User Reviews (47)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    It seems the bad reviews are coming from those that are appalled with the concept, so their views may be slightly skewed. They talk about bad acting by the sisters, which would be true if they weren't portraying teenagers, so many times I was reminded of girls I knew in high school. The lack of real emotion, the "zig zagging back and forth" of their emotional states, etc. is all pretty common for teenagers, especially girls... Considering what they were going through, it wouldn't have seemed right if their wasn't some back and forth in terms of intent and how they felt about the whole thing. It was their mom, so of course they would have had second thoughts and maybe searching for some reason or sign to restore a little faith in her.

    The character of the a-hole boyfriend was a bit over the top, and should have been toned down and have some build up, instead of having him immediately attack Beth. I mean within seconds he's all over her, it is a bit too much. It felt like the writer used him to make the audience feel empathy for the girls, not small "Well maybe I can see their side" empathy, but a "Whoa! They don't have any choice but to kill her now!!!" type of empathy.

    Perhaps it could have been better written and there are some parts that are annoying, but those are likely going to be different for most people, as it is with every movie- personal preference. All in all the movie was very watchable for me, though it felt like they didn't want us feeling negatively about the girls at all, so any situation that could create a little empathy is amped up to create a lot of it. After watching it I thought to myself that if they were my friends I wouldn't hold it against them. I then saw a statement by the author of the book saying that they left out how cold and calculating they were. Then I read a bit about the real story and feel much less sympathy for them now. Though I wish they were more true to the real story, I still enjoyed it.
  • Sandra Anderson (Abigail Breslin) has her older sister Beth (Georgie Henley) as her best friend. Their alcoholic partying mother Linda (Mira Sorvino) moves the family once again into another lower class neighborhood. Linda loses her job and can't keep her sobriety. Her mother's boyfriend is abusive. Nobody is willing or able to help. So the sisters and their friends plan to kill the mother for the insurance money. It's loosely based on a true story in Toronto.

    It's an amateurish attempt from producer turn director Stanley M. Brooks. The girls are reasonable but it doesn't rise any higher than a TV melodrama. The story gets a little bit interesting as the kids plan the murder. The dialog is pretty bland bordering on awkward with some weak narration from Breslin at the start. Another problem is the lack of interesting style from the movie. Obviously they're using Breslin's star power to sell this but she can't save this project.
  • The Canadian version of 'Heavenly Creatures'. The director admits he inspired by the Peter Jackson's movie. But you must know that this film was also based on the real sisters who were fed up with their irresponsible and alcoholic mother and her abusive boyfriend. So they plot to set free themselves from the messed up life as they think they deserve better.

    It was supposed to be a television movie, but later it saw a limited theatrical release and a mixed response from all quarters. I liked the film, for its strong content, but the weakness lies in the first half. The beginning was a very poor quality of presentation, the next half was the reason I favoured it where it erupts while the narration nearing the conclusion.

    Since no one knows the details about the real sisters, the characters were altered in the movie as the cast desired to attack few things to complete it. Both, Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley were not bad, but it's hard to believe these child actors are all grown up. In a few years, they will be in the lead! Anyway, this film is worth a watch, especially true stories like this fascinates me. We could learn about our world and its society, what other people went through in their lives and the reason behind those stuffs.

  • I was looking for some gripping, even chilling story about dysfunctional teenagers. Like what we saw in "Thirteen", which was a great movie, but now with a - true - crime story. Nah.

    The director has been a producer for over 30 years and got some famous people to act in it. The actresses (the three of them) are really good. However, the direction takes a completely wrong turn, trying to make it a "dark teen fantasy-comedy-thriller-drama" salad. For instance, you start to wonder how two young girl plan the murders and... you have four teenagers enacting fantasies about murder. That's so not the thing this film should portray.

    All the intentions to connect with teenagers were completely flawed. Bad soundtrack, TERRIBLE montage effects, ludicrous mixture of genres, awful cinematography work. It's like parents using slang. All the attempts to highlight the medium -- divided screen, special lights, accelerated camera -- are pathetic and would not even work in an MTV show in 1997. It's not a film for teenagers -- and if it was supposed to be, it didn't work either.

    There are scenes that people's faces are covered by SOMEONE'S HEAD -- and not intentionally! Unbelievable. If you are a director making a debut, be humble and let a competent cinematographer AND editor do their jobs. How beautiful this film would

    On the top of that, a voice-over starts giving ANOTHER angle on the film -- those films about bitchy teenagers obsessed with fame, kind of like To Die For from Gus Van Sant -- only to forget about it minutes later and never coming back to that.

    Anyways. I was interested in the story, and through all the amateur work I could grasp something from it. The two girls are great actresses, and Mira Sorvino portrays precisely the thin line between a likable weak person and a wreck that screws up their children.

    Somewhere I heard this: some people don't have to work their way into the center of the stage. They can pull strings and buy themselves into it. Question is: are they ready for it?
  • kosmasp14 February 2020
    This is based on a true story and on real life people. That might raise some red flags with some. But if you don't mind that, there is quite the drama unfolding. Not easy to watch at all, but really good performances. Also not really characters in this one that you should be able to identify with much (at least not if you are stable generally speaking).

    Having said, there are some horrific things happening (if you've read what it's about you already know what I'm hinting at, if not I won't tell/spoil) ... so not for the faint hearted or easily offended. But life can be hard and we are not all the same. While I would not condone many of the things happening, the structure of the movie makes it easy to understand how everything build up ...
  • I had such high hopes for this movie. I love Abigail Breslin so I figured this movie would be good. It was definitely NOT good but it wasn't necessarily the worst movie ever. The acting wasn't very good at all. So overly dramatic. Im not sure if it was the actress though since she is actually very talented. Maybe a bad director? The other actress was just plain bad. I don't even remember her name. I believe she was the little girl from Narnia but I'm not sure. I really liked the plot I just couldn't get pass the horrible acting. I'm giving this movie 4 stars because even though the acting was awful (except for the actress who played the mother she was excellent!) I really liked the storyline. The movie didn't feel dragged out or rushed. It was put together nicely. It's worth at least one watch. Don't think I'll ever watch it again.
  • Missed this title when released, but glad I found it.

    Abigail Breslin was always a favorite child ctress of mine, and this performance shows that she has progressed to a very dynamic adullt actress.
  • Where do I begin with this mess? I read in the trivia section that halfway through filming they changed this from a TV movie into a theatrical release. I can't imagine why. Even for a TV movie it would have to be considered pretty average. First of all the narration by Abigail Breslin's character is incredibly annoying and adds nothing to the atmosphere or story. All of her lines are clichéd nonsense. The acting by every cast member is very bad and makes it very difficult to do anything other than cringe every time they try and show some emotion. The complete lack of chemistry between the sisters is off putting and also makes it hard to buy into the whole thing.

    The script is equally bad. It jumps all over the place from scenes you'd expect to see in 'Gilmore Girls' through to some very heavy scenes (which are handled very badly). There is no flow between the two, they simply jump from one extreme to the next. Nothing makes sense, the girls are supposedly very smart with excellent grades and have learnt four languages (one of which they created themselves) and yet throughout the movie they do some of the most incredibly stupid things you could possibly imagine.

    It's very common knowledge that Peter Jackson's 'Heavenly Creatures' set the standard for this type of film back in 1994. His film was brilliantly crafted with an exquisite atmosphere and a script that flowed wonderfully. Now here we are 20 years later with 'Perfect Sisters' and you're telling me we've gone this far backwards? Very disappointing.
  • If it wasn't based on true events this could be a pure rip-off of Heavenly Creatures (1994) another flick based on true events.

    Here we have two sisters fed up with their mother being drunk whole the time and bringing in the wrong guys only to have sex before the eyes of their daughters due being drunk, always having abusive relationships . Slowly the sisters and their friends are making a simple plan to kill her. Doing so they almost got away with it wasn't it for the fact that one of the sisters starts to tell everybody she killed her mother.

    Like in Heavenly Creatures we also have dream sequences so comparing both flicks is easy. But Perfect Sisters shows that it clearly was a TV flick where as Heavenly Creatures was more brutal and performances were better.

    It isn't all that bad and I watched it with my teen daughter (15 just as the sisters aged 14 and 15) who never turned her face away by which I mean, there's no horror in it or even any creepy moments. Even when they are killing the mother it's all done without terror.

    Due being based on a true story it's worth picking up just to see how people can influence each other when they are weak. Not a perfect flick but indeed perfect sisters...

    Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
  • Two teenage girls (Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley), frustrated and at their wit's end over their mother's (Mia Sorvino) alcoholism, concoct a plan to murder the matriarchal drunkard because.....teenagers.

    To call this movie amateurish is an understatement, and about the closest thing to a compliment that I could ever hope to give to this film. There is no steady progression, and characters just leap to conclusions that no human being ever could. How a child jumps from sympathetic towards their mother to murderous in the time frame they did is insulting. The teenage airheads surrounding the leads do nothing more than justify the stupidity of the leads. Their indifference towards their friends' diabolical plans would be sickening, if they had even the shakiest grasp on the craft of acting.

    And as if the supporting casts' acting abilities aren't bad enough, this movie actually manages to squeeze cringe-inducing performances out of the leads as well. Mia Sorvino is particularly painful to watch, as the only believable emotion she portrays is drunk. It's like watching your good friend fumble their way through a karaoke song while strongly intoxicated. The resulting effect is embarrassing and uncomfortable. Breslin and Henley are just as bad, with performances rife with tearless crying, no discernible moral compass (They are neither sympathetic, nor sociopathic as they zig-zag back and forth) and the exact same shortcomings as their supporting counterparts. James Russo stars as the mother's abusive Lawyer (This guy's a Lawyer?!?!?!) boyfriend, who makes sexual advances on Henley's character. Maybe with a better director, this character could have been menacing. But with a script as hackneyed as this, he comes off as too buffoonish to be truly intimidating. Any other roles are played like stock characters from a lifetime movie of the week.

    Production-wise, the movie also suffers from stilted, unimpressive cinematography and some truly horrendous editing. An opening sequence shows the girls in a flashback as toddlers, spending a day at the beach with their mother superimposed over (What I would assume is) the beach in current times. The effects used to make this sequence look like something you would use in one of those booths at the mall that allow you to make your own music video.

    The experience of watching this "film" is a grating and jarring one. The film was shot in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. As I'm sure you can tell by the title of this review, I'm seriously considering relocating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I luckily caught an early screening of this film by director Stanley M. Brooks and have to say I was knocked out. It is a dark, stylish modern day tragedy about two teenagers caught in an existential nightmare. The choices they feel compelled to make and their consequences will haunt you for a long time, even if you're not a parent. Brooks did a particularly fantastic job of keeping you invested in these two young women from the gate. Like "Crime and Punishment" you are sucked in to the vortex of their dire circumstances and are swept along in their path to self destruction but you always feel for them. This builds to the final shot of the film, which is as heartbreaking and gut-wrenching as it is inevitable, and truly underscores the film's brilliance. The performances by both young actresses were spot on but I was also very impressed by nearly the unrecognizable Mira Sorvino as the mother. Brooks brought all these women to their darkest places and the result is stunning. A must see.
  • Inspired by a real case. it is the basic support for a film who has potential to be interesting but remains expression of good intentions. because Mena Suvari is reduced in the cage of cliches. because the universe of teenagers is just a sketch. because it could be a real good drama but the director has not the courage to explore in deep sense the Andersen sisters drama. something missing. this is the word after its end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Killing your own mother. From just seeing the trailer I thought it was just a film them I realize that it is based of a true story.

    At times I felt like I was going to cry but that would of ruined the movie.

    2 sisters and some friends conspire to kill the sisters mother in a after school club. That is strange. the film showed what each idea of a death would look like which keeps you involved but it was the final idea. The scene where the sisters were killing their mother and the mother fighting for her life at trying to breath. After 4 minutes she is dead.

    I would of thought that the sisters would of got caught in the film by a CCTV camera on the street or on the bus that is time stamped. Brought down by their friends who had a bargain to testify against them.

    I did like this movie, however it was based of a true story which is upsetting.

    At the end of the film it was good how they included things from the original story. I know that they might of changed some things in the film so that the sisters true identity's are protected.

    Honestly what were they thinking. If you think you got a way with it, you slip up and lower your guard that is when you get caught. In this case getting drunk and high on drugs.
  • The trailer made it look so interesting. But I was tad bit disappointed.

    The beginning was pretty amateur and confusing; it was the middle and the end of the movie where it really begins to get good.

    What really got me though was that at the end of the movie I had to remind myself that this was based off a true story, which is absolutely insane.

    Out of the portrayals of the sisters, Georgie Henley (although I did notice her accent at some times during the film) saved this movie. I don't even understand why Abigail Breslin is an actress.

    I recommend you watch this if you're really bored and looking for a thriller to pass the time.
  • It's a Weak attempt from producer turn director Stanley M. Brooks in directorial debut. He tries to make black comedy instead he made "Dark teen fantasy- comedy-thriller-drama" salad. The script is equally bad with some weak narration from Breslin at the start. It jumps all over the place from scenes you'd expect to see in 'Gilmore Girls' through to some very heavy scenes (which are handled very badly). The transition of their emotions from fear to anxiety to giddiness had no natural flow. Not even for a crazy person. Nothing makes sense, the girls are supposedly very smart with excellent grades and have learned four languages (one of which they created themselves) and yet throughout the movie they do some of the most incredibly stupid things you could possibly imagine.

    What really got me though was that at the end of the movie I had to remind myself that this was based on a true story, which is absolutely pretty much takes a sociopath to murder their own mother. It was always about money and buying the things they wanted. Plain and simple. The fact that they are making this movie really ticks me off. The moral being? What? That after being caught you can spend four short years in juvi and then get on with your life while your mother no longer can? Sheesh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    this film was first released in 2012 & now again in 2014 don't know why i decided to check this out as i am a Abigail Breslin fan most of her films are good except Nims Island which was her worst this film is based on real life events i wont go in the detail do look it up.

    the plot:two sisters Sandra & beth just moved with her mother to a new city life seems nice but their mother Linda Anderson is alcoholic & her boyfriend is abusive tired of the situation Sandra & beth decide to murder their mother in a bath tub they succeed but soon their freedom will end as police finds out that something is suspicious.

    the cast:Abigail Breslin is an underrated actress once again she proves it with great performance,the new face Georgie Henley surprises & Mira Sorvino makes a strong comeback the acting display is very strong here by everyone.

    i liked this for what it was its slow paced,low on suspense but performance wise its nicely done so if you are not a fan of these actors still do watch this film it is totally worth the rating for The Perfect Sisters 2014 is 6/10.recomended.
  • HumbleMensa16 January 2022
    I found this movie quite boring, taking a long time to develop. Stagnant characters, an unbelievable plot (even though it is based upon an actual real crime). I left it on in the background, looking up every few minutes while I was doing other things. Not horrible, I just think this could have been a much better film, considering the story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Perfect Sisters surprised me a bit. I'm familiar with the murder and a tad familiar with the details of the case, however, I was not expecting to actually excuse the girls sin when I viewed this film. I have to say the director did a fantastic job portraying the girls to the best of his knowledge especially since this case was so hush hush about the identity of the two sisters. At the beginning of the film, the home videos shown was a very nice touch. It helps the viewer become emotionally involved. I was rooting for the mother at first, moving to a new town, starting fresh with a new job, and all that jazz, but, she relapses shortly after her and her three children move in to their apartment. Now the sisters are left to pick up the pieces and take care of their younger brother while attending school themselves. A lot of responsibility for young girls, it is something they shouldn't have to do. When the girls decide it's time to call protective services on their mother, the response was so alarming. It really spoke decibels of how lousy the system is. To top things off, the girls have to deal with whatever trash their mother drags into the home. So murder seemed to be the only plausible answer here. It is truly sad how much those two girls dealt with. I gave this movie a 6 because while the story line is real, the acting was a tad off but all in all it was a decent movie. Even had moments of humor, twisted humor of course. Hard to believe that children are able to do some of the things they do and not lose a wink of sleep.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The premise is an interesting one; two sisters, growing increasingly exasperated with their alcoholic mother plot to end her life. Loosely based on a true story.

    The lead performances are good enough, but not outstanding. The supporting performances are very hit and miss.

    The key aspect which holds the film back, above anything else, is a lack of real chemistry between the sisters - especially when compared to a film like Ginger Snaps (2000) which focuses on sisters of a similar age.

    The production values are more reminiscent of mid-budget TV than a serious theatrical release, and as a result Deadly Sisters looks and feels more like an episode of a TV show from a decade earlier, than a 2014 release.

    The low value feel, and particularly voice-overs and narration, make the film feel instantly dated.

    The pacing is also fairly hit and miss. There are blocks of time which feel very slow, and others where it feels as though you might have missed something.

    If you have a passing interest in the "Bathtub Girls" case that sits behind the story here, I can imagine you'll probably find the film more interesting than those who go in cold.

    Overall, Deadly Sisters is a passable movie, but not a great one. If there's something else that you're itching to watch, I'd put that on instead.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film starts out as a family moves once again. Single alcoholic mom (Mira Sorvino) has three children and can't hold a job. Sisters Sandra (Abigail Breslin) and Beth (Georgie Henley) dream of the idea life, one where mom bakes strawberry cupcakes. Mom turns their dreams into nightmares with a train of abusive boyfriends, the latest of which has designs for Beth. The girls conspire along with two friends to make their lives better by eliminating the problem.

    Georgie Henley gave us a decent goth Fairuza Balk while Abigail Breslin was our slutty Barbie Doll. The film developed at the right pace and was fairly decent for the first hour, until the deed was done. At that point it moves rapidly and falls apart.

    The film is made for Lifetime fans of true stories. This one should do as a rental with low expectations.

    Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
  • Great true story topic. A cast with experience but you'd never know it watching this...reminds me of a high school project. This could possibly ruin these girls careers. Just horrible from start to finish.... can't believe it...poor directing I don't know...a good actor/tress should still be good with poor direction. Sad to see coverage of this story so bad. Waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is based on true events that took place in Canada. Some called the actual case "The Bath Tub Girls". Sandra(Abigail Breslin) and Beth(Georgie Henley)are sisters perplexed with being on the movie again. Their alcoholic mother Linda(Mira Sorvino)packs up with daughters and young son in tow after each break up with an abusive boyfriend. It finally gets just too much to take. Sandra is so into herself, as if the world rotates around her. She craves attention. On the other hand, Beth is goth trendy and more in tune with reality. The perfect sisters dream of a perfect life; but how can that be with their mother dragging them down. Then comes the thought, what if they no longer had their mother; what would it take to get rid of her? The two girls manage to cover up the murder of their mother, but their story unravels when one, needing the attention, keeps telling the how and when to friends.

    Emotional, disturbing and a very sad movie. You don't know what is needed...sympathy or apathy. The acting is not the greatest, but Miss Breslin is so believable. Also in the cast: Zoe Belkin, Jeffrey Ballard, Jonathan Malen and Rusty Schwimmer.
  • That fact that it was based on a real life story was a bit creepy.

    The story kept me intrigued.

    The problem was the bad acting by everyone involved. The 2 sisters especially were just horrible. and if they had hired real actors this had the potential to be a 7 or higher

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't really say this was a disappointment, since my expectations were not all that high. Sometimes a certain premise and a couple of promising actresses can reel you in, but things don't quite work out.

    The story is based on an actual case, and I had hoped for something along the lines of 'Bully' (2001), but that didn't pan out at all. The director mostly did things by the number, and those 'imaginative' sequences were really nót working.

    Abigail Breslin and especially Georgie Henley did an okay job, but with a tedious script like this, what is there to salvage? Mira Sorvino did a particularly bad job of the mother, but James Russo was pretty good as the evil 'stepfather'. The rest of cast ranged from poor to adequate.

    Not recommended. 3 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The parent guide fails to mention the multiple rape/sex scenes or the extremely revealing clothing the older sister wears. Seriosuly... I was watching the movie with my younger siblings and just had them turn away when the older girl wore a bra and see through tank top (she did this a lot). I quickly turned the movie off when the girls walk into the living room and see their moms boyfriend raping her on the floor while she's unconscious (at least that's what it looked like). Absolutely horrible. The moms boyfriend also attempts to rape the younger sister. Early one morning he pushes her against a wall and he physically restrains her, trying to kiss her and force himself on her. Another time when she's in the kitchen he comes up behind her and tries to kiss her. Her mother and sister stand by doing nothing.

    The parent guide also mentions the girls using pot multiple times. This is not true at all. They are smoking cigarettes. You can tell it's just a cigarette.

    I feel like this is some kind of comedy, except it's not funny. The older girl wants to be a pop star so she dresses like a slut (she calls herself one), exposing her bra just about always. The other girl looks like a vampire. She says she looks like she should be in Twilight. Then she bites her sister. This movie is just awful and not worth watching.
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