User Reviews (129)

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  • I will see her in my nightmares for sure.

    This is just another rear window/disturbia type deal. Really fun one though.
  • thomastobutt17 February 2021
    ✅It's one of those movies where it constantly has you guessing what's real and not, it cleverly has some twists which are in plain sight but unexpected as they distract you with other things.

    ❌Straight away this movie becomes instantly boring, it doesn't live up to its expectations. I wish it explored more of the plot line with the neighbour.

    ❌It takes a while to get to the point and once it does it pushes it to the side to prioritise the stuff between Rain and Caleb.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Filmed under the title I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes - yes, there's a bit of a giallo in this - Fear of Rain sat was released in theaters - the ones still open - last week and then went straight to video - yes, they still sell DVDs - and streaming.

    Written and directed by Castille Landon, this is the story of Rain Burroughs (Madison Iseman, Tales of Halloween, Annabelle Comes Home), a young girl with vivid memories of being chased through the woods by a killer. She wakes in an emergency room with her parents (Katherine Heigl - who is still in movies - and Harry Connick Jr.) and from that moment forward, everything may or may not be real, including love interest Caleb (Israel Broussard, Happy Death Day) and the child being hidden in the attic of her next-door neighbor and teacher Dani McConnell (Eugenie Bondurant).

    The movie spends most of its time - perhaps too much of it - on Castille's trials in school and in starting to romance Caleb to the point that it never builds McConnell into anything more than a cipher. That said, using the mental illness of the lead to make her an unreliable narrator works for the movie, even if some moments, like the evil version of herself showing up in a mirror, falls into tropes that the movie struggles and mostly succeeds to overcome.

    Between the dollhouses of McConnell - again, never really explained or explored - and the fact that more than one of the characters in the movie may be living in our heroine's head, this movie does have that one foot in the world of the murder thriller, but never takes the full leap into being fully strange. And that's fine - this is meant for a younger audience and not the devotees of Martino, Argento, Lenzi and Lado. It certainly kept my attention for its running time, which is a testament that few modern movies are able to claim.
  • Gordon-1114 June 2021
    I think this is quite a good film. The story twists and turns, and makes you wonder what is real and what isn't. The portrayal of family suffering is also very engaging.
  • I actually enjoyed this for what it was exactly what you would expect and it was pretty well acted I think. I wouldn't categorize this as a thriller though, more so a drama. And the third act felt rushed and could have been better.
  • andreascaloni17 February 2021
    Fear of Rain is accomplished in its design but Landon struggles to generate much tension from her plot, which frequently feels contrived. Though not everything works, the performances are solid and it is still a good thriller.

    Rating: 5,8.
  • It's not a bad film, it's just not a nine like others have said and it's not an accurate depiction of schizophrenia. It's more of a less sophisticated take on A Beautiful Mind with the story line of Hitchcock's Rear Window. I feel like the writer watched both of these films on a Friday night, then wrote this the next day. It's a little slow and would have benefited from being trimmed by twenty minutes or so. The dialogue feels forced and lacks flow. If you're bored, give it a go.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rain (Madison Iseman ) is a teen schizophrenic. She takes medication and must question the reality of everything she hears. She meets Caleb (Israel Broussard ) a new kid in school and thinks he isn't real. She also believes the neighbor has kidnapped a little girl and has her imprisoned in her house. She draws Caleb into her delusions.

    In the end we discover the root cause of her problem which I didn't see coming. I hate it when I miss the clues because I don't know to look for them. Iseman played the role very well. Good low intensity thriller.

    Guide: 1 F-word for PG-13. No sex or nudity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    That's this movie. At one point she's even watching the neighbour WITH THE Child and rather than using it to record the evidence, she uses it to text her friend to come over.

    Acting, good. Film, baaaaad, boring, a fart of a film.
  • kosmasp1 April 2021
    Well maybe a little bit ... or maybe quite a lot. If you have a person that imagines things (and individuals for that matter), how much do you play into their fears and what they believe they saw? There are quite a few nice and decent twists and turns in this and it is a very well made thriller.

    Also played quite well. The guessing what might be keeps your interest up and the tension high from start to finish. It is not a masterpiece of course, but not every movie has to be, yes? If you agree and keep your expectations to a certain degree, there is fun to be had here.
  • This movie is so cringey I feel uncomfortable watching it. Teenage girl returns from hospital to her bedroom still wrecked from her previous psychotic episode. Her parents haven't even cleaned her bloody fingernails from the wall. Their naff way of showing the audience what happened.

    She doesn't want to take her meds because they prevent her from being able to paint.

    Her first day back at school and she clumsily spills her pills all over the hall floor. Eye roll.

    I really like Harry Connick Jr. But I'm literally cringing in every scene from the way the story is being told.
  • This movie has some twists and they are making you guess is it real or not the whole time.

    The surprise is not really about the ending, but more in the middle of it.

    The acting is flawless, and the most scary part is not the violence, but the teacher. The way she looks scared me in the beginning of the movie. That skinny look was really scary.

    However, I do not understand the beginning part, how would that drag into life of "Rain". The movie does not explain at all.. Otherwise, I would have given this movie 10 stars.
  • Any horror movie that rates over 5.0 I will watch. That's because horror movies are inherently flawed when the act 3 or 4 "reveal" finally shows. The reveal is usually something we cannot believe, and most times when we don't believe the movie falls apart.

    This movie has a reasonable premise and enough suspense to make it to the final act. At that point it doesn't fail miserably so I give it a 7.

    Actually good watchable characters and suspense. Worth a watch.
  • Was actually looking forward to this. Felt let down and bored 30 minutes in.

    What starts out as an interesting spin on horror choosing mental illness as it's storyline, quickly becomes all over the place and a little offensive towards people who suffer with schizophrenia. For example: Assume everything they talk about is part of their illness. Or maybe it's trying to break the stigma. Depends on which way you view it.

    There were a few twists and turns, but overall constant screaming and the whole "is it real or is it paranoia" started to wear thin very quickly and my interest was wearing thin. As someone else mentioned in their review, it's not as clever as it thinks it is.

    Nothing new here. Time passer with some boredom thrown in.
  • chaakar17 February 2021
    Not a perfect movie, or most original, but the acting was top-notch, an excellent depiction of what schizophrenia can be like. Definitely not masterpiece, I did scrub through a bit of it, but far from unwatchable. A solid 6.
  • Jke_124512 February 2021
    I went on IMDb to look for Katherine Heigl movies and this one came up yet I thought to myself has she ever been in a horror film? Well she was in Unforgettable but no not really. So I watched this and thought it was pretty good. The main role is filled in by Madison Iseman and she succeeds with flying colours. Her character has schizophrenia and is scared of what's real or just her head meaning that she is always on edge which again she is more than capable of and I was really surprised. Now the real draw of this movie was Katherine Heigl and she is really good in this movie as the mother, and I mean really good. Although I wish she had a little more screen time. The actor who plays the dad in this movie is excellent. His character is fed up with Iseman's character and what she's saying (Won't spoil it). So this movie has a good cast what about the plot? This movie plays on the thought of what is real or fake in this movie yet the plot can seem lame but the actors performances make up for it. This is a semi spoiler about the movie so click off now if you don't want it ruined. This movie has a twist towards the final act however it isn't sudden or unnecessary, it adds emotional weight to the movie and grounds the characters more.

    So what are my final thoughts on this movie? Its pretty good especially for a lockdown watch. Its well made has a fantastic cast and a solid plot. Also the chemistry between the characters feels genuine which is a big part of this movie with it being about a family.
  • Katherine.... Yikes. The level of acting on behalf of Katherine Heigel is just too sub par. Even for C list actors.
  • RobTheWatcher24 July 2021
    Overall a solid original enough movie that kept me fairly engaged. There were some obvious moments and some confusing moments when it came to her hallucinations but it kept me on my toes throughout.
  • nickhess-9075221 February 2021
    I finished this movie because I made it so far. This movie is annoying to me. The movie could have ended within the first 40 mins if she just took a couple pictures. When it finally starts getting into things, you are just pushed into Caleb and her stuff together. Her family life is predictable. The whole movie is predictable in most ways except one twist which I won't reveal in case people want to see this. Overall, the acting is decent though. Like I said, this movie could have been 30 to 40 mins at most by just using her phone and taking a picture.
  • kkmgirl-448-11198827 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had conflicting emotions throughout the movie, but ultimately decided it was pretty OK. I figured out one of the "twists" early on, but I don't think the writers tried very hard to hide it either. Rain delivered an exhausting performance, but it felt genuine- kudos to her. Harry and Caleb were easy on the eyes, but I cringed every time the neighbor showed up. There were some juvenile Lifetime moments like spilling her pills on the floor, the "best friend" turning uber nasty, the totally idiotic character choices, the Nancy Drew ending, and the constant screaming, but I enjoyed Caleb's role- I wish my high school BF would have been more like him. I don't know enough about schizophrenia to determine the accuracy of portrayel, but I do wonder if the "twist" could have really played out that way... seems a bit far-fetched. The scenery was a breath of fresh air... not your typical Florida setting. No regrets watching it, but it could benefit from some tweaking.
  • Fear of rain left me confused about the writing. It was both good and bad at the same time. In parts of the film it left you unsure and guessing which is great writing but overall the film went on way to long.

    The film which was almost 2 hrs long told more of a story about Rain the what the plot suggested. It was extremely dragged out. The film had no suspense.

    There is not much more to say apart from it was a boring film. The acting was good and Madison (Rain) did a good job. So credit where credit is due.
  • jewelch25 March 2021
    Fear of Rain is a journey into the mind and life of a schizophrenic teen girl. The plot uses the brilliant technique of challenging the audience's sense of reality so we share in the central character's mental state. Madison Iseman's performance is exceptional and is possibly her best to date. Heigl and Connick Jr. are also very talented and it was great to see them on the big screen again. My only criticism of the movie is we are left wondering what was real, if any of it. This makes it difficult to know how to feel about the ending. Nevertheless, the film is intriguing and entertaining. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 3/24/2021
  • I am not sure what movie the other reviewers watched or why the rating is so low here but I loved this movie! In fact I would watch it again with a friend.

    I was thoroughly entertained and yet really came out of it with a new understanding on Schizophrenia. I am sure there are more serious character study films on this illness, but for me the actress who plays Rain did such a beautiful portrayal. She completely took me into her world and I could feel how confused and how freighting things were for her.

    It has a good combination of suspense and drama with little bits of horror. It had a few WTF moments but otherwise the cast was great!!! I would recommend you give it a watch.
  • Being a teenager is hard work. Being a teenager battling a severe bout of schizophrenia, now that's something else entirely!

    Poor old teenage girl Rain however is very much one of these unfortunate souls.

    Alienated at school because of her seemingly insane nature and wholeheartedly believing that her next door neighbour/teacher is in fact harbouring a small kidnapped child, life isn't easy for Madison Iseman's unlucky Rain, who finds solace in the presence of her mother Michelle and her friendship with the the possibly conjured up Caleb.

    Directed by still establishing director Castille Landon, Fear of Rain is a low budget affair that has convictions in its motives and enough clout to attract rising star talents Iseman and Broussard as well as sometime A-listers Harry Connick Jr. And Katherine Heigl but while its heart remains in the right place and its late showing twist and turns need to be seen to be believed, Castilee's film is a little too slow out of the blocks and rough around the edges to become the small time indie hit it might've been.

    Directed in a very po-faced fashion and failing to make the most of Rain's unnerving mindsets (bar a few underutilised flashes of on screen text designed to establish the way Rain thinks on the fly), Fear of Rain had the potential to be a wildly disruptive and energetic affair that gives way far too often to uneventful moments and character beats that halt it in its tracks while we should be glued to our screen trying to figure out just how crazy or sane Rain in fact is.

    With the most screen-time, both Iseman and Broussard come through the film best with Iseman in particular showcasing a strong leading lady potential but the work of the slumming it Connick Jr. And Heigl leaves a lot to be desired as their parents to Rain Michelle and John fail to make a mark as the two disinterested screen performers clearly couldn't have cared less if they tried.

    It's a shame these elements didn't align for Fear of Rain to work, the downright bonkers plot and narrative movements had potential to create a real cult hit but as it stands this is a rather tiresome affair that only barely scrapes by.

    Final Say -

    Fear of Rain's plot held much potential but its only ever half met at best as a fairly jaw dropping finale and some nice central turns from its young leads helps proceedings along and ensures this low-budget affair didn't sink to low depths it may've sunk too.

    2 sets of keys out of 5.
  • This might be the best 2021 movie I've seen. I saw other reviews talking about rear window/disturbia similarities, and I feel like something special was missed. This is such a touching movie regarding mental illness; I really felt for the protagonist. It's the rear window / disturbia stuff that feels tacked on. This movie isn't really about that. I found myself almost bursting into tears multiple times during this one, because of how powerful the performance of our protagonist was as she goes through her daily life of confusion and suffering that no normal person can come anywhere close to understanding.

    The twist is awesome in this one!

    The special effects used to express psychosis and schizophrenia are terrifying and powerful. Seeing this was a weird experience for me - it's sitting at a 5.9 now, so I'm sitting on my couch all geared up for a 5.9 calibre movie. And instead I get a 7.5 calibre movie, but maybe a bit less because the hollywood ending wasn't nearly as impactful as all the events preceding it.

    I'm going to be thinking about this one for a bit. What a gem. Reminded me a bit of the movie "Still Alice," even though the actual events that unfold are drastically different. Both of those movies just hit me in the same emotional spot.
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