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  • Lozza-G25 April 2022
    This is a strange one that keeps you on your toes from episode to episode.

    Gets you hooked once you start A cross between Quentin Tarantino And a spaghetti western.
  • misteraurora27 April 2022
    It is a western ! And it is a good western - it has dominick cooper !! I thought every show and movie these days could only take place in a "universe" where people where capes. Between this show and 1883, i am hoping that westerns get a little more love. I am so sick of the super hero stuff. Its been going on for a decade now. It has been nothing but wonky cgi generated super hero's doing wonky super hero things via bad cgi and vfx. Burnt out. Give us more content like this please ! Good stuff ! Now, put your head in my sac.
  • I don't understand the negativity around this series. It has all you want in a western. Just because it's not made in America and is directed by Italians? Get a grip. It's a dark and gory western and keeps you hooked throughout! If you simply enjoy this genre then I very much recommend.
  • That Dirty Black Bag is a dark, sometimes violent but we'll written and acted western that pays homage to the classic spagetti westerns of the 60s with Clint Eastwood, Lee van Cleef and a host of well known actors of the time. Not only is it filmed in the province of Almeria, Spain (near Tabernas) with its stark, dry, desolate landscape, but it has overtones of Quentin Tarantino's dramatic, violent, oversized red credits style similar to what we saw in The Hateful 8. But more importantly it's a nod to the great director Sergio Leone who pioneered the good vs evil western with closeups of the cool, calculating and terror-filled faces with rousing academy award winning music by Ennio Moricone. We see hints of Sergio's directing style throughout the series but especially in episode 8 "The Great Duel" which is so reminiscent of the final scenes of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly replete with a cemetery, wide angle POV followed by angst-ridden closeups of the gunslingers as they prepare to shoot em' up. To make it even more interesting the evil protagonist is of Italian descent and of course the crew is 95% Spanish. As I write this there are few ratings for the last few episodes but I expect this series to be a sleeper, and fan reviews will come out soon with headlines like "the best western you missed" or that you should see... Definitely in the 8 area of IMDB...
  • I'm a fan of the old spaghetti Westerns and enjoyed watching this one. I found myself anxious to see what happens next after each episode and hope AMC does a season 2!
  • The show has a lot of twists and turns but all believable and realistic. It's certainly not a Hollywood style film where you know what's going to happen and there is way too much cheese. This show is very realistic with some really great screen writing and acting. It's quality and I'm surprised there aren't more reviews of the show. I really hope they do at least a second season and I could certainly see this going on for a good four seasons, but only if they keep the sane people who made the first season. This is the big problem with a lot of shows is that they don't retain the same people who made it great and that includes actors but also screenwriters, casting, directing and so on. They don't need to change a thing! I think next season is going to attract a lot more viewers and I see this show going hire up on the charts if they continue to make this type of quality show. Westerns are real popular right now because they're raw and real! I think people like it a lot because they hate how much society controls us and fantasize about a time when people made the rules and they were freer but also had to fight to survive in a very different way than now. All around gear show and if the people at AMC are reading this then I hope you take my word for it that this show has too much potential to not make a second season!
  • It's an awesome show, gritty western. Watched first episode, great even pace. Acting is good, I'm hooked & can't wait to see the different characters eventual collision. It's already an explosive beginning...
  • Just completed season 1.

    This is a very solid western, it has its usual story lines that you may find familiar if you've seen many westerns. I really like the characters and the backstories - there is a very creepy undertone to the entire series. This TV show has a LOT of potential.

    The main takeaways :

    • This is definitely worth your time
    • The casting and acting is really good (Not to mention they have a seem good budget)
    • the first 3 episodes are a tiny bit mundane so the real meat is ep 4 onward
    • .As far as westerns goes - this is a action packed one

    Happy watching This is my first review ever :)
  • AfricanBro26 March 2022
    It isn't as good as it should be but I think it's still alright considering only the pilot episode's out. The cast lineup is full of actors who often play supporting roles pretty well so I'm looking forward to the rest of the episodes to see how it unfolds. I'm surprised I didn't hear about this show prior because I really just came across it by chance. For the most part, it felt like a simple, daytime action spaghetti western but there are a couple scenes that suggest things might get a little more crimson, I hope it does because it feels like it's floating in no man's land, it's not too this, not too that so it doesn't feel unique and memorable. Not bad, it can be better, I'm gonna watch the next couple episodes to see how it goes.

    UPDATE: Few episodes in now and it's getting better, there's an intriguing story building up with a couple subplots and I'm looking forward to seeing how they all connect. Nothing to really complain about, nothing spectacular but everything's pretty decent and it might turn out to be a good or good enough show just that it doesn't seem to be attracting a lot of viewers. Whether that's due to lack of promotion or people just not as interested in spaghetti westerns anymore, I don't know.
  • I finally gave up on this series by the third episode. I like well-done thoughtful westerns and have a particular fondness for the sub-genre, spaghetti westerns. Plus I'm crazy about Dominic Cooper after his work on "Preacher." I fully expected to fall in love. You may be able to figure it out from my 3-star rating that I an not a fan.

    The producers didn't seem to have an idea of how to construct the series. What they did was weave as many tropes together as possible, put them in a blender and hoped they worked. They did not.

    Let's see, there's the crooked sheriff, the bounty hunter (this one likes to make his quarry a head shorter), the all-powerful town madam, gold fever. The list goes ever on. Why give your series a narrative flow when you can slow the pacing down to have a dozen, or so, storylines writhing and wiggling like a nest of snakes?

    For me this promising series is a swing and a miss on the part of the producers.
  • deltatheta8 April 2022
    Loved the show from the first minute another diamond in the rough great cast(Dominic cooper for example from preacher another great show) and filmed really well don't let the other comments put you off this is a top show.
  • Hmm, the people who like it, really like it and the people who dislike it really dislike it, quite a quandary. My take is thus. If you read up on the show before hand the description is completely apt. Over the last 20 years many western fans have lamented that the genre was a dead horse, so this group have given you exactly what you want ie: Gratuitous Bloody Violence, killings galore, pretty prostitutes, forlorn farmers, evil land Barons, Corrupt officials etc... Lots of viewers use Eastwoods spaghetti westerns as the benchmark but that's unfair to this gem in that it is far more Italian, in the vain of Sabata or A pistol for Ringo or A bullet for the General. It's full of deceit, manipulation and a really weird one episode side story that just made it more intriguing for me.👍👍
  • This is a very weird series. Although the story ties together and clearly was thought out from the first episode it still felt like each episode was written on the fly. A lot of it could have and should have been eliminated to make a tighter story. 4 episodes instead of 8 would have been more than sufficient. Also, the ending is unsatisfying. The acting was good so it's a 4.
  • This is better than 99% of the shows put out in the past 5 years.

    The pacing is perfect. The framing is at par with the best movies you've seen. The characters are complete people and not just serving a plot.

    The plots that exist are well written and unravel at a very good pace.

    The actors are obviously having a blast.

    I can't recommend this show enough. I hope it's on for a long time!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I looked every where on this page to write a review a few days ago and there's wasn't the usual place so I left one under episode one. I can't believe I'm the first person to review this?!? I found this ( as it popped up in things you might like or something) the page wouldn't load so I couldn't see a video or anything so I just hit play. I almost immediately turned it off when I saw the genre until I was Patterson Joesephs name! I love that man and he isn't in a lot of things I fancy. I'm not really a fan of Dominic Cooper but I like him in this. To my surprise Aidan Gillen is also in it unrecognizable and Travis Fimmel whom I'm not sure who he was. Lol. Only 2 episodes have aired and it's hard to find and when I bring it up it doesn't even show the 3rd or when it will be airing! Probably why there's no reviews. Well I guess they are paying for them which is good. Any ways .. I like it ok. There''s going to be a lot of gruesome things happening it has a Cohen/ Tarantino - esque vibe going so hopefully it's going to be great with all the dismal junk having been released so far this year. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about this. I'll update after I watch more. I'm sure I will need to.. Edit: boy what a disappointment! After finishing. They didn't build any story what so ever! They stated and killed everyone off so they didn't have to! This could have been so good but went absolutely nowhere! And I mean nowhere! What happened with the satanic cult stuff? The rain, the gold, the revenge on the brother. Why did ( forget names) Dominic Cooper and the other guy( looks like Fimmel but knw it's not) just end up killing each other for no reason when they were going to get revenge on the brother?!? Forget another season because eveyone's gone! So utterly disappointed because this could have been fantastic! Ugh!
  • One of the best TV shows out there, great acting, action, its also fun. It must be hidden gem as i see not many have seen it. If you havent defo give it try.
  • Nah, it doesn't break any new ground, but you might break a dark smile. Bag an episode of decapitation laughs and head on down to the sordid saloon. (Waffle here to fill out the required character limit.)
  • Best Western show I've seen since a very long time good writing, good casting, good cinematography, good action sequence...

    Very promising and so happy to see Travis Fimmel love that actor.
  • This is a bummer because it could be decent but the acting is pretty bad, especially the lead. He feels very forced and out of place. Probably not a show I'll stick with.
  • bbevis-4795423 March 2022
    I'm not sure there is enough here to compel me to keep watching. The main problem is there is not enough here in the first episode to justify further viewing. There is nothing you haven't seen before in a Western. Characters boil down to a brutal outlaw, crooked sheriff, desperate farmer, crime kingpin and an ambitious brothel owner. The brutal violence adds a little flavor and some of the cinematography is nice to look at. Some of the story threads are a little interesting. For example, red bill's predicament at the end of episode one. Unfortunately, everything else is a little boring in my opinion. That Dirty Black Bag has potential, but the first episode does not do a good enough job keeping me intrigued for further viewing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not sure what previous reviewers meant by saying this show ain't about nothing but "hoors" and a brothel (actually it's a very small part) I guess the search for gold and all the people involved is a small part of the story. The crooked sheriff and all his killing and robbing is a pretty big part of the story as well. Don't forget all the money that the sheriff stole and the gang of really bad guys after him.

    Even the story of the cross was fun. I really like the first 5 episodes. Each episode has been full of good/evil/fun and copious amounts of blood and sweat.

    In regards to the reviewer lamenting a "PG" type show who thinks this is going to be a weak show is WRONG. Lots of "R" plus action and mayhem through out. If anyone likes truly gritty/tense/exciting action and an excellent plot/Story. This is it.
  • This is a new spaghetti western. This centers on a dusty town and its inhabitants. There hasn't been rain in years. The gold mine has run dry but a farmer finds a huge nugget. Bounty hunter Red Bill takes down his target. Arthur McCoy (Dominic Cooper) is the local Sheriff. Eve runs the local brothel. That's before all the baddies. There are so many baddies. There may be a few too many people in this story but many of them get killed off eventually. The visuals are immense and beautiful. I've never heard of the show's creators. They seem to be Italians who love their spaghetti westerns and they have served up the spaghetti and the sauce. This should be a limited series although I read that they're planning for more. Maybe they're shooting for their own version of the Dollars Trilogy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The writing IS excellent. But only in scattered little pieces that add up finally to . . . Nothing. All the interesting people: Aidan Gillen, Dominic Cooper, Travis Fimmel . . . Dead.

    All the little pieces remain scattered, major players gone . . . And NO 1 star reviews.

    Let's see if this one gets posted . . .
  • Not really a review writer can't talk about anything in depth but great entertainment for me just my opinion great acting from some fine British actors more used to being in period dramas about the English class system in Georgian society. Enjoyed it immensely.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I started this series right after I got my AMC+ subscription and immediately felt glad I made the decision. To start, I love Stephen King's Gunslinger series with it's desolation and weird magic. This show had some of that feel initially. There was creepy mystery and a dark feel of preternatural presence through the opening episodes. That hooked me.

    The dark mystery of the series begins to fade into confusing time lines and less and less spookiness that evolves into long dramatic conversations and stares into the distance.

    There's a feel that the show lost it's way a bit in the middle and then the ending is tied up loosely, clearly intending a second season.

    The writing of one of the primary characters is a bit misleading, as well. Marco, for example, starts out the series almost seeming like a bumbling sheriff that is more Michael Scott than Wyatt Earp. Then they sort of throw us for a loop when he turns out to be a supreme bad ass, which is fine... just different.

    I hope they return to the dark spooky themes when they return for a second season, if they do.
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