User Reviews (130)

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  • LouieInLove15 June 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's really good & I obviously enjoyed it. It's well written & acted.

    It's the best romantic comedy I have seen in a while & deserves to be a hit. There's a moment when the lead female character's persona flips & it's heartbreaking.

    It's just a good old Boy/Girl romcom - which is becoming a rarity. There is something for the majority of folk to relate to here.
  • This is a great summer movie! Funny, romantic, and fresh in its approach to a genre that's making a comeback. It's drawn many comparisons to When Harry Met Sally, as friendship is a key part of the romance (which makes the build that much more tension filled!). Maya Erskine and Jack Quaid have great chemistry and Erskine is especially funny.
  • A lot of fun and endearing characters. A good watch and leaves you with a smile
  • It's not hard to see the shining star in this film. Maya Erskine (Alice) steals the show in more ways than one.

    As for a ROMCOM - this movie doesn't really deviate from the typical Hollywood formula these days - but does a good job of mixing things up occasionally.

    What is truly special about this film is Maya Erskine. Her presence on the screen is undeniable. She has fantastic timing and can definitely deliver the goods in the comedy department. Rarely do you see this level of talent these days. I predict a very successful career for Ms. Erskine if she can continue to find good movies like "Plus One".

    My only negative comment is, I think the producers could have cast the part of Ben better. Jack Quaid did a good job, but it always felt like he was one step behind Alice.

    Definitely worth a watch, if nothing more than to see a new rising star!
  • It was surprisingly way more good than expected, even it follow the classic path of every rom com, i enjoyed the way the character were interacting with each other. The direction was well made and the vision about love and finding " the one" was a touching point of you about love expectation vs. real love ... simply give it a shot. well made.
  • I throughly enjoyed this film. I was unaware of either the stars, so I was a totally empty slate. I was laughing throughout. Great chemistry, wonderful timing, and little or no slapstick made me very happy!
  • Admittedly, it's pretty difficult to get on board with characters when their first scenes include one being extremely belligerent and the other being rude to his 'plus one' at a wedding. Usually you would like to build up to such character moments, but luckily the film does get better as it goes in developing its two leads. Those leads being Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine, both grow in performance as their characters grow, including one very powerful scene by Erskine when their relationship comes to a head. I never completely bought these two as a great match, but I guess that's part of what the film was trying to tell us, you can't be waiting for someone perfect, because that person doesn't exist. This one will more than likely be forgotten in the rom-com genre, but it's worth checking out if you've been feeling a void in the dying genre of romantic films.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the strongest elements of this film is how accurately it portrays what its like to date your best friend as a young adult. At first, the two leads might not seem like a match made in heaven, but as the plot develops and they become best friends throughout the film, the audience starts to root for a relationship between these two best friends because it just makes sense: they are great company for each other are going through the same turmoils and struggles in their young adult life.

    The unique dynamic between this eccentric girl and this more reserved guy is refreshing and has audiences rooting for a relationship between them. Maya Erskine's physical and blunt comedy paired with Jack Quaid's minimal and deadpan comedy leaves no dull moments in their interactions. And the climax of the movie is one of many moments of great acting by Maya Erskine.

    The strength of the relationship between these characters is so great that no matter which way the ending went, it still makes for a heartwarming, funny, and authentic dynamic that is relatable and worth a watch.

    If you're in the mood for a more bare bones and close-to-home take on romance between young professionals, Plus One is a must-see.
  • There was nothing new to the story. Everything falls in as expected. Friends become couple, break up, patch up and everything else... But what I liked about the movie was how the story was shown. Wedding after wedding, Best Man and Maid of Honor speeches. All of that combined with the dialogues, it felt very real. Cast has done an amazing job. I really enjoyed it. Recommend watching it.
  • archanademonia8 August 2022
    Started out quite weird I think but it was like the main characters grew into their chemistry. Absolutely nothing new to see in this movie but it was fine. Cozy, slightly funny. What saves it is definitely the chemistry between the actors but the movie is definitely carried by the actress who plays Alice.
  • I can see a lot of people liking this movie, especially if you live the rom com genre. I did like this film but i don't think its like great.

    It has some jokes that landed with me, mainly from Maya Erskine. I think that was the main issue. This is a very uneven movie as Maya is a fire cracker. She is super funny and weird and brings such a strong personality to characters. Where as Jack Quaid was kinda blah for me. He plaid this character almost like a Joel McHale-type for me. It was like annoying idiot man. I don't know if i can blame him, maybe the script said to do that. I know a movie is unbalanced iv everyone is like crazy but he wasn't even like playing it "Normal". This character was really strange and unlikable. He is meant to be a ladies man? yet he needs help constantly in situations that we are told he should be fine. I don't know i just didn't like this character at all or how it was written. Also the scene where he sprays water out of his mouth in the pool like he is a fountain...what was that???

    Its cute for the most part and pretty short so you could stick it on and have a cozy night in.
  • This is a great addition to the rom-com genre. The characters are attractive and engaging, enjoy great chemistry and the dialogue crackles along throughout. Jack Quaid and especially Maya Erskine are excellent in the lead roles. Even the last half hour doesn't flag and so avoids something which plagues so many films in this genre. One aspect which engaged my post viewing ruminations was whether the lead female character Alice was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. I concluded that while she probably was - after all the essential arc of the film is the overcoming of the male character's lifelong romantic commitment phobia by his association with a dynamic female friend at a series of weddings - nevertheless her character is so rich, well-drawn and zestful that it doesn't matter. Heartily recommended for those who enjoy their rom-coms and even those who don't.
  • Yes, this is your typical rom-com but this one has a little more, its funny, predictable and entertaining to watch. We all know the outcome but the journey getting their makes this film notable.
  • cmogwai11 March 2020
    Second-rate acting with third-rate comedy. Obviously a very predictable story. The Alice character is either drunk or seemingly acting drunk. She and Ben are just boring and cliche.
  • Even though the plot is very predictable, the film just makes you smile. The two characters have a great connection, and above all their journey to the next step is very believable. It is a film that looks real, and people can easily connect to. I enjoyed watching it.
  • SnoopyStyle23 November 2019
    Ben (Jack Quaid) and Alice (Maya Erskine) are platonic college friends. She has recently been dumped and the two friends are both facing daunting lists of wedding invites. His father Chuck (Ed Begley Jr.) is marrying for the third time to his much younger girlfriend. Alice has the idea to be each other's plus one and wingman.

    Maya Erskine is hilarious. Jack Quaid is not quite at her comedic level. For example, the cuddling scene needs a bigger response from him. It would be funnier if he pushes her face away. Maya is good with faces and it would be hilarious to get it smooshed. He's not the straight man. He needs to dial up his comedy a notch or two. As for Ben's sudden change, it needs more of a setup. I expected an earlier meeting with Nate or what about Shaina who cheated with Nate. If Alice has a big confrontation with Shaina at a wedding, Ben could have doubts about Alice's jealous feelings towards her ex. It would be much better than Ben having weird cold feet out of nowhere. Him bringing the flowers for Alice is a great bit and I love the ending reveal. If the breakup is set up better, this would be a completed rom-com.
  • Enjoyed this movie a lot. I called it from the beginning as I am sure most people did, but the ending is not what made this movie. What made this movie is the trip to the end. Happy story and fun ride


  • hanalisss10 October 2023
    Delightful and refreshing addition to the romantic comedy genre, offering audiences a genuine and relatable portrayal of modern love and friendship.

    One of the standout features of the film is its ability to balance humor and heart. The witty and sharp dialogue keeps the audience laughing, while the underlying sincerity of the characters' emotions ensures that the film transcends mere laughs and resonates on a deeper level.

    The chemistry between the lead actors is magnetic. Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine bring a natural and authentic dynamic to their roles, making the characters of Ben and Alice feel like friends we've known for years. Their banter is not only hilarious but also serves as the foundation for a compelling romantic journey.

    The movie successfully navigates the complexities of being single in a world filled with weddings. It captures the essence of the challenges and joys that come with attending these events solo, offering a fresh perspective on the often-overlooked side of wedding culture. The relatability of the situations is both endearing and laugh-out-loud funny.

    What sets the apart is its commitment to authenticity. The characters feel like real people with flaws, insecurities, and quirks, making them immensely relatable. The film's strength lies in its ability to take familiar romantic comedy tropes and inject them with a dose of reality, creating a story that feels both grounded and innovative.

    The supporting cast adds another layer of charm to the movie. Each character, from the quirky friends to the eccentric family members, contributes to the overall warmth and humor. The ensemble cast's chemistry enhances the sense of community and highlights the importance of friendship in navigating the complexities of love and relationships.

    As the plot unfolds, it goes beyond the surface of romantic entanglements. It explores themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the evolving dynamics of friendships. The characters undergo meaningful transformations, and the narrative masterfully weaves together the various threads of humor, romance, and introspection.

    In conclusion, it is a breath of fresh air in the romantic comedy landscape. Its witty humor, authentic characters, and exploration of the nuances of modern relationships make it a standout film in the genre. For those seeking a genuinely entertaining and emotionally resonant cinematic experience, Plus One is undoubtedly a delightful choice.
  • The two main characters, and the main actors, could be cute together. The over-the-top cussing is distracting, even seems forced. Like the story and characters aren't enough. Maya is cute, has good acting chops, but it's as if she's not confident enough, not enough self-esteem to act without being crude or vulgar. And that kind of language doesn't look any better on Jack.
  • dzlcomedy17 June 2019
    I read somewhere that this could very well be our generation's "When Harry Met Sally" and I really think there's a lot of truth in that. Maya Erskine and Jack Quaid are extremely likable, both individually and as a couple. The movie makes sure to put the "com" in "romcom" and is both hilarious and also heartfelt. Extremely well-done. I'm already looking forward to rewatching this again. A+
  • Jack Quaid looks like Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and Michael Shannon had a threesome.
  • A bottom of the barrel rom/com from 2019 starring Jack Quaid (from the Boys) & Maya Erskine (currently starring on Mr. & Mrs. Smith on Prime) which borrows heavily from Four Weddings & a Funeral & 27 Dresses as we follow a pair of bickering besties as they become each other's plus one during wedding season. At first amusingly putting up w/each other's idiosyncrasies & behavioral faux pas soon blossoms into a romantic clutch which the pseudo couple/now a couple until that moment when one party doesn't acknowledge the other's love for each other until they surprise, no surprise come back together before that last song plays during the end credits. The film does coast along w/the charm & flinty acid between Quaid & Erskine but by having a plug & play narrative someone used from some script program sinks whatever good will the actors have cultivated. Also starring Ed Begley Jr. As Quaid's dad.
  • I feel as if lately most of the movies I watch are about special effects, some deep political or health issues, forcibly extraordinary...

    This movie reminded me how refreshing it is to watch a simple, relatable story that is well-written, well-filmed, and well-cast.

    Though at first glance the movie appears to be about Alice and Ben, this story is about Ben, a man deeply hurt by his parents relationship, longing to find The One, but terrified that if he does not pick the right One he will end up miserable and alone. Brilliantly told through a series of weddings, Ben finally learns what true love - what grown up love - is all about. That is it.

    It is simple, it is funny, it is heartfelt, and beautiful.

    Perfect? No. But absolutely lovely.
  • adam_carpo11 September 2020
    Not a bad movie, just pretty predictable. You do get a few laughs in there though. I've definitely seen worse rom-coms.
  • The movie was not original, though the dialogues were funny and entertaining. The leading lady did a good job as well. However, the plot was predictable and the couple didn't have chemistry.
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