User Reviews (9)

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  • 'its a film about mean clowns(again), thats good enough, but the bad thing is that these sort of films had its heydays back in the feral and utterly raw early 1980's, thats 40 years ago, and its for sure a rotten tomatoe by all means and at all levels of acting and production. for those meany beanies loving gory clowns in a socalled horror setup , you do get some satisfaction, for the rest of us , ill just say stay away from this clown town og doomed deadly mockup of a clown feast.

    the intro says its a runaway bride, but its a setup bride that got the nay from the groom, because she had a one night fling with a stipper, so off they go ,driving a car that doesnt move at all, till out of nowhere they enter clown town and straddles the clown town inn for a bridal suite, to sleep away the glomy thoughts. but its an erie place, and so its game on.... this was just a teaser, because the re lots of stripteasin in this flick

    the acting are truly bad, the main sounds like shes had a real bachelorette partythe previous night, her voice sounds like a cow with a hangover and a heavy mastitis, her bridemaids not far behind. the clowns are indescribable dumbheads, the makeup crew couldve made some effort making them look like clowns. the extras on the set seems like theyve been caught with a net, and seems like theyve gotr a death sentence behind their ear, its so stiff and uninspired, just terrible. filmographicly its a mess, the lightsetting awful, the soundworkfraudulent, make up is a mockup, its badly edited, and the oneman on a keyboard score sounds like a humongous hippopotamus on a love spree.

    there are just bright side in this production, and that is the interior design of the clown inn, theyve collected quite a few clown remedies, that makes a pretty good outfit for the story.

    but its a 2 minus at best, and the grumpy old man are done with clowns, its my 700th review, so it should have been celebrated, so this was a great let down for sure. it a no recommend
  • Please dont watch this movie it is one of the worst movies ever i dont recommend it
  • Good movie about clowns the story is something fresh and also the slasher type of these movie is great to see.
  • alexander-3362219 February 2020
    I dont want to say more about this. I literally felt asleep while watching this "movie", please dont watch if you dont like horrors. For your own safety.
  • rbutthead3141 March 2020
    Boring movie i ever seen about clowns I would not recommend this movie 2 anyone
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Outside of Vegas is Clown City USA where guests check-in, but they don't check out. This is a bad business model, to say the least. There is a back story to the Clown Inn and former mining town that is immaterial to the low budget, 1980s style, Fred Olen Ray inspired nonsensical production. This is not a film for everyone, just those that like to see pretty topless girls and clowns.

    Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Sarah French again, Sadie Katz, Tiffani Fest, Augie Duke. Somehow Nikki Kris and Courtney Akbar keep their bras on.
  • After being left on her wedding day, a humiliated bride and her party leave Las Vegas to get away from the situation and break down in the desert near a seemingly abandoned clown motel, but when they realize a gang of killer clowns who value their territory over outsiders is there must try to get away alive.

    Overall, this one managed to get some enjoyable aspects about it. Among the best parts here is a noticeable dark and grimy atmosphere that comes through quite nicely. The initial stages of this one, showing the type of lifestyle she was exposed to with the clowns killing the outsider in front of her and the rude treatment they engage in with each other, shows that there's a gritty, grimy atmosphere present for the most part that gets extrapolated much more later on in the main part of the storyline when they're shown stalking and killing those who enter the motel. Given that there's plenty of that throughout here, it comes off even better due to a fine filter featuring a dirty grindhouse aesthetic and plenty of enjoyable sleazy behavior from the girls for once. There's also a lot to like with the brutality in the kills on display, which goes hand-in-hand with the grimy atmosphere. The opening stalking in the motel comes off quite creepy and eerie with the shadows on the wall behind her before seeing the figure following her throughout the room, much like the enjoyable ambush on the boyfriend and his friend in their car which is quite obvious about what's going on but is enjoyable nonetheless. Other ambushes here, from the attempted drowning in the motel bathtub to the clowns appearing at the hot-spring for an unexpected beating, there's a lot of rather fun encounters that all set up the big final battle between the remaining girls and the clowns as a series of demented games around the motel grounds which are quite fun and highly enjoyable generating some brutal kills and nice action along the way. These here are what hold the film up overall while there are a few minor points involved with the film. One of the biggest issues here is the fact that there's no reason for this one to drag on as long as it does here with the running time approaching the two-hour mark. This happens due to several reasons, mainly in the pointless dragging out of several scenes or not even needing them to be there in the first place. The exploits at the wedding chapel showing how they're all opposed to each other and aren't friends at all take way too long to spell itself out, a seemingly endless scene of her wandering around the hotel looking for a place to smoke or the pointless round of the boyfriend going toe-to-toe with the clowns in their demented games tend to run between going on way too long or not even needed at all and just serve to take up time in the running length. The other real flaw to be had here is the complete lack of rational explanation for anything. There's no sense if the clowns here are normal humans or supernatural beings as this one tends to make both arguments at various points depending on what's needed for the scene and even tends to vary for the same individuals throughout the film. From the backstory of what's going on at the motel to what's going on with the group and the daughter getting along, there's plenty of issues here about what's going on with the clowns and everybody else that the film doesn't make any real clear statement on and tends to leave this one confusing more than anything. Coupled with the low-budget look that some might have an issue with, these here are what hold this one back.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a sex scene and mild drug use.
  • "In this chilling tale, a runaway bride and her friends are stranded in a forgotten desert town full of sadistic clowns who don't trust outsiders."

    I honestly thought this was a good effort in making a indie horror film. Some good kills, amazing location, and truly great story. As Minh and Sadie wrote a piece of art that many of us horror fans will remember forever.

    If you love horror films with a well known cast in the horror business, this to me is a horror gem. You got Augie Duke (Bad Kids Go to Hell), Tiffani Fest (For Jennifer), Sadie Katz (Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort), Darcy DeMoss (Friday the 13th: Part VI: Jason Lives).
  • films_r_me-113 March 2020
    I think some of these people just hate EVERYTHING. LOL. It's full of BORING female nudity, but, if that's what you like, you'll get to see some.

    What *I* liked about it, was the rank humour! I laughed quite a bit. The acting was decent, as was the writing, cinematography, and directing. The female nudity is boring, but the MOVIE is not.

    I really don't need to give you an in-depth synopsis: it's about KILLER CLOWNS, so you WILL see blood, gore, and guts.