User Reviews (38)

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  • vishlex25 December 2019
    This film is a must watch for every person in the world.. Brilliant storyline... Mind blowing performances from every single character, however small part they were playing. Kudos to the director.. Pls let there me more of such films...
  • signlady13 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Burn Your Maps is a wonderful film about a couple in various stages of grief over the recent loss of two family members, and.shows - to some degree - the fall out when grief is stifled or not processed.

    For example - the father attempted to cope by throwing himself back into work, as a way to be in 'control' of life. The mother simply was numbed with a sort of partially functioning depression, spiraling. We see them trying to use a therapist to fix the ensuing issues created by each of their very different grieving processes, and we are clued into knowing it often involves some arguing in front of their kids. Meanwhile, there's a teen daughter and a young son, about 8 to 10 years old.

    The teen acts like a normal teen. If she is grieving or still disturbed by the deaths, she doesn't show it. We are not shown much about her, other than very typical teen behaviour - which may have been intended. Some teens do indeed just move on from death very quickly, or more likey tune everything out.

    The main story of the film is the little boy, who imagines himself Mongolian, and immerses himself in the culture.

    We only realize he has actually created a grieving mechanism later in the film. For a while, the viewer might simply interpret him as just an extremely creative, imaginative kid.

    A brief combination of events leads to a new aquaintence in a young man, a student and sort of nerdy loner, he is interested in making movies. He films the boy talking about Mongolia, and moved by the child's story, he creates a sort of 'go fund me' page for him.

    During this, we see scenes showing the mom coming out of depression, feeling somewhat hopeful, and the dad losing control. The trading of their grief reactions was very interesting to watch.

    After seeing the short video of her son, the mom unilaterally packs and takes her son to Mongolia and the young man goes too, to film the trip, while the dad away is taking the teen daughter to a computer camp.

    We then follow the amazing travels in Mongolia as the student captures the events along the way.. We watch the trip unfold for the little boy in scenes of the beautiful vistas and thru interesting people they meet along the way. And we see the mom no longer depressed, and the young loner aspiring filmmaker meets a Mongolian girl - an added interesting part of the movie.

    During the trip the young filmmaker also posts his videos and the father & daughter see them. We watch as the father realizes what he's missing.

    Finally, around the last 15 minutes of the film, the family reunites thru these dynamics of the trip & posted videos, which is the most beautiful part of the movie, as very simple things are finally said simply out loud that are healing, and help them move forward.

    No more spoilers!

    The last scene is also one of the best!

    This is a very sweet, touching movie while feeling pretty real at the same time. The dialogue is true. And the cast is excellent.

    It is not cliche, shallow, or sappy. Low review comments indicate little understanding of different kinds of grief reactions & processes.

    The film is actually about processing grief.

    Definitely a keeper to rewatch!

    We need more movies like this.
  • This film had become my white whale in recent years. It has taken me literally 5 years to see it. It's criminal how obscure Burn Your Maps has become - particularly given the incredible performances.

    It felt unique and quirky. A young boy (Tremblay) becomes fixated on the idea he's a Mongolian goat herder who belongs in a Mongolian village. Through the ingenuity of his new friend Ismail (Sharma) he's able to venture to Mongolia with his grieving Mum (Farmiga) coming along too.

    Burn Your Maps is as much about the grieving process and family, as it is being your authentic self. All elements work quite well together - it could even be categorised as a travel or adventure film. It's moving and emotional, while not falling too far into overly-sentimental moments.

    Farmiga and Tremblay are at their best. The scenery is stunning (Canada stepping in for Mongolia). It's a beautiful film on many levels, with the incredible landscapes and cinematography adding to what is a touching story.

    Glad I finally found this and was able to watch it. Gets you thinking about life, your identity and where you want to go. Burn Your Maps is a refreshing film in a cinematic era riddled with superheroes and reboots. Will check out the short story (of which this is based) by Robyn Joy Leff now!
  • I was surprised in the amount of movies that kid Jacob Tremblay already played. At his young age he's already been is some good movies, even an excellent one like Room. In Burn Your Maps he's still only eleven but already a delight to watch. His character was funny and cute, it's what made this movie worth watching. The rest of the cast was also good with Vera Farmiga and Suraj Sharma playing the other two main characters. The story is just funny, a kid wanting to be a Mongolian and even though the Mongolian scenes are filmed in Alberta, Canada it looked like it could have been in Mongolia. Nice cinematography, very good acting and a pleasant story, Burn Your Maps got it all.
  • This film tells the story of a young boy who has an obsession with him being a Mongolian nomad.

    The story is already really good during the first fifteen minutes, and it gets even better as it goes along. The story is incredibly moving, and contains profound wisdom. The line saying that we come with nothing is just amazing. Who would have thought an indie film would be so wise and beautiful. I definitely recommend watching this.
  • fmwongmd17 January 2020
    Enjoyable fantasy about real problems dealt with in an innovative and interesting way. Vera Farmiga is good.
  • chasechristeson25 February 2021
    This is the kind of movie the world needs. One that is simple and yet crazy at the same time. Like who even sits down and thinks. "Hmmm, how about a movie/book about a young white American boy who thinks he is Mongolian"? This is originality at it's finest! This may be one of the most underrated films in the past decade and I so wish for it to be seen by more people. This movie will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you cringe, and make you smile; and feel all of these different emotions at the same time! I can not by any means, do this film enough justice in describing it. All I can do is encourage everyone that I can to watch this film. It will make your day, trust me!
  • It really shows how family was affected by the children. Every members of the family is responsible for everything that's happening in a family. It was suppose to be a children's show.
  • shbs-7159426 December 2019
    Utterly beautiful, speechlessly brilliant.

    I understand there aren't very many women directors, and there's a movement to encourage, so I reserve my final point in support of that worthy effort.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Nice movie, but i found the landscape strangely unmongolian, so: no, according to IMDB, shot nowhere near Mongolia. But thats not the only cliché. So, somwhat deceived, and disappointed... But the longer the story evolves, the heavier the clichés go, Americans and how they seem to behave but do not do, the mongolians, the indians... the father, the relationship... it suddenly all turns uncredible. Might have been better... if the went actualy to Mongolia to produce this movie...
  • ham-ma24225 December 2019
    I totally recommend this for those who want a underlying heavy drama with a light portrayal. It's an adventure type of movie where the surroundings and characters evolve, so much dynamic that you can watch this movie many times and still enjoy it.
  • fluffchop4 August 2021
    They have immature kids brains and simply don't get the complexities of adult life. This movie is garbage. The kid would be so picked on at school. Kids need to be taught, kids don't tell adults what to do.
  • Within 5 minutes of the beginning of this film, my wife leaned over and whispered, "I love this film." I had just been thinking the same thing. "Burn Your Maps" is incredibly well written, acted, and directed. You don't realize in the first 5 minutes that the director is going to take you on a journey that will skillfully stir so many emotions, but that is exactly what Jordan Roberts does. The characters, brilliantly portrayed by Vera Farmiga, Jacob Tremblay, and others, are all lost in their own way and spend the film journeying to find themselves and to be found by others. Movies that touch on so many emotions can often seem manipulative of the viewer. Not this one. That's where "Burn Your Maps" really shines. It is incredibly crafted to take you on the journey. I'm usually really time sensitive on movies, very aware if parts seem to drag or are uneven. Honestly, I have no idea how long this movie lasted. From those first five minutes through the closing credits, I was immersed in the story that kept me at a pleasing state of "feeling". Go see this movie. You'll be glad you did.
  • I enjoyed this film, from start to finish. It was a wonderful story of lost souls, and many of us can relate to this concept of just not fitting in. The boy who starred in this film did a great job of portraying someone, who is lost in a fantasy world, due to real life tragedy, being a bit much to handle. Vera Farmiga did a lovely job as his supportive and understanding mother, though she was attempting to deal with the same family tragedy, in her own way. Martin Csokas was exceptional, as usual. A major talent. The wonderful Virginia Madsen had a great, though brief part. All the talent was outstanding.

    The direction, soundtrack, performances, script, and editing were excellent. Why can't Hollywood make more films like this one. No car chases. No inane leaps of faith. Just a good, solid, heartfelt story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I absolutely loved every scene,every nuanced performance, every sensitive expression, and every feeling that knocked my socks off from the first scene till the last. Just saw it at the San Diego Film Society 10-18-2017..can't share it enough! Why isn't this movie advertised or in theaters? Why hasn't their been nominations for the superb writing, acting, screenplay, and direction of this gem of a movie???? Come on SAG members, go see this and vote!

    Spoiler alert: DOES NOT CONTAIN guns, violence, or computer generated images!!
  • This was disturbing in many ways. Just because someone experiences grief in a different way doesn't make them bad. They left out the father completely in this movie. The little boy, max was annoying, why would you let a little boy dictate how you act towards others? I hated the mother. So selfish.
  • Go65659 September 2021
    This delightful film is a complete fantasy, especially once it leaves its urban setting for an entirely imaginary world of sun-drenched steppes and gambolling goats, full of benevolent, wise, leisured folks who queue up as soon as they are introduced to become our heroes' new best friends and mentors. It's all far too pleasant to be believable, but you would need a heart of the purest mud not to be taken in anyway. For all its wishful thinking, the story achieves the prerequisite for fantasy: it makes you want to know where this place is so that you can move there. The script is also often funny, and the actors are uniformly excellent.

    The film has been criticised for not featuring enough Mongolian characters doing authentic Mongolian things, but I think that is missing the point of the story. This is not about actual Mongolia and its people, but about the vast open spaces, exciting and unknown, that open up in front of a nine-year old, just as his parents are seeing their own vistas suddenly shuttered by a personal disaster. This new world is only Asian and exotic in ways that are accessible to the child: grand scenery, semi-free farm animals, people who live in tents, unfamiliar language. But the emotional connections the boy and his mother make while there are, naturally, with people that they could have met in America. On the contrary, it is the other characters, coming over with no expectations, who find answers there to the questions that they did not know how to ask.
  • rob-3247225 July 2021
    Everything rotates around Wes. Wes is a spoilt brat.
  • Like other reviewers here, I saw this movie at TIFF in 2016 and it has stayed with me since. It is an exceptional story with brilliant performances. I check this page every so often to see if it's picked up distribution. DEAR NETFLIX: please please please acquire the rights to this movie so I can see it again!

    This is my first ever IMDB review.... that's how much I need to see this movie again.
  • "Burn Your Maps" is one of those perfect films, a rarity in today's market where too many films leave you feeling nothing. Not so with "Burn Your Maps." The story alone will stay with you for many heartbeats. In fact, you'll probably observe that many adults are not as intuitive or as open as Wes, 9 years old, and one of the main characters in the film. I rarely rate a film as 10, but the acting, the writing, the directing and the cinematography all come together and create a wonderful cinematic moment that will resonate with the viewer forever.
  • linobox1 December 2019
    So keeping your job and trying to overcome tragedy is not proper? The best way is yo keep in touch with your spirituality and feelings while letting your children tell you how to live and behave all the way around. Huh?? What a bunch of crap. It's like Hollywood moarning 101. Jejeje.
  • Just as everyone experiences happiness differently, so do they experience grief. This movie tenderly reminds us of that. You don't have to agree all the time, but at least understand that what is best is what's best for YOU. This was beautifully acted and Jacob Tremblay certainly has a future ahead of him.
  • kgalarza28 February 2022
    The cinematography is beautiful. The kid is cute and the premise seemed fun, but damn is it depressing. You only root for a couple characters, the rest you either are indifferent or wonder why they are there. We nearly quit on this movie.
  • I am one to shed a tear at an emotional movie but this one had me sobbing with pure emotional bliss. Profound truths are revealed. A simple change of perspective can transform soul level pain into blissful joy. Simple, yet profound truth.
  • mav112313 July 2019
    I usually prefer mindless action films. However, some dramas are very moving life experiences; Burn Your Maps is one of them, especially if life has ever thrown you a curve and made you feel like a fish out of water and/or set you adrift. Great story, great acting all around. I highly recommend it.
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