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  • So I was a huge fan of the first Goon movie, so when I herd that it was going to have a sequel I could not wait to see it. Sean William Scott returns as Doug Glatt, a Dim witted but has a heat of gold Hockey player, playing in the minors on his last legs when the son of his boss takes him out of hockey for what seems like forever but interesting enough he gets a comeback thanks to old rival and mentor Ross Rena(played by Liev Schreiber, who I'm so happy returned to do this film) It's not a Hockey movie or a sports movie ironically (or at least not the best one I've ever screen.), but it has the essence of true sportsmanship and the underdog gone good, but most of all it's about goons. That's the thing they get right in this. If you love the first movie you'll like this movie for the same reason.
  • "That was a ******* ****show, eh"

    And with that line, Liev Schreiber summed up this sequel best.

    'Goon' not only made me fall in love with hockey, but it was virtually an introduction to Canadian culture for me - as I moved from Australia to Canada mere months after watching it years ago. So safe to say, I had high hopes for 'Goon: Last of the Enforcers', and remained open-minded despite all the bad reviews.

    I'm being generous with my 6/10 rating. It was pretty clear from early-on, that this sequel lacked all the charm and direction of its predecessor. Many jokes fell flat, and some scenes were just filled with far too much cringe. If it wasn't for my love of the characters from the first film, there's no way I would have persisted with seeing this one through.

    Baruchel's directing didn't do the film any favours. At times it felt like he'd just got really stoned while watching Rocky II and thought it would be a fun idea to put it on ice. Despite all its downfalls, I still enjoyed a couple of laughs towards the end and Schreiber's performance was a highlight.

    I never really felt fully into it though, and I'm left a little disappointed at what could have been. I feel like I've been hit over the head and have no brain cells left after watching. But maybe that was the point of this altogether.
  • Out of the gate there's nothing inherently awful about this movie. It shorthand catches you up to where Doug Glatt is now. Pretty much everyone returns from the first movie. But as they start to set up the plot things start to feel a bit tired. The Russian duo on the team are still insulting everyone and making crude jokes about their mothers. But it all feels more like a checklist of showing everyone is back to their same old high jinks rather than creating new jokes. Even Jay Baruchel directing himself just looked to me like he was going through the motions.

    Once it got to the 20 minute mark I realized I hadn't so much as cracked a smile. With that in mind I intended to take note when such a moment happened but it never did. When you don't write a different enough story than the first movie you're kind of stuck rehashing old jokes.

    And finally, this movie really lacked the heart of the original. The first wasn't a masterpiece by any means but it played around with some of the teammate dynamics in an interesting way. And the whole old guard/new guard with Liev Schreiber worked well then too.

    As far as the good stuff in this movie I'd say all the performances are fine. Liev Schreiber is solid again but perhaps a little underutilized. Seann William Scott was decent but thought it was a step back from his first portrayal.

    Overall, I'd say don't rush out and watch it but if you love the first you might like this too.
  • With few exceptions sequels tend to not be as good as the originals. That is the case here, sadly.

    However, this movie surprised me with how fun it is. I am a fan of the 1st Goon, which charmed me with its heart and crazy gore-filled fights. This movie continues in that tradition, with a little less success than the 1st movie had. Sure there were a few annoying parts, like TJ Miller's cameo as a sports desk host, but the overall chemistry of the cast remains, as does the brutal violence. I wasn't expecting much and I found this movie to be quite enjoyable.
  • So if you don't know, there was a 2012 movie called "Goon" which was made on a shoestring budget and starred Sean William Scott, written by the guy who voices Hiccup in those "How to Train Your Dragon" movies.

    It had a bit of success, even getting nominated at the Canadian Screen Awards (yes, that's a thing apparently) and so on this weekend, probably the slowest weekend in the history of film, the best new release we got is a movie with Stifler.

    He's this minor league hockey player named Doug Glatt and what separates him from a lot of sports movies is that Glatt isn't really there because he's especially skilled. He's just really good at putting a hurt on opposing players.

    But here a broken arm and approaching fatherhood forces him to have to reassess everything and whether or not he can keep playing or not.

    There's nothing terribly special here but I do really like the character that Scott has created, who feels like an Adam Sandler creation back when you can still say Sandler gave a damn.

    Doug is the nicest, most simple-minded roughneck in the game and Scott proves that he has maybe been either underrated or typecast with the whole Stifler thing. There is more he can give us and this role has proved it.

    I also liked his relationship with an old rival now turned mentor played by Liev Schreiber.

    Doug's teammates are all a mix of Canadian and Russian cartoons but they're still enjoyable "dick joke" loving sidekicks, but it's TJ Miller and Jason Jones who get the material that's going to make people howl with the most laughter.

    Of course this wouldn't be a "Goon" movie without one man beating another man to a bloody pulp and you'll get that here, especially in a grand gladiatorial final showdown between Scott and the lead antagonist played by Wyatt Russell.

    This isn't as good as the first. The story is all over the place, with characters retiring and coming back, health concerns being discussed and then discarded. Seems like Jay Baruchel wanted to address some real issues here but he never frames them right.

    It's also just not as funny. If you've seen the first movie you know what to expect and that's basically what you get here.

    What saves it from being a total waste of time though is that Doug and company are, despite the heavier themes which way the movie down, still fun to watch.

    So I go 6 out of 10 guys. If you liked this, check out Craig James Review on Youtube for more.
  • Kinda tough to top Goon 1 but still had some laugh out loud scenes. I didn't set my expectations to high so I still enjoyed the movie. Goon 1, I can watch over and over and still love it, this one maybe will watch it one more time. REALLY with they wouldn't have changed Stevesie's actor, not nearly as funny as Ricky Mabe. Sequel's are rarely as good as the original so I'm not really disappointed.
  • A sequel to hockey. In real life, these muzzles would hardly survive. Blood flies and hockey is played. On the other hand, the effects of drama are also brought to the fore. Still a pretty mediocre movie, though on the other hand quite entertaining.
  • Goon was a cult-classic, and while Goon 2 brought back the majority of the cast, making it sentimental, most of them looked older, and the writing was awful.

    Other than a decent villain (Cain) and a strong performance by Schrieber (Ross the Boss Rhea) there was no real story to enjoy, regurgitated jokes and lines from the original lacked any flavor, the lock-out (?), what the hell did that even have to do with anything?

    There was no growth from the ending of Goon for anyone, especially LaFlamme, which makes me sad. My imagination had him soaring to the Hall of Fame after Doug resurrected his career, but no. The jokes were way stupider, and overall this film is horrible.

    I hate it when this stuff happens. I'll always remember the original as one of the best surprise films I've ever seen.
  • patriciogl1016 October 2019
    I was surprised to know that Goon had had a sequel so I decided to check it out. It definitely lacks the heart of the first one. Here we see a beaten Doug, trying to find the spirit to lift himself up after he's been taken out of his hockey team. Now he has a brutal rival, who's the one that injures him and leaves him out of the field. The secondary characters are pretty much up to the same business as the last movie, not all that funny I must add. So the only real interest lies in Doug and the relationship with Eva, and their soon- to-be born child, and small comedic moments by Jay Baruchel and Elisha Cuthbert (whom I hadn't see in a movie in a far long time).

    Other than that, this sequel has very little to offer, it entertains only on certain moments, and it kind of diminishes the great story that the first film brought to the screen.

    I still enjoyed to see Doug struggling with adulthood, with him realizing that he has to grow up in order to help Eva to raise their kid. If you watched Goon, make sure you watch this so you can know how Doug Glatt's story continues. If not, well I'm sure you can find better things to watch.
  • evanston_dad31 December 2017
    The first "Goon" was a surprising little gem of a comedy, featuring a potty mouth and a big heart. I don't know that it really warranted a sequel, but the people who decided to make it, pretty much everyone who made the first one, didn't have to do much more than recreate the original's movie vibe to give its fans an entertaining experience. They apparently couldn't manage to do that, and have made a film so awful that it's not watchable.

    Profanity can be used, and was in the first movie, to clever and hilarious effect. But a screenplay where literally every other word is "f*ck," no matter what the situation or character, becomes monotonous fast and strikes a viewer as unforgivably lazy. The characters in the first film weren't this unpleasant to be around.

    Full disclosure -- this review is only based on the first hour of this dreadful film. I couldn't make it past that.

    Grade: F
  • Some will say that a sequel can never live up to the first film.

    Goon: Last Of The Enforcers begs to disagree.

    I was impressed with the writer's ability to squeeze another story out of Doug Glatt and the Highlanders. The story was very well done, and I enjoyed the fact that it managed to incorporate Liev Schreiber's character once again, in an enjoyable way that you may not be expecting. I enjoyed the inclusion of adult life, Doug having to balance hockey and an incoming child. The dramatic bits are very well done, and make you care for the character that much more.

    Jay Baruchel's direction is also top notch, especially from a first time filmmaker. The fight scenes are gripping and bone-crunching, as are the hockey games themselves. Paul Sarossy's cinematography is very versatile and impressive, making the hockey and fight scenes a joy to look at.

    Of course, there's the comedy. Seann William Scott is hilarious as lovable but dopey Doug Glatt. Jay Baruchel reprises his character from the first film and is just as hilarious as he was the first time around. The locker room antics of the team are also just as gut-busting as ever.

    This film is humorous, touching and moving, and is on par with the first in terms of quality.

    If you enjoyed the first Goon, then you'll love this one. I highly recommend this one.

  • This film tells the story of a hockey player who has just been made the captain of his team.

    He almost immediately gets out of action through a violent fight on ice. Despite his health and his wife's objections, he goes back on ice to beat the bullies.

    I have not watched ice hockey before, but I am inclined to believe that players don't just break into spontaneous fights. The fights portrayed in the film are pretty serious. There is a scene where a man's teeth flew out like popcorn. The fights are so violent that I cannot believe they are not charged with grievous bodily harm. The story is not funny, and in fact it is disturbing. It is a sexually obsessed and overly violent film disguised as a sports comedy. I noticed the rainbow colour bag at the beginning of the film, when Doug meets the insurance guy in the lobby. That is surely a non-subtle sign. "Goon Last of the Enforcers" may be funny for some, but I find it too juvenile and violent to be enjoyable.
  • kfratt23 January 2022
    This isn't a bad movie for hockey fans, especially those who liked the original GOON movie. However, it is impossible for the sequel to live up to the first, mainly because the characters have already been established so there is no pleasant element of surprise those introductions received 10 years earlier. It's no different in Slap Shot 2, mainly with the re-introduction of the Hanson Brothers. They're old news. Take Last Of for what it is, which is a decent story about hockey fighters -- if you're into that sort of thing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To be honest I loved the first one so much this didn't compare, this one was good but not as good as the first and I found that some of the jokes were forced into the situation

    Almost the same story line as the first With almost the same type of ending

    Trust me when I say this the movie is almost exactly like the first If you didn't see the first movie you'd love this
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I enjoyed Goon quite a bit when it was released in the U.S. five years ago. However, it doesn't have the replay value of such other great hockey comedies like Slap Shot or even The Mighty Ducks. It's still a funny movie; I just don't necessarily love it like other sports movie fans do. I'm sure some fans of Goon will be disappointed with Goon: Last of the Enforcers, as the sequel definitely emphasizes story over the profane antics of the original and the joke quotient isn't as high, but it's a better written, more strongly directed, and altogether more confident film than the first.

    With Goon: Last of the Enforcers, Seann William Scott has succeeded in making Doug "the Thug" Glatt his signature character, eclipsing Stifler from the American Pie movies. Scott's performance is so good here that it almost feels like watching a new actor on screen. Scott doesn't portray Doug quite as intellectually stunted as he was in the first. The whole theme of Goon: Last of the Enforcers is growth and the potential for a person to evolve and Scott is able to sell this with a more subtle performance than audiences are used to seeing from him. The message of the movie could have been heavy handed as most messages in sports films are, yet director/co-writer/co-producer/co-star Jay Baruchel has a firm enough handle on the material that everything mostly works.

    Goon: Last of The Enforcers does have some problems in its middle section. There are scenes that go on too long (a lot of scenes with Wyatt Russell's abrasive character could have been trimmed) and Elisha Cuthbert's character isn't given a whole lot to do, but this is still a solid directorial debut. The fight scenes are easier to follow and more exciting than those in the first movie. There are still plenty of funny low-brow jokes carried over from the style of Goon but Baruchel seems more selective about where he places them. And, most importantly, there seems to be less reliance on sports clichés' this time around, although the one obligatory training montage is thankfully set to Stan Bush's "Dare" playing on the soundtrack.

    Comedy sequels are notoriously hard to pull off. They are often unnecessary retreads that don't deliver. Goon: Last of the Enforcers is one of the very rare comedy sequels that works much better than the original. It's funnier, more character driven, and more entertaining. In the United States, the film is unlikely to receive the attention it deserves but hopefully there will be enough love to make a Goon 3 possible. 7.5/10
  • btreakle2 October 2020
    I liked the film. Sean William Scott was very good. Highly recommend
  • I was worried this was going to full under the bracket of bad sequels. Thankfully, it doesn't. For me, 'Goon: Last of the Enforcers' is on the same level as its predecessor.

    This one does have a change of vibe to it though, it's much more grounded. I think that actually works in its favour, usually these type of follow-up films are just cheap imitations of the preceding production. They tried something slightly different and I think it came out well.

    With all that noted, there's still comedy to be had. Admittedly not all of it comes to proper fruition, for example the addition of TJ Miller doesn't work - it felt like a copycat of Pepper Brooks from 'DodgeBall'. Also not sure why there was more focus on the Stevenson character.

    Seann William Scott again leads effectively. Wyatt Russell and Callum Keith Rennie are new to the cast here, I enjoyed both of them.

    Glad this turned out good.
  • uzithrasha6 September 2017
    I didn't go in watching this with high expectations but i did expect it to be good. Boy was I wrong. It seems every character from the first film lost major braincells and all act completely retarded going for cheap laughs. Potty humor at its worst. Every scene seems over the top outrageous and nothing seems genuine. The acting seemed very forced. My lady and I cringed at how horrible some scenes were and plot is incredibly predictable. The only good thing about this movie was the trailer. Even the fight scenes are overly dramatic this time around. Save your time and money. Don't be a victim like me.
  • FeastMode23 July 2019
    Pretty funny with a decent story. it is a step below from the first movie in basically every aspect (like how you could really feel the hits in the fights in the first one, these fights were forgettable), but it was still enjoyable overall. i wasn't a fan of some of the additions. the new hockey player that gives out candy is really annoying, and is an example of why this movie went over the line into goofy territory. the first movie was really funny without being goofy. i liked the team owner and new antagonist. he was pretty intimidating and looked like a medieval warrior in some of the scenes (1 viewing)
  • coreyjdenford7 September 2017
    This review of Goon: Last of the Enforcers is spoiler free

    ** (2/5)

    YOU CAN'T DISMISS the idea that Michael Dowse's Goon was a success, it was light, accessible and there was an incredible performance from the always likable Seann William Scott as enforcer Doug 'The Thug' Glatt, who's better with fists than sticks and it was undoubtedly funny. Unfortunately there were a couple of problems namely Jay Baruchel, sure he's a cracking voice actor (notably as How To Train Your Dragon's Hiccup). But he was on his lowest form as Glatt's best friend he was unfunny, idiotic and very silly. His weak script didn't help either.

    So, in theory for his directorial debut Goon: Last of the Enforcers he should have perhaps learned. And for a while he has, William Scott returns to top form as the titular character still faithful to his team the Halifax Highlanders, keeping his form with his quick witted gags through his gimmicks to his mannerisms. And maybe punching the brains out of whoever stirs him wrong. Until he finds that his status is in danger with the introduction of a newer, younger, tougher player Anders Cain (Russell), after an injury he's forced to retire. He needs to find a new job to look after his pregnant wife (Allison Pill).

    This stunning opening is sadly short-lived due to gross-out gags, amateurish direction and awful character study that fail to slide smoothly across the ice. There's an under-written turn in insurance for Doug, an underwhelming training montage with returning player Liev Schreiber's hard-hitting brawler Ross Rhea who tells him to "just hit with the left" that's sadly left empty and gasping for energy. However Goon: Last of the Enforcer's biggest let down is Wyatt Russell's Cain, granted he's brutal in his punches, but his jokes fail to hit the penalty box rubbing away the endearing charm of Doug with his over aggression of expressions and his lumberjack beard.

    While this is a mostly generic, horribly written sports-quel as you'd expect there's an incredible performance from William Scott who continues to be the show-stopper by giving much deserved levity. Particularly in the third act's redemption hockey match giving his character a much deserved and an emotional farewell ending the film on a high note. Sadly writer-director Baruchel's debut is a poorly written, misguidedly directed and a boring redemption sequel that bombards its top player with bad ideas, and yet another stinky cameo. The truth this is an unfunny sequel that didn't need to be made.

    VERDICT A generally fantastic William Scott is brought down by a weak script, poor direction and unfunny gags in this disjointed and dreadful sequel.
  • IMDB, and FYI, when he signs his name, it is not Doug, it's Dug....
  • Honestly, I thought the first 10-15 minutes would resolve back to the gritty, funny "real life" of the original, but it never did. It was boring and overplayed. I love hockey movies, even if they're bad, which I why I bought this one before seeing it, but I wouldn't have if I saw it first. It nearly ranks right up there with the Slapshot sequels.

    The first one was kind of original and authentic, and it had good music, but the second one had none of that. But at least people skated better.

    It's worth a watch if you're out of good movies to see. The fact that it's only gotten 22 reviews at this point kind of speaks volumes. If you're not into hockey, it really wasn't worth the time to see, or even more so to review.

    For me, I guess it was, more or less, worth it to see the Hawn/Russell kid. I always wondered what he'd be like. The lavishness of his silver spoon upbringing was somewhat legendary in the hockey community, so I wondered if it had ruined him or if he rose above it (given that hockey often puts people in their place for their own good). I still don't know. At least his skating looked normal.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *Minor Spoilers Ahead* A couple of years have passed since we last saw our hero Doug "The Thug" Glatt (Sean William-Scott) knocked out Ross "The Boss" Rhea (Liev Schrieber) and things have changed. He's now married to his girlfriend Eva (Allison Pill) and he's recently become the captain of the Halifax Highlanders. We find out that a pro lockout has brought more attention to the minor leagues and some of the pro talent has temporarily entered the league. His buddies are still in their old spots including Xavier LaFlamme (Marc-Andre Grondin) the talented scorer with the inconsistent motor. The first game of the season begins and Doug goes out and does what he can to protect his teammates. One of the star players on the other team Anders Cain (Wyatt Russell) takes exception and steps up to fight Doug. Doug is exceptional at what he does but he's a one-dimensional player. He's not there to play hockey, he's there to fight, hence his nickname The Thug. Anders is a legitimately well-rounded player who can fight with the best and still put up points. He's the son of the owner of the Highlanders, Hyrum Caine (Callum Keith Rennie) and he's extremely volatile. To the surprise of everyone, Anders puts down Doug hard and Doug's right shoulder gives out. He's warned that he shouldn't be playing hockey anymore. This makes things more difficult, Eva's having a baby and he's got to make ends meet even if that means giving up hockey.

    I'd like to get my bias out of the way, I loved Goon. Its such an underrated sports comedy and I revisit it often. One of the reasons the first Goon worked so well is that they created some really funny characters that were easy to like. Goon 2 made the smart move of bringing most of the old cast back so those same characters bring their charm back to the movie. I liked how The Last of the Enforcers put the effort into making some of the characters grow. Doug's a slightly better hockey player, Gord has become an assistant coach, Park is now the team doctor etc. I didn't like all the changes that came in however. For example Eva's missing a lot of her trademark attitude. I get she's matured a little and they brought in Mary to fill that role (more on her later) but it seemed like her character changed too much to fill the role that the plot had to have her in. The original also had one of the best and most sympathetic adversaries I've seen in Ross Rhea. Even though he was Doug's rival, he was still a decent guy, he mentored Doug and you identified with his struggle of aging out of the game. But Anders is not nearly as effective. I wouldn't blame Wyatt and to be fair they establish that his crappy attitude is a product of his dad's aloofness towards him. But you don't feel sorry for him, he's not likable enough to root for and he's not evil enough to hate. He's just a spoiled jerk and I was disappointed that they couldn't deliver that kind of special character in this one.

    The most consistent thing I heard about this movie going into it was that the director Jay Baruchel (who also plays Pat) really tried to do something different filming the hockey scenes. After seeing this I have to agree, the one area where Goon: The Last of the Enforcers completely improved upon the original was the filming of the hockey scenes and the fights. The camera is constantly changing angles and it puts you right in the middle of the action. The hockey is pretty intense at points and I enjoyed it throughout. The fighting is brutal, the hits are hard and blood flies everywhere. They aren't completely realistic but they pack a lot of punch. I was pretty impressed and I think Jay could have a future making action movies.

    Sean William-Scott was one of the biggest reasons that the first Goon worked. His performance came across as really heartfelt and it was really easy to get attached to Doug. I think Sean's good again here, he doesn't have the element of surprise in this one so he didn't have the opportunity to blow the audience away. Allison Pill was also really solid, her character isn't as edgy or funny but she does her part well. I was really happy that brought Liev Schrieber back. He gets the most effective character arc and he nails it again. The members of the supporting cast that came back are all good, Marc-Andre gets a lot less time but guys like Kim Coates, David Paetkau, Jonathan Cherry, Richard Clarkin pick up the slack. Of the new cast members Elisha Cuthbert was hilarious. I actually wish she was in the movie more. T.J. Miller was excellent in his supporting part, he's playing a typical T.J. Miller character but he's still really funny. Wyatt Russell was fine, he was undercut by his character.

    Goon: The Last of the Enforcers is a really good sports comedy in it's own right and in some ways I feel like I'm being too hard on it. But in the end, in my opinion its just not as funny or has the kind of heart the first Goon had. This movie is far from a failure, however. They honestly could have just phoned this movie in and sent it straight to Netflix or DVD but they didn't. They brought in a great cast and produced a legitimately funny movie that also delivered some inventive hockey action. This movie is also solid enough that you don't have to be a big hockey fan to appreciate this. If you can get a chance to go see this (I think its only available in Canada right now) and you like your comedy a little more on the adult/raunchy side, give it a shot.
  • Did anyone else notice that this is an exact replica/ripoff of Rocky II? I still loved it and so did my girl...but the story line leads way to much to the other beloved classic. I mean, for what it was, it was great! However, it still doesn't take away from the fact that it mirrored the aforementioned great almost completely in it's beginning, middle, and end... Still loved it though. Worth watching
  • cg3521 March 2018
    The original was enjoyable. This one? Just awful. Poorly paced, filled with characters we can't care about, and nonsensical on-ice action clearly written by someone who doesn't actually know anything about hockey (every big hit would be an interference penalty in a real hockey game.)

    Wasted potential, and a waste of a night.
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