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  • Warning: Spoilers
    (just a warning, this whole post is going to be full of spoilers start to finish)

    I'm just going to start off, why did they think it was a good idea to make Siveth some peace loving vegan hippy? And related, it was mentioned she ate plant seeds people gave to her to help them, yet at the end, it's mentioned they were just stored somewhere, which fixed the famine. So I gotta ask, what exactly did she eat, if not any meat or seeds? Better yet, how is she a vegan at all? I don't remember dragons being omnivores, but I guess I'm just pointing out petty details at this point.

    Generally, I found the story rather meh in most regards, but I guess introducing a conspiracy where the king started wars and ravaged farmers to increase support is rather interesting. Especially given said conspiracies are relevant in today's day and age in America. Anyway, I found the "barbarians killed my parents, I want revenge" thing cliche in a lot of regards. Despite this, the movie somehow managed to keep itself from being too boring, and it introduced some new lore that reminds me of metallic dragons from D&D, AKA, Siveth's ability to transform into other animals.

    Maybe my humor is just pretty bad, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find some parts kind of funny, though the part where Lukas was getting dating advice from Siveth was pretty cringe. Overall, I can say he was far from the status of Gary Stu (the male equivalent to a Mary Sue), but there are some plot holes I noticed. It's never explained how Darius or "The Wolf" ever survived, especially given that the latter completely lost an arm and fell into a river/stream. Darius was also left in a pretty poor condition, but I guess it's not impossible for him to survive. Lastly, the fairy tale ending just left me feeling like I'd watched a children's movie.

    All n' all, I give it a 5/10, was expecting more, but got a pretty meh story. I still feel it was better than what I thought Battle for the Heartfire was, which was boring, and chalk full of feminist agendas. It also strayed from the established canon, because for some reason we needed half dragon people.
  • The CGI was not top quality. Neither was the acting. Not your big production budget movie. Nevertheless, I found it easy enough to look past the movie's short comings. ...And just enjoy the story.
  • mvike8 February 2020
    If you're like me, you likely saw this film and thought, "hey! Is this film related to the Dennis Quaid one from 1996??" YES, it's that franchise.

    Your second question is likely going to be, "is this a low budget, SYFY channel mess...?" NO, it's not. It is actually a really decent little film.

    I have no idea why they chose to revive this franchise, but it's not bad at all. If you like mid-evil times, and enjoy fantasy and/or dragons? Then you'll like this!!

    It's family friendly as well for the most part! A please by surprise :)
  • Although none of the subsequent sequels of the franchise were outstanding, they lacked a certain emotional feel that the original Dragonheart had. The acting is acceptable and there was a reasonable story line in Dragonheart Vengeance. However, fight scenes were fairly weak. However, there is a general fun feeling throughout the movie. It's moderate entertainment worth a watch with a bowl of popcorn.
  • Good family movie (for those with older kids) Slapstick type violence but also heavy at times. Lighthearted humour all the way through but also contains mild adult humour. A decent film. I sat through it and I get easily distracted with my phone, I left my phone alone so I must have enjoyed it. No swearing. No sexuality. Overall a decent watchable movie.
  • Fans. it's atlteast as good as II if not better, better cgi, and actually better than the eragon movie, not the books obvsly
  • I have to wonder what some neg-rating reviewers here are thinking, or what they were expecting. The acting in this movie is fine. The directing is good, as is the CGI. It has a story, a moral, teaches a good lesson. What, not enough sex, violence and foul language to suit some people? Those slamming this as a terrible movie really need to move on to something more to their taste.

    This is one of the better of the DragonHeart movies. I am as quick to call a bad flick as anything, but this is simply an enjoyable film. The characters are well-developed, the bad guys properly bad, the dragon concept rather interesting. The negative reviews are no more than jaded rants. This is a decent older-children family film well worth watching.
  • Look... I totally get it Universal... I totally get why you'd want to 'make bank!' or 'cash in' on the whole Game of Thrones thing, but making a 2nd-rate movie with a cobbled together script and 3rd-rate acting and 4th-rate CGI, isn't going to get you millions of dollars OR result in a good movie.

    Literally everything in this movie is so slapdash, that I struggled to finish it... LITERALLY struggled... I wanted to stop watching it SO BAD, I'm not even kidding. I remember taking my phone out and browsing the internet whilst watching the movie, because I was so disinterested.

    Dragonheart Vengeance isn't the next GoT Dragonheart Vengeance isn't a good movie Dragonheart Vengeance isn't going to make money

    Universal, you should be ashamed.
  • I must admit, I didn't have any hope for this movie. The second one to forth one had horrible CGI with horrible story. This one doesn't have a breaking story, nor is it go so big like the first one about a rebellion against a tyranical king, but the story and charachters still "feels" Dragonheart. There are several points through the film that goes deep into the dragons lore, and that is always good. It has a very decent CGI, the charachters, although not awesome, ar well played, and the dragoness looks nice! Let's remember that the original Dragonheart didn't have awesome CGI, and this one compares to that level and I dare to say that tops it. Above avarage,
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, let's start with the dragon. Did they hand this over to a bunch of junior level animators and modelers? Actually after the first few scenes the quality gets much better. However, the front legs are way too fat, making it look like a pudgy boy dragon, the mouth looks more like a snake, it goes all the way back to the back of the head. In the early scene where it morphs from a horse, they obviously can't do it properly so they just have the dragon fold it's wings, and poof it goes from being a horse to a dragon. The acting is half rate, the jokes aren't funny, the script is beyond boring. Why am I every wasting my time writing this. Maybe I can spare someone the pain of trying to sit through this.
  • I really loved the first film. It was different, fun, and a good story. After Dragonheart there was one sequel, which was basically terrible... and multiple prequels that were equally (if not moreso) terrible. CGI lacked, storyline felt repeated, and I'd seen better acting at high school musicals.

    Then came Vengeance. Will it get oscars? No. Was the CGI worthy of a big screen? Not quiet, BUT, out of the prequels, the dragon looked loads better then the prior films and believable. It had a more original storyline, as they pulled further back from the whole heart share thing (though still relevant) being the driving plot, which was beaten down our throats in the other films.

    Joseph (Darius) and Hannah (Sivith) were fun characters and the acting was decent enough to not let it get in the way. I thought Sivith had the most "Draco like" persona... and it felt nostalgic to the original.

    The plot was kinda predictable, but straight to DVD/Stream is kinda expected.

    It has a happy fluff ending. Don't expect a blockbuster, but if you take it for just the fun film it is, it's a good watch.
  • Dragonheart Vengeance is the fith movie. And yes they should stop the dragonhaert movies. But I have to say its not terrible.

    It all starts with a boy that saw his parents get killed by a group of ugly people. So he is going on a adventure with a dude (that apperently talks to animals) and with the dragon.

    The movie makes its funny moments from the guy that speaks to animals, to make this movie more enjoyable to watch. Of course there is some action going on but dont get your hopes up.

    The whole problem of this movie is that you can see how much time and money was spend into the movie. The CGI lacks quality, there is a moment when you cleary see that a green screen was used. Instead of just waiting for the right moment to shot. And the main character isn't all that interesting at all. Owh and the story could have been better.

    That said, its not a horrible movie. It just could have been better
  • What did i Just watch, Someone's important in universal let his grand son make a movie. Its Just bad, poor acting, horrific effects, dragon look like a rhino with wings, Just hillarious... Directing is grim at best. Stay away from this fantasy fans, the sword of truth is epic compared to this!!
  • oreillycyril13 February 2020
    Its not a great movie. The acting is bland, and the CGI looks like something from a Pc or consol Game. Basically low budget and disappointing for a Universal Movie.
  • Effects are a little weird and I'd say low budget but the story is well written, I liked it. If you're a fan of mythical creatures and swords (life in middle ages) you should watch this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Where to start, first the movie was too flamboyant for my tastes (we are talking the dark ages here, but everyone is huggy kissy, with flamboyant clothes and hair styles), the cgi was mediocre, but I did like the dragon it was kinda quirky.

    First few minutes of the movie has promise, then starts to go downhill, from the bar scene (chops his hand off but he doesn't seem to care?), till the scene with bear barbarian (picking flowers? Wtf?). I was almost about to shut it off.

    The middle of the movie gets a little more entertaining but the theme doesn't fit the dark ages where people are supposed to be suffering..., also he doesn't see very upset and even has time to flirt with a girl.....

    the snake girl was ok but she was way too nice, she bested him in combat multiple times but never killed him why?

    The scorpion guy .... didn't get much show but reminded me of kai from lexx lol (old tv series), again another sissy character.

    Then the hair styles at the end of the movie wth is going on..

    so I give it a 3.
  • Writers tried to hit all viewer demographics by having attractive teens w/romantic interests alongside very nasty baddies who do the most horrible things to people which left this watcher kinda on the fence as to the movie's direction. The dragon was OK except maybe a little wishy-washy, but it gave somewhat reasonable philosophical/moral reasons for it's beliefs & actions. Except, when it came to the baddies. Obvious trouble if baddies are not dealt with appropriately, consequently, as it turned out, there were more problems. Acting, dialogue, overall script had more positives than negatives. CGI was OK.
  • What ruined this movie was the fact that it had no tone and as a result, everything felt really awkward.

    The tone of the movie was set up with the death of the main protagonists family. Dark right? Nope. The entire movie is filled with unfunny and very uncomfortable "funny" scenes. It was really awkward to watch.

    The music was nice, but used very badly. There was a scene that dialog wise was supposed to be dramatic but the play some goofy music.

    The dialog was sometimes good, but the delivery by the actors was ... well... nobody took this movie serious.

    Also there was a lot of talking about the backgrounds of some "characters" but we as the audience never experienced it. It was most of the times very awkward when they suddenly broke out in some monologue about the past. Like this is an anime or something.

    No choreography at all. The action was poorly shot and poorly executed.

    This was supposed to be an adventure, but the movie took place in like 4 or 5 days. It does not feel like they had at journey at all.

    Cinematography was boring. I like movies that are being shot outside, but the bad weather and bland environments were just eye sores.

    CGI was on par slightly worse than the first Dragonheart movie.

    The main character is the worst. His parents died, but except of some flashbacks we never experience his pain. I do not think he even cared. So the word Vengeance in the title was a lie.

    I kinda liked the B-version of Velkhana. I do not know why.

    This movie is not terrible. It is only the tone that kills it. If you have no issues with cringe and unfunny scenes/jokes, you will get some entertainment out of it.
  • A lot of exposition used to take the place of world building and character development. There are a few clever ideas but these go no where. One of those movies you watch when you are playing a game on your phone.
  • It's funny. I'm actually a fan of all the Dragon Heart movies. But I think this one is my least favorite byfar. Ill give it points for being family friendly and lighthearted. The CGi is certainly better than DragonHeart 3 or 4.

    But the dialogue was god-awlful and the pacing was atrocious. Some of the scenes were just overly corny. I just can't with this one.
  • I actually liked that it was completely different from the first, also deserves alot more credit then some are willing to give. For the budget they had and the amount of stupidity of the other sequels/prequels this one actually did some justice. Acting was done well, graphics were decent and plot was interesting.
  • But, considering today's youth and at least a generation younger...these that take good CGI for granted, having been nurtured at the breast of nintendos and beyond...they're used to more 'realism'. how's that for a paradox? oxymoronical as it gets...realistic video...mistaking the mirror for what casts the image...but so is the human condition...God's projection...our dream... in any i was watching i realized....'ok...this isn't for me...but it WOULD be watchable for a nonjudgmental child... work with that any way that suits you...
  • TheOneThatYouWanted20 November 2021
    This is the only Dragon heart sequel or prequel that I have watched and I am happy to report it is okay at best and really not worth your time. On the plus side, it goated me into watching the original Dragonheart again.
  • bret-bannerman12 February 2020
    Nothing more to say this is seriously one of the WORST movies I have ever seen in my LIFE!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The very first scene with the hero completely emotionless while his family was getting slaughtered was the strangest scene I've ever seen. Did someone drop an entire page of the script? Was the director lost in the woods somewhere in the background? Whatever, I was still wondering what I was watching when I realized that the story had progressed, which is a good thing because from there the movie becomes enjoyable. Enjoyable but really simplistic as an entry-level RPG would be. The hero just need to wander enough to find the next hint he needs for his journey, and as it is visibly placed on his way, things progress fast, sometimes too fast. Before the viewer knows it the end of the movie comes, the villain is dethroned at the speed of light and the Dragon says good bye.

    When I said that the movie was enjoyable, it is because the characters interactions are fun to watch and the humor is always present without being always predictable. I caught myself rewinding a few scenes to enjoy them a little more, something I rarely do even with the best films I've seen.

    Definitely fun.
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