User Reviews (25)

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  • I have no idea why this film is classified as a horror. It's a slow-paced borderline thriller with a bit of slasher material. It's ordinary and unoriginal, but still somewhat watchable at least.

    The film makers had no intentions of making historically accurate statements regarding the real story of the Donner party. It's a shame, because true accounts of the incident can readily be found in any library or online. A more comprehensible and effective horror story could have been woven from actual facts. Hear Me, producers? A little homework could have made for a more believable movie.

    What we have is a movie based loosely around supposed local legends. The plot is mostly able to be followed, yet bizarre and insensible. Thus, the film staggers about stupidly like an old drunk spouting tall tales.

    I did like a few moments of the camera work and set and there's beautiful scenery at times. It's unmistakably low-budget, but manages a few nice shots. In large though, the camera work is an amateur production, just shy of shoddy.

    There's sexuality and heavy drinking in this movie, plus partial frontal nudity in one scene, so this is not for young eyes. There is gore, but it's no where near as disgusting as the gore you'll find in similar films that have came out recently. It's more on par with the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

    I am unimpressed, but do NOT feel that the experience was a total waste of time given My original expectations for it.
  • In1846, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the area known as Donner Pass, a starving man kills three others to eat their flesh during the winter, but a boy witnesses the murders and flees.

    In the present days, the teenagers Kayley (Desiree Hall), her boyfriend Mike (Colley Bailey), her cousin Nicole (Adelaide Kane) and the outcast Thomas (Erik Stocklin) travel to the house in Donner Pass of Thomas's parents that are in Europe. Thomas recommends his friends to be careful with the house since his parents do not know that they are spending the weekend there. They learn that the police are hunting down the criminal James Michael Epstein (John Kassir). Out of the blue, the troublemaker boyfriend of Nicole, Derek (Dominic DeVore), comes with his friends Brody (Antonio Trischitta), Valerie (Krystal Davis) and A.J. (Brandon Morales) in his SUV to stay with Nicole, despite the protests of Thomas. Soon their beer runs out and Brody drives the SUV to buy some more in the town. Brody goes missing and soon Mike, Kayley and Thomes find his body eaten. Meanwhile Valerie is murdered near the house and the car has flat tires. Who might be the cannibal that is attacking the group?

    "Donner Pass" is a terrible slasher with an awful gore story of cannibalism and one-dimensional characters. The explanation for the anthropophagy is ridiculous and most of the characters are non- charismatic. In the end, watching "Donner Pass" is a complete waste of time. My vote is three.

    Title (Brazil): Not Available
  • gavin694226 August 2013
    Donner Pass has a well-known and macabre history -- the place where George Donner and his party got stuck in the winter of 1846 and were forced to resort to cannibalism to keep from starving. But what if it was not just history?

    This is your standard young people alone in a secluded area type of horror film. There is some attempt to connect it to the legendary Donner Party, but it is done in such a way as to seem gratuitous and really outside the overall tone and thrust of he film.

    If someone were to make a film inspired by the story or actually set at the time, I think it could work well. "Ravenous" was a great film, for example. This one, though, is nothing special.
  • Cedric_Catsuits12 August 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    It took me some time to figure out what was going on here, even after we had been told in the script. Then I realised just what a load of rubbish it was. Up to a point the story was decent enough - your average serial-killer-on-the-loose-stalking-teens sort of saga. Then it all gets a bit silly and confusing.

    Mixing fantasy and reality just doesn't cut it for me. I prefer my shock and horror to be either believable or so fantastic it becomes thrilling. Explaining away inconsistencies in the plot with a dash of fantasy (much like Bobby Ewing in the shower, if you're old enough to remember) seems an increasingly convenient get-out for script writers, as there are hundreds of potentially good films ruined this way.

    It's decent enough if you're not as picky as me, but there's not a lot of mystery or suspense - apart from the mystery of the script.Not my cuppa tea but not a totally awful film either.
  • If you've spent enough time watching the indie horrors that appear so frequently on Netflix instant, you'll know by now that only about one in three of them is watchable. Not good, just watchable. Donner Pass is one of the watchable ones.

    It's basically a tame slasher movie with a spin on the Wendigo myth thrown in (but don't expect something as good as "Ravenous"). It's elevated above the usual crowd by decent acting and direction, a restrained pace, and an interesting rape/revenge subplot. One thing I very much liked was that when the bad stuff did start going down, the characters made some pretty logical decisions (such as attempting to dig a car out of snow while the others stand guard post with weapons at all four corners). It's always a welcome relief when you don't have to shout "as if you would do that!" at the screen.

    Unfortunately, like with so many films of this ilk, the character writing is where it fails. Yet again we're introduced to a group of bickering twentysomethings that I have a seriously hard time believing would ever come together as acquaintances let alone friends. Each character never gets past the standard slasher stereotype - the bitch, the jock, the bad boy, the nerd, and the blank canvas final girl. And worse, most of the characters are so horrible that you never get invested in their wellbeing, which makes every death scene at best empty and meaningless and at worst, a relief.

    For any would-be indie horror film maker reading this, I implore you to take this simple formula to heart: "Make a character *we can like* and then put them in danger".

    It really shouldn't be hard but almost once a month I see a film where crappy characters are the principle flaw in an otherwise solid horror movie. If only we lived in a world where the first thing they taught at screen writing school was "how to make the audience give a damn".

    Rant over, back to the movie: Donner Pass is well made enough that, if you can get past the characters, it is worth watching. The subtle supernatural slant seems to rub a few viewers the wrong way but I actually enjoyed it more because of it (mundane slasher flicks bore me). I give it props for some intelligent plot decisions and for having a bit more of a grown-up feel than many tween-targeted slashers. It's not great, but it's worth watching. 5/10.
  • It's not a bad movie, really, has some pretty good ideas, yet, somehow, something just doesn't work out too good.

    So, you could call it your average "group of friends go to a cabin in the woods and get murdered" story but it would be kinda ignorant cause the movie is a little more than this. The plot brings some new elements or maybe just ones that aren't used as often as others, so, you might like what you see, even be surprised for a change! The death-scenes on the other hand, quite disappointing, i expected a little more, guess they decided not to stick so much on gore/murders/execution but on plot. Usually i would call this a breathe of fresh air although i would be lying cause in a horror like this, i want to see nice kill-shoots. Overall, the action is OK, one could predict it earlier in the movie or might just go with it to the end and discover then what the action is all about.

    Characters are OK also, annoying but guess that is how they were suppose to be, dialogue, a little poor, could have used some humor and last but not least a little nudity as always.

    So, don't know exactly if to recommend this one or not, as i said, it is NOT a bad movie, don't know if i can call it a GOOD one, guess ultimately it will come down to everyone's personal opinion. Some of you will be entertained and some of you won't. I just expected more of it, had a lot of potential but it limited itself to far less...
  • True story: in 1864, a group of emigrants travelling through Donner Pass, California, became trapped by such heavy snow that some of them eventually resorted to cannibalism in order to survive.

    Not quite so true story: in 2014, BA_Harrison resorted to chewing off his own legs in order to relieve his frustration at watching yet another run-of-the-mill slasher in which a bunch of unlikeable teens get slaughtered by a homicidal maniac.

    After a reasonable intro in which we witness the gruesome events of Donner Pass, 1864, this film follows a group of present-day teens who travel to a remote cabin for a weekend break only to be bumped off one-by-one by a mysterious killer. Ho-hum.

    To be fair, Donner Pass does get slightly better towards the end, when the plot takes a strange turn involving rape/revenge, and a cannibalistic antagonist who can pass 'the hunger' to his victims, but for the most part it is routine teen-friendly nonsense the likes of which we have seen countless times before.

    A brief bit of topless action from a soon-to-be-dead blonde in a hot-tub and some reasonable gore (including one character who gets a pick-axe through the throat AND a claw hammer in the eye for good measure) helps to make the time pass a bit less painfully, but you won't be missing much if you decide to pass on Donner Pass.
  • Another "what if the legend is true" movie. This is about the story of Donner Pass, and how a family was abandoned in the forest. This leads to dinner time for crazy George Donor (Eric Pierpoint). So now we know this is a movie about cannibalism. Fast forward about 150 years (they may have said exactly, but was already bored) and 4 kids are going to stay at their parents cabin for the weekend in Donnors Pass. So now the stage is set to find out if the legend is true.Of course the obligatory "extra friends" show up to crash the party (which is good, we needed more people to kill). Well, the obvious occurs and the group is picked off one by one. Not particularly extremely gory or really well written either. There is one kill that is absolutely asinine it is almost worth watching just for it. Well the characters aren't worth wasting time commenting about, they are all poorly played and given nothing really to work with, so blame whomever you like (The chick that played the stuck up bitch was spot on for the girl all you women hated in high school). The scenery was very nice (I am a sucker for snow covered mountains, too bad they didn't utilize this more) and is filmed quite nicely for the budget I am sure this had. If by now you haven't figured it out, the movie is not very good at all. No scares, very little story until the writers must've all of a sudden had an epiphany and decided to pull the story together(should they be vampires, or zombies, or just cannibals). IF you have nothing else to watch and you DON'T have to pay for it, then I guess it is up to you. But make sure you meet those guidelines. Also if you really have a need to watch a movie about cannibals and would like to see how they can be made well, watch "Ravenous", you will definitely be happy you did. Anyway, I will stop degrading this movie as the worst ever, it really isn't, it just has so many flaws that it makes it tough to swallow (kind of like human flesh, not that I would know ;) 3.6/10 IMDb 4.6 (many cast members must be voting)
  • Whoopee. Yet another movie about unlikable young adults (in this case a few nerds and a few dumb gorillas) who go into the woods to be slaughtered by a serial killer. You know it's going to be bad when the prequel involves people wearing makeup that looks like it came from a junior high school play. The slasher genre has been to the movie industry THE most overused genre in history. Not even westerns or vampire movies have consistently pumped out so many examples of crapola with only slightly different variations in theme (in this case watch the monologue during the musical Don't Go In The Woods for the plot). The only slasher movies that actually succeed are those with original stories to tell, and/or shocking and gory special effects, real SCARES (remember scares?), and good acting.

    This new addition, Donner Pass, has none of it. The premise is okay except the movie takes it nowhere but to the old tired formula of young adults finding their friends dead and getting scared and panicky. In this case the acting is horrible; but not as horrible as the writing is, however; with each turn I wished that I had written it so that there would be more emotion and more realistic human interaction between the characters.

    This is one of those movies where you sit through it (if you can) saying, "Oh, this is so stupid" and by the time the twist comes involving someone you already suspecting explaining why he's the actual serial killer, during the final twenty minutes ala Scream, you are already asleep.

    I don't understand why movies like this keep getting made. Who pays for this crap? There must be a market, otherwise, why make them? There is a market for crack cocaine too, but Donner Pass is like a bag filled with Ivory Soap. Why do slasher films these days feature characters that we don't even like? It makes no sense. I mean, I don't care if any of these characters get killed; in fact, I wish they would get killed--they are so annoying--but when they do get killed it's not even satisfying because the lack of imagination from the special effects person can't even deliver a good death scene. So what's the point? What we get is yet another, and I repeat--another--ninety minutes of some young adults in a cabin in the woods waiting to get killed. Literally. Come on. Seriously.

    Gee, I know how to save this movie, throw in a completely unexplained ripoff of REC for a few minutes at the end. NOT. Here we actually had a real opportunity with the unwanted guests and all, and it could have been a truly violent mixture of Last House On The Left and Halloween; but, instead, nothing happens out of the usual pathetic tired old dusty genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Though undeniably cut from the slasher mould, Donner Pass rises above most other films of its type thanks to a serious approach and a fine cast. Based upon the legend of the Donner Party, the film gives us a new explanation for what really happened to those stranded people and how the same fate still stalks others who wander into Donner Pass. Script and direction are extremely well executed, and the relative lack of camp combines with the cold, dark, and isolated environment in which the plot develops to create an atmosphere of genuine suspense. The actors do a fine job all round, especially Desiree Hall as our main character and ultimate Final Girl. Ms. Hall's character is likable without being too good to be true, and so emerges as a real flesh-and-blood character we want to see triumph, even when it appears all hope for her has vanished. The rest of the cast does an admirable job as well, and the script fosters a sense of disaster by creating a group of people who are all consumed by various competing agendas and who are often not very likable. This adds an interesting group dynamic and an extra layer of danger--not only are the characters threatened by the mysterious killer, but by themselves as well. Special effects are very minimal, confined to a few bloody kills, but since the story relies more upon mystery and suspense than gore to generate its scares, the relative lack of visceral visual FX is hardly anything to complain about. Donner Pass may be a low-budget slasher movie, but it also proves that even within those confines it is possible to make a quality production. Worth at least a rental by any horror fan looking for an interesting twist on a familiar genre.
  • michellejhinman18 January 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    When I first saw this movie in Redbox I thought well for a buck ill rent it. I love horror movies, and probably more tolerant of lousy ones than most. This, however, wasn't lousy. Some of the characters were, of course, annoying (moreso than usual) but i liked the heroine. The rest of the cast could have been anyone off the street and the punks that came to the cabin after the main four were over the top obnoxious. The story itself wasn't that special, basically usual killer movie and pretty much typical ending. That said, again I am very tolerant of what many consider lousy movies, the movie moved along fairly steady, with what I guess an interesting story line (it could have been much better idea was OK). A couple of scenes almost ruined it. The scene where the couple was in hot tub and the guy got out to urinate was a joke. He was maybe 30 feet away and the killer was able to sneak up on the girl in the tub and bite chunks out of her neck without him knowing (laughable) and I would have preferred not seeing the killer crawling through the snow towards her (no suspense there). Then the scene where the jackasses first arrive after the main group. They were just over the top mean and nasty. It could have been toned down a little. The beginning and the end I liked for the most part. So overall I did enjoy the movie and would give it a 5.
  • Overall the movie was really good. I only watched it because I really like the Donner Party Story and because I don't read synopsis I assumed this movie was about the original story. I was mad when the first 5 minutes were very wrong about the actually events. When it turned out it was a horror movie based on the events I was willing to give it a chance.

    It turned out to be a really good lower budget with good actors and an unexpected plot twist. For a movie in it's class the acting, casting and production value was excellent. Overall a good horror movie for any one who enjoys them and I would definitely recommended it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *** May contain spoilers! ***

    As others have mentioned, I watched "Donner Pass" without knowing that it was a horror movie instead of a documentary. I actually didn't realize until the guy came out of the woods. I too figured I would give it some latitude and see where it went.

    I have been a fan of the slasher genre for over 25 years. I'm forgiving of most slights and can be tolerant to occasional lapses.

    This movie is not terrible. I thought the acting was adequate for the genre (I've seen worse). I thought the storyline was a little thin given that there would be more people up in a ski resort area than "the next neighbour is miles away" that doesn't make sense logically. I appreciated the twists and turns in the movie including the date-rape-revenge motif.

    I have a problem with "snow horror." Maybe it's because we get actual winter in Canada with snow. Snow doesn't make for a good horror setting unless you're willing to use it as an extra character - isolating, unpredictable, cold - and this is where Donner Pass did use it well. But unlike bare ground, dirt, or gravel...snow leaves footprints. You can see when someone has been peeking in the windows - there is evidence! And characters that are blind to that just indicates shoddy writing. Sigh... Use it well or lose it entirely. Just my opinion, mind you.

    I agree with other reviewers who criticized the death at the hot tub. It felt forced and telegraphed and rather unrealistic that the guy didn't hear the splashing or the whimpering given that you could hear it from the underwater camera angle. Oh well...

    Overall a "not bad" horror film but as one of the characters in the movie said, "being not bad doesn't make you good."
  • I had no hopes for this, and it was the right way to go into it. It's your average mind-numbingly uncreative "horror" film full of predictable plot twists and terrible stereotypes. There is not a single scene in this movie which was enjoyable, so I'm glad it's only 90 minutes. I have nothing else to say besides how obvious the ending is, but I just don't feel like spoiling it. The less I think about, the happier I am that I won't have to sit through it again.

    PS: There is a topless scene which, you know, as I guy I tolerated, but the 'gore' aspects of the movie were just /awful/. I can't even think of a way to make this better. I just want it to go away.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Overall, I loved the movie. The graphics were good, the acting was superb and the plot was decent. I liked how in the opening scene, it shows a legend about how George (I think that's the name) Donner ends up killing all (implied) of the Donner Party. I also liked how the main characters traits were. I thought that Kayley had sort of a self-centered (At least around Mike) personality. Mike had more of also a self-centered personality, and I don't get how Kayley and Mike could have even stayed together throughout what happened. I thought that Thomas was mysterious and at first, I thought he was a nerd, and also an Emo type of personality. I thought that, well, don't get me started on Nicole. I thought she was a little stuck up in my opinion and didn't care about anyone except herself. I liked the graphics (I didn't know there was THAT much intestines in the human body) and thought they were moderately realistic. I liked the idea of how the blood of someone who has tasted live human flesh can turn you into something else, and I also liked the Friday the 13th like ending. Overall, I think that this movie should have deserved to be in theaters. I enjoyed this movie a lot and probably would watch this again with my friends (if they liked horror).

    My rating is: 7.5 out of 10 (Or, 3.75 out of 5)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We start with a re-imagining of the Donner party's problems in the mountains in 1846. The story is re-told in a bit of a different light.

    In the present, Thomas and four friends head toward his parents' cabin in the woods, which is coincidentally near Donner Pass. Three more people the group knows show up and bully their way in, indirectly making Thomas break his promise about occupancy.

    The final roster ends up being Thomas, Kayley, Mike, Nicole, Brody, Valerie, Derek, and A. J. During the first night's stay, there is an extra three inches of snow.

    Brody goes for beer, and does not come back. Thomas, Mike, and Kayley go look for him. Kayley thinks she sees him before they start out, but is not sure. They find Brody's car, somewhat broken up, with plenty of blood splatter inside the car, and some outside. Soon enough they find Brody with his guts ripped out. Could this possibly become a pattern?

    Meanwhile, Derek and Nicole discuss Nicole's date rape by A. J. I did not see how that was going to go forward without a confession (highly unlikely) or admissible video evidence. Derek and Nicole turn out to be rather cold blooded themselves, but are not the root of the problems.

    Does anyone survive this elimination derby?


    Cinematography: 7/10 Too dark much of the time.

    Sound: 7/10 Mostly OK, but was not the asset it might have been.

    Acting: 0/10 Terrible, stem to stern. More or less bad high school play level. Several of the actors look close to thirty, but act like bad tempered, entitled delinquents.

    Screenplay: 2/10 Standard teen elimination derby, with a weak link to the Donner party historical events. Neither interesting nor compelling. Even the gratuitous nudity had me wondering how it fit into the story. Of course, it did not.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The stuff the words 'straight to Blu Ray' was invented for.

    Four teens, Two very unlikeable, one likable, and one very quiet go to the quiet ones parents cabin for a weekend of being in an average film.

    One has a secret ans will be involved in a twist come the end scene. Guess which one? Before the main narrative starts, we are invited to a back story of the Donner group, a legend where bearded people ate each other. Apparently in the States, it's quite an infamous story.

    Here in England, it sounds like a road where you would get a kebab, only less entertaining.

    Back to the story, the horrible one invites her boyfriend and his friends, who are even more unlikeable than ever one else.

    Fortunately, someone is prowling the grounds and killing them off one by one.

    The thing is about Donner pass, is that it's been done literally hundreds of times before, since the early eighties, and now it's one of the most tired of sub-genres out there.

    Evil dead was ground breaking in this 'Teens in a cabin being menaced by the supernatural' genre i'm on about.

    This is by the numbers dirge, with some rancid performances from some Abercrombie and Fitch wannabes.

    It's horrible stuff, made on a budget nearly the same of 'The Descent', but with none of the thrill, or the intensity.

    People will see this though, because it has the appeal, and will make it's money back, which in turn will cause more of this poison to be made.
  • A group of unlikable 'teens' all of whom look like they're rapidly approaching 30 and act 10, go up to vacation at a remote cabin that's close to the fabled Donner Pass are stalked by an unknown killer.

    I'm more prone to be a tad lenient with first time writer/directors, and while Elisa Robertson may have done TV movies previously, I believe this might be her first stab at a feature film. However that self-imposed courtesy is surely tested here as everything about the movie is dreadful. From the atrocious sub-par high school play caliber acting, to the awful threadbare plot, and every mundane thing in between, this movie screams out to be publicly ridiculed. So yea, well I guess rules were made to be broken.

    Eye Candy: Krystal Davis gets topless

    My Grade: D-

    Where I saw it: the movie channel
  • I just this few nights ago, I most forgot the name of the movie than.

    Tell you the truth. I can't remember much from the movie, nothing in this movie stood out at all.

    The opening scenes was good and decent semi-long back story at the start about DONNA PASS.

    A number of teens going to cabin in the woods during winter and soon then later people start to killed of one by one.

    The deaths were mostly of screen but when they are on screen , they so far away.

    I found some scenes to really silly and stupid in this movie and the whole plot was predicable.

    There is some kind of twist in the movie, you know who killer is from the very start of the movie.

    There a little small turn in story about girl turning into what ever she was meant to be.

    Well a least acting was Decent from some of the cast!

    2 out of 10
  • moodyhathoot24 January 2012
    A lot of good movies didn't have a chance,Donner Pass (2012)was one of them.The reason that it didn't have a chance is that The cast is not famous! But the storyline and the idea was great!I recommend you to watch this movie.

    The acting is great,it's good for you if you like teens horror movies or snow horror movies.But it's the best low budget horror movie I've ever seen in my life!

    You might think it's bad because it's an unrated horror movie but being unrated movie is not a way to make a bad movie :D

    My rating:7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this movie very out of context and location. After growing up at Donner lake California and seeing this movie I am very distraught. The first thing I notice is the scenery. None of the movie was filmed at Donner or even within about 50 miles of Donner. The next thing is the cannibalism. I've been through the education system in my small town of Truckee and at several points learned specifically about the Donner party. After the teachings and exploring of the actual sites I can confidently say that this movie doesn't describe the Donner party as the generally peaceful people they were. In fact one of my teachers in grade school was directly related to the leader of the party and has shown me and my classmates mementos of the Donner party and how they showed possible cannibalistic traits but nothing extremely violent.
  • I bought "Donner Pass" (2012) blindly, thinking it was a film about the Donner expedition that resorted to cannibalism to survive the winter of 1846-47 because a pass in NE California was blocked with snow. Well, it starts out that way, but the story soon shifts to the misadventures of a modern-day group of youths who stay at a vacation cabin in the dead of winter where someone or something starts viciously mauling the kids one by one. Ah, this made it more interesting (I really wasn't in the mood to see a depressing tale of Winter survival through cannibalism anyway).

    Gorgeous redhead Desiree Hall shines as the female protagonist and there's at least one solid male protagonist as well. One guy -- who's family owns the cabin -- is an awkward misfit; and the good-lookin' brunette he's sort of set-up with disdains him (cutie Adelaide Kane). The social dynamics get real interesting when a second group of uninvited youths join the party and tensions start to flare. I've been in situations just like this and it rings true. Dominic DeVore stands out as one of the bad dudes.

    Although I label "Donner Pass" a slasher adventure, it's just as much a monster flick, even if the "monster" turns out to be human, which I'm not saying. So, really, this is just a classic creature feature utilizing the true story of the infamous pass.

    I'm giving it a fairly high rating because it's a good modern example of the slasher genre. Everything jells together for an effective horror romp in the California wilderness (shot at Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino National Forest and Monterey Park, California). Another plus is the awesome song played during the opening & end credits -- "High Ground" by Orenda Fink.

    The film doesn't overstay its welcome at 90 minutes.

    GRADE: B+ or A-
  • continuumx27 December 2021
    Blah blah Donner party blah blah cannibalism et cetera. A group is going to stay at a cabin in Donner Pass which is *dun dun dun* cursed ground. They say Donner still stalks these woods and kills people and eats them. Scary. It's the usual collection is unlikable characters you usually see in low budget horror movies set in the woods. Then they get killed. The kills are lame. There's a twist. The twist is lame. The stinger ending is lame. The whole affair is just lame and boring.
  • Donner Pass (2012)

    ** 1/2 (out of 4)

    Everyone knows the legend of the Donner Party but this slasher takes place in the current days when a group of teens head out to the title location and soon they're being slaughtered one by one. Has the Donner's finally came back to life or is it an escaped maniac running loose? DONNER PASS is a pretty good looking movie and I'd say if it had at least one major star in it then it could have gotten a major theatrical release. The past couple years I've been saying that the horror genre is really struggling but this here actually turned out to be one of the better slashers in recent years. There's no question that there are still many flaws to be found but for the most part the film kept me entertained and that's the most important thing. I think one of the best things going for the picture is the wonderful location. Director Elise Robertson really builds up a great atmosphere and the beautiful snow and woods really draw you into the location and makes you feel that you're right there with the teens. I thought the location was a major plus but so were the performances. You really don't come to a horror film like this expecting good performances but that's exactly what you get. Desiree Hall is very good in the female lead and we get nice support from Erik Stocklin as the cabin owner and Colley Bailey as his friend. Adelaide Kane plays one of the most hated characters you're going to see and she's very good in the part but the screenplay really lets us down given what happens to her. The supporting, smaller roles are also played very well by the actors. As is the case with most horror movies today, there's a big twist at the end but it's pretty easy to figure out what's going to happen. When the twist finally does come I think the film starts to fall apart but this isn't a complete death nail. Visually the film is quite impressive and the score is good as well. The only thing really missing is a good third act. Still, the state of horror movies today is pretty weak and DONNER PASS at least offers some old fashion blood and guts, nudity and a nice cast.