User Reviews (47)

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  • I was looking forward to the movie because of Gong Yoo but I stayed for both him and Park Bo Gum. This is the first time I've seen Park Bo Gum's acting skills and I must say I really liked him and the way he portrays so much with such minimal expressions. The problem here is not the story line, but the way the film has been crafted, it is somehow a bit too rushed, and doesn't build up the way it could have. It needed some more depth and I can't really put my finger on it, but something is missing. I did like the film but I will not be seeing it again but I wish I could give it more stars just for Park Bo Gum, who is definitely the main star for me here. Gong Yoo is a great actor but the film didn't really give him a chance to develop his character or maybe there's just not enough there for him to portray. I wish the film was made better. I want to give it a 6.5.
  • As another reviewer stated, it's not bad to watch once. It has some elements that make it engaging, like some very well done CGI (particularly the super-power scenes) and an emotional score. Gong Yoo and Park Bo Gum both nail their roles, but the plot was lacking, and it failed to connect on an emotional level. The premise was interesting, but ultimately I was left feeling like what exactly was the point of the movie. I think the overall message of what it means to be human is decent, but I've seen it done better. I felt this was somewhat of a disappointment, as it had all the right elements but they somehow failed to impress. I think it was a decent watch but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are a huge fan of the lead actors and have nothing else to watch.
  • There are many philosophical questions here ... what makes us who we are ... what keeps us sane ... the power of "immortality" (you can still die, but in theory you could also live forever) ... there are so many things that are being asked. Is death really the one thing that keeps us sane? How can we know for sure? Of course same can be said about the live forever theme ... as Queen asked in their song too ... though I reckon the first instinct always is to say yes. Survival instinct and all that.

    Having said that, while this is about quite the philosophical themes ... it also has quite a lot of action in it. I personally like a lot of Korean movies and while I am not completely enamoured by this one, I still think it is more than a nice effort. The melodrama is a bit much ... and there is a lot of things that remain unanswered ... but of course they are ... how would the movie be able to answer things we do not know? See above ... still a neat Science Fiction action brain teaser to say the least.
  • Entertaining big-budget sci-fi thriller. I have to say I mostly got what I wanted out of it, and that's a mix of pathos, road film and some action for good measure. It does have its shortcomings that keep it from being great, though.

    Imagine having a male Asian version of Eleven from Stranger Things. Then give him a Frankenstein-type backstory and pair him with a skilled secret agent who has his own brand of unsavory past. They're the centerpiece of the film and their gradual bonding is at the heart of the story. This is the kind of thriller that takes cues from modern Hollywood cinema, but keeps that Korean flair in trying to wring out real emotions from its characters while putting them in some tough spots. It even goes overboard in that regard, with some slightly predictable, almost underwhelming scenes in the second half. The film's focus switches from an entertaining, sometimes touching road trip to borderline-corny melodrama with occasional SFX-heavy sequences. Still, even then the film has its moments; there's a particularly effective beach scene that manages to find a sense of melancholy amid all the obvious sugarcoating.

    Overall, this is a polished, mostly fun and exciting ride that's worth a watch if you're into Korean genre fare and don't mind formulaic plotting. It won't blow you away, but it's got just enough going for it.
  • ...but somehow the script is not the best, and i think with the two lead actors they could've done so much more and better (because they are both great), but it stays a bit on the surface over all. Too bad!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Seobok (Park Bo-gum) is the first and only successful prototype of a human clone whose genes were entirely modified through genetic manipulation, rendering him an undying being. Named after a legendary servant seeking the elixir of immortality for his emperor, Seobok had bone marrow that produce stem cells with proteins which can cure any human disease. He also had brainwaves so strong that they can move objects around him when provoked.

    When his developer was murdered, the specimen Seobok had to be protected at all costs. Min Ki-hun (Gong Yoo) was an ex-intelligence agent who had been called out of retirement to escort and ensure safe transport of Seobok to another facility. When their convoy was ambushed by American soldiers, Min had to use his skills to get Seobok out alive and bring him to safety, while dealing with the crippling effects of his guilt and his brain tumor.

    As written by director Lee Yoong-ju, "Seobok" was about the developing relationship between these two men on the run from people who wanted the specimen for their own ends. Ki-hun was the gruff and jaded older brother who had to keep his innocent and curious little brother in line, as they try to gain each others trust. The two lead actors both get into their characters with effective chemistry between them. While Gong went intense, Park shone in his restraint.

    Meanwhile, behind all this dramatic pursuit was the philosophical paradox of how death is what kept humanity alive and going as we know it now. As humans are the only species who are aware of their own mortality, fear of death gave life its meaning. With immortality, humans would lose this drive, only fostering greed. Ki-hun and Seo Bok also argue about worthiness to live and the reasons why one wants to go on living.

    In true Korean cinema tradition, behind all its expensive-looking sci-fi special effects of the fancy hi-tech laboratory facilities as well as the violent displays of Seo Bok's powerful telekinetic abilities, "Seobok" is a thought-provoking personal and philosophical drama at heart. Hammy supporting actors aside, the film was carried by the magnetic performances of its two charismatic lead stars, making that concluding moment one of sheer poignance. 7/10.
  • The movie was overall good. It was pretty intense,barely could guess what is going to happen in the end.

    Taking about the plot it follows a scientific experiment of clone called Seobok who can cure all human diseases and also an immortal being . A man with a brain tumor is called for the first trailer of the experiment as he was the most reliable and coward person. While shifting Seobok from the science lab a group of americans attacked them and took them to another place. Min Gi and Seobok somehow escaped the place but Seaobok wants to go the church. After that when they went to the lab where Min Gi wanted Seobok to leave.

    So questions arise, Who were those americans who attacked them and why?

    Why Seobok a cone wants to go to church?

    Why Min Gi wants Seobok to leave the lab all of a sudden ?

    I said it has a vibe of ''Stranger things '' Seobok pretty resembles Eleven. Eleven has telepathy power with it she can move or destroy things, seobok does the same. Both are the product of Scientific Experiment. Like ''Stranger things'' group of friends want to save Eleven and so does the Min Gi .

    Of course Stranger things is far better than this one. But it resembles a bit that it.
  • Despite of two of well known South Korea actor and one of my Favorites actor Goong Yoo teamed up with young talented actor Park Bo Gum, this movie kinda wasted their talent, if is not because their acting and lets put other unknown actor in it, this movie sadly will fail horribly, even Goong Yo and Park Bo Gum can't save this movie with their performance, feel like the story don't know where to go, if i can call it as food, i call it as bland taste with great garnish, but you don't want taste it again because that bland taste despite beautiful garnish on top of the food, i almost forget as soon i walk away from cinema, like i watch thousand like this, but nothing new or come of as special from it, eventually there is not enough depth back-story that make me wanna root and feel empathy for main character, everything feel rushed and director doesn't know what their aim for, i feel it kinda try hard to questioning about life and death philosophy, but c'mon, can we doing better than Seo Book look like he just wanna show up his super power and another half between it just some talk about life and death crisis with Ki Heon, i give 2 star for story and add bonuses 3 star because i like Goong Yoo and Park Bo Gum, but now i feel pity for them because they even can't maximize their potential of great performance because bad script and mediocre dialogue inside the movie that make you wondering why you can't even remember just one meaningful dialog from this movie, but yeah, once again this what i call as bland movie, just watch this if sure you never witnessed any other Sci-Fi movie in your lifetime.
  • Although there are some action scenes and the story is based on human cloning, the film is philosophical.

    It has a deep core and asks deep questions.. Why do we fear death? Why we want to live forever?

    Is "how long we live" more important than "how we live"?

    Are we living well?

    Is there a purpose for our life?

    The moment our death approaches, will we say that we regret or that we are proud of how we lived?

    What would the world look like if humans could choose to live forever?

    The film indirectly answers all these questions. And in the end Ki Heon answers the most important question.... Do you know now how the world gonna be if humans could find a way to immortality? And he answers, "Yes, I know." Ki heon represents a normal human who fears death and wishes to live longer and Seobok is immortality sought by everyone.

    If you are expecting an action movie, the movie will be disappointing. It is a philosophical movie about human nature, death and life. And how humans might destroy each other if they could control who lives and who dies.
  • The two main characters have good acting skills, but the storyline is boring.
  • westsideschl15 March 2022
    Plot uses the currently popular & controversial cloning of animals; human in this case. Oh, plant cloning is OK. Cloned human, for some unexplained reason, is immortal and further unexplained are his special powers. That's sci-fi for you. The usual evil government corporate interests want to possess our handsome clone. Story is basically our clone is discovering what humans are really like at his own peril.
  • AJ_McAninch28 April 2022
    I love both leads who worked hard to overcome a mediocre script. The film began okay, quickly became muddled, developed large holes, and then fell apart. But I did think the ending worked okay.
  • deepudp13 September 2021
    Story of the first ever human clone who possess superhuman powers to even dodge bullets. However, he requires protection. And the one providing safety is hardly equipped and is seen in the open most often.

    All that being said, the topic is fresh and some of the conversations are interestingly deep and thought provoking.
  • nshu-5463027 April 2021
    For those who like Park Bo gums, the movie is worth watching.

    The acting skill of Gong Yoo is great, and very impressive.
  • This movie could have been great if the two charming protagonists ended up being lovers. Anyway, I love some scenes (beach scenes)that were tribute to Moonlight (2016 Barry Jenkins). It has some potentials to be a memorable film. Unfortunately, it's too sappy and the final showdown was just Akira wannabee .
  • I just feel that this film should be more than just sci-fi, thriller, or maybe a little bit slice of life. Yeah I admit that their dialogue is touching but honestly from the start of this film I can already guess the storyline of this film and how will this film end.

    So maybe I can say that this film actually really wasted the actors because honestly from the start I knew that Gong Yoo and Bo Gum would play in one film, I already had high expectations with the story line.

    It's about the story line not about the actors.
  • Seobok: Project Clone is a modern day Frankenstein story written and directed by Lee Yong Zoo. This compelling film is a blend of the science fiction, action, and drama genres. It is very good.

    Train to Busan's Gong Yoo stars as a dying special agent enlisted to safely transport a new species of human-clone after a terrorist attack designed to eliminate it. This new species of human is played adeptly by Park Bo Gum. This new creation becomes the center of a battle between governments and scientists, as his potential for ending human death is considered.

    While the film is definitively a Sci-Fi film, filled with great action and very good special effects, it is much more than that. This film is a dramatic look at moral issues that are as old as mankind itself- the questions of what it means to be human, and what is the bearable cost of the advancement of science. What does it mean to be human? Seobok manages to examine these questions in a way that does not preach to the viewer. The film entertains and evokes intellectual quandary. It is well done.

    While there is a substantial cast, Gong Yoo and Park Bo Gum monopolize the majority of the screen time. Their relationship and their screen chemistry evolves over the course of the film and is the linchpin of the dramatic aspects of the story. I found myself really caring about their evolving and complex personal relationship. Is Gong Yoo's life more valuable than Park Bo Gum's because he was born and not made? What is the point at which life begins? What is the acceptable sacrifice society is willing to accept in the furtherance of perceived advancement? What happens when man plays God and loses control of his creations? All these questions are considered.

    While the story is a modern day Frankenstein tale, it is not the story made famous by Boris Karloff in 1931. It is more akin to the character of the Mary Shelley novel that was brought into the world through science and struggled to understand his place in the world. That is Park Bo Gum's Seobok.

    A common theme in recent years in my reviews has been the elevation of South Korean cinema. Seobok: Project Clone is no exception. The film is well scripted. It is well Directed and well acted. The special effects and cinematography are as good as anything Hollywood has produced.

    I highly recommend this film. I saw the film in Korean with English subtitles; however there is a Dubbed version.
  • Two stars for the lead actors, three stars for effort and no stars for everything else. The marketing and A list actors were so appealing I had high expectations. But the director who's also the scriptwriter couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to achieve. The concept of a human clone being used to harvest stem cell 24/7 in order for other humans to survive fatal illnesses is good material for a movie because it questions humanity, but it's wasted. The melancholic scenes were contrived and not touching, the story was cliche and had no substance. I was waiting for some breakthrough but nothing happened in the movie that gave me that aha moment. I watched it to support PBG and I hesitated to write a bad review but this movie is really one of the most boring movies I've watched.
  • SEOBOK is a Korean sci-fi thriller that tries to mix the best of both worlds in the story of a clone and the man assigned to protect him from nefarious agents. The sci-fi elements are well done and the exploration of humanity works well, while the film's action beats frequently hit. The Koreans have always done chase films well and the suspense engages here, which is why it's a shame that the story plods in between the exciting moments. It becomes obvious that this was shot during lockdown as there are long stretches where it's just a couple of characters going on a road trip and chatting interminably. It does drag after a while but then picks up for a dramatic climax.
  • Erick_Till8 August 2022
    Average performances, with touches of melodrama and as a bonus some tears from the characters.

    It's a sad story of people with no purpose in life who wander from place to place with nowhere to go.

    The premise of the movie is good. It could even be a great movie but it lacks all the ingredients.

    Nothing feels real, neither the scenes nor even the dialogues.

    It's impossible to empathize with any of the characters unless you identify with weak, bad, or loser characters.

    Without using spoilers, I'd say that the movie looks like a bad remake of "Morgan" (2016) with Anya Taylor-Joy.
  • I almost didn't realize that I stared my black screen long after Seo Bok finished. Last year, when I read the news stating, "The first Korean sci-fi action film, "Seo Bok", the first human clone through stem cell cloning and genetic engineering. With Gong Yoo and Park Bo Gum as leads", I had a preconceived image about how Seo Bok would be. I thought, Korean would go all out in Hollywoodian tradition of shallow sci-fi bombastic action.

    I was wrong. Though there is a bit of Hollywoodian appearance in the style, Seo Bok is still Korean at its core, with Korean / Asian values / approach that I come to love years ago when I started to be interested in Korean cinema.

    Seo Bok delivers the everlasting question about live and death in an unconventional way: the meeting of two protagonists from opposite ends of the spectrum. One is dying (Ki-Hun played wonderfully by Gong Yoo). And the other one has the possibility to be immortal (Seo-Bok played by Park Bogum). I have to admit, Park Bogum gradual transformation from a curious-ordinary-innocent-kid to an intelligent-sensitive-observant creature then transformed into an angry wounded beast, is worth an Oscar. Effortless and seamless transformation just with his facial expression and his gaze.

    The premise of Seo-Bok follows the path of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with more of human approach (and Asian values). Ki-Hun is afraid to die mostly because his traumatic past that led him to believe he would encounter an unimaginable terrible punishment in the other side. His buying his time out of fear. Somehow, Ki-Hun is the reincarnation of Captain Walton's Mary Shelley. And as the story progress, we have Victor Frankenstein in the form of a mother / scientist who created Seo bok with a very humanly reason: out of grief.

    As every story with out-of-control human ambition, Seo-bok, which is based on fear and grief of inevitable human destiny, is a great movie that worth watches more than once.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The South Korean sci-fi blockbuster "Seobok" (2021), which has not yet been released, has already gained momentum. With the popularity of the two superstars Gong Yoo and Park Bo-Gum, it was originally scheduled to be released in December 2020, but was later postponed to April 2021. It was released simultaneously in South Korea and Hong Kong. The first major production will be screened simultaneously in Korean theaters and online OTT. It seems that the film company CJ Entertainment is bent on maximizing the profit within a short period of time when the film is released.

    "Seobok" is the third screenplay written and directed by Lee Yong-ju. Nine years ago, "Architecture 101" (2012) written and directed by him became the highest grossing romance film in South Korea at the time. Following him as director Lee Hae-young for the first time, he wrote the horror film "The Silenced. Unexpectedly", Lee Yong-ju who was a blockbuster in romance films, started filming this sic-fi action blockbuster, and the film has only two male protagonists, and the female role is only Jang Young-nam, who plays the role of Dr. Im Se-eun, a doctor in the research institute, who is the mother of the replicator. The film uses Xu Fu (Seobok), the name of the alchemist in the Qin Shi Huang era (259-210 B. C.). The film tells from the director of the research institute, played by Park Byung-eun, that this replicator is the "product" of stem cell technology, which can be the "antidote" for human beings to treat terminal illnesses, allowing people to live forever immortal.

    The film here briefly touches on a scandal in the Korean science and technology industry, which is the Hwang Woo-suk stem cell fraud incident fifteen years ago. At that time, Hwang Woo-suk's research shocked South Korea and become a people's hero. The subsequent fraud and corruption incidents made Koreans feel unacceptable and ashamed, that is called national shame by public opinion. This topic may not be felt by audiences outside Korea, but for Koreans, it is a rather sensitive subject, which has become another selling point of the film limited to Korea.

    In terms of sci-fi genres, "Seobok" should belong to the category of mind and identity. From the perspective of science and technology, it explores the development and changes of science and technology, the changes in thinking and the identity and crisis of human beings. For example, the replicator in the film, a scientist and doctor who is a mother, uses stem cells to transform the son who died in a car accident into a replicator through technology. Facing this "son", she is also an experimental product and a technological product, and fights for him every day. Depressants and extraction of bone marrow, as the supervisor said, is no different from the extraction of insulin from pigs in the laboratory, but the protagonist Gong Yoo plays the terminally ill special agent Min Ki-heon, in order to protect Seo Bok, the replicator played by Park Bo-gum, and feels unacceptable. The institute treats a person in this way, which can be seen as the director's questioning when technology touches the boundaries of human morality and identity. There are many comments that the film's handling of this message disrupts the rhythm of the film as an action film, and is too superficial and not profound enough. I agree that the director failed to combine literary drama and action scenes organically, which made many viewers who watched action scenes feel disappointed and dull, especially in the second half of the film, Seo Bok took Min Ki-heon to the cemetery to see his own prototype: Dr. Im Se-eun's son, his confusion and doubts about his identity also caused Min Ki-heon to have interpersonal feelings for him, which made him return to research instituate afterwards, when Seo Bok's bone marrow was extracted, Min Ki-heon's question to the supervisor became reasonable.

    As for the comment about why the government wants to eliminate Seo Bok, the film passed through the mouth of the intelligence director Chief Ahn, played by Jo Woo-jin, and mentioned the views of American scientists. If people can live forever and have no fear of death, people will self-destruct. So they had no choice but to eliminate Seo Bok, the immortal "product". This concept comes from the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who believes that human nature is the only one that can be aware of death, so people feel a passionate need for existence, and death is just the witness of human beings as existence, in fact, Heidegger in his the classic Being and Time has many accounts of how people prepare for death in order to prove their existence. The film borrowed this idea to achieve dramatic effects, especially in the last scene, Seo Bok asked Min Ki-heon to destroy himself, which was quite a sensational scene. There are many comments that this scene has the shadow of a classic Japanese animation, Otomo Katsuhiro's "Akira" (1988). In terms of visual effects, it does have the feeling of "Akira", but the film reminds the author of the French director, "Lucy" (2014) by Luc Besson, especially about the problem of existence, also tells the story of the person using technology to give people the ability to control other things. Both films have the ending of the "Akira"'s destruction. But "Lucy" raised the existence of superhumans to a more nihilistic level, and she was everywhere in the end; and "Seobok" returned to people's desire to achieve immortality and created Seo Bok, but also because of his appearance, people may face the crisis of self-destruction, so he must be destroyed, although this is a hypothetical question, if people really do not die of illness, how will people face the problem of existence?

    The director chose Seo Bok as the name to bring this ancient character into the world of science fiction. According to "Records of the Grand Historian" (Shiji), Qin Shi Huang, in pursuit of immortality, accepted Xu Fu's (Seo Bok) proposal and took the boy and girl to the three immortal mountains of Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou. Looking for the medicine of immortality, in the end neither Xu Fu (Seo Bok) nor the boy and girl came back. Later, there are many records about Xu Fu (Seo Bok) in China and Japan. There is a character in the film with a very "Akira"'s style, that is the chairman of the company played by Kim Jeo-geon. He uses mercenaries to fight the government, a villain who is rich and rivals the country. This is also curve criticism of the Korean film's response to the Korean chaebol phenomenon. And the other villain is Chief Ahn, he has the intention to send this replica to the US military for processing, but in the end he asked him to use the military to take action, and he almost fell into a sea of fire. Some reviews pointed out that since Seo Bok has such a huge super power, why did Chief Ahn ask for Min Ki-heon to protect him? In fact, the director of the research institute and Dr. Im Se-eun have explained that Seo Bok's cells grow very fast, because a boy's body is actually only ten years old, and he is a child with superpowers. Whether his superpower can be controlled freely is a question mark, so Chief Ahn only sent a terminally ill agent to protect him, which finally proved that Chief Ahn's choice was correct. The film does not have much breakthrough in the genre of sci-fi films, and as a large scale production, it has not reached the climax expected by the audience, but the performances of the two superstars are quite suitable for their jobs. Of course, Park Bo-gum's role has more room to play, and he also grabbed a lot of edge from Gong Yoo. The audience who came to watch idols wholeheartedly should not be disappointed.

    By Kam Po LAM (original in Chinese)
  • This starts off with great promise and ambition but just dissolves into a sentimental mush !

    The basic premise is good, we have a potential 'savior' and a non deserving victim and the bias keeps shifting between the two which makes the outcome uncertain until some background facts are revealed and it all turns to sentimental slush ! Yes you should expect a certain amount of sentimentality in Asian films but this felt like it didn't know which audience to play to so tried to cover as many as possible !

    If it wasn't for some of the overdubbed voice acting this might get a better review from me but to be fair this was probably the worst part, it would have been preferable to just have subtitles !

    Predictable, nonsense with really bad voice overs !

    Don't waste your time !
  • Seobok is a South Korean science-fiction thriller about a former intelligence agent who is tasked to transport the first human clone to safety after the organization behind the experiment is targeted by a mysterious attack. Agent Ki Heon suffers from a disease and knows that he only has a few months left to live. He also feels guilt for not protecting his partner who suffered a grisly demise several years ago. His will to live however gets a boost when he learns that clone Seo Bok might possibly be able to cure his disease and restore his health. The clone has some struggles of his own as he has lived a life in captivity and wonders what the meaning of life is. He starts questioning his creators as much as those who are trying to annihilate him. The unstable duo must go into hiding and survive attacks from different factions as neither ally nor enemy can be trusted anymore.

    On paper, this movie reads like an exciting science-fiction spectacle on the pulse of time. In reality, this is however a slow-paced film with repetitive pseudo-philosophical discussions that drag on for far too long. The plot is quite predictable and rarely grabs the viewers' attention. The movie's conclusion is particularly disappointing but it at least doesn't end with a shallow happy ending.

    On the positive side, this film oozes with gloomy atmosphere. The locations are perfectly chosen, the lighting techniques are excellent and the soundtrack blends in very well. The few action sequences are visually stunning. The special effects benefit from a generous budget.

    At the end of the day, Seobok is an entertaining movie for a slow rainy night. However, it isn't memorable enough to leave a deeper impression. Streaming this movie once is acceptable but purchasing a physical copy isn't worth it. South Korea has recently been producing much better science-fiction movies such as The Witch that are worth your attention.
  • South Korean cinema, a country that rarely disappoints in the movie world. From all the Asian countries South Korea is definitely on top. It's one of my favourite countries for movies so I looked forward watching Seobok. The plot of Seobok looked interesting to me, the thriller/sci-fi genre is one that I enjoy the most. The story was entertaining to watch, with an impressive ending and some good special effects. The cast was well chosen, no overacting Asian actors in Seovok but good convincing acting. Gong Yoo already played in some outstanding series and movies like Squid Game and Train To Busan, two other South Korean successful productions, and again he did very well. Once again a South Korean movie that didn't disappoint, the list is getting long...
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