranded near the camp or playing with the power supply around the area. This grows into a strong collection of sequences bringing about the witch's masterplan with the possessed children chasing and stalking them around the camp, the means of trying to stop them, with the whole situation offering a strong enough collection of kills and confrontations. These all provide quite a lot to like with this one although there are a few issues here to bring it down. The main factor with this one is the unnecessary and overlong running time where everything here runs on quite a bit longer than it should. There's no reason for this one to go just shy of an hour and forty-five minutes for this kind of story as way too much of the first half is basing itself on the different relationships around the campers and the lead-in to the witch reveal. A lot of this doesn't need to be as drawn-out as it is, and that leads into another big factor as another of the drawbacks involves the subplot of the homosexual camper bullying and picking on the other camper that goes nowhere beyond offering a series of stale confrontations based on outdated ideologies for some problematic factors to look into in the modern age. Otherwise, these are the main factors to be had here.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
  • rfryer-5354913 February 2023
    The Bloomquist Brothers did an amazing job with 'She Came From The Woods', an expansion upon their 2017 short film.

    I went to see this with many friends and we all came to same consensus - This movie was totally worth going to see!!

    I couldn't count how many times the vivid imagery and the eerie music sent chills down my spine as they brought this campfire horror story to life.

    Not being a total fan of horror films, I appreciated the little one-liners sprinkled throughout that made the entire audience laugh and lightened the mood.

    Overall, this 2023 film is definitely one I would recommend to others!
  • She came from the woods, is a dope as movie. I ran across this hidden while searching for movies on my AMC app. The writing and directing is excellent. What stands out about ? It has a lot heart, Bloomquist guys are very talented young writers who knows the camp horror genre. They did an excellent job of mixing horror, comedy, drama, and some funny ass one-liners into this film. What are my favorite lines in the movie " he's not gonna make it he's not going to make it" Once you see this film you know what I am talking about. Nothing in this movie looked cheap. They took their time with the production quality of this Flim. Also when my Flim was over, I believe some of the cast was in attendance at the Burbank 16 AMC.
  • First off this movie is WAY better than most of the horror films that have been released in recent years. She Came From The Woods is a very well done call back to the 80s camp slasher movies. The acting in the movie is very well done all around. The story is well told and unlike many horror movies it isn't all over the place and confusing. There are also some really cool special effects for the kills (I'm looking at you fire scene). There is also a lot of well timed comedy in the film (pizza delivery guy scene is hilarious), but the comedy isn't TOO much that it takes away from being a horror film. Grab some popcorn, turn off the lights and enjoy this absolutely great film! Hopefully there will be a sequel!!