User Reviews (152)

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  • azizmalhas19 October 2020
    You might have noticed that this was a copy of the South Korean movie #alive, but if you check credits; they both have the same writer. So I don't think the script was stolen, it was just a replica with few changes to serve the American audience as usual. However; that being said. The Korean version was much better on the storyline take, the acting, the zombie makeup, even the romance was better.

    It was a good movie, but since I've seen the Korean version, I couldn't put more than 5 to this one.
  • kosmasp5 July 2021
    Apparently this and the Korean version (seen on Netflix I reckon for most) are just based on the same script. Which would techincally mean this isn't a Remake in the true sense of the word.

    On the other hand, I saw the Korean version first and I am happy I did. While I didn't dislike this overall and I have to admit the lead here has quite the charme to him (at first you will probably dislike him, but that can and is supposed to change during the course of the movie) ... he loses some of his drive - at least that is what I think will be true for most.

    Good casting overall and the basic idea holds up throughout, even when it doesn't make much sense after a very strong opening.
  • iain-tully110 September 2021
    Who cares if it's better or worse than the Korean version. This was an enjoyable, well paced film. Had a good mix of despair, horror ,hope and romance. Some truly edge of your seat moments. The zombies were fast and plentiful. Reminded me of those from 28 days later. Yes, there were the usual stupid moments as in most horror films, such as being in intense situations but easily dropping your guard, putting your weapon down, not locking the door etc etc. While being annoying I guess these things happen to add tension. What did bug me though was the main actor. I think he'd been hired from over actors anonymous. In a movie where the idea is to be quiet to avoid zombie detection this bloke shouts, screams and grunts at every opportunity. Anyway, overall it's worth a watch.
  • xnvsdwu18 October 2020
    According to wiki this is the original and #Alive, which is the Korean version, was adapted (remake) from this script. #Alive was released first even tho it is the remake.

    I love Tyler Posey but the script and story line for Alone was horrible. No character arc or any attachment to his character. It felt rushed and the last part of the movie seemed to have the most "action".

    I personally prefer #Alive. Better story line and character arc!
  • There's a Korean film that came out a year or two ago with the same story, plot, everything. And it was much better.
  • I get that this is a an American production but if you are to take a concept from overseas kindly do it justice not, half baked effort
  • The 'zombies' n this one have a unique twist that as a guy who watches ANYTHING post-apocalyptic, I appreciate a fun wrinkle. The love story is actually feasable and we'll done, meaning believable for the most part and not overdone. It works as a PART of the story. Other than Donald Sutherland I had never heard of these actors but they all we're solid; no one took me out of it or anything. Anyone rating this too low has just not seen what awfulness there truly is in the Post-Apocalypse genre wasteland.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this one under the title FINAL DAYS, and it immediately seemed very familiar given that I'd previously watched the Korean movie #ALIVE. Turns out both are based on the same script, so technically one isn't a remake of the other. In any case, the Korean film is inevitably far better: the cast is better (with the exception of Donald Sutherland, the one stand-out here), the direction much improved, and it has oodles more suspense and genuine fear in the zombie scenes. This one has a solid plot but it feels more like a B-movie and the main character isn't particulaly likeable, making it hard to care about his plight.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, there's a Korean version. I haven't seen it. Korean zombie films are far superior to most of the American trash being cranked out, today, but this film isn't that bad.

    There isn't stupid sex scenes that serve no purpose except to give jollies to grown up adolescents who used to sneak copies of dad's Playboy.

    There's no hooters...for no reason... except for the same version I stated above.

    SOME Horror film makers are FINALLY learning, not just men, watch Horror. Welcome to the 21st century, ya'll...

    The movie is actually just a zombie film with people doing the rational thing...trying to survive, rather than having sex and making stupid decisions.

    Don't get me wrong...this film isn't without its problems, and I REALLY get tired of the, "I'm young and stupid and so I have to fall apart," angle in films now, but...I also have to realize, I'm older than even some of the parents of the kids who watch this stuff now, and their generation is MUCH different than mine.

    Not that people of my generation don't fall apart too...but our decisions are different. Our way of thinking IS different because our parents were DEFINITE survivors and that's how many of us were raised.

    I actually liked this movie...and that's something I RARELY say about American Horror, these days.

    Give it a watch.
  • Can be a bit depressing at times and different spin on zombies. Donald Sutherland plays a great part. An ok watch.

    This is a remake of the Korean film 'Alive', which is a much better version.
  • faithlara19 November 2020
    Loved this movie, it really showed if being trapped in a place alone can you keep you together as long as you have the strength to stay alive. It was definitely worth watching, I recommend 100% suspense, pop ups, everything was worth it. Love it.
  • jeffsels17 August 2021
    A standard zombie trapped-in-the-apartment movie. The cameo by Donald Sutherland is excellent. The music in the film is fantastic, more suited to a blockbuster movie than this one. The ending is not really an ending per se and left me wanting more -which is a good thing, I suppose.
  • Was ok. Could have been much better. Decent for a one time watch though. I wish they would have done so much more with it though. It had so much more potential.
  • The original movie was wonderful. The characters struggles were more believable, there was a strong female character, and their relationship was interesting. This movie is just so terrible. It's poorly written, it's clearly ADR, the female character is written as a helpless princess hiding in a castle waiting for the prince to come get her. I honestly feel like we've gone backwards with this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mostly annoyed. No offense to the guy playing Aiden, but his "acting" was off-- sometimes overacting, sometimes underacting, and he always seemed to have his shirt off (more annoyance).

    Other than him, the story was okay. There was enough tension and excitement that I remained interested the entire movie. And as bad as Aiden was, the actor was good enough to carry the entire film.

    Kudos to the producers for convincing a living legend in Donald Sutherland to keep his SAG membership active by doing a cameo in this low budget movie.

    And the ending was quite exciting, if not contrived. Doesn't take much for people to fall in love anymore, does it.

    4/10- decent story with painfully annoying male lead.
  • jonerogers5 November 2020
    I Really liked this film, it has two main leads and a very short scene with Donald Sutherland who, although a lot older than at the height of his career still acts well. its good for old actors to keep their toe in the water and his character in this was just right for him and the scene was also long enough.

    So as i said not starring many at all apart from plenty of extra's playing the Zombie parts. its a good thriller/ horror and did keep me entertained and in one or two places got me to the edge of my seat. it has a good storyline and some solid acting all round.

    all in all worth the 7 rating and worth a watch.... get the popcorn out.
  • I enjoyed the concept of someone trying to weather a pandemic solo which also poses the question of if it's possible. Unfortunately things kind of went off the rails a bit. A lot of things don't really make any sense and it all kind of ends with an incomplete happy-but-not-really-happy ending.
  • Judging by other reviews, I guess I'm a bit odd since I'm not looking for some deep and meaningful plot in a zombie movie. I appreciated the twist of the infected's mental state, that was interesting. Also, the protagonist is scared, makes failed attempts and therefore gave me a better sense of what might happened, had it been me in his situation. In my own rating system, I give a 5 when the movie is only worth seeing once, less than 5 is a waste of time, and a 6 if I'll see it again in the future. 7 if it's so good that I feel the need to buy it. In these types of movies, a good storyline is a bonus. My primary interest is being entertained by the situation itself. And for that, it's worth watching again.
  • yrhtvjb19 March 2021
    Main character kills himself in first minute of the film and that wasn't soon enough! Watching this thirty-something person cry for his mom, stumble for simple solutions, make no plans at all after more than a month, was so very painful. This movie needs a bullet to the head and a deep burial!
  • Alot of zombie movies are alike, but this one was a bit different. I liked how the zombies knew what they were doing but couldn't help it, & they could even talk a little bit & say things like "Kill me." Also, it had a realistic feeling to it. It was not boring at all & actually, when the movie ended, I was surprised that it was already over & I wanted more! Don't listen to the bad reviews, those people don't know what they're talking about.
  • andrewchristianjr22 November 2020
    The plot is the same as #Alive, a South Korean zombie flick, but it fell short. Actually Matt Naylor has a screenwriting credit on both films, so it's hard to say which movie copied the other. While Alone has a good premise (like #Alive), it takes the wrong turn by offering us humiliating lead (sorry Posey), lazy story, apathetic "suspenseful" scenes and a love story that is nothing more than a mere fairytale. In the end I think Alone is more action driven, and #Alive has more character development.
  • yahiaaqil17 October 2020
    The movie is over and I am still trying to make sense of any of it! Total garbage with a horrible plot!
  • Till the action starts the audience got a lot of uninteresting, boring and cliched stuff to endure and to survive. The hero is one of those many nerve wrecks (I guess, the writers these days are just lazy and use their own state of mind and soul as a sketch for character development) that flood shows and movies these days - they always raise the impulse inside my mind to think: damn, just man up or be brave enough to shoot yourself. Anyway, the movie gets in the 2nd half mildly entertaining because of some action going on, but for most part the movie fails to create suspense or empathy for the "hero" or an interesting story. Also there are a lot of plot holes regarding the timeline and other stuff. Final words: Alone is not a total fail, but there are many better movies out there regarding the genre (infected, post-apocalypse etc.). If you're expectations are not too high you may dare a look if you like such movies as Alive (South Korea, 2020), Rammbock (Germany, 2010!), The Night Eats the World (France, 2018), those movie all got more or less the same theme and plot with some variations. In my humble view the idea to all those movies are based on that very old classic with Vincent Price - The Last Man on Earth (1969).
  • awill-7511618 October 2020
    This movie came out after #Alive, which has the same exact plot. Check out #Alive on Netflix.
  • The main character is terrible ! A incredible bad acting over there. Don't waste your time.
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