User Reviews (67)

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  • The film evidently lacks cohesion, a valuable lesson on how to misuse the good template set up by its reputable predecessors. While the charm of Berlin and its people does shine through a few scenes, the majority of the stories fail to fulfill the even basic elements of good storytelling. Each story sets up a good premise only to disappoint the audience with an unjustifiable cliché ending, as if someone was yelling at the film makers to wrap up on the last days of the shoot. Overall a major let-down and Berlin simply does not deserve this.
  • Are you looking for weird, boring, unrelatable, not connected stories? than that is a film for you. all stories aren't connected to eachother and they are really really boring. don't get mi wrong, the film is not bad, I just felt so uninvolved in all those stories.
  • natcalgary13 February 2019
    I have not seen any of the other city love movies but if they asre anything like this then not my cup of tea. Too bad, with the great actors and actresses in this i expected something better

  • 'Berlin, I Love You' has been made by people, who don't know much about Berlin. The amount of things they've got completely wrong is amazing. Nearly everybody in Berlin speaks English all the time? That's a fundamentally distorted view of the world. Some of the authors quite obviously think that Berlin would be a better place without Germans.

    Most of the ten segments' stories could have been used for a 'Dallas, I love you' or 'Birmingham, I love you' compilation, because Berlin is nothing more than the background scenery. All of them are quite pointless, cliché-ridden and extremely predictable. If the nagging feeling that you are wasting your life tends to give you depressions, you should stay clear of this movie. There is an awful lot of obtrusive agitprop by pundits who don't have a story to tell and therefore settle for sending some platitudinous messages. On the other side it sometimes gets so bad and pathetic that it gave me some laughing out loud moments - so that's a positive.

    The segments in chronological order:
    • 0 "Transitions", the wraparound (director: Josef Rusnak)
    • 1 "Berlin Ride" (Peter Chelsom)
    • 2 "Under Your Feet" (Massy Tadjedin)
    • 3 "Love is in the Air" (Til Schweiger)
    • 4 "Berlin Dance" (Justin Franklin, Daniel Lwowski)
    • 5 "Me Three" (Stephanie Martin, Claus Clausen)
    • 6 "Hidden" (Dani Levi)
    • 7 "Sunday Morning" (Fernando Eimbcke)
    • 8 "Lucinda in Berlin" (Dianna Agron)
    • 9 "Embassy" (Dennis Gansel)

    Three episodes could be considered as tourist promotion: "Berlin Ride", "Berlin Dance" and "Transitions". In "Berlin Ride" a simple photo safari through Berlin cures an American tourist of his suicidal thoughts. "Transitions" borrows heavily from the imagery of Wim Wenders' "Der Himmel Über Berlin" (Wings of Desire). It shows an emotional journey from depression to lust for life. While Wenders' movie features an angel with an interest in humans, here the brooding angel impersonator (Robert Stradlober) seems to be more attracted to the great beyond. A tourist from Israel will fix this - temporarily. "Berlin Dance" is basicly a music clip for Max Raabe and his Palast Orchester, it's actually nice and by far the best segment.

    Three episodes are completely expendable: "Love is in the Air", "Sunday Morning" and "Lucinda in Berlin". "Love is in the Air" is a trainwreck of a story and it features Mickey Rourke - a match made in the heaven over Berlin, I guess. It is notable for the complete absence of Berlin, everything happens inside of a hotel. "Sunday Morning" is the dream of a drag queen to get hit on by a cute 16-year-old. (Yeah, that's exactly what it is!) In "Lucinda in Berlin" the depression of an American tourist gets cured by puppetry.

    Two episodes are hypocrisy on steroids: "Under Your Feet" and "Me Three". Whoever still likes this kind of heavy-handed propaganda is in dire need of a software update.

    Two episodes are so bad that they are actually funny: "Hidden" and "Embassy". In "Hidden" an asylum seeker who killed a 15 years old German boy (but of course he is still the good guy, because it was somehow "self-defense"), seeks refuge in a brothel. Unintentional hilarity ensues. Definitely on the funny side of bigotry. In "Embassy" the passenger of a very talkative taxi driver reads my mind and asks her: "Do you really need to keep talking? It would be great if you just not do that." It's the beginning of a wild ride that had me in stitches. Your mileage may vary.

    There is an eleventh short film, beach boy Ai Weiwei directed the filming in Berlin via Skype from Peking. Sadly, it didn't make it into this compilation, which is a shame, because this sounded like the perfect recipe for a desaster.

    If you suffer from depressions, Berlin is probably the last place you want to be, except if you just want to surround yourself with like-minded people. David Bowie and Iggy Pop tried it in the 1970s, you should listen to their Berlin-made records from 1977 "Low" and "Lust For Life" - not really fun stuff. 42 years later they are still a perfect soundtrack for this city. In spite of reiterated attempts of cheerfulness, 'Berlin, I Love You' is basically a very bleak and boring movie. It will not attract many tourists, if any at all.

    All in all: Yes, this is a very bad movie. But it is made with adorable incompetence and a complete lack of self-reflection. Yes, sometimes it is so bad, it is kind of good. ("Bad German Movies"-Review No. 17)
  • Considering how many stars were listed it was surprisingly rubbish. The cringiest part had to be Mickey Rourke hitting on a girl he met in the bar.
  • This film is a collage of segments of people whose lives intersect in Berlin.

    With this many big names, it is a surprise that the film is allowed to be a horrid mess. Just the first segment alone is enough to make me lose interest in the whole film. It is a bizarre short about a man and a GPS system, and it is just way too strange to be likable. The subsequent segments get no better, not even the one with Helen Mirren and Keira Knightley. The Berlin protrayed in the film is an unattractive dump, and it does not inspire any romantic feelings. Fortunately, there is one segment that is good, which is the puppet show one. It gives warmth and radiates attraction, which is the only segment that sticks to romantic love in Berlin.
  • truckie-jump28 August 2019
    This film is depressing to watch. After 5 years living in Berlin I don't recognize much of the city in this film. Apart from the depressing vibe, which it has. But there is the other, free-spirited side which wasn't captured at all. Absolutely didn't enjoy this.
  • aliciaschulz122 February 2019
    I did not expect to like this as much as I did! I'm shocked at the ratings. So many amazing actors, with stories about life and love...and traveling to Berlin. I thought Jenna Dewan, Diego Luna and Diana Aragon were wonderful. Everyone was great but those were the standouts for me. It's not an Oscar movie but thoroughly enjoyable!
  • gorgonjojo23 February 2020
    This film does not represent the berlin i have known and lived in for so many years even in the slightest
  • Some segments are better than others. The Jim Sturgess segment about the car is interesting and funny. The Helen Mirren one with a refugee kid is touching. Mickey Rourke segment is oddly fascinating. The laundromat segment about female empowerment is original. Jenna Dewan shows a little of her dance skills.

    The city doesn't look great in this movie showing mostly the grim modern side. Too many characters a bit hard to follow. Some won't like this but I still found it an okay watch.
  • gherahtraitte28 December 2019
    I am a huge fan of this kind of movies "short random (or not) stories in one". But "Berlin" was really hard to watch, depressing and boring. I was in Berlin and it's an amazing city. But if not - I wouldn't even have a slightest urge to visit it after watching this movie. Nothing is about "love or spirit". Oh and Mickey Rourke scene was just embarrassing, I was sitting with my eyes half closed (if I ignore it maybe it will go away). Ignore this movie, believe the rate.
  • danaelambros12 February 2019
    I really enjoyed this film. I thought it was a cinematic glimpse into Berlin visually, as well as culturally. I don't feel it deserves the low ratings it's received on this site. I also heard people comparing it to Paris, I Love You and finding it lacking. I haven't seen the Paris version so I can't comment on that. What I DID like was the vignettes of life and love in Berlin, and that the love in these vignettes took different forms: the film isn't entirely dedicated to romantic love but to love in all its forms, including sacrifice, love for strangers and love as acceptance. The sound track and music were excellent, and the visuals very strong. I also enjoyed the acting, which felt very natural. It definitely has a European vibe: there's no Hollywood hype here or over-dramatic acting; at times, it shows a bleak side to life but I like this kind of realism. While this film might not be everyone's cup of tea, I think it's a breath of fresh air in the movie scene. Two thumbs up :).
  • I don't understand why the bad reviews, this is actually not a bad movie. I had thoroughly enjoy it. Indeed there are not much connection between the different stories, but I don't see why they need to. It is about the location they are in. And I like the variety of the stories, and there are some really touching moments. I would suggest if you want an easy night for a relaxing movie, this movie is a good choice.
  • I travel to Berlin often it's a beautiful city. As for the film please.... please don't waste your time.
  • Want one cliched PC lecture after another? Or one cliche after another?

    If you like films with no story, no intelligent writing, no craft, but absent that some mindless propaganda, you will love this.

    if not, skip this awful excuse for a film.
  • Paris, je t'aime? Charming and enjoyable. This? Insufferable and weak. I was incredibly underwhelmed and disappointed by how bad these shorts were executed. This film is pretty much all in English, barely shows the charm of the city, poor craftsmanship with a big budget and falls flat when attempting to make you believe in love. Rough.
  • Pointless, don't waste 2 hours of your life on this...If there is 0 as a rating, I eould give them 0. Terrible acting, no plot, just bad...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I simply can't believe it. With all history behind a city as Berlin, one of the most important cities of the world, all the references and places that they could have used, the final film turned out to be something so out of focus with what I expected. If F.W. Murnau would be alive he would die again... I would like to know what Wim Wenders thinks about this film... I'm sorry but I didn't like it.
  • Some of the parts of the movie were very good and showed nice stories which gave hope, showed dreams, and possibilities in life, which was great, but others seemed to have no meaning or were just weird or both, which influenced my overall impression of this movie.

    I agree that Berlin wasn't shown in its true colours, as I've been to Berlin many times, and even though it was shown in a tourist light, it still seemed a bit off, in my opinion. Berlin has so much history, as it is a city which literally rose from its ashes after WW2, so as a result it's now a city where history and the modern world collide. Also, it is a haven for many people from all around the world who seek a better life, which is why Berlin is full of people from many different countries, cultures etc, so it is also a place where Germany and the rest of the world meet, making this city very unique. The main reason for my disappointment is because this could've been a perfect opportunity to explore this, or what I think Berlin truly is.

    Overall, I feel like this movie could've been so much more. The problem is not that it needs from its audience to have imagination - that's what makes it beautiful, but it would be so much better if each story was better carried out so that each has a point and that each contributes to the whole. Anyway, i still think you can find some beautiful bits and that it's watchable.
  • Made berlin looks bad in this filthy garbage.nice cast though but complete and utter BS storyline.
  • So many stories in a single movie but endings are not so good for all the stories. Some stories are portrayed very well(like the story of the daughter and her dad) with a good ending but similarly some stories are also not so good. Overall ending is not so satisfactory
  • Don't loose your time. Schrecklich.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This type of movie is NOT my kind of movie. Ever. I'm not a big fan of rom com or fulla hope or very predictable love between opposites, etc. SO. I am guessing that the people who dig that kind of thing expected that nonsense and got pissed about it. People who do not like this kind of movie probably will like this movie. I've read thru nearly all the reviews, and the higher scores mention that they didn't expect to like this movie.

    I'm in that group. I put it on cuz I like so many of the actors, and I love any movie shot on a location where I've never been. I will sit thru utter garbage just for architecture. Or it ends up that way.

    Anyway, I liked the broken up stories, the Mickey Roarke segment was predicable but still incredibly lovely. Diego in drag ALONE is worth it. (Is that a spoiler? Will mark it as such just in case. People set themselves on fire for far less these days.)

    Now, I'm not saying run out and watch this NOW. I'm saying go into it without huge expectations, a lot of predictability and some fun. I wasn't bored in the least to tell you the truth and again: NOT my kinda movie.
  • I don't really understand why people hated this movie. It was has a great array of actors and actresses. the storyline is fine. it the concept of showing a city through the eyes of these characters. is just pure acting. what else one can ask for a low budget project? ok. I see some comments about Berliners talking English. In reality, German people do not like to speak in other languages but is an acting movie nevertheless. I recommend it if you like acting.
  • Mibix8 February 2019
    This just seems like a high budget tourist ad for Berlin but at least it has pretty ladies.
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