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  • I have to recognize that I have a soft spot for episodes that don't take themselves too seriously, be it "Buffy", "X-Files" or "Supernatural". The ones that have a very silly premise for the plot, and play all of its running time with a constant wink to the viewer.

    In this episode, Xander is depressed after Cordelia break's up with him before Valentine, because, you know, appearances. Cue Xander teaming up with long forgotten character Amy, now, as her mother before, also a witch. Xander just wants Cordelia to go through the same sad and depressing feelings he is going through, but the spell doesn't work... well, as intended, and all the women start to love him, and obsess around him.

    From that moment on it is all silly plot development after silly plot development, but so perfectly done, that the viewer won't be able to stop laughing. It's the kind of episodes that make casual viewers become fans, and that, after all the plot and background have already been set, gives life to a show and helps the viewer relate to the characters. It is an episode that doesn't just go for laughs (there are quite a lot of them), but also offers a lot in character development and is, in its own way, quite realistic in that respect.

    Very, but very funny episode. Classic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" is classic BTVS. Not only is it one of the funniest episodes of the season, but it accomplishes a lot. It moves Xander and Cordy's relationship along, it contributes to the bigger story arc, it begins Jenny and Giles reconciliation, it shows us a glimpse of Willow's dark side, it references Spike's love of poetry for the first time, and it reintroduces Amy and Harmony, who will play larger roles later on. It will also be cited in future episodes, (for example, season seven's "Him.") Honestly, it's got a little bit of everything and you really shouldn't skip it if you're watching on DVD.

    The episode revolves around Valentine's Day in Sunnydale. Angelus, whose past Valentine's exploits have included nailing puppies to things, is more determined than ever to destroy Buffy. He enlists Dru to help him, while Spike grows more and more furious at being excluded. Meanwhile, Harmony discovers that Xander and Cordy are dating and begins to ridicule of her former friend. Cordelia panics at the idea of social death and quickly dumps Xander. Xander, hurt and angry, turns to Amy for help. She's a witch and together they cast a love spell to try and win Cordy back. As usual, though, magic in Sunnydale goes a bit wonky. Pretty soon every woman BUT Cordy is in love with Xander. Amy, Buffy, Jenny, Harmony, Willow, Joyce, even Dru... They're all after him. Buffy comes on to Xander, fulfilling one of his deepest wishes. And breaking his heart at the same time, because she's only saying that she loves him because she's under a spell. Willow begins chasing Xander with an ax when he rejects her, giving us a indication of the darker Will lurking beneath the surface. Giles is annoyed when Jenny begins flirting with Xander, building their way towards each other again. Buffy gets transformed into a rat by a jealous Amy, and Oz has to spend most of the episode trying to find her again. Harmony and the rest of the school turn on Cordy for dumping Xander so easily, inadvertently showing her how wrong she's been. All in all, it's a great episode.

    There are so many wonderful parts to "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered." I especially love Dru and Angelus attacking Xander at Buffy's house. One second, Xander's being dragged through the window, the next Drusilla is rubbing her hands all over him and declaring that she loves him, now. Xander's terror, Angelus's annoyance and Dru's fawning are all fabulous. Angelus, Dru and Spike's relationship also continues to get more complicated. Spike doesn't understand the hold up with killing Buffy. Angelus dismisses the idea of ripping Buffy's lungs out because it lacks poetry and Spike sarcastically replies, "It doesn't have to. What rhymes with lungs?" It's a very cool conversation when you consider Spike's past, which comes into better focus in season five. I also like the scene where Cordy's hiding the necklace that Xander gave her. It's very sweet. And Amy and Buffy's fight over Xander in the library is hilarious. It also sets up the running Amy/rat joke that will go into season six and beyond.

    I don't have any real complaints about the episode. I wish that Spike had been in it more, but I always wish for more Spike. I really think that he's making some good points about Angelus not killing Buffy. Teasing and tormenting her is just going to lead to trouble. Angelus should know better. Also, I think Giles would have done research on Angelus before now. He should have looked into Angel's past when he first started dating Buffy. As a precaution if nothing else. As it is it seems like he's only beginning to investigate Angel's past, which doesn't make a lot of sense.

    My favorite part of the episode: Angelus' disbelief as Drusilla insists that she now loves Xander. "I don't know what you're up to, Dru, but it doesn't amuse."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

    The Good; Just when you thought it couldn't get any better! Pretty much everything, even the music is superb, especially when Xander does his slow walk through the school. It really does set the bar for other eps.

    The Bad; Are you insane? This may well be my favourite Buffy ep EVER!

    Best line; Dru; "Don't fret kitten, mummy's here. How do you feel about eternal life?" Xander (terrified); "We couldn't just start with coffee?" Angelus (bemused) "Boy I really did drive you insane!"

    Whedon clichés;

    Character death-0


    Knocked out-0


    Women good/men bad-0

    Kinky-dinky; yep, Willow enthusiastically telling Xander that 'Force is OK' showing the naughty girl behind the softer side of Sears (love her impish smile as she says this). Buffy's striptease too.

    What the fanficcer's thought; A spell/enchantment making one character irrestistable to all the subject of more fics than you can shake a stick at.

    Questions and observations; Lovely to see Amy and Jenny back and Harmony playing a fairly major role. Buffy's slit leopardskin mini-skirt is just SCANDALOUS, is this the outfit Joyce refused to buy her in Bad Eggs? Xander meanwhile seems to be dressed as though he's auditioning for Life on Mars, you could go handgliding with that collar. I always knew Cordy and Buffy and Jenny were lovely but here I think for the first time you realise the incredible sexiness of Alysson Hannigan, all the more remarkable for her wearing a man's shirt at the time. Joyce has been introduced to Cordy and greets her by name when she turns up at the door. Exactly how long are Cordy and Xander running around, it's light when they leave the school but dark when they reach Buffy's house?

    If I was to single one performance out from them all it would actually be Robia LaMorte for playing Jenny, the way she tries to talk to Giles whilst being gradually overcome by her irresistible attraction to Xander. Amy's bitchy comment that Jenny is old enough to be Queen of the World is a bit much as she's only 28 at the time of shooting.

    Note Spike's charming present for Dru contrasted to Angelus' hideous gift, his humanity once more shines through. The jealousy between the three shows through, Angelus tormenting Spike in all sorts of subtle little ways. I once read a very short but hugely funny slashfic called 'Bewitched, bothered and befuddled' where Amy's spell goes wrong in a slightly different way, resulting in all the boys lusting after Xander rather than the girls, even Angelus. Anyone else read that one?

    10/10, just terrific in every way
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered is about Xander using witchcraft to get Cordy back, after a Valentine's Day break-up.

    One of the funniest straight up comedy episodes, goes a little overboard with the mob of people wielding weaponry though. I love how they take it that next level and have Angelus and Drusilla involved, like the writers were brainstorming and some genius came up with this. I find Drusilla saving Xander from Angelus hilarious, then continuing to lurk as he does, Angelus mocks Drusilla as she alone cannot enter. Some of the show's best music, which includes "Got The Love" by Average White Band.
  • Like I said, everything after Innocence is a pay-off. And this one is comedy gold. The plot is hilarious, and the way each female characters react to the spell, is hysterical. My personal favorites being the way Jenny, Buffy and Joyce, does. But the rest is good too. It's also my favorite Xander centric episode. And the creepy undertone, is distributed at the perfect time. I also love the soundtrack. Pain and Drift Away are two of my favorite songs from the show. And seeing Cordelia calling Harmony a sheep, was a nice addition too...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, is one of the best episodes of Buffy's Season 2. It's Valentine's Day and Cordelia couldn't pick a better time to break up with Xander due to the fact that her popular friends don't find him that cool. Anyway, Xander's left heartbroken and in a pathetic attempt to catch Cordelia's attention he asks help from his friend Amy (the cheerleader from S01E03) who seems to have gotten into witchcraft lately. The love spell they cast has somewhat of an opposite effect... Not Cordy, but every single other woman of Sunnydale WANTS Xander. The episode is so HILARIOUS! Everything about it is just awesome. Willow and Buffy getting sexy on Xander, the slow motion walk on the corridors, quotes like "Who died and made you Elvis?", Giles trying to keep Jenny away from Xander, Dru saving him from Angelus, even Buffy's mum wants him! I have to say this episode will surely make you laugh out loud. Funny, perfect, unexpected and original. A 10/10 for sure!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cordelia, realising that her social position is weakening, decides to break up with Xander - on Valentines Day. When Xander catches Amy performing spells, he forces her to perform a spell on Cordelia to make her love him. But it backfires and now every girl (including Buffy, Willow, Amy, Harmony, Jenny, Joyce, Drusilla) is attracted to him, except for Cordelia.

    Why It's So Good - After the depression of the previous few episodes, it is good to get a good laugh from this episode. Very funny Xander based episode with plenty of one-liners. Special mention must go to Nicholas Brendon's acting performance. Writer Marti Noxon also manages to keep the Angelus/Drusilla/Spike storyline going with the Angelus and Spike tension starting to grow.

    Watch Out For - All girls around Xander, but particularly Drusilla.

    Quote - "No, I mean chop me into little pieces and stick me on hooks for fish to nibble at 'cause it would be more fun than my life." - Xander.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love this episode. It's one of my all-time favorite episodes from this season, and the entire series.

    In this episode, it's Valentine's Day, and Xander is feeling the heartache of being ignored by Cordelia, after she dumps him. So, he goes to Amy and blackmails her into doing a love spell. He wanted Cordelia to love him so he could turn her down. But the spell backfires and makes every woman in Sunnydale lust after Xander, including Amy, Ms. Calendar, Buffy, Willow and Buffy's mother. Awkward. The only person who wasn't effected by the spell was Cordelia. Amy, being jealous, even turns Buffy into a rat.

    Fun Fact: Buffy was turned into a rat so Sarah Michelle Gellar could have time to perform on Saturday Night Live.

    Best part of the episode: When Willow tries to seduce Xander.

    Worst part of the episode: When Ms. Calendar tries to seduce Xander.

    Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As St Valentine's Day approaches romance is in the air; Angel has given Dru a quaint shop girl's heart; Willow is watching Oz perform at the Bronze and Xander gives Cordelia a charming gift. She says she loves it then tells Xander that their relationship is over. It isn't that he has done anything to upset her but her 'cool' friends are giving her the cold shoulder because of who she is seeing. Xander doesn't take it well so blackmails Amy, who he learnt is a witch, to cast a love spell to make Cordelia love him again. Inevitably it goes wrong and every woman except Cordelia falls in love with him! At first it is just awkward as he finds Buffy, Willow, Amy and Jenny throwing themselves at him. Things soon get dangerous as they start fighting over him then, when he declines their offers, they decide that if they can't have him nobody will. Buffy can't help as a jealous Amy has turned her into a rat! As a mob of girls close in on Xander and Cordelia Giles and Amy try to remove her spells.

    This episode is a lot of fun. Early on it looked as if it could be rather dark thanks to Angel's gift to Drusilla or a bit soapy thanks to Spike's reaction but once the main story gets underway things get funny and more than a little sexy. It was great to see Amy return and to learn that she is a witch like her motherÂ… although not a malicious one. It wasn't too surprising to see Buffy acting in a sexy manner but Willow's attempt to seduce Xander took it to another level with a character who had previously been cute rather than sexy. Willow continues to be fun as she takes rejection badly and comes after Xander with an axe! It was fun to see Nicholas Brendon take centre stage as Xander dominates the episode. Other stand out performances come from Charisma Carpenter who does a fine job as Cordelia; especially as she shows she still has feelings for Xander and ultimately stands up to her friends and Alyson Hannigan who made it very believable that 'sweet innocent' Willow wanted to lose her innocence. Overall this episode is an utter delight and provides lots of great laughs; just what was required after a few darker episodes.
  • kellyq121 June 2022
    Xander is a character who represents the lovable loser who we always root for. Sometimes he steps up (saving Buffy more than once!), but socially and romantically he takes a lot of hits, so this premise is pure fun. I love the ending too!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A love story between a man and woman who are torn apart by their peers. I actually felt sorry for Cordy & Xander as they are torn apart by circumstances yet really care for one another with her giving him back the lock hurt or Xander casting a spell because of a broken heart. I'm surprised Any would be practicing magic after the affair with her mother unless she sees it as empowering. In a way I can see that angle being why she takes that route since she spent quite a time being held hostage by her mother and bossed around.

    Another aspect is the love spell having horrific consequences as it grows into obsession making Willow come after him with an ax, Joyce breaking glass to get close to him and the while school ransacks the house like it were night of the living dead. It also features my favorite scene where Cordy grows a back bone standing up to her friends for him and deciding what the heart wants instead of what people will say giving her some substance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode is hilarious and one of the best Buffy episodes of them all , So Cordelia dumps Xander on valentines day and so he decides hes goin to make her know what heartbreak is by using Amy to do a spell, it all backfires and the whole women population of Sunnydale fall in love with him, Buffy , Willow, Miss calender , even Joyce summers and Dru , that scene well say no more but hilarious. The only person not affected is Cordelia herself go figure. Did i mention Buffy gets turned into a rat. This episode is A classic and well worth a 9/10 .
  • aura7724 June 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    This episode was so cute! Unbelievably cute... Even if it wasn't much of Buffy... specially because Sarah Michelle Gellar went to a talk show... Anyway, maybe her character needed to rest a bit.

    Angel was a bit less meaner in this one, I believe... It was very weird to send Buffy roses and that weird note, but I think i can see the point of it. Cordelia was so sweet right now, she is a bit similar to Alicia Silverstone's Cher from "Clueless". The entire Sunnydale female community obsessed about Xander, was weirder then weird. He's really not such a looser, at least he wasn't that way until he met Buffy and helped her with her slaying.

    Ozz was very upset about what happened between Willow and Xander... That was pretty cool.

    I think the best part is we didn't had to watch a Buffy crying her eyes out for Angel on Valentine's day. And for the first time, she has absolutely nothing to do with saving the world... Giles really did the job by himself (considering Amy wasn't very helpful anyway).... Great episode!
  • After so many really intense episodes, this comes along. Granted we still have Angel, Drusilla, and Spike, but they walk into a den of ridiculousness and are squelched. Xander has the witch girl create a love spell, but it backfires and every woman he encounters falls in love with him, in the most possessive ways. He can't take two steps without being mobbed by women. Even a cook with a rolling pin. If they can't have him, they decide it is better to kill him. Even Buffy's mother pulls a kitchen knife on him. Ultimately, Buffy gets turned into a rat (to add to the stupidity factor). I guess a break was needed and this worked pretty well.