User Reviews (52)

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  • I must say for a comedy starring Paul Rudd and Paul Giamatti, then "All Is Bright" was somewhat of a disappointment if you look at the movie from a comedy aspect. Why? Well, because there was almost no comedy here. This was more a drama with some elements of pseudo-comedy thrown into it.

    The story is about Dennis (played by Paul Giamatti) who is released from prison, only to find his wife Therese (played by Amy Landecker) having told their daughter that he is dead. And to make matters worse, she is to marry his former partner in crime Rene (played by Paul Rudd). Down on his luck and low on cash, Dennis have to bite the sour apple and go with Rene to New York City to sell Christmas trees.

    Now, as much as the story is without comedy that will make you laugh, then the movie is equally stacked with an interesting story that was really well acted by the lead actors, and they really carried the movie quite nicely.

    The characters in the movie were well carved out, with lots of depth, personality and characteristics, as odd as they may be. But with the talent of Rudd and Giamatti, then the audience are introduced to two very different characters, that are each individually very likable for better or worse. And together on the screen, their chemistry is just magnificent.

    "All Is Bright" is well worth a watch if you enjoy a movie that is something out of the ordinary.
  • SnoopyStyle19 June 2015
    In Quebec, thief Dennis (Paul Giamatti) gets out on probation after 4 years in prison. He returns home to unreceptive wife Therese who wishes to marry Rene (Paul Rudd) when he finally divorces his wife. He has no prospects and no place to live. He wants to buy his daughter a piano but has no money. He pushes Dennis to take him to NYC to sell Christmas trees. Olga (Sally Hawkins) buys a tree and Dennis delivers it. He makes more money stealing.

    Rudd and Giamatti are good comedic actors when the material is there for them. This is a rambling unfunny story. The duo don't develop good chemistry. Sally Hawkins has a weird Russian accent. With such talented actors, this is a failure of the writing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Dennis (Paul Giamatti) has spent four years in prison. His divorced wife (Amy Landecker) wants nothing to do with him. She has told their daughter(Tatyana Richaud) he died from cancer. She plans on marrying Rene (Paul Rudd), Dennis' partner in crime who didn't get caught. With no money, home, or job, Dennis goes with Rene to sell Christmas trees in NYC, which is not a great idea for either man. Apparently this is something NYC generously allows Canadians to do without a permit, license, or sales tax ID number.

    The film attempts to be quirky, except it does so in a sad pathetic way and not as a comedy or dark comedy. The jokes didn't make it, even when delivered by some of Hollywood's finest. I consider the film an early Christmas gift for writer Melissa James Gibson.

    If I was going to miss one Paul Giamatti film, I would miss this over "Lady in the Water."

    Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Obscure distant nudity.
  • 'ALL IS BRIGHT': Three Stars (Out of Five)

    Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd star in this comedy-drama film that's a lot more serious (and less comedic) than I was expecting (with that pair). It's a Christmas movie about two losers from Canada trying to sell Christmas trees in New York City. It was directed by Phil Morrison (who also directed the 2005 indie critical darling 'JUNEBUG') and written by first time film writer Melissa James Gibson. It's a lot more of a downer than it looks like (in the trailers) and isn't really that funny but it is a somewhat interesting character study.

    Giamatti plays an ex-convict named Dennis, who just got out of prison in Quebec, Canada. His wife, Therese (Amy Landecker) is now sleeping with another man, Rene (Rudd). She also told their daughter, Michi (Tatyana Richaud), that Dennis was dead. In order to make enough money to buy Michi a piano for Christmas Dennis agree to sell Christmas trees with Rene in New York City. Neither is especially good at the job and it's a big challenge.

    For a Christmas movie and a comedy the film is pretty depressing. It's also surprisingly sad considering it stars Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd. Giamatti does a lot of serious dramas as well as comedies but it's definitely not Rudd's usual thing (it does mark his second quirky indie film this year though, after 'PRINCE AVALANCHE' from a few moths ago). He is his usual dimwitted and easygoing self in it though and you can't help but love him (and root for him) despite his flaws. Giamatti is definitely less likable in the movie and is pretty hard to like but both of their characters have their hearts in the right place. If you're expecting big laughs this isn't the movie for you but it is a decent emotional buddy film.

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  • Phil Morrison blazed onto the scene with Junebug (2005) and managed to introduce the cinematic world to the blissful abilities with Oscar- nominated actress Amy Adams. With a near eight year stretch, he has finally taken his directorial chair yet again to bring the whimsical and fascinating Almost Christmas with Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd.

    The film opens up with Dennis (Giamatti), a recently released ex-convict that learns that his now ex-wife has told their daughter that he died in prison. To make matters worse, his partner-in-crime Rene is now dating her with intentions of marriage. With no job, home, or any real place to go, Rene's guilt partners with Dennis' opportunities and the two French Canadians embark on a trip to New York City to sell Christmas trees just before the holidays. During the daily antics and struggle to sell, eat, and sleep out of a wooden trailer, a dentist's wife (Sally Hawkins) presents a possible opportunity for them to learn more than just the meaning of the holidays.

    Paul Giamatti continues to elevate himself to one of the greatest working actors today. As Dennis, he's utterly believable and encounters a new side of himself as an actor that is both funny and completely genuine. Giamatti's dedication to the craft allows him to continue to do what he normally achieves with all of his off-beat characters that are dreadful on the inside with a kind core that the audience can easily access.

    As Rene, Paul Rudd continues his attempt at off-beat comedies on the independent circuit and presents himself as a very capable and gifted actor. His performance, which naturally brings many of the film's biggest laughs, is one of the Rudd's most surprising portrayals to date. Rudd shows vulnerability, skill, and a promise of a very endearing and powerful performance somewhere in his future. While the role is not a full-out home-run for the actor, he is more than average and presents some of the film's beautiful highlights.

    Written by Melissa James Gibson, Almost Christmas is an incredibly original concept with a slight twist on a genre you may feel like you've seen before. The actions and story temperature are unhurried and at times cold, but ultimately is what makes the film succeed. There are some off-beat choices in character behaviors and an unrelated qualm about how someone should act in firm situations, but for a first-time screenwriter, it's a great plateau for her to step off. Gibson has only been credited as a writer on the show, "The Americans." She constructs authentic characterizations and gives them all an identity for the actor's to latch onto.

    Golden Globe Winner Sally Hawkins is amazingly charming and wondrous in her role. With her delightful and appealing accent partnered with her cutely delivered monologue about "Fortune of Wheel," it's another strong turn from the gifted actress that has yet to take off in the big Hollywood manner as of yet. Hawkins is absolutely hilarious.

    Phil Morrison's direction and choices aren't as bold or as inventive as his styles in Junebug. The story doesn't lend itself to those traits that made him a quiet sensation in the mid-2000s. He lends himself to a more defined genre of filmmaking that doesn't go for the big moments or audience reactions. It's a undemanding yet solid directorial work. The film's narrative is paced at a leisured speed, which may take some out of the story. It does take a minute to lift off but when it gets going, Almost Christmas has you hooked. It's a fine film event for movie-goers and a possible contender for year-end citations by independent groups.

    Oscar CHANCES: Lead Actor for Paul Giamatti, Supporting Actress for Sally Hawkins, Original Screenplay for Melissa James Gibson

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  • jonathandulle31 December 2019
    I turned this on due to the actors and the description of comedy. There were zero funny moments in the movie. Very confused about what I just saw.
  • I'm a huge Christmas movie buff and I don't normally do dark Christmas movies (like Bad Santa), so I was prepared to hate this movie, especially after seeing the low scores on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm a huge fan of both Pauls, so I decided to see for myself. I didn't hate it, and in fact, I actually enjoyed it - although I'm not sure WHY. Heheh. Paul Giamatti's character is a no-good thief, but that's what was interesting too me - he can't change and doesn't REALLY try to, even though he keeps saying he has (to his estranged wife), but he truly loves his daughter, so he's not ALL bad. In the end, the screenplay isn't very good, the joyful Christmas soundtrack often doesn't fit the dreary scenes, but the three main actors, Paul, Paul and Sally Hawkins are all very good. Paul Rudd still struggles in the drama department, but this MIGHT be the best I've seen him with it. Recommended for fans of the actors and/or dark Christmas movies.
  • Having never heard of this film but stumbling upon it and decided it looked interesting enough to warrant a view. The plot is relatively simple yet somewhat engaging- we seem to be interested in both lead characters actions from the start.

    However this film is not such a covert as people may be expecting. It is not another "Bad Santa" type. It is more so depressing and at times dull. The chemistry is decent as are the acting but the film doesn't seem to go anywhere within its climax. Ultimately what we get is a depressing and disappointing ending.
  • "Season's Greetings from Canada." After being released from prison Dennis (Giamatti) returns home to see his kid he is surprised when he finds out his wife told the daughter he was dead. Things get worse when he finds out his ex crime partner Rene (Rudd) is now dating his wife. Looking for work Dennis joins Rene on a trip to New York City to sell Christmas trees. The trip not only forces them to deal with the present circumstances but winds up affecting the lives of everyone involved. First of all even though this is about selling trees I would not call this a Christmas movie. Going into this I was excited because I love Paul Giamatti and think Paul Rudd is underrated. While the movie is good and the acting is great as expected it is very depressing. This is a movie that I can't really talk about what is going on too much because it will give something away but just know that you see the full arc of Dennis from happiness of being released to happiness with himself. If you are a Giamatti fan you will like this but don't expect a happy Christmas movie at all. Overall, great acting and worth seeing but don't be shocked if you are sad when its over. I give it a B.
  • cekadah9 August 2014
    Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd (the two Pauls) in the role of two rather inept Canadian Christmas tree salesmen and the quirky characters they encounter while in New York City cannot save this flick from the big yawn category.

    Why this story doesn't work I do not know. All the right ingredients are there for a light hearted funny story but it just can't bring it together. Sort of like the two Pauls trying to sell their trees when they set up in NYC. No one really notices them except for a few and their sales are almost nil. That's this movie.

    Then the one on parole turns to his criminal mind to bring in the buyers. This action should have had some humor to it but his actions comes across as desperate and sad. And the piano heist at the closing of the story just comes across as unbelievable instead of being wickedly sneaky and crafty.

    The two Pauls should have been able to create more lighthearted and endearing characters. But sorrowfully for me that just doesn't happen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went in to watch this movie expecting it to be a lot more sugary, maybe some poor guys discover the meaning of Christmas and everything is glowing in the end.

    I was wrong. Sort of.

    This movie teaches you a few things if you're willing to see them: - Sometimes life just won't cut you a break, no matter how noble your intentions or how much you suffer or work - you may discover you're dedicated to goals that much surpass your personal well-being and give up any rewards if only you can see them fulfilled.

    The storyline is simple: guy, Dennis (Paul Giamatti), gets out of prison, wife tells him to go away and announces that their daughter now thinks he's dead. Wife also announces that she's about to marry a good friend of his, Rene (Paul Rudd), just as soon as he gets his divorce. With no house, money, or family, Dennis asks Rene to take him to New York on his yearly tree selling trip.

    Both men are resolute to not commit any felonies anymore – this becoming a comedic point because from the get go, they're not exactly law abiding. Dennis leaves the country although he's released under parole, and hides in the truck among the trees to pass customs. He threatens other sellers as soon as they arrive, steals petty stuff at any chance he gets.

    When the season ends and they count the good money, they get robbed by a guy who earlier pretended to be blind – at which point by the way he had the funniest line in the movie. At the end they plan a robbery to the wealthy house where a woman they became friends with worked. They're not stealing what you'd expect, and I'll leave it at that.

    Other commenter criticized the fact that they didn't put the money in the bank. Well, for one they're cons so they don't think that way, and then they're cons and have records, you can't just walk into a bank and then start sending funds to your account from another country.

    It's the obscure/dark humor, hopeless and sad humor at the same time, combined with the survival situation to achieve relatively small, but unattainable goals, that give the movie its character.

    Some characters are delicately crafted: the Russian woman they befriend is a simple house maid in some dentist's house. She is poor, and shares the same passion as Dennis' daughter – playing the piano.

    Rene is added depth when his current wife announces she'll give him a divorce. He's not happy, he's not celebrating – he is devastated he didn't even take her on a honeymoon. Granted he's a hypocrite because he's trying to marry another woman, but still it was a different reaction from what you'd expect.

    Dennis and Rene remain in a hanging-by-a-thread kind of relationship, and that thread is survival. Dennis, despite what you'd expect from an ex con, cares about his (ex)wife and daughter so much that he's willing to stick it out, and stick up for, with the guy who took them from him in order to give his daughter a gift that he promised in his mind, and in order to not make his wife suffer because of Rene's behavior. ("Why would I lie for him?")

    While they're making a tree sale to 2 guys, Dennis actually has a breakdown about how Rene stole his wife and the 2 guys are strongly on his side and encourage him to do all that he can to get her back. That's the voice of the viewer, I'd say, because that's what other movies teach you to want. I like to interpret Dennis not following this path of action as the selfless choice of reason: his wife and daughter have been through a lot while he was in prison and managed to rebuild their lives. They seem happy and do not show signs of wanting him back. He realizes his fight to get them back will very likely be unsuccessful, and would add hardship to the wife's already tough time. So he chooses to step back (not without a few … desperation fits) – with the last gesture of getting his kid a piano, by any means. And by this gesture he does not aim to be the hero, to be lauded and acknowledged. He just wants to make his kid happy even without the reward of "good daddy".

    I'm not surprised that the film has a low score and few reviews. It's not a general public type of film, and it's not an American type of film as it's not rewarding to watch - all things don't get fixed up by the end.

    Both Pauls are remarkable in their roles, they make believable and deep characters. Sally Hawkins is funny and quirky as the Russian girl. I have nothing to say about Amy Landecker as the wife. This for me is also a good point of the movie: she's a regular woman with a kid and real problems, she's not a trophy.

    The film has a nice offbeat rhythm that I enjoyed and that fits well with my understanding of how films should be (music too – but that has no place here). I hope there are viewers out there who feel the same.
  • ritera114 January 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    There was a lot of charming elements to it, and a lot of contrived elements.

    The characters were likable and sympathetic, by and large. And acted very well. I was very confused by the Russian girl. Suddenly near the end she's not a dentist but is actually a maid? I guess I missed something. And who was she attracted to? Giametti or the piano store salesman?

    I had a very big problem with the scenario. I can see buying a product and the reselling it. But the conditions were just too prohibitive. I've never been to New York but I really didn't see that they could operate in that one place for weeks on end without police interference. Not to mention that I really don't think the trees in question could last that long, either.

    And the launch into the third act? They're criminals. Why would they just have all that cash out in the open to steal. Just really dumb. I can't be really sympathetic to characters that dumb.

    And finally the last scene with the piano in the front yard. Cinematic? Sure. Practical? NO! Much easier to set it up in the living room with Giametti looking through the window.
  • Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd in a film also known as Almost Christmas and you expect a festive comedy and instead you get this dreary downer.

    Giamatti is Dennis, a small time crook in Canada just out of prison who had found his best friend has shacked up with his wife and his daughter was told that her father had died.

    Paul Rudd plays the buddy Rene and in order to survive Christmas and buy Dennis's daughter a piano they go to New York to sell Christmas trees and it seems they are not good at that. Dennis befriends a Russian lady who helps him out by giving him selling tips. Dennis and Rene who do not sound like Canadians especially French-Canadians bicker and argue and get into scrapes.

    The film meanders, is very dull without an ounce of comedy. It really is a feel bad festive film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I feel like reviewers aren't rating this as a movie, but rather rating it as a comedy. As a depressive 30-year-old with about an ounce of Christmas spirit, movies like this are much more meaningful to me than the standard Christmas flick. It doesn't need to have Santa's sleigh flying across the sky at the end for it to have an impact. It's realistic for the holidays(and life in general) to sometimes be bleak and gray and a struggle. But the main lead pushed through so he could see his little girl get a piano for Christmas. To me it's a pretty solid drama with light hints of humor sprinkled in, namely from the likeable Paul Rudd.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rather depressing film with Paul Giamatti coming out of prison to find that his wife has told his daughter that he is dead. In order to earn money, he agrees to sell holiday trees with a friend. Of course, he finds out that the friend is going to divorce his wife to marry Giamatti's.

    The two argue in front of customers but eventually the business takes off. They make quite a bit of money only to fall victim to a robbery.

    The picture becomes somewhat more dramatic and poignant as the two steal a piano to give to Giamatti's daughter. The ending reminded me of Barbara Stanwyck in "Stella Dallas."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Caught this last night on cable, expecting at the very least a decent film, considering the two Pauls. Giamatti is one of my favorite actors, I even created a yahoo group called talkpaul after he was overlooked for an Oscar nod for Sideways a few years back. Paul Rudd ain't no schlub either; he's always good no matter what he plays as well. The problem here, as it usually is, begins with the script.

    A lot of critics have mentioned how implausible most of the goings-on are in this mess, which they are. I was willing to overlook a lot because I found myself invested in Giamatti's character. But by the time -=- SPOILER ALERT -=- the money box from the Christmas tree sales gets lifted in the most unbelievably contrived manner and the two Pauls resort to their old thievery habits, stealing, of all things, a grand piano, out of an apartment window, so that Giamatti's young daughter (who's been told by her mother who's now engaged to Rudd's character that her daddy died of some unnameable cancer) can have a piano for Christmas (he promised one to her in his head, see) I was shaking my head in disappointed disbelief. -=- END OF SPOILER -=-

    Something else that bugged me: If you are aware of karma, you will know that what you do to others will be done to you in one form or another eventually. Here we have the two Pauls resorting back to thievery after they've just been stolen from, with no awareness whatsoever, of course, of the karma law. This is understandable considering these two ain't the most enlightened characters on the planet, but it bugged me because they hadn't learned anything, especially Giamatti's sad sack, who'd spent four years in the slammer for a theft crime. Just sayin'.

    The movie ended up this way -=- SPOILER ALERT -=- (the stealing of the piano, with his daughter running outside her house to play it in the snow, still never knowing about her father, who skulks off into the sad, lonely night) -=-END OF SPOILER -=- to keep the heavy-handed contrivedness going. This is a shame, because with more care given to the details of the story - letting it unfold in a far more organic, believable fashion - this could have been very decent, poignant, even moving. Everything was heavy-handed, including the title: All Is Bright, which of course is supposed to be ironic considering the anything-but-bright situation these guys are in, and the tagline is even more heavy-handed. The original title, Almost Christmas, is almost better, but obviously it doesn't matter since the film was so disappointing in so many ways.
  • cB39118 September 2013
    All is Bright (2013) doesn't really appear to stand out as a great movie in any sense. It has a simple storyline, that is more obscure, but, still has a lot of randomness and boring conclusions.

    The acting, especially the main characters (Rudd and Giamatti) were decent. They play ex-thieves who go to New York to sell Christmas trees. The supporting cast (Hawkins and Landecker) were good, and their characters play symbolic roles, and this can be seen in the different ways they behave toward Dennis (Giamatti).

    The audio was rather apt, with a variety of piano solo's to indicate the mood, with overlaying images to reinforce said mood. The overall imagery was a bit lacking, but did it's part in trying to arouse sympathy for the main characters.

    So far, these were the enjoyable parts of the film. The downside for me was... the plot, the weak connections drawn, the lack of explanation for certain tasks throughout the film, and the simple conclusion at the end. The symbolism of the various characters and of the objects (piano, ringtone) show an attempt at trying to build a deeper film, but sadly did not achieve what I was hoping it would. I wouldn't say the film is disappointing, but it doesn't have anything to make it stand out, very similar to Prince Avalanche (starring Rudd). 6/10, as it could've been something much better, had there been a deeper storyline developed, as well as adequate attention paid to detail.
  • Review: I was wondering why this film took so long to get released but now that I've seen it, I can understand why. Watching 2 down and outs, selling Christmas trees for nearly 2 hours, became pretty boring after a while and the other added elements to the storyline wasn't that great. Its about 2 small time thieves who are separated when a job goes wrong and one of them end up in jail for 4 years. While Dennis (Paul Giamatti) is in jail, his partner in crime, Rene (Paul Rudd), falls in love with Dennis's girlfriend and they plan to marry behind his back. When Dennis is finally released from jail, he hopes to get back with his girlfriend and promises to be a better father to there little daughter but she is fed up with his antics and she comes clean about her relationship with his friend. He then confronts Rene and they end up in a little punch up but he still needs a job because he has become homeless so he joins Rene in the Christmas tree selling business. Although he is unhappy about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Dennis is determined to get enough money to buy a piano for his daughter, so they sell as much trees that they can while Rene is waiting for his divorce to come through, so he can marry Therese (Amy Landecker). After a slow start, there Christmas tree business goes down a storm but there earnings are stolen from them so there plans for the money goes totally out of the window. They then join forces to steal a piano from one of there wealthy customers. I really struggled to stay awake through this film because the tone was quite glum and it took ages to get going. There are a couple of amusing moments, like when Dennis confronted Rene about his relationship with his girlfriend but it started to drag after a while. I'm usually a fan of Paul Giamatti's work but this film has to go down as a bad day at the office, which might explain why it took nearly 3 years to get released. Anyway, I'm sure that this film will pop up around the Christmas period because of its theme but I personally didn't think it was that great. Disappointing!

    Round-Up: After loads of comedic roles, Paul Rudd, 46, has finally made a name for himself with the movie Ant-Man. He's played many cameo roles in movies like the Anchorman I & II, the 40 Year Old Virgin, This Is The End, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Knocked Up and he's played major roles in films like Prince Avalanche, Wanderlust, This Is 40, Our Idiot Brother and Dinner For Schmucks but I still think that he was a weird choice for Ant-Man. I'll have to see the movie before I comment on his performance! Anyway, the chemistry between Rudd and Giamatti was OK but they just kept on bickering with each other, which became a bit tedious after a while. The movie was directed by Phil Morrison who brought you Junebug in 2005. Apart from that, he hasn't got that much experience behind the camera so I wasn't that surprised with the outcome. As this movie didn't get a major release, I doubt that it will damage Giamatti or Rudd's careers and I can't see myself watching again, anytime soon.

    I recommend this movie to people who are into their drama/comedies starring Paul Giamatti, Paul Rudd, Sally Hawkins and Amy Landecker. 3/10
  • mvike9 January 2020
    The acting in this is A+...but i Watched it thinking it was a comedy, there are no more funny scenes than you'd see in any serious film. Maybe the studio felt they couldn't market it as just a drama due to Paul Rudd?? I don't know, but there's nothing funny about any of the themes of this (family, loss, poverty.) and they don't really try to make it funny either.

    I stuck around through it all because it was a very well acted film. I will also say the script is very weak. There is nothing that you'll much remember ...which sucks to say because Paul and Paul both were wonderful in it. The script seems to be all over the place though.

    8/10 as a drama 0/10 as a comedy

    So I feel 6 is more than fair.
  • danew1328 September 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    I normally love the two male leads...but this film seemed a labor of pain and suspending disbelief.

    Here we have two former partners in crime, one who steals the other's wife while he's in prison, yet they're still pals and team up for a truck trip from Canada to sell Christmas trees in New York. Paul Giamatti is the cuckolded pal who never lets Paul Rudd forget what he did during fits of overacting.

    On top of this, these two petty criminals haven't the sense to bank their sales each day until the obvious happens and to get something to show for their work they wind up pulling a Laurel and Hardy style burglary in New York without getting caught. And they do this with the assistance of a wealthy and cultured Russian woman who takes a liking to the crude and filthy Giamatti character.

    In the end, Rudd ends up with Giamattis wife and child, while Giamatti gets nothing...and that's the way you feel at the end of All is Bright. Have a nice day, hopefully brighter and more intelligent than this film.
  • A rare movie that doesn't portray struggling poor people as linguistically-challenged, trash-dressing, immoral gun-wielding drunk meth-heads. And as no-nonsense sensitive as you might expect from Phil Morrison, the director of 'Junebug', and Melissa James Gibson, the writer of many 'House of Cards' episodes. So refreshingly real, and so much talent on all sides, actors included. Of course, Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd are great as always, as is British Sally Hawkins (see Mike Leigh's 'Happy-Go-Lucky', Woody Allen's 'Blue Jasmine', etc.), playing a Polish immigrant with a heart as big as her accent. The final scenes may seem a bit of a positive stretch, but you're sure ready for one by then, and movies do need to provide us a little fantasy, or else, what's the point?
  • watched ALL IS BRIGHT ...a light but touching Drama with occasional ting of digestible Comedy...thanks to its clear plot the film doesn't get tangled within...also its talented cast executed their job perfectly...the story is a little slow in the start but it gets its pace after 20mins(it didn't suck though) its a good film it entertains you but nothing more...I guess its one of the best Christmas themed movie(although that wasn't the intent of the makers_ I guess) a Family Film its a MUST WATCH ....if you are forever alone(/watcher)its still WORTH A WATCH ....but again All IS BRIGHT for the family cause this kind of films come occasionally(or rarely nowadays)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's late I haven't slept I normally wouldn't bother to stay up to do a review but this movie has me so depressed I need to write a review to save someone else from similar fate. I'm going to start with the positives. Giamatti and Rudd have an amazing on-screen chemistry they work very well together you actually get to believing that they feel the way that they feel and they have a camaraderie and Brotherhood. They are truly believable in their roles and also in their feelings towards each other. The female that plays the maid for the dentists is also and amazingly believable actress I looked it up and I don't think she's actually Russian I'm not 100% on that but she was totally believable as Russian and she was just so enigmatic in her part that it just resonated throughout the movie! The daughter is a little cutie patootie I sure would have loved to seen more scenes with her in them. The point of the movie is that the two men where small-time criminals and Giamatti did four years in prison and Rudd got away with it. But while Giamatti was in prison Rudd did more than just keep an eye out for his family, he moved in and took over! So when got out of prison, he had no family, his wife had told his daughter that he died three years earlier drowning, he had no home, and he had no job. So he was going to try to get a job and was having no luck. Giamatti and Rod together worked up the idea to use Rudds truck to collect a bunch of Christmas trees where they live in Canada and drive down to New York and sell them on the streets. Hijinks ensue, trouble with other people moving in on their street corner, you get the impression that Giamatti actually kind of starts falling for this one girl when he realizes that Rudd is in love with his wife and is going to propose marriage to her, but would they are almost done and almost everything is sold, a guy comes up pretending to be blind and then robs them blind. Stealing everything including a engagement ring that Rudd had purchased. Now this is why I had to write this because I Won't Give Up the ending of the movie you're just going to have to watch it for yourself and see what it is that they decide to do after the holdup but the whole thing left me feeling absolutely hollow and cold inside. I was so angry that the movie ended the way it did it was kind of like reading the last page of the book and looking on the back cover for where the next 30 pages are. So if you don't mind watching a movie and being very angry at the end of it then this movie is for you.
  • RosanaBotafogo8 March 2021
    I hate that the protagonist is a macho bad character who thinks he's a smartass, even when he has the lovely charisma of Paul Giamatti, like a "thief who steals a thief", but without 100 years of forgiveness. I loved the outcome, I really couldn't cheer for them, but I managed to feel sorry, despite the trickery, he really tried, but the deplorable behavior didn't help...
  • r96sk14 December 2022
    Not exactly filled with Xmas spirit and hardly a positive message to send, though 'All Is Bright' - or 'Almost Christmas', as it is known in my neck of the woods - is still somehow worth a watch I'd say.

    Paul Giamatti puts in a good performance, he is certainly the film's standout in my opinion. Paul Rudd is there alongside him, though, and is also a plus point. I also like Sally Hawkins in this, even though her questionable accent takes a little while to get used to. Elsewhere, it's neat seeing Colman Domingo involved - albeit in a minor role.

    It's an odd one, at least for the genre it is attached to. It's moreso a tale at Christmas, rather than a Christmas tale. One I did just narrowly enjoy.
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