User Reviews (31)

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  • Could have been a good movie with better writing and better direction.

    Oh, and way better music than that annoying poorly played slide guitar garbage interspliced through out the film. It sucks.

    I get it. It's low budget. But the direction really sucks. It comes across as a stage play that someone put on film and because of that the lines fall flat. Almost as if the lines are being read, not acted.

    BTW, it's really not a horror movie. More of a comedy psycho-thriller.

    The plot has been done before and better.
  • Not the best movie but the twist is there right in your face ! If you get high enough its even pretty funny at times i didnt like the ending tho i think it could have been a lot better .
  • Initially I didn't really have any expectations for the 2019 movie "Homewrecker" from writers Precious Chong, Alex Essoe and Zach Gayne, as I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it in 2020. I ended up sitting down to watch it, as I hadn't already seen it and I was given the chance to watch it. So of course I did that.

    And it turns out that "Homewrecker" was actually a rather enjoyable movie, so it was well worth taking the time out to watch it. And this is definitely a movie that I can recommend you sit down to watch, especially if you enjoy an offbeat horror comedy.

    Now, the storyline in "Homewrecker" is not one that require a PH.D. in any sort to keep up with, because it is a very basic and simplistic storyline. Yet director Zach Gayne managed to take very little and make it into something grand. So that was quite the accomplishment.

    Something that really carries the movie is the performances of Precious Chong (playing Linda) and Alex Essoe (playing Michelle). Especially Precious Chong, because she was just phenomenal in the movie. I am not familiar with her from other movies, but she really performed well as the unstable and sort of psychotic Linda.

    I was genuinely surprised and entertained by "Homewrecker" and I am rating it a six out of ten stars. If you get the chance to sit down and watch this movie, I recommend that you do so.
  • Poor acting.

    Terrible score of super annoying guitar effects.

    Multiple shots of a bath bomb in between scenes.

    Pathetic excuses for fight scenes.

    Didn't laugh once.

    That's it. That's my review.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was completely nuts!! The fun part was trying to guess what psycho Precious Chong was gonna do next. She really nailed it as the movie's villain!
  • Fast forwarded it was so bad. Two women in a house. Stupid dialog, Bad acting and terrible direction. I regret wasting a half hour or so of my life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Highly entertaining black thriller/horror. If you liked Sightseers you'll love this, as I did. It's an hour and a half of Batshit crazy shenanigans..not a proper horror film as such but there is plenty of blood for the final moments of insanity. The only let down was the husband/boyfriend scenes at the end, which were not very well executed. Bad actor wrongly cast and no real examination of relationships. Overall a funny psychotic stalker tale of woe. 7/10.
  • I watched Homewrecker because I'm a fan of Alex Essoe since Starry Eyes. But oh my, this movie is bad. The direction is absolutely absent. No style, no substance. The acting direction is a mess, and I can't even blame the actors for that. Terrible fight scene choreography in addition to a sloppy editing. The subject matter could have been interesting, but it is terribly exploited here. Fortunately, it was a pretty short one.

    Watch it because Essoe is on it, but that's pretty much the only good thing about this movie.
  • This one might be a good choice. its like one of roald dahls novels about tales of the unexpected. its a lesswon of psychoactiveness, pair therapy, jealousy and babymaking.

    its only the lonely against the one you hate the most in the world, and the reason for that is not obvious, at least not i my mind, so when the final curtain is raced the whole apocaliptic truth is wretched and written all over the wall, in a bloody catfight over.....

    its a lowbudget duet and the main actresses does a good attempt to make believe, actually i could place a lot of people that ive known into these caracters, so a job well done.

    this is not a blockbuster, more a timefiller that you should see. and if you like to see madness radiate the whole environment, then the grumpy old man recommends
  • bgmagic2223 June 2021
    This movie had potential but uqltimately fell short. The fighting scenes ruined it for me.
  • trish-15111 November 2019
    Tight script and acting. This one could become a cult classic! Awesome attention to detail (board game). Loved the fun poked at Canadian politeness. Great special effects. Precious Chong made me laugh out loud.
  • kebar17 October 2020
    Wtf did I just watch? The acting was pretty bad. Despite that, crazily enough, it held my interest and I watched it all the way through.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Alex Essoe was the star of one of my favorite films, Starry Eyes, and showed up as Wendy in Dr. Sleep. Here, she plays Michelle, a newlywed interior designer who gets snared up in the life of Linda (Precious Chong, who is great here), a woman who seemingly spends her entire day in exercise classes. Their chance meeting is something way more than it seems however, in a movie that is a social media update to Misery.

    Chong and Essoe wrote the script with director Zach Gayne and there's a real joy here in the way the actresses get to communicate back and forth. The truth serum idea, where Linda just wants Michelle to tell her the truth - and then hates every minute of it - is inspired.

    Gayne also directed a movie called States that we watched last year that stood out for its dialogue and willingness to get weird. I'm excited to see what he does next, as I've found so much to enjoy in both of his films that I've seen so far.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There's something here for everyone. 80's workout wear. Waterboarding in a tub with pink bath-bomb water. Cutting out a tongue. Women who cannot throw a single punch. Perky music. Repetition for the OCD viewers.

    I am permanently giving up movies. I am damaged from watching this. Don't let it happen to you.
  • The way they built the story was great. It's just like you're watching and it's like yeah ok that was said and now they're doing this. Before you know it one thing is leading to another and things are pretty out of hand. The thing about the movie is that it's not over the top, this is like believable testimony your honor :P.
  • Wow, where to start? There's so much bad things to write about this stinker I don't even know where to begin. The reason I don't score it the lowest possible is because the idea was there but that's about it. All the rest is just bad. The acting is really bad. I don't even know their names and I don't want to know their names. The old tart looks psychotic and that's the only positive thing about the acting. For the rest it's a mystery to me why those people are aspiring an acting career, even worse the people that hired them, what were they thinking? Please don't give up your daily job, you're going to regret it. As for the story it starts intriguing but the more you get into the story the more ridiculous it gets. I will spare you the details, don't want to spoil this chef d'oeuvre if you still decide to watch this piece of garbage, but it's bad, really bad. Just one thing I will spoil, a young woman in the prime of her life can't take on an old bat, sounds realistic no? The fighting scenes are the worst part of the movie. The bad acting and awful directing drips off in those scenes, very difficult to watch when you love good cinema. The script must been written by a couple of students, some pubers that didn't know what to do with their time. The soundtrack fits perfectly with the movie, it's awful. At one point they even thought it would be a good idea to squeeze a little singing into it, another really bad idea. It's been awhile since I watched a movie (it's an insult to other movies that I call it like that) that made me cringe like Homewrecker. Avoid at all costs!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I purposely don't read most of the reviews before i watch a movie. Sometimes i check ratings but that's not exactly reliable either. This is at least a 6.5. Yes, it's low budget, yes, the dialogue isn't perfect but i've seen much worse. Precious Chong is hilarious. I'm glad i watched all of it, and it's actually short. Not as tight as "fatal attraction" but a much shorter version of "behind her eyes" minus the astral projection twist.
  • It's kind of hard to watch because of how insufferable and realistic the main character is. Apart from that, not the most interesting developments occur but it's original enough to enjoy overall. Like a quirky take on Misery.
  • Listen, this is one of those what the hell did I just watch with my very own eyes-but kept on watching movies. The concept is actually pretty good for an f'd up horror/comedy blend, because there are people out there like this and the episodes of madness...well, I won't go into it. The story is a dark comedy, better than a B movie, shrouded with dialogue, and music that suits the plot. The actress playing the main character did her job well. All I can say without revealing much-think about that extremely drunk and crying by 3am friend you had in college having an extended mental breakdown and living in a constant state of...well, something... and top it off with bizarrely troubling results. This could classify as a movie that might have a small cult following. Not rating higher because it could have been directed better, and if it had more money thrown at it, I think it could have expanded with more locations and build up. Will I watch it again, not likely. Will I tell a few of my hardcore "will watch anything grotesquely over the top and ridiculous" to watch it? Yes.
  • stuart-doris7 October 2021
    Just poorly executed. Very disappointing. Nice idea so badly done. Seems director thought he was being next Tarantino with style, instead I'm confused is it supposed to be this terrible as a joke.
  • LadyCatMeow21 August 2021
    You definitely need a certain sense of humour to enjoy this film. I laughed the whole time and thought it was great!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ms Chong did a really good job portraying a pathetic obsessed psycho with arrested development. You can almost feel for her character. Almost.

    This is an indie film which plays out like Lifetime on crack. The typical obsessed stalker locks in her prey. But what were supposed to be funny moments (the neighbor seeing her choke out her captive and buying it was self defense practice?? For 1 example) fell flat.

    I could have done without the gratuitous bloodshed scene with the tongue cutting. Which leads me to the end... What exactly was the relationship between the husband and Chong's character? I didn't really think the dialogue conveyed the situation very well. How did they meet? He seemed indebited to her? Was she his therapist at one time?

    Also, who were all those paintings of kids and photos of people around her house? Does she stalk people and families as a full time gig?

    All in all I can't say I enjoyed this movie. It's rather depressing and cold, yet once in I felt I may as well finish.
  • Dumb story, bad acting, and if it was trying to be funny it failed. Maybe women would get more out of it than me, but it was bland and poorly made IMO. Plus, the dialogue was sooooo bad.
  • Once again, how many times can a person disable their attacker but simply run away. Not even knock out the attacker when they have a chance, not even lock the door behind you or take the weapon. Of course the attacker gets up again. Such lazy writing and annoying to watch. Low budget for sure but reasonable first third ruined by the point I noted.
  • flyswm4 July 2021
    For the record 5 is average for me so this is below average but not in the bag category.

    I don't know what I expected but this is exactly what it said on the metaphorical box. It's super weird and cringey but I think that was the point.
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