User Reviews (48)

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  • This movie combines zombie and vampire elements with a spooky clown. Sounds like a popcorn flick? Yeah it kinda is, it leaves the impression as if it could be a pilot for a new series. This movie doesn't take itself seriously and you can feel that all the way because with dialogues as cheesy as these, and vampires reacting in funny comic styled ways you can't expect more. It's entertaining to a certain degree and I'm glad it wasn't any longer, 80 minutes were just about right. The beginning seemed a bit more promising than the movie finally was but, who could have expected something different. The cameraman did a good job and the music was fitting, colorgrading was nicer than expected. Good movie to watch with some friends and laugh here or there.
  • Nice little vampire horror comedy - a clown vampire got a really big appetite and a bunch of night watchmen are trying to stop him on his killing spree. Not outstanding but still got some nice effects and funny moments, with some lengths in the end.
  • ddrddr12 October 2018
    I did not have high hopes for this but it turned out to be a lot of fun don't get me wrong this is cheap pulp but the producers did a good job with their limited funds. the acting was not too bad and over all there was a fun vibe about the movie but please do not expect anything special ok to watch with a few beers and no expectations.
  • "The Night Watchmen," named Best Horror Feature at the 2017 International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival, is the movie equivalent of tasty junk food – the cinematic counterpart to fried Twinkie or an Oreo churro. (The latter available at the theater concession stand.) It's a ridiculous tale of vampire clowns terrorizing a Baltimore newspaper office. And, apparently, legendary Baltimore filmmaker John Waters had nothing to do with it.

    The co-creators, Ken Arnold and Dan DeLuca, play two of the security guards. Arnold's Ken is the nominal leader, while DeLuca's Luca is the mysterious, scary one. The team of watchmen is rounded out by Kevin Jiggetts, playing Ken's sidekick Jiggetts, a pot-loving African-American Jew, and Max Gray Wilbur as a washed-up rock musician in his first night on the job.

    Following their mysterious deaths while performing in Romania, Baltimore icon Blimpo the Clown and his troupe are shipped home for medical testing. After a delivery mix-up leaves Blimpo's coffin at the newspaper building instead of the medical facility down the block, pervy newspaper owner Randall (James Remar, the only cast member that a viewer is likely to recognize) forces is it open, releasing Vampire Blimpo.

    The four inept night watchmen and hot-chick newspaper editor Karen (Kara Luiz) must band together like sad-sack Guardians of the Galaxy to fight off the vampire clowns and the newly undead newspaper employees they have created.

    During the Q&A after a screening at the Phoenix Film Festival, Arnold said he and DeLuca dreamed up the project to amuse themselves between jobs and that their overriding priority was to make people laugh. That they don't take themselves or their movie too seriously is obvious from the look of the film, the cheesy dialogue and the silly subplots.

    Along the way, however, The Night Watchmen lampoons the conventions of the horror, vampire and zombie genres. The movie gushes bodily fluids, but in a manner that is silly, not scary, goofy, not gory. At one point, after encountering some really disgusting vampire clowns, Karen grumbles that she watched every season of HBO's "True Blood" and it was nothing like this.

    It's worth noting that, for fans of horror, vampire and zombie movies, The Night Watchmen is full of Easter Eggs that pay homage to previous films in those genres. Besides amusing themselves, the writers clearly are offering middlebrow comedy for a highbrow audience. They hit their mark.


    Stu Robinson does writing, editing, media relations and social media through his business, Phoenix-based Lightbulb Communications.
  • If you want a fun vampire office comedy, watch Bloodsucking Bastards with Fran Kranz I'm very surprised by all the positive reviews. I love B-horror, but this really missed the mark for me across the board.

    To be fair, the beginning of this was pretty funny, but it got very boring well before the end of the movie.

    They relied heavily on goop/fart/barf jokes and you can only make those so many times in a row before they get tired.

    The vampires were awkward and inconsistent in a way that really stood out. They advertise a crazy clown vampire, but you barely see him at all.
  • No redeeming social value - check. Gratuitous nudity - check. Way too much blood - check. Acting - passable. Comedy is hard, and these guys try and mostly succeed. Definitely worth a brain off, beer in hand watch. When I saw the IMDB score it was 5.3. Way too low. If you're a reviewer that likes overly long French dramas, you'll hate it.
  • "The Night Watchmen" is a vampire movie with clowns … but the clowns are the vampires and – in fact – the titular night watchmen are the clowns! Does that make sense? If not, it doesn't matter. It's a horror comedy with the emphasis laying heavily on the comedy part, and although enjoyable enough while it lasts, it's probably one of the least memorable movies you'll ever watch. The script, written by two of the lead actors, contains a few inventive gimmicks and a small handful of genuine laughs, but overall it's a routine and largely uninspired fan-boy movie with the usual splatter effects and infantile fart, weed and bimbo jokes. We're introduced to the four night watchmen of the Baltimore Gazette newspaper building, located somewhere in the harbor. Their job is generally boring and monotonous, so they entertain themselves by peeping at the sexy office ladies, playing human bowling, smoking weed and stealing other people's lunch packets. Tonight will be different, however, because the coffin of a famous dead clown mistakenly ended up at the newspaper building. The clown mysteriously died during a tour in Romania and got repatriated, but he quickly rises from his coffin and goes on a violent killing spree during the one night that everybody stays in the office to work on a deadline. Personally, I think that the concept of eerie vampire clowns entering the USA via the Baltimore harbor and gradually bloodsucking their way through the rest of the country might even have worked as an actual horror movie, complete with atmospheric tension and scary clowns' make-up, but apparently the makers decided it was better to focus on incompetent watchmen instead. Thanks to the copious amounts of fake blood and the exaggeratedly bad acting, "The Night Watchmen" is entertaining enough to watch at a festival or in the company of drunken friends, but don't expect to still be talking about it a week later.
  • The comedy-horror sub-genre is quite a hard one to execute successfully, usually the comedy lessens the horror or vice-versa and the film winds up being neither one thing nor the other. The Night Watchmen is another in this line of movies but it is definitely one which succeeds better than most. Set in an office building in Baltimore, a coffin containing the body of a famous clown who died while on tour in Romania is wrongly left on the premises. Before long, the corpse is revealed as a powerful vampire and soon many people fall victim to both him and his minions. Its left to the inept security guards to save the day.

    There's no question that this one works much better as a comedy than as a horror. Which kind of explains why it begins very strongly but fades a bit in the second half. The reason being that, as is often the way in these types of movies, the action ramps up in the latter half with more emphasis on the horror elements. But it was the character interactions that impressed me most, with a lot of good comic acting from the cast and a lot of funny dialogue. Much of the humour is genuinely laugh-out-loud, even if they did overplay the fart joke somewhat! The cast work very well together and understand the comic material very well, there are no name actors here except for James Remar of Warriors (1979) fame, who plays a slightly sleazy office worker. From the horror side of the fence this one has zombie-like vampires and an evil clown, so it's a bit of a selection box. It does ultimately boil down to a group of people trapped in a building fighting back against hordes of monsters which isn't the most interesting or original set-up, however, I would say that this one is still well worth catching on account of its comic interplay and sense of mischief.
  • Horrible watch, will not watch again, and recommend you actively avoid.

    I'm not even sure this one would make a good Bad Movie Night.

    It's essentially a bunch of jokes written with the concept of normalcy happening in a completely crazy situation just strung together.

    The jokes are mediocre at best, the cast isn't great, and it's a minimal production budget. Even if the budget was better, I'm not sure the vision is of quality.

    This is allegedly a "vampire" movie, and after Twilight, I didn't think I could be upset at vampires in a different way, but this movie found it: just treat them like zombies.

    This is literally a "fast zombie" / infected movie, but instead, they call them vampires because they can't handle sunlight.

    I have a very long statement about what vampires were, what they've become, what they mean, and what they should be, but honestly this movie isn't worth it here in this review.

    Just avoid it, unless you've run out of zombie movies to watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie had a real 80's vibe about it (especially the music) and reminded me of movies like "Vamp", "Return of the living dead" and "Demons". It's definitely not an A-grade blockbuster and the special effects are OK at best but it was still a bit of fun. The acting was not terrible, I've seen a lot worse. I was super surprised to see James Remar in this movie, especially the role he played. Most of the actors playing the vamps did a fairly decent job and were believable. It's not going to win any awards but if you're sitting at home wanting to waste an hour and a half you could do a lot worse. Cheers :-)
  • I was stupid enough to get this and several other movies for a weekend chill session because the net was going to be out.

    It's horrible, the acting is bad, the script is laughable and the production value is like student film makers had a $100 budget.

    When i didn't recognise anyone on the cast list i should have taken that as a red flag.
  • Psy-Ko8 April 2017
    Saturday afternoon and not feeling my best. Wanted a fun movie that I didn't have to use any brain cells on. This fit the bill perfectly! Campy fun, not to be taken seriously. It's low budget but production values were pretty good. Acting was decent and the story, well it's just a misfits vs vampires story so not much to elaborate on there. As a comedy it did it's job, it entertained me for an hour and a half and made me laugh a few times. Every movie doesn't need to be a thought provoking cinematic masterpiece. And all movies shouldn't be compared to those that are. Sometimes one and done and thanks for the laughs is all that's needed.
  • Three inept night watchmen, aided by a young rookie (Max Gray Wilbur) and a fearless tabloid journalist (Kara Luiz), fight an epic battle for their lives against a horde of hungry vampires… and clowns.

    Where to begin on this one? First of all, it is hilarious, original, quirky, and a true midnight movie. Time will tell if this becomes a cult film, but it seems to have enough elements that repeat viewings are inevitable. Horror fans might be lured in by seeing the names James Remar and Tiffany Shepis attached, but really they are neither the stars of the film, nor anywhere near the best part.

    The humor is what sells this film. And it is not so much the jokes (such as a black man who fumbles with "black culture") as it is the timing and delivery of them. There is almost a Marx Brothers quality to some of the banter, with comments flying by quickly that might be easily missed if you are not fully invested. Then again, some of the jokes are impossible to miss – such as what happens when vampires are killed. We even get a "Twilight" reference or two.

    On the horror end of this horror-comedy, credit must be given for what may be a new invention: the clown vampire, or "clownpire". With the hundreds, if not thousands, of vampire movies in the world, it stands to reason that at least one of them would have had a clown who became a vampire. But nothing immediately springs to mind. And this film owns the idea, not just making it a throw away, but really the central plot device. You might think that would be silly, cheesy or just plain dumb, but in fact it works very effectively and adds to the creepy factor.

    The blood keeps coming, just as it should. While not over the top like "Dead Alive", there is enough red to keep everyone happy. There are also a few shots of gratuitous nudity, if that is what you're into. I'm not, but I know it's what the kids want. The only real complaint is the inclusion of an unnecessary romance angle. While it certainly works, it was rather cheesy and even less believable than the clown vampires.

    For a great genre film shot in Baltimore (with absolutely no John Waters connection), you will want to check out "The Night Watchmen". Already winning awards on the festival circuit, it screened August 2, 2017 at the Fantasia International Film Festival. Who knows what sort of havoc it will cause upon wider release.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Had some good bits, and a lot of promise.

    Didn't have much of a script. Some scenes are terrible padding to fill out the sketch.

    Some funny characters, but again the lazy script went for cheap cheap laughs instead of stretching the tiniest bit to be original (see "joke, fart") that is done over and over.

    Disappointing because it could have been something consistently enjoyable and reasonably original. As it is, it wasted a lot of the actors' time...and mine.
  • In THE NIGHT WATCHMEN, what seems like another dull night of security duty turns into a ghastly fight for survival, when a coffin is mistakenly delivered to the wrong address. Said sarcophagus contains the remains of a certain Blimpo the clown, who had perished in a mysterious tragedy. In Romania!

    Unfortunately, for all involved, including the title characters and some office workers, Blimpo's not quite dead! He's undead! Soon, with the help of his fellow costumed performers, the entire city is besieged by a vampire holocaust!

    Insanely over the top, hilariously funny, and containing oceans of blood, this movie simultaneously breathes new life into both the vampire and killer clown sub-genres. Unexpected fun from opening to ending credits!

    P.S.- Watch for horror goddess, Tiffany Shepis in a glorious cameo!...
  • Nto the worst film I've seen but unoriginal, lazy characters, zero laughs, cheap effects and paddin out of scenes that endlessly repeat the same over again. Most inept vampires ever, easily killed and supposedly meant to be creepy clowns but just no suspense at all. How can it be a horror comedy with no horror, no comedy.

    Some scenes were cringe inducing with their attempts to be funny. Make up was ok but nothing anyone couldn reproduce for Halloween fancy dress themselves.

    The best scene was when had the perv vampire strapped to a chair....this was the best scene in the film. So an extra point for that as it raised a smile.

    If bored and have 90mins to spare .....go watch something else ......if nothing else watch this.
  • bobbywell11 January 2019
    I really didn't expect much out of this. What I got though was a fun little vampire movie. Not much on the intilectual scale but fun to watch nonetheless.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I made an IMDB account just to write this review because of how much I passionately disliked this movie.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of a good comedic horror movie. This was NOT that.

    Terribly written, terribly acted, terribly executed.

    I mean what even was the budget for this movie??? Red-paint-looking "blood" splatters on the wall and all. I swear I saw some vampire actors look at the camera 🤣

    It's like any other B-movie vampire film but they added a fart expelling from the vampire upon becoming decreased. *Spoiler alert*, that's the supposed "comedic genius" of the film. Oh and they got the vampires high.

    The acting is just really bad, but I think the complete lack of character consistency, and terrible dialogue was worse.

    It feels like it was written by some old white dude that thinks super overused misogynistic, racist, fart jokes are funny. Nothing we haven't already cringed at from any movie between 1990 and 2005.

    Don't waste your time. It wasn't the kind of comedic horror you can genuinely laugh at and lightheartedly make fun of. It's just bad.
  • I may be too nice once again - maybe this only deserves a 5 or 6. But you can have a good time with it, that is for sure. The jokes either work or they don't - eye of the beholder and all that. There is enough blood and gore to frighten anyone too squeamish for things like that.

    Effects overall are nicely done too - remember this is a low budget effort. Considering all that the actors are well chosen too. May not be the funniest horror comedy by a long shot, but if you are into these types of movies, that shouldn't bother you at all.
  • deekprime23 February 2022
    I'm a big horror movie fan, and I don't mind some dark humor along it. This, however, is more comedy than horror. It's difficult to maintain any sort of tension when every other scene feels like it was pulled straight from a sitcom. It's well made, and the dialogue is snappy; it's just too much slapstick for my tastes. Your results may vary.
  • Oh, man, they ordered this gem of a flick with extra cheese! You're gonna love it!

    This is a story about a group of night watchmen characters and a few hapless civilians who just happen to get caught in the emergence of yet another zombie apocalypse. I know what you're thinking. It's been done... but has it really?

    When has your average zombie outbreak ever started with a coffin clown? That's right. Undead clowns. In coffins. Talk about let sleeping clowns lie!

    Once that sucker gets loose, you're gonna lose your stuff laughing and maybe even squealing a few times, too. Watch this movie, but beware. Your face is going to hurt from laughing so much!!!
  • A bunch of night-watch man are going about their business as normal when they recruit some sappy kid to help them out and soon find themselves the victim of some zombie apocalypse and must rely on themselves and the kid to step up and deal with the zombie apocalypse...

    The foundation of the film is OK and it has plenty of momentum, but in terms of being an entirely enjoyable film I'm not so sure....

    It has a lot of energy and plenty of movement and these things do make it fun (it's a terrible film in many respects, but it has enough forward momentum to make it fun).

    The whole clown scenario at the end was entirely ridiculous and was just not particularly scary; it was repetitive and dull and didn't go anywhere.

    There were some fun moments, but perhaps not enough. In many ways it reminded me of a poor relation to Shaun Of The Dead and the inherent weaknesses with this film came to the fore much more when compared to the much better British equivalent. Don't get me wrong there is fun to be had here and it works in a kind of trashy, disposable way, but it's generic and forgettable and compared to its imitators it doesn't quite cut the mustard I'm afraid.
  • Comedy and horror blend together really well and here is yet another example of this.

    Telling the story of a group of office workers & security guards who are the last survivors of a vampire outbreak in their building.

    Starring James Remar & Tiffany Shepis truth is they are little more than cameo appearances and likely added to give the movie a bit of star power.

    With fantastic one liners, high production values and a competent cast this really caught me by surprise and is a really good effort.

    The film has some really great writing, memorable vampire clowns and roaring potential for an entire franchise, I walked away from this very pleased.

    It's not flawless but is a damn fine effort regardless, we need more of this and less of The Conjuring/Insidious nonsense.

    The Good:

    Tiffany Shepis

    James Remar

    Looks great

    The Bad:

    Lacks closure

    One sfx looks pretty bad

    Things I Learnt From This Movie:

    1980's montage scenes are still awesome

    A sure fire way to identify a vampire is by their inability to dance

    Necrophilia is when one person makes sweet love to someone else. The someone else is just dead though

    Giving a vampire the munchies doesn't sound like a good idea to me
  • "The Night Watchmen" turned out to be a rather nice surprise of a movie. And that was a good thing, because I hadn't even heard about it prior to picking it up and giving it a watch.

    The movie starts out fairly slow, but quickly becomes very fun and entertaining. If you sort of think a vampire version of "Shaun of the Dead", then you know what you will be in for here.

    Lots of hilarious scenes throughout the course of the movie. And the characters in the movie were great and colorful, and nicely brought to life on the screen. They had a good ensemble of actors and actresses to perform in the movie, which really did add to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

    "The Night Watchmen" had good special effects and make-up.

    All in all, a very entertaining movie all the way through.

    Vampire clowns? Sure why not...
  • This movie should be much funnier. It's got very little going for it and I expected a lot more from it. I don't mind something low budget if it's at least entertaining. This is just a drag to watch.
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