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  • pjgs20028 June 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    The beginning of this episode is the best part. The characters are all finally back to who they used to be- they're nice to each other, everyone seems happy, and they've built a community in the prison. My favorite part of the episode is when Rick meets the lady outside of prison in the forest. She looked like a walker, and then she started to talk. I know walkers don't talk, but I thought the writers decided to break the mold. The lady was creepy, unhinged, and she seemed dangerous. The dialogue between Rick and her was good, and when she tried to kill Rick was a nice shock.

    The directing was very good, and the action sequences were great.

  • I'd like to begin by saying the final half of season three for The Walking Dead was beyond boring - only one or two good things happened (which I won't talk about). But this episode for season four was a BIG improvement.

    Interesting action has come back against the walkers, and unpredictability for the entire hour.

    There wasn't any major problems I had with this episode (maybe with special effects but I won't spoil that for anybody) which is a good thing. The ending to this episode I found quite interesting too and am waiting eagerly for what happens in the next episode.

    If you're like me and didn't like the final half of season three, don't just say, "I won't watch this show anymore," because of it. Season four has started off well and I hope that it continues to be great.
  • and_mikkelsen19 January 2024
    While this might not be the most tense or actionpacked season premiere, i still enjoy it for its themes and for having some actual horrorfying moments!

    Much like the premiere of season 3, i do enjoy that some time has passed since then, showing our characters in a different place than where they left! It helps keeping the show fresh and not go stale!

    Ricks has changed since season 3! I enjoy how he was reminded of the dark path he was about to go down but managed to realize it and become more human again! However.. this world will always challenge your humanity!

    The gore has also gone up a level with som pretty horryfic walkerdesigns and bloody kills!

    I enjoyed the scene with Carol.. shows how much she and this world has changed!

    The final was scary! It was different and took me off guard!
  • After a somewhat disappointing finale to Season 3, "30 Days Without an Accident" takes the show back to the glory of what is was in the earlier episodes of Season 3. It has good introductions to new characters, does a good job of reintroducing the characters we already know and setting up possible story arcs for them later on, and has an ending that will leave you angry that you have to wait another week before you see what happens with it.

    If the quality of this episode is going to be the same for the rest of the season than everything should work out well. The stories, characters, and heart-pounding tension will keep you invested and for what's to come.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay i decided to Review this Episode after reading all the Zombie-only fans sit there on tons of sites calling the Episode bad because it wasn't as Action packed as Last Season's premiere.

    This review will contain Spoilers so please do not read further if you have no seen the Episode

    This is a very Story-oriented Episode built to open dozens of plot lines for the rest of the season.

    So the opening Scene; i personally thought it was a great way to kick it off. It showed us some great exterior shots of the prison and just how many Walkers we were dealing with. I loved the whole familiar shot of Rick farming with several dozen to nearly a hundred Walkers in the Background. It reminded me a lot of 3x12 "Clear" with Carl Standing with his back to the Cafe Walkers.

    We're then pulled into showing off the characters and who they are, some new additions and how they fit into the prison. We get a really great Moment with Daryl / Carol flirting while she Cooks for the prison folk and we're given the Name to Vincent M's character "Patrick".

    For me this Scene really was quite a nice Moment because we experienced so much misery and so much Action last season that to endure another season of it from the get-go would have been really, really hard to watch. These nice moments really do add something to the Show and prove there can still be happiness in the Show.

    We're then introduced to a few sub-plots and characters like Zack and Bob. we get a small Background check and find out exactly what these characters have been up to. Then come the Big Spot Scenes.

    The Big Spot Scenes in my opinion were some of the best and most creative Action sequences we've experienced in the Show because not only do we have so many Walkers just popping out at once but we also get so many great kills on both sides of the conflict.

    The real Episode highlights though were the Rick / Clara Scenes because they were so similar yet so different in so many ways and it went to Show just how far Rick has come and how far he could go. Standout Performance by the actress and Andrew Lincoln in These Scenes completely made the Episode.

    The ending cliffhanger was brilliant in my opinion. The great Thing about Gimple's writing is that he leaves open so many plot lines but by the season ensures that while there is more to go off of for the following Season there was enough to Close it. A great example of this is his ending rewrites to 3x16 "Welcome to the tombs".
  • Warning: Spoilers

    After a horrible finale, Walking Dead was at a crossroads. One way led to disappointment and squandered potential, and the other to becoming the show it can be. After one episode that sets up even more craziness to come, this season appears to be headed on the latter path. With much-improved character development, some creative action sequences, a broadened cast, and a superb lead-in to next week, The Walking Dead appears to be headed in the right direction under Scott Gimple's leadership...(full review on ign)... Some fans will hate this episode for not having enough action. Those people, however, won't realize the huge benefit that this episode will have next episode and beyond. It made you feel for and bond with these new characters, and deaths are sure to come next week and beyond. Character focused episodes are only bad if they are boring due to poor writing, and that wasn't the case this week. In addition, we were given a phenomenal action scene this week, evidencing that this show still have some great ideas left. If this episode is any indication, we are in store for the most well-written season of the series, with plenty of new characters to care for and mourn. After months of nervousness about how this season would turn out after the calamity that was last season's finale, this was a solid start.
  • The integrated communities of the prison group and Woodbury are shown in various scenes and certain members go on away missions.

    This is a solid first episode of the forth series that establishes the setting and characters well.

    Everything has moved on logically from the third series finale, with characters developing in plausible ways. I like how the leadership system has evolved and Rick's change of role. His state of mind seems in focus again and some of his scenes are quite ambiguous in their portrayal of his sanity.

    Other characters also have good scenes, some quite humorous and enjoyable like Daryl experiencing popularity within the community. Some of his banter with new characters is quite enjoyable.

    A new threat is introduced and it is a sensible one considering all forms of infrastructure and social construction have broken down. Healthcare systems and clean water supplies are things most developed countries take for granted and it is to the credit of the writers they appear to be acknowledging these factors.

    There are some impressive zombie sequences that are suspenseful, horrifying and use some clever visual concepts.

    As ever the performances of all are top drawer.
  • slightlymad221 February 2015
    As season four of "The Walking Dead" kicks off, everything is going well for the gang at the prison, but it's not long before we are back in familiar territory.

    Plot In A Paragraph: Several months have passed and Rick and the expanded group are living a more peaceful life at the prison. Problems surface when Rick encounters a new survivor, and a supply run ends in disaster.

    As the episode opens Rick (Andrew Lincoln) has become quite adapt at becoming a farmer, even warning Carl not go name the pigs as they are food. Daryl (Norman Reedus) seems to have developed a bit of hero status amongst the new survivors at the prison (mainly due to his tracking and hunting skills providing fresh meet) one of my favourite (if not the favourite) scenes of this episode was between him and Carol (Melissa McBride) where she tells him to accept their praise, but remember "I liked you first" I have always liked the chemistry between these two, and they are two of my favourite characters. One of my other favourite scenes was between Daryl (again) and Beth (Emily Kinney) where she explains she doesn't cry anymore.

    At one point Michonne (Danai Gurira) came back into the prison and said "I didn't find him" (The Governor??) and said she might stay a while, which I'm glad about, as I like her character.

    A good start to the season, and of course it ends with a cliffhanger, so the next episode is a much watch!!
  • Being a fan of The Walking Dead I was naturally excited for season 4's premier, and I wasn't disappointed, unlike some of the other season premiers for this show this took me a second to get into, now after the season 3 finale, i was really excited to see The Governor, and he wasn't in the episode, and before the episode i thought to myself that the episode would really suck if the governor wasn't in... But I was really wrong, and also I'm not a die hard fan of the show so i can admit that the show has had some episodes that were not that great, but this show is amazing all in all and this episode fit in, ironically as i am writing this it is the lowest rated episode which truly makes no sense to me, so don't trust the critics trust me, if you were a little let down by season 3 this episode was a improvement and hopefully the entire season will be as well!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The third season had an anticlimatic end and was disappointing. but the beginning of the fourth season is very entertaining and solid and leaves many desire to know what will happen.

    In general the episode manages to present the new lifestyle of Rick and the others inside the prison, the development of the characters and the plot is interesting and has a good rhythm.

    the interactions between the characters are very interesting, their characterization is excellent and we are shown how their development will be.

    I love the relationship between Rick, Carl and Michigan. The friendship is very beautiful and gives importance to the clear episode of the previous season, where your friendship relationship is created.

    The relationship between Tyresse and Karen is tender and I hope it lasts. Rick's part is interesting, in the episode this is the slow part but still its development is good. Go deeper into the new world and change Rick's being, show us the reality of people outside and show Rick what the outside world is like.

    The mall is very good, it concentrates the action scenes of the episode and they are original and fresh.

    The cliffhanger is very interesting and leaves the plot of the following episodes very expectant.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The population in the prison has increased. During one patrol, there is one casualty while the group is in a supermarket getting supply. Rick meets a weird stranger that asks him to help her partner and her. Meanwhile in the prison a pig is sick and a boy dies affected by something evil. What could be the menace in the prison?

    After waiting for so many months to see the sequel of "The Walking Dead", I could not be more disappointed with "30 Days without an Accident". There are many new characters with no development or presentation and created only to die. Who is (or was) Zach or the boy that dies in the end? The situation of Rick and the strange woman is awful. Unfortunately it seems that there are happy viewers that were waiting for this mess. My vote is six.

    Title (Brazil): "30 Days without an Accident"

    Note: On 13 April 2016, I saw this show again.
  • The episode opens with the survivors living in relative peace at the prison, but the calm is shattered when a group goes on a supply run and encounters a deadly threat. The episode introduces Bob Stookey, a former army medic struggling with alcoholism, whose presence adds a new dynamic to the group. It also focuses on Rick's struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy in the face of constant danger, highlighting his internal conflict between his role as a protector and his desire for a peaceful life. The standout scene is the tragic death of a member of the group while trying to secure supplies, which serves as a stark reminder of the dangers they face every day.

    The episode focuses on the aftermath of the attack on the prison, with the survivors trying to piece their lives back together. Rick and his group are on the road, looking for a new place to live. The scene where Carol kills Karen and David, who are sick with the flu, is both shocking and heartbreaking. It raises questions about the morality of killing someone who is not yet a walker.

    This episode explores the themes of survival, loss, and morality. It shows how people are forced to make difficult choices in order to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I disliked this opening episode. It introduced at least a dozen characters with out any character development and the story wasn't there, the episode really had no meaning. The whole thing with Rick going with that girl to her little camp to ask her and her husband three questions was totally un-necessary and a waste of running time. This episode really provides us with nothing. Not a good episode probably one of the weakest episodes I've watched.There was one scene I enjoyed, with Beth and Daryl talking in the prison block, it kinda is depressing and horrific that you know the girls right. That was a memorable scene, plus there was this one new character i'd like to get to know better, Bob Stookey the actor who lays him gives a pretty descent performance. The ending which involves the boy dying and turning into a zombie makes no sense and the writers don't even try to explain why ye changed. D+
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't normally review individual episodes, my reviews are normally about the shows as a whole. However, I find it important to review this particular episode for one reason: it's terrible. What's worse, it's the season premiere, which is supposed to set the tone for the rest of the season. If that's the case, this show might be in trouble.

    This has to be the most confusing, most uneventful, and most boring episode to date. First, there are SO many people, who are supposedly the Woodbury refugees, although some of them don't seem to be children, nor elderly. In other words, people who could have fought alongside the Governor in the season 3 finale, all of whom he gunned down, except Karen. All that was left were the young children and the elderly people of Woodbury, who Rick brought back to the prison. You can't keep track of who's who, but I have an idea there's going to be a massive zombie attack so it may thin the crowd. Second, too much romance. Carol and Daryl, Beth and the new kid, Rick and Michonne, Maggie and Glenn, Tyreese and Karen. Seriously. We're in an apocalypse, people. If I want to see mushy romance and drama I'll go watch a soap opera. Third, too many different scenes crammed into one episode. If they wanted to, this could have been broken down into at least two. You can't soak in one thing before they move onto another.

    I could go on, but you get the idea. I love The Walking Dead, it is hands down my favorite show, and this is really the first episode I was disappointed by. Hopefully it was just a fluke, and I'll be gripping my seat for the rest of the season.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It wasn't an action-packed episode like the premiere of Season 3, instead opting for being more character-based. We saw how after so much death, the group are finally safe and secure- for now at least, though the ending may signify that that's about to change.

    There was a zombie attack, and it's amazing how despite how many zombie set pieces there have been in the first three seasons already, a new one was thought up for this episode that defies expectations. Zombies falling through the roof, with impressive gore effects? Brilliant! And that wasn't even all of it, as a helicopter crashed through the roof as well. Bob trapped under the shelves made for a tense moment as a single zombie crawled towards him. Thankfully he managed to hold it off until help arrived but then Zach was gruesomely bitten. His death didn't really resonate as we hardly knew him, but at least it led to an interesting reaction from Beth, which also told us why the episode was named '30 Days Without an Accident'.

    Other good character scenes included Carol's knife class. It was unnerving to see young children learning how to wield knives and it brought home how the group needs to do everything it can to be able to survive in the long term.

    Rick's plot didn't go so well. The creepy Forest lady was cliché and Rick's reaction was a bit over the top. Why was he so careless with her anyway? You could quite clearly see it coming that she was going to attack him.

    Clearly this episode has some setup for this season's story arc, especially in the last scene, but some parts worked better than others.
  • Josh_The_Third15 October 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    Now that Breaking Bad is over, The Walking Dead's one of the only shows that come close in terms of quality and taking itself seriously. And while the previous season might have made the series look a bit like a parody of itself, the 4th season opens up with the right vibe - a.k.a the excellent vibe of season one:

    Once again it's all about human despair and the inevitability of death; Once again rick is being seriously tormented by the writers..And although these kind of themes have been explored already by the show, the way they are re-introduced on this episode is just perfect.

    It's definitely not the best episode of the series, but it is a promising one. Throughout the show there is sort of a "connection of tragedy" if you will, between certain characters, if not all of them, and this connection is demonstrated very strongly on this episode, especially when Beth is been told her boyfriend is dead. The fact that she does not even shed a tear for him is a very disturbing idea that shows the complexity of human emotion that this series is capable of showcasing...

    Our only hope is that they continue on this path, the one they started at season one...No doubt, it will be very hard to do, but I'm crossing my fingers !
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was an excellent start to Season 4. After a shoddy and inconsistent Season 3 I am happy to see the writers concentrate on the real threat- Zombies and surviving a post apocalyptic world. The "B Plot" was amazing. I love how they are exploring Rick's sanity. Was his walk in the woods real or just another hallucination? Is he exploring the moral dilemmas of living in a harsh world or was he really just helping a lost traveler out? I hope they continue on stories in the same light as the exploration of morals and values in this new dark, and sometimes morally ambiguous world is what makes the show interesting and amazing. I can not wait for Episode 2 and the pacing has definitely picked up from Season 2 and 3. It's not at Season 1 level (and may never reach there) but it's a promising start. Mixing action with drama is no easy feat but so far , so good.
  • After a long wait, I got to see the show. I just lowered my expectations as the makers left the show at a calm point.

    The writers have been doing a good job, making this show not only a survival show but also the way people behave, the way they connect.

    But speaking of the way this episode turns out to be, there are no much indications/ plot on which the characters will advance. They simply stay in the prison with no further plans of dealing withe walkers.

    Rick, on the other hand tries to look less confused.

    Hoping for the best in the upcoming episodes.

    rating 7.3 / 10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Finally, the wait is over! The Walking Dead bought us many tears,blood, and tons of zombie killing. Its fantastic that we are able to see a show about zombie drama every Sunday night once again with the our heroes. So far, this episode was a pretty good start having bits of dialogue here and there from the characters getting to know each other a little bit. From what it seems its like Daryl already wears the crown taking Rick's place of course being the badass he is.

    This episode has its moments when Daryl and his crew go to the store, Rick meeting the creepy zombie lady int he zombies, Carl trying to be like a mini-Rick, and seeing that kid at the end turning into a zombie. Very exciting to see next's weeks episode.

    But my favorite part is when Rick meets the zombie lady. Now that part I had no idea what was gonna happen. The whole dialogue between them kept me interested.

    The zombies kills were pretty basic: Shoot in the face, stabbing through the fence, but there was this one where the guy tears off his zombie brain which was pretty cool.

    So far this episode is like a straight up 9/10
  • Had heard nothing but great things about 'The Walking Dead' from friends and IMDb reviewers. It took a while to get round to watching, both from being busy and also not being sure whether it would be my cup of tea. Finally getting round to it a few years ago and slowly working my way through it, having had a very long to watch and review list, 'The Walking Dead' turned out to be very much my cup of tea and as good as the hype made it out to be, have found it extremely addictive.

    After a disappointing (though not terrible) end to Season 3, Season 4 begins not quite with a bang but with a huge amount to love and potential with "30 Days Without an Accident". It is yet again a strong reminder of how Seasons 1-5 of 'The Walking Dead' to me were absolutely brilliant and seeing the show in its full glory days (Season 6 was uneven, Season 7 was a huge disappointment and am still debating whether to watch Season 8). It is as emotional, complex and as tense as one would expect, at the same time it has adrenaline and guts.

    It still shocks me at how an intelligent, well-made (so much so that it is easy to mistake it for a film) show about zombies could be made when so many films have tried and failed abysmally to do so.

    My only complaint of "30 Days Without an Accident" is that at times it is a little too heavy on the talk, something not uncommon in the previous season. Did not mind though at all that it was a quieter episode and relatively action-light, this was an approach that was necessary and 'The Walking Dead' has proven more than once that it can do quieter episodes very well.

    Like all the episodes of the show, "30 Days Without an Accident" is incredibly well made in the production values, with gritty and audacious production design, photography of almost cinematic quality, effects that look good, have soul and are not overused or abused and pretty frightening make-up. The music is haunting and affecting, having presence but never being too intrusive.

    The writing generally is intelligent and thought-provoking, with lots of tension and emotional resonance and shows signs of character complexity and multiple layer storytelling. The more eventful parts are thrilling and terrifying as well as uncompromising.

    Appreciated the ever strong and still progressing story, where a lot happens and full of different strands without being confused or over-stuffed, and character building, which the episode has a bigger emphasis on, and that the pace is rarely dull or rushed, if not as taut or edge of your seat as other previous episdes. The character writing and the character interactions are what is particularly great here, like with Rick and Clara.

    Everything is nicely paced without rushing through the more important parts. The world building is already stunningly immersive and effective. Direction is smart and atmospheric while the show throughout has been strongly acted. Andrew Lincoln is excellent as ever and gets particularly great support from Steven Yeun and Norman Reedus.

    On the whole, excellent start to the fourth season. 9/10 Bethany Cox
  • g-bodyl23 January 2015
    This is the first episode of the fourth season of the Walking Dead. This show remains one of the best-quality shows on television, and this season looks to continue that trend. I thought this episode was a solid return. Nothing too much happens as the main theme of the episode is how to survive and live within a community, one not governed by the Governor.

    In this episode, "30 Days Without an Accident," The community in the prison is beginning to thrive as veggies are being grown and pigs being raised for meat. But food runs are still a must and a group of people led by Daryl and Glenn run into a disaster at a supermarket. Meanwhile, Rick meets a new survivor who claims she hasn't eaten in four days and Rick treats her with suspicion, rightly so.

    Overall, this isn't the most spectacular episode of the Walking Dead, especially after the craziness of the end of Season Three. But we are due for a quiet episode like this to show how the community is surviving. That being said, the cliffhanger does raises some interesting questions for the future ahead. I rate this episode 9/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode is the first episode of season 4. 30 days without accident is something I was waiting for. Without accident in Rick's group only lasted for 30 days. I always wonder about it. Now in this episode, I got to know it.

    It's so good to see there are a lot of people in Rick's group. They even have a library now. The fact that the prison is so big, so, it's like living in a big mansion and it's so cool. If it's not like a prison outside, I'd say it's the greatest.

    What I don't understand is why that guy with glasses was sick. Just because Carol's gun lecture on kids? Seems like he didn't have strong stomach. And also what is Eddie? What was in that bag Rick left? They should have explained, but they didn't. I don't understand that scene. Hence, it's question mark.

    This episode reminds me never go into old building. But that store that Daryl and the other people went into didn't look like old. But the ceilings are very bad, so that zombies fell into. That's what I considered it shouldn't be.

    What I like is that they can take whatever they want without needing to give money. Even the owner might be dead already by then. The whole place is so quiet and so, that scene where they are shopping is what I like the most. I kind of want to go shopping like that. Of course with no zombies.

    Except these facts, everything looks fine and I really feel sad to see people keep dying. If everyone lives and no more losses, would it be better? I kind of want to see such a scene. Now, they got a walker in their group. Soon, there's going be trouble. I want to see it so badly. And also that walker Rick looked, he's so different. I'd like to know more about it. And also I want to know where the governor is. That's why I said so many question marks.

    Anyway, the walking dead TV series is really doing well and I always want to keep watching the next and next episodes.
  • mjdsj24 April 2015
    I must be losing it. I remember very distinctly that in Season 3 the very last episode that there was a scene between Hershel and a guy from Wood bury talking while the Governor and Rick were talking in building about how to solve the problem between the two camps. I don't remember the name of the guy talking with Hershel. Sorry. I recall the guy asking Hershel to see his cut-off leg. I mention this because I Know for a fact that Hershel did not have his right leg before Season 4! Yet in Season 4 Episode 1, Hershel was walking with both legs in a field going towards Rick. He definitely was walking on two legs, no crutch. I took a double take - both legs, no crutch. Was there a flashback that I missed. I've searched and searched for the "goofs" section to see if this was recorded, but can't find a thing.
  • For three seasons the show worked because of the strong writing and character development. They've lost so many good people in charge, especially Frank Darabont. The show is worsening, and AMC is letting it happen. It can not maintain the ratings if the writing and direction continues the way it did tonight.

    I don't know what happened with tonight's episode. It felt like the producers fired the Writers, the DP, and Director.

    Rick and Daryll and Glen's acting were horrible and the way they acted in scene did not feel like their character. New writers must have come into play because this is not the same show. New characters were brought in and it felt like a cheesy camp movie.

    Nothing felt the same as previous seasons. HORRIBLE. I hope they don't go down the same path as Dexter. This was a great show, and I give it two more episodes and then I will stop watching it.

    AMC what are you thinking?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    30 Days Without an Accident introduces the viewer of what is presently happening and what happened last season. Rick is trying to find peace with maintaining the prison. There are new people and characters as the population of the prison grows. A mission to get supplies goes array. The season premiere episode is trying to create a story and character back ground for this year's series. I have a feeling that a big problem will hit the peaceful prison soon! Perhaps the governor or a new disease. You could miss the season premiere and still follow this year's storyline. 30 Days Without an Accident is six zombies out of ten.
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