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  • James Spader is superb in his roll as Raymond Reddington. I find all the characters in the show top rate and believable....except for Megan Boone and the character Elizabeth. This character is so sanctimonious and self centered it just grates against my nerves.This character does anything she "feels"is the best thing even if it's against protocol and puts the team in danger. Then berates Reddington, who is actually helping her, because he colors outside the lines.The fact that the show went from an interesting "get the really bad guys" show to all about "Lizzy" has gotten really very annoying and is starting to get old. There are 6 other characters to shed some focus on. I understand the background story between her and Reddington is important....I get that. But all the drama and, not to mention, all the dumb selfish things Elizabeth does is really starting to be a turn off. Whoever the writer is for this character needs to be fired. Also, what's up with Lizzy's miraculous healing powers? She can get punched in the face by a man and not only get up right away, but never has a scratch on her. She should have had black eyes for at least a couple of weeks. Everybody else on the show gets realistically (believably) injured and goes through the healing process. But not cast iron Lizzy. Come on guys, give it a rest. Please don't turn a great show of intrigue,espionage and edge of your seat stories into a soap opera with a bad leading actress. I TRULY want to continue watching this show. Needless to say, this is why I gave a 9 rating instead of a 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Have watched all seasons and its still a good show but as with others getting tired of the Elizabeth antics and the almost split personality and insane pursuit of finding Reds 'secret' and love/hate relationship while still doing his bidding. Also pretty sure Red turns out to be her mum as everything else makes absolutely no sense with this 'secret' issue which I feel has gone on too long. I for one am more interested in the actual Black listers than the long winded 'secret' narrative that surely has long run its course after 5 seasons.
  • gdaskalou-3251616 March 2019
    This is indeed one of my favorite shows and one of the best i have seen. Spader is insane and the character is amazing. But for the love of god can someone please kill elisabeth and get her to dissapear from the show?? Terrible acting and iritating character makes a bad combo ... let her die so we can enjoy the series and not want to pull our eyes out ...
  • oneiljas22 February 2019
    Created my account just to come in and praise James Spader. I'm late to starting the show but binge watched it and love it. He definitely knows what he's doing and it's been a pleasure watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The only possible end for this serie, and I mean the only one. Is that Red gets sick and tired of Elizabeth betrayals, put a bullet in her head and just get with his life. How a character can be so stupid. My god I just hate her.
  • Once again I see people criticizing a good enjoyable show because it's not like reality and "Real governments and law enforcement organizations don't operate that way!!!!" Get a grip people! Batman isn't real either but he's fun to watch! The delineation of James Spader's Raymond Reddington is more important than any hang ups you could possibly have with the plot. I just can't see passing up such a good performance and character study because a fictional show isn't reality. It's not often a real good character comes along and I feel Spader has pulled this one off excellently in every respect. Don't cheat yourself people. It's a good show.
  • The Blacklist isn't the best TV show you've ever seen--it's not edgy or innovative with an original storyline or remarkable cinematography. It doesn't have distinctive, stylish features. Into its 3rd season, The Blacklist survives, it thrives despite its being no Breaking Bad, or Mr. Robot, or Fargo, or The Knick. How is this possible? Just what is its appeal?

    James Spader as Red Reddington is the answer and the sole reason this show is so watchable. He's not only the captain of the ship, he's the crew and the ship as well. In short, his performance is everything that makes this show great and I suspect he's somehow improved the template like performances of his supporting actors over time. The man is just a joy to watch and makes an improbable character--govt spy turned international criminal mastermind-- delightful and believable. Every actor on that show ought to thank Spader for allowing them the opportunity to make money on a show that would have been cancelled its first year--perhaps mid-season--if he were not on it. It's the darndest thing, the difference one actor can make.

    Still, I wish that the creators had chosen a different actress to play the part of Elizabeth Keen, the FBI profiler that Red Reddington is inexplicably fond of. Someone like Zoe Saldana would have been brilliant casting and added dimension to the mystery of the Keen-Reddington relationship. And perhaps better casting for that part would have inspired the writers to shape her role more credibly and sent the show into the stratosphere. While Megyn Kelly may be a solid actress, she does not yet have the chops to make something of the oddly inconsistent writing for her role. Too late to change this up now.

    I'm hardly the only fan who tunes in to enjoy Spader's performance, marveling at how the dreamy young actor with long blonde hair evolved into this very charming, balding older man who can act his *beep* off. I give him an Emmy for just Being There.
  • Keen and her colleagues seems to fail again and again. They are useless at shootouts and are always surprised when the enemy comes. Why?
  • Almost through the second season and as far as cop shows go, this one is a great watch so far. Reddington is badass and I like the side hustle he's got going while the FBI is investigating cases. Liz Keen is the worst though. Watch the show and you'll understand why.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Great show. but it's getting harder and harder to watch the whining from the Elizabeth Keen character. Idk if it's the acting or the writing but it is really getting cringeworthy. Reading through the comments I'm not alone in my thinking. Kill her off and get back to the blacklist in stead of the back and forth whining about secrets.
  • If it weren't for Spader I would stop watching. The rest of the characters are great, but suffer at the hands of script writers insistent on perpetuating the horribly contrived Elizabeth character.

    As a spy story, the show works. But the mommy issues and daddy issues are tedious to endure.

    Yes, the FBI does make deals with criminals. But the constant excuses Elizabeth's "team" make for her violent & illegal behavior are ridiculous & unrealistic. According to their logic, terrorists have "good reasons too" (if we got to know them). - Rubbish.
  • Spader is the reason this show makes it. Maybe at some point Boone will learn how to act from Spader. Hard to watch her act . Very one dimensional and flat.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I used to love this show but I'm struggling this season. The writers have a long history of Liz flipping from 'I hate you Reddington' to 'I love you Reddington' multiple times within a season and possibly within an episode.

    This season however, she appears to have a split personality as her feelings change depending on who she's talking to. Will I keep watching, yes. Am I enjoying it, no. I'm just hoping there is some kind of payoff.
  • I am getting so tired of her character. She is getting tiring and irritating.
  • judidequaker15 March 2019
    This used to be one of the most creative unique shows on television and James Spader is quite amazing also :-) but, does whole Keen mission to find out who he really is is really taking the TV show down the tubes. Go back to the original storyline! It was a great show why did you change it?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Such a fun to watch Spader and rest of the cast. But Elizabeth, oh my GOD, SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL HER ALREADY. I miss Samar!!!
  • hautullat9 September 2020
    This show has one thing going for it - Spader. Regrettably the producers focus too much on an uninteresting and annoying character. I dream of a new show concentrating on the time before the pesty and unlikable character of Elisabeth was introduced or at least only show here when she is talking to Redington. Nevertheless - Spader and his companions makes this show bingeworthy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Can someone kill Elizabeth? She's the most annoying character. After betraying Red so many time, I really hope he shows her where she belongs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ever since Kate Kaplan survived the bullet to the head The Blacklist series seems revitalised and was allowed the scope explore new and exciting directions. Series 6 has started off in much the same way. The whole series is escapism at its finest and worth a look. Reddington (James Spader) has a fascinating on screen role. One of the most likable TV villains of all time.
  • Bauer083 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    I already wrote a review of The Blacklist, but after having watched half of season 6, I have to write an addendum; a warning if you will. Not only does Agent Keen's character become increasingly irksome and irratic, the worst part is that Megan Boone becomes a worse actress with each episode. I'm not sure how this is possible, as 5 seasons with the brilliant James Spader would have rubbed off positively on even the most incompetent amateur actor. But somehow Boone manages to become even less charismatic and even more boring. Begs the question why she even landed the part in the first place, as the height of her carreer should have been a walk-on on "The Bold & the Beautiful". I'm guessing it's a bit of wonderful nepotism at the hands of some related Hollywood boss. Bottom line: She is a horrific actress and makes sn otherwise entertaining show almost unwatchable.
  • Megan Boone's bad performance destroys a lot of an initially good tv show.
  • farawayplanet24 May 2019
    After the first episode I already knew I would love to see all series... but I cannot... I can't stand the horrible acting of Megan Boone. Catastrophe that ruined good screenplay... such a shame
  • Only watched the series for redington but Elizabeth got so so much on my nerves she's actually the worst and most of the time got me angry by how many times she betrayed red and she thinks she's the smartest which without red she'd actually be a patrol officer at the red lights.Elizabeth keen she should be killed from the show asapppp
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is my second review on this series. I really do love the premise and I like the way Red is working to eventually make himself the world crime kingpin while actually doing some good on the way. So I like that part of the story arcs.

    BUT please STOP with these all season long subplots.

    This idiocy of the Rostova story arc is STUPID. Seriously STUPID. We know she will be found out. Probably killed or at the last imprisoned but more likely killed.

    WE know it because these are the main stars. What happened to a highly rated FBI agent working against these bad guys and Red KNOWING she will be working an angle and she never has her apt swept and this incredibly stupidity. OR suddenly this new neighbor shows up and the writing is just so bad and dumb for this arc.

    I cannot think of another word. So please stop with these subplots. They are boring and we know how they will ALWAYS turn out. You are not going to lose your top stars on the show. So just kill her off and get on with the various villains OKAY?

    To me this sort of time wasting will end up killing the show. It is boring and we know he will win and next season WHAT? Some other lame subplot? Just stop it okay.

    Because I just fast forward through those parts anyway. I don't care about them and I would bet neither does the vast majority of viewers. Get rid of the character and get on with the show.
  • The most frustratingly irritating and annoying character is that of Elizabeth Keen . One wonders why is she so stupid - so erratic- so dramatic - so immature!!!

    James spade Raymond is wow ! I like Aram! But Keen, I literally want to fast forward in each episode! She behaves like a dumb bimboo and not an officer of the law ! I wish they made her character more solid !!!

    She is a trained profiler - yet she is so dumb !
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