User Reviews (90)

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  • Now, when you sit down to watch a movie with the likes of Chevy Chase and Richard Dreyfuss in the lead roles, then you know you will be in for a treat. And even with their age now, they still manage to entertain phenomenally and prove that some actors are like wine; getting better with age.

    The storyline and plot in "The Last Laugh" was actually very enjoyable and it was really fitting for both Chevy Chase and Richard Dreyfuss to portray the characters in the movie, because they were so well-cast for the roles of Al Hart and Buddy Green.

    There is a good amount of laughs throughout the movie, not that you'll be in cramps and have tears streaking down your cheeks, but the comedy is good and it is so well delivered by Chevy Chase and Richard Dreyfuss.

    The characters in the movie were nicely portrayed and had lots of personalities, so it was characters that you quickly and easily relate to and take a liking to. It was also nice to see Andie MacDowell in the movie, and she definitely spiced up the movie with her performance.

    I watched this solely because of Chevy Chase, but I must say that Richard Dreyfuss really surprised me with his performance in this movie, and he had such great chemistry with Chevy Chase on the screen.

    "The Last Laugh" is the kind of feel-good and warm-hearted comedy that will sink right in and make you feel good. This is definitely a movie well worth taking the time to sit down and watch.
  • grahambutcher16 January 2019
    I like both actors, both hilarious in their own right. This was an enjoyable movie, made me laugh and think....Dreyfuss and Chase worked brilliantly....both characters were believable. The shrooms scene was great. This film gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
  • kosmasp13 July 2019
    If you were wondering, what is Richard Dreyfuss up to? Well here's the answer. And it's nice to see him once again. And whatever your feelings are towards Netflix, you have to acknowledge that they do try and push and help artists fulfill their projects. So him paired up with Chevy Chase is really quite something. Add a few other actors of that generation but also a few younger ones for good measure and you get a decent comedy.

    Actually the ending is quite something and may be able to get you going emotional. I know I did and it really achieved something. It is never too late for certain things and your goals are always something worth seeking out ... Sentimental? Yes. Great actors? Also yes - now it only depends on your personal taste ...
  • I will keep this very brief as there isn't a great deal to say.

    The cast were great, the plot was well meaning with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

    The only thing that really lowers the score for this movie is how a LOT/MOST of the scenes are just mashed together and it really makes the story look messy, sometimes actors deliver a line in such a way that you can tell they simply cut a 3 minute scene down to 44 seconds. That's all though.

    All in all, it's a nice and easy to watch movie, just try and forgive the bad editing and you'll be fine
  • njorgo119 January 2019
    It's always nice to see these old classic actors in new movies. It doesn't have to be a lot of action, cause the actors give the movies a deep and a meaningful touch. Watch it and enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK I am 69 and don't mind admitting that I sometimes like to have a lightweight comedy to laugh at or maybe even shed a tear or two over. And seeing the names of the two main leads, I thought this could have some quality. Well the acting was pretty good but the writing was terribly lacking. Just too much feel-good factor based on what - almost nothing. What comedy audiences start by giving extended applause to old (or young) comedians they've never seen before? That happened several times it seemed. The worst part was the ending when he makes it onto TV and the audience are falling about laughing - at what? We don't actually hear any jokes, just a few basic platitudes. There is so little substance here. Plus Andie McDowell spends 99% of her time throwing huge toothy grins, for no reason. And manages one single tear at the end. This is a dumb movie, a cheap shot at handing us emotions ready-made on a plate. Pass.
  • ops-5253516 January 2019
    Its a lot of trivial fun, slapstick humour,good jokes and some small screamers from a downhill train of dead moments, but all in all very recommendable.

    as everybody know i'm a grumpy old man,and its the reflection of chevy chase looking at me ,if not the funny parts it is in his demeanors. at least i have 10 thick thumbs like chevy when glitching a message on the smart phone, that nearly made me sign of from life ,from laughter.

    if i were challenged to pick out 5 of the 100 latest comedy movies, this would have been one of them
  • vandrist15 January 2019
    Richard Dreyfuss steals the show in this movie while Chevy Chase holds the clipboard. Most of the comedy is by the former. This movie is filled with dad jokes, and if you like them as much as I do then you'll enjoy this as well. Mildly entertaining with some parts that drag on a bit too long. Not as bad as I've experienced from Netflix films.
  • I love CHEVY CHASE I've been a huge fan of his since i was little!!! I grew up watching his hilarious films on video like CADDYSHACK,SPIES LIKE US,FLETCH & The VACATION films among others & to me he's a comic genius a comedy Hero & the funniest movie star of all time in my opinion.

    Chase always cheered me up, whenever i felt down or fed up i would put Fletch on or Spies like us & i would laugh & smile so his movies & chase himself mean alot to me & i love the guy & is in my top 5 movie stars/actors of all time & is always a warm comfort seeing his face in any movie!!!

    I also love Richard Dreyfuss from growing up watching Jaws, What About Bob?, Down & Out in Beverlyhills & the excellent Stakeout films, among others so i was so excited to see this movie especially as these two legends have never made a movie together i knew it would be very special & it so was.

    So nice to see two of my favourite childhood heroes of mine sharing the screen together in a lovely feelgood Comedy!!! Both Legends of Cinema.

    The Last Laugh is a very lovely little heartwarming movie about growing old & excepting it or if that's not for you then go do something that will make you happy until it's your time & you can't do it.

    There's alot of magic to this film & the pairing of Chase & Dreyfuss, they are a lovely comic duo full of old school wit & humour & jokes & alot of fun. I could really feel for these two guys meeting up in an old people's retirement home that is really lovely by the way but these two old friends are just not ready yet to sit around waiting to die so they go on a hilarious road trip to give Buddy (Dreyfuss) his comeback as a stand up comic that Chase his one time manager back in the 60's tryed to make him a big star & he wants to finish what they started all that time ago!!!

    LOVELY honest & sometimes emotional performances from the legends & some really hilarious scenes that are generally so funny & i had a smile all the way through this uplifting comedy.

    It was abit sad to see how the two comic greats have aged but that's what's sweet about this film it's about you can't beat the clock so have as much fun as possible & laugh alot.

    A really well made beautiful, Happy & kinda Nostalgic little film that really put a smile on my face & a tear in my eye. A great comic duo on a buddy road trip adventure full of Laughs!!!

    Chase & Dreyfuss are Nostalgic stars that still shine bright!!!
  • Chevy Chase should not be the lead in a movie like this. There were numerous times where the camera would follow him around looking dazed for no particular reason. The script is rather flat and the direction is all over the place. This is a film that cried out for a strong director to take control.

    Compare this film to the vastly superior The Kominsky Method starring Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin and you will see what The Last Laugh could have been..
  • Of course I'm going to watch a movie starring Richard Dreyfuss and Chevy Chase. And I wasn't disappointed. It was funny with a message, but not so bleak as say "The Bucket List". I totally enjoyed this, yet another, movie about not getting older, but being old. I never think I'm going to enjoy these movies, too close to home, but this one was outstanding to me because of Richard Dreyfus. He always excels, whether in a dramatic role or a comedic role such as Bob in "What About Bob". He is wonderfully believable in this as a former standup comedian. Chevy is mostly the straight guy, and good at it, but I miss his goofiness. One restaurant scene allowed him some schtck and it was hilarious. The writing was excellent; the jokes didn't fall flat except when they were supposed to. And who doesn't like a good road trip? Could have done without the lengthy musical scene - nobody sings very well in it and it felt out of place with the rest of the story. Loved the cameo appearances by some great, old, comics who are still very much relevant today. Another good, watchable flick from Netflix.
  • Nice to see two big names of cinema on a comedy scenario. Nice and easy to see and funny enough
  • Was hoping for something light-hearted and funny from a new comedy duo. This fell flat on its face. Poorly written. Poor character development. "C" grade editing. Bad jokes. No emotion. Not believable. Completely unnecessary 4-letter words, to the point of being token 4-letter words. You guys are above that. These two have the potential to be an ongoing duo in movies, but they'll need better material. Having grown up with their movies, our age group needs more boomer movies from actors like Chase and Dreyfuss. I expected better. They should have expected better.
  • I love 80s comedies and Ive always liked Chevy Chase in particular, but I honestly thought his glory days were over. His appearance in Norm Macdonald has a show was great tho, he was really funny there, so I went to IMDB to check his new films, and I came across this, which is now released.

    It is a light comedy, where Chevy plays the straight man to Richard Dreyfuss' retired stand up comedian. There's of course the theme of being old, I didnt really connect with that since Im 25, but still they treat it in a very nice way.

    The supporting cast is really good, from Kate Micucci and Chris Parnell to Richard Kind. Perhaps the worst part was Andie MacDowell, she wasnt very natural here.

    If you like any of the two leads and you enjoy light hearted comedies, you wont be disappointed.
  • It was a relatively easy storyline to follow and I found myself chuckling more than I thought I would. Dreyfus stole this movie and the material for his routine worked- some good self-deprecating humor throughout. The scenes of the various cities were visually appealing.

    I did think the casting choice for Chase was a bit off. I feel his acting was forced and he didn't have much chemistry with Andie MacDowell. Although not as critical, the plot was kind of choppy and certain things were left unexplained. Also it was sometimes annoying that the music overpowered some of the scenes of Dreyfus on stage.
  • Richard Dreyfus isn't bad. He was so over the top when younger; age has mellowed him out. Chevy Chase never could act and this vehicle allows for only one or two of the facial expressions that made us laugh. Andie McDowell is okay but cast completely to type and unoriginal in the extreme.
  • This film tells the story of two old guys who goes on a comedy tour.

    The story is engaging, the Jones are good and I line the characters in the film. Even though there's a sad subplot, the film still maintains a light atmosphere, with hope and friendship shining through. I enjoyed the film.
  • Some very strange but true FACTS for this review: 1. The science of Egyptology was born when Napoleon, in an attempt to conquer the world, discovered Egypt en route. His retinue of scientists were so transfixed they begged him for permission to stay behind, and he granted it. Which is why most of the books on Egyptology are translated from the French. 2. Early (French) Egyptologists based their science on something called the Kings List. In the second half of the list, the Kings had normal lifespans. That portion is still taught in university today. In the first half of the list, each King lived for 1000s of years. That is never mentioned. Never. Coincidentally, if the first part of the List were true, hypothetically, those would be last known people in history to cheat death. The rest of us ultimately get old and pay the tab. This film is about precisely that. 3. Chevy is older than Dreyfuss but looks younger. Chase was the lynchpin for SNL and essentially launched the show. But here, playing against type, he is straight man for Dreyfuss, one of the world's most under-appreciated actors, who plays a "natural" comic as if he were born for the part. 4. For older folks, simply watching these two in action is reward enough. For a younger crowd, however, as Don Rickles himself used to say, parts of this uneven film are as exciting as watching a fly crawl up a drape.
  • I thought it started out okay, nothing special but a typical Going in Style, Sunshine Boys, Grumpy Old Men type story about old people coping with the adjustment to their retirement years. And it worked fairly well as a buddy picture, road trip movie about keeping dreams and hope alive no matter what one's age was. However then it decided to try to shoehorn in a love story, a few musical numbers, as well as predictable dramatic plot line and ended up a muddled mess.

    Richard Dreyfuss as others have mentioned, did very well as the comedian who gave up his career for his family... I thought the roles might be reversed as Chevy had more experience doing live comedy but instead he tried to rehash a version of his uptight Clark Griswold persona playing his agent and Andie McDowell was wasted as the love interest.

    So bottom line, if you're looking for the next Kominsky Method or Grace and Frankie... you are probably better off moving on to the next on your queue.
  • Started slow and I wasn't sure what to make of it, but the movie progresses well and you start to like both of the main characters. It's a nice movie about life and not giving up on our dreams but most importantly "remembering to laugh" along the way.
  • davenmaxy13 January 2019
    I was really looking forward to this movie because of Chevy Chase & Richard Dreyfuss but I found it boring and a very flat movie, just wasn't for me, some may like it but I didn't
  • Past memories of stars I grew up with and how I remembered them in all the great movies they stared in. Sort of a blast from the past which I quite enjoyed seeing them act again from a long absence on the BIG SCREEN. It was great to see Andie MacDowell, Richard Dreyfuss and Chevy Chase (and many uncredited actors) in a wonderful movie that shows a people can still act and do a wonderful job at it. I hope many other viewer find it as enjoying seeing these actors make it big again an also see some amazing country side and with some pretty good jokes on the side. Great actors.... but how they have aged since I last saw them in recent movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It was a heartwarming movie...but the ending shows Al Hart supposedly having given all his savings away and now living with Doris. I mean.... that's just a weird ending in my opinion. From Doris' point of view, he's just a guy she met on a road trip, had some fun with and spent one night with. Sure they did bond to a certain extent, but would she really want to be saddled with an 80 year old guy for the rest of HER life who she doesn't really know that well, and who is also totally financially dependent on her?
  • irishjenna16 January 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Coming from someone who grew up with the movies of these 2 actors I was highly disappointed. I found this film to be extremely boring, not funny, and emotionless. Just a bunch of one liner grandpa jokes. There is no way he would have been a popular comedian in the end. He is on tv in front of a large audience and says "You may recognize me from America's got dentures". Uh, what? He rambles on about how there needs to be funny people everywhere, at the grocery store, the dentist office...then thanks Ed Sullivan, or whatever, and says he will see him soon. He gets a standing ovation and everyone in the audience is in tears because they are laughing so hard. Laughing at what? I will never know!
  • Modern medicine makes wonders, so we have a virtually unlimited pool of has beens that still have alive fans. So we get old stars in a movie about old stars. The problem is the story would fit 25-30 minutes just fine. So you get stock photos about "our wonderful country". At the musical number they lost me.
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