User Reviews (1,352)

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  • This felt like a stripped down, summarized version of this story. No time is really invested into characters, so you don't really feel anything for them. The concept, while fascinating, is never fully explored. The actors all do their best though and are solid throughout. The film is also surprisingly gore-filled and there were some genuinely queasy moments. Everything just chugs along at a breakneck pace and it plays out as you'd expect. There was an opportunity to take a lot of chances with this story, but it decides to settle for being a mildly entertaining flick.
  • Clive_W22 June 2019
    I must admit, I wasn't sure at first what to take from the trailer when I originally watched it, but I must admit the result was pleasantly surprising. As with any film, and any review, everything gets a mixed bag, some will expect more story, but this isn't a story you need more to explain, everyone knows the idea of an alien coming to earth, much like good old Superman, based on that concept alone you role with what bits of information you are given, much like the bee story, a hive, now with no spoiling any of the content, like with everything I'd say check the film out for yourself, form your own view, but don't expect a back story, as this film focus is on the what if. As always it's good to see good reviews and bad, always like to see how people take things home. Now I hope this helps, but with every review it is an opinion. Take care. And be forever watchful of those skies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Brightburn stars Elizabeth Banks who is trying to have a child with her husband, but when an alien spaceship crashes in Kansas, they adopt the child and raise him as one of their own. What if Superman became evil is what I would sum up Brightburn in a nutshell. And it does have an interesting concept, it's just poorly executed. This is produced by James Gunn, the same man who gave us two Guardians of the Galaxy. And what I think is that James Gunn had this interesting concept for this character and all the pieces were there. But instead of coming up with an intellectual script, the script writers took the pieces, threw it into the trash, and turned it into a generic horror film. It's as if almost everyone took a different approach, and decided to turn this concept to what if Superman was evil? to What if Jason Vorhees or Michael Meyers had superpowers? But even Jackson A. Dunn who plays Brandon Beyer has zero character development and is annoying from start to finish. There's no character development anywhere. No questions as too where he came from? Who are his parents? How'd he get his superpowers? There's no explanation. They just turn him into a psychopath and he starts killing innocent people who didn't deserve to die just because he didn't get his way. And to me that feels lazy and the entire movie feels half baked. So in the end, while it does have an interesting concept, it just left me disappointed, cause they had so much material they could've worked with, but they took the easy way out.
  • Tagline was suggesting it would be an interesting take on the reversal of superman premise. But instead of exploring why and what makes someone a hero or an evildoer, that was completely overridden and it became just a horror movie with gore elements, with "evil superman" being just a wallpaper theme. It's not a bad horror, mind you, but for me it felt like a very interesting opportunity was lost here.
  • There have been a few "evil superhero" themed stories recently but both The Boys and Invincible are more polished in my opinion. Maybe they benefit from having multiple episodes and being able to explore all the questions that come with the topic more in-depth. Because along with poor CGI (but you get what you pay for) the relative superficiality of the movie is its biggest let down. Also the writing was just ok, taking too many lazy shortcuts, and the horror/gory parts just felt like thrown on here and there completely free and without really bringing anything interesting. Overall still enjoyable.
  • Tori and Kyle Breyer are a young couple living in Brightburn, a small town in Kansas. They long for a child but are unable to conceive. Then one night a craft crashes in the woods; in it Tori finds a baby boy. They see it as a gift, name him Brandon and raise him as their adopted son. He seems fairly normal apart from being exceptionally intelligent; then, as he reaches puberty he starts to change. He gradually becomes much stronger and develops superpowers; powers which he tries to hide from his parents. Occasionally they become obvious and anybody who crosses him or discovers his secret is in real danger... and if he isn't stopped the rest of the world might be too.

    This film is a fun mix of a superhero and horror genres. It starts at a fairly gentle pace but once it becomes apparent that Brandon isn't like other children the horror elements kick in. There aren't a lot of deaths but those that there are, are surprisingly gory. The idea of having somebody with superpowers who has no intention of helping anybody, has zero concern for others and a willingness to kill makes a nice change from those films centred on all the do-gooding superheroes. The way Brandon discovered his powers and quickly started to abuse them was handled well enough although it might have been good to have a couple of off screen incidents before showing us his darker side so it wasn't obvious he was bad so soon... that is a minor quibble though. The special effects are pretty good; making the gory scenes disturbingly impressive. The actors do a fine job bringing their characters to life. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of horror and superheroes... it could almost be an origin story for a new character in TV series 'The Boys'.
  • What would happen to the world if Superman was evil ? This film tries to explore this intriguing concept with mediocre outcome. They were able to provide some really chilling & gory scenes to project the horror, but lack of character development and a weak script, made me disengage from the film. Hopefully there may be other films which will try to explore the dark side of Superhero genre successfully, like Joker did.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film pitched a very simple question - 'What if Superman was evil?'. After watching it, I feel like this was a marketing ploy used to sell the script and bring audiences to the door. Honestly, if you take the Superman aspect out of it, this is really just your generic low-budget horror flick. The gist of it is a kid wants to be evil one day and just goes ahead killing people. That's really it.

    This is one of those rare stories,that I feel could really benefit from an additional 30 minutes. The fact that the runtime is limited to 90 minutes, results in a lot of rushed scenes, which are consequenced by my biggest complaint, the editing. It feels like they shot all the scenes individually,but had no idea how to transition, so they stitched them together. You're just bouncing from scene-to-scene-to-scene and it's incredibly jarring. There are several moments when I thought, yes, this is interesting,but please slow down so I can marinate in it. Nope,next scene.

    There are,however, a few redeeming aspects. The actors do a really good job, and I really wish they had more time to sell us on the material. The gore,is actually quite good; there are some really brutal, bloody moments that I enjoyed. And finally, the creative decision to add Billie Eillish' 'bad guy' was genius.

    Overall,I don't really know what you're looking for in this story. If it's a dark Superman twist, you won't get it. If it's horror, it's mediocre. As a slasher gore film, not bad at all. I'd classify this as wasted potential.
  • Everything good in this movie is down to the acting ability and character of the child actor (Jackson A. Dunne who plays the character Brandon/Brightburn and the likeability of Elizabeth Banks who plays his mother. Its a really well made movie and just very absorbing. Very very good movie and great special effects. Terrific.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie suffers from poor writing and pacing. The concept is great. But, WAY too much time is spent on the build up and there is very little done in coming up with a solution to the problem. Most of the movie is spent on exposition.

    What could have been done is that he started his killing spree earlier on, was discovered, and somehow, a solution was formed or attempts at a solution were implemented. There was no foil to evil 'super-kid'. All it ended up being was a big exposition and then the typical late-into-the-movie mounting body count.

    The movie feels incomplete - like half a movie.
  • I almost didn't give this a shot. Have been considering watching the modern "Firestarter" movie. A reviewer on another site suggested that Brightburn was better. I don't watch trailers, as they tend to destroy movies (for me). I prefer a brief description, and perhaps the leading cast.

    Camera/video effects were more than acceptable, acting was acceptable, the gore was a welcome surprise (lol), and the story was certainly more than engaging enough.

    I'm not sure what I was expecting. I do prefer to go in fairly ignorant. At less than 90 minutes, it felt a little rushed. But for some, that might be the sweet spot for such a flick. I could definitely see watching this again. Probably in the near future! And I'm definitely interested in a sequel!
  • There's not much else to say. The concept of this movie is very interesting. Unfortunately, the acting and the story leave much to be desired. I really wanted to like this movie more because the plot descriptions are so cool.

    I wish they had put more effort into this movie. It could have been great.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This pathetic movie bills itself as "Superman gone Bad." And when I heard that tagline I was intrigued enough to buy a ticket - something I now regret. Because this isn't a bad Superman - it's just a bad movie.

    Here's the entire plot: A mindless orgy of hyperviolence and grisly murder by an alien child with superpowers. That's it. You now know the entire movie.

    There is no backstory, no explanation for the child's homicidal mania. He's just a crazy superpowered murder-machine. The director has no need for story. Instead, he's content to maximize blood & gore - taking great pleasure in depicting each murder with excessive detail. Amplified sounds of crushing bones, bodies suddenly blasted to pieces, close up shots of glass chunks jamming into eyeballs, death-ray vision blowing holes in people's heads.

    My advice is to skip this movie entirely and instead watch the terrific 1956 film "The Bad Seed." It's also about a murderous child, but is told skillfully and persuasively - and was nominated for 4 Academy Awards. You might also check out Episode 73 of "The Twilight Zone" (1961). Titled "It's a Good Life," it is a compelling glimpse into the mind of an impulsive 6-year-old child with deadly superpowers. It stars Billy Mumy as the awful child, and Cloris Leachman & John Larch as his very frightened parents. Unfortunately the director of "Brightburn" never saw either of these two excellent productions - because if he had, he would have quickly realized he needed to include a story . . . .
  • Not a bad film at all. Kept me interested and watching. The stunts and the gore were fabulous. The acting was great. The kid was very good in it. Decent atmosphere and music to go with it. Paves the way to another film should they do wish too. Entertaining.
  • Brightburn answers the age old question of what if superman wasn't the hero. This sci-fi horror really is terrific with its ideas. Although it doesn't sound like the most original idea, brightburn really is a breath of fresh air to the genre and I really enjoyed it. The movie is just an easy watch, it's not too long and doesn't dwell on the back story or explaining of why the kid is on earth or anything like that, it just gets on with the story and I really appreciate it for that. The performances in this really are brilliant aswell, Elizabeth Banks is amazing in her role and truly puts in a great performance here, Jackson Dunn is also great as the main antagonist, he's not really been in many films so I was pleasantly surprised with how good he was in this role. The kills are brutal and really through me off when they turned out so gory and graphic as I was just expecting generic boring superhero kills. James Gunn really has done it again with his interesting directing and captivating plots. The cinematography is amazing too in this film and really is great to watch. The only thing that lets this movie down for me is that it could have been way bigger scale. Yes I like that it isn't too over the top with its plot but I just think it lacks that something that would take it to the next level, some of the scares are boring and predictable and I just think this film would have worked better not being a horror and just being a thriller style supervillain film. I would definitely like to see more like this in the future and would 100% be tuning in if there is a sequel. A refreshing film, give me more!
  • This film has so much promise, it just lacks a special kind of substance. I had rather high hopes for it but it just lacked a killer blow. Maybe they're saving something bigger for a sequel. The biggest moments they saved as a sizzle reel during the credits? I guess they ran out of budget or something. The horror elements were cool, the kid was actually pretty decent. Just wanted more.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film is strangely similar to Superman, Brandon Breyer having many similarities with Clark Kent: a staggering arrival on earth of an alien with a human appearance within a kind of meteorite, a secret adoption by a couple in the countryside, the famous red cape (obviously!) and a metal from the meteorite that seems to be the equivalent of kryptonite. But, if Clark strives to 'protect' the world, Brandon should all just 'take' the world!

    As a synthesis: 6.4 of 10 on IMDb? Clearly underrated! In my humble opinion, it's rather 7 of 10 knowing that Jackson A. Dunn flawlessly interprets this enigmatic character.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sometimes we watch a film that does not end the way we want (or expect). "Brightburn" is one of those films. The story begins almost as a rip-off "Smallville", with a boy from another planet raised by farmers in Brightburn, Kansas. However when adolescence comes, the powerful boy turns into an evil creature instead of a conventional hero. And from this moment on, he becomes a cruel being incapable to be destroyed and the film has a bleak, pessimist and unpleasant conclusion. Is "Brightburn" a bad movie? No, but probably will not please many viewers. My vote is seven.

    Title (Brazil): "Brightburn - Filho das Trevas" ("Brightburn - Son of the Shadows")
  • We always assume, super human (who has special powers) will do good to the society. In fact, we have put them in a higher position and think, any super human will save us , of course in dreams, I mean. But, we desire one or another time.

    However,in this movie, it shows us how destructive super powers can be. They can be always good. So,I kind of liked it for showing us the truth. But, ending could be better, it's really disappointing.
  • What would rhyme with that? Hmmm ... now maybe you've read the summary so you know. Or you just heard that it's a superhero horror movie. And boy is it a horror movie. This indeed is not meant to be shown to kids - level of violence is through the roof - no pun intended.

    As with many horror movies it does contain quite a few cliches - one of them characters being unable to see what is right in front of them. So while certain things could have been avoided ... it would not have made a good movie or only a short one. This aims to please or cover a certain base of viewers. You should know if you belong to them
  • MooWoolf126 May 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The story is what you would expect. The kid is Superman as a villain. That's an interesting and cool idea. It's a sci-fi in first place. It was fine anyway. It had it's moments, it does something that you don't see often in movies and I think it works out great, even tho you wouldn't expect it. But as the title says, it is a one timer.

    Beside the good things in the movie, there are bad things also.

    The story did not include parts that we should have seen. We don't get to see what's happening inside the head of the boy. Almost at all! This is a big problem. We see him what he does, but we don't know why he does those things (only in basics).

    In every movie there's a motivation. Here we don't have that.
  • LOVED this film. It felt like a set up for a sequel at the end. If not, there should be one anyway.
  • Bored of watching the usual supernatural characters, go for this one. He is Intelligent, Fast, Super Strong and Super Cute - But mind ya, he is here to take down the world, not save it!

    The story of a devil and its advocate -

    How long can it take for a mother (a character perfectly played by Elizabeth Banks) to come to terms with reality that her cute and brilliant kid is nothing but pure evil (a role brilliantly played by young artist Jackson Dunn)? How long will it take before she realizes that she has been playing a "devil's advocate"? Find it for yourself, you won't be disappointed!

    And if you think that an intelligent, fast, strong and cute kid has to be none other than your regular Spider-Man, then I insist you to think again!

    This is an original stuff. Hats off! to the writers for coming up with an extraordinary piece of work with an equally talented cast.
  • Whether you like Zack Snyder's controversial, grittier take on Superman in "Man Of Steel" or felt that it was a complete butchery of the character, I assure you that whatever was done in this film makes what Snyder did look great. "Brightburn" tells a 'what if' tale about an evil Superman, or in this case, Superboy. It is a horror take on the classic mythos with Superman now being a 12-year-old boy who turns out to be evil.

    On paper, that sounds amazing. A deconstruction of the iconic character that has actually worked surprisingly well in it's original medium- the comics. Furthermore, it is produced by James Gunn and written by his brothers, Brian and Mark. With Gunn being so closely attached to this project, how could it possibly fail? After all this is James Gunn we are talking about, the man who is responsible for bringing the d-list "Guardians of the Galaxy" to the big screen. Gunn's 2010 film, "Super" was also a deconstruction of the superhero genre by itself and "Slither" was an excellent homage to old school horror films. Looking back at his past filmography, "Brightburn" seems to be a sure fire culmination of them all. Unfortunately, this is not directed nor written by him.

    As mentioned, the script was written by his brothers, who previously worked on "Journey 2", the one with The Rock. Director David Yarovesky who has done nothing really notable, other than a music video for "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" and some horror feature no one's heard before, helms this. Boy, does it really show. For a film that aims to subvert the superhero genre or the mythos, it does nothing new. Instead, the end product is bleak and dire that even out matches the dark DC Snyder-verse, in that area. However, it is also bland and dull.

    For some reason, this film has no comedic elements or even fun at all. Although I appreciate it being in full horror territory, the lack of James Gunn's signature tongue in cheek tone is infuriating. It's as if "Brightburn" tries so hard to make fun of and criticize "Man of Steel" but becomes the worse version of it. There are so many elements that Yarovesky and his writers directly lift from "Man of Steel". Heck, even the score sounds similar to Hans Zimmer's epic. However, all these elements felt watered down and it is not way as glorious as it's predecessor.

    "Brightburn" feels unusually cheap and I don't mean as a low budget film only. The script is weak and the narrative feels incomplete. Scenes felt like they have not enough shot coverage or footage available. The entire film feels too rushed as a whole. I can't believe that I missed the slower pace of "Man of Steel". There are also weird character decisions that don't make any sense and only seemed to be made for moving on the plot.

    Despite the acting being mostly competent, I could not care less about the characters. There is zero character development whatsoever, especially for the evil kid and weirdly enough, there is also no mythology fleshed out at all which leaves a ton of unanswered questions by the end. Additionally, "Brightburn" suffers from most of the same pitfalls of being formulaic and generic as any other modern day horror film. There is an over-reliance on jump scares and cut away from as much from the gore as possible.

    Overall, it is really maddening how the film never reached a bit of it's creative potential. What we have got is a bare minimum of a movie that is so subpar to even call it a deconstruction of anything. It should have been over the top, satirical or at least scary. It's funny as an over the top character, played by one of James Gunn's commonly worked with actors, showed up when the credits rolled, leaving you to realise this should have been the tone of the film.

    For a better deconstruction of the genre, audiences might want to watch Josh Trank's "Chronicle" instead. Despite my hatred of found footage, I appreciate what Trank was trying to do and it is a proper way to look at the genre differently. Or audiences can just go and watch "Man of Steel" again as flawed as it maybe; Snyder did fleshed out a unique perspective of the character. This on the other hand, is I quote from another reviewer, a cheap one-night-stand that takes all your money and leaves you unsatisfied.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    The list of Cardinal Rules broken by the players in this tale of horror are too many to count. But I'm going to have a whack at most of them. ***These people should have watched Ryan Higa's "How to Survive A Horror Movie." (See it on YouTube.)***

    First of all: You don't go out into the woods and pick up some stray baby from an alien spacecraft, keep the kid, and think things are going to be sweet and rosy.

    Second: You don't stash the spacecraft out in the barn and think things are going to be A-okay.

    Third: When your quiet little sweetheart of a kid crushes his classmate's hand into pulp, you don't brush it off as childhood shenanigans.

    Fourth: When you find blood and guts photos secreted amongst your pubescent 12-year-old male kid's trash stash, you don't brush it off as saying maybe he's just boning up (har, har) for his bio class or whatever.

    This movie made me think of Stephen King. Kind of his genre of thing.

    What I liked most about the movie was the cast. The Dad, played by David Denman, is awesome in his role. Elizabeth Banks is okay. The kid with the laser eyes is highly watchable and believeable.

    I had a bit of a hard time seeing Banks as a Kansas housewife, stuck out on a farm, denim overalls and all. What were they farming, anyway? A dozen chickens? And since when are there wolves in Kansas? There haven't been wolves in Kansas since they were "extirpated" (euphemism for completely wiped out) in the early 1900s. (I know, I looked it up.)

    Okay. So many plot holes and trite goings on. But there are some GOTCHA! moments when you may leap up in surprise, too. There's definitely some nasty gory stomach-churning bits for those of you who enjoy that type of stuff. I'm gonna have a hard time wiping that guy in his truck scene out of my mind any time soon.

    I gave this movie 7 stars. Watching David Denman is what made this a fun movie for me.
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