User Reviews (128)

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  • ferdmalenfant3 September 2019
    This movie has a unique plot to it and is quite well made. The lead actors are solid and the tension and gore don't fail to deliver. Boom!...there goes your head. Give it a go.
  • danielcereto5 December 2019
    Imagine Michael Mayers, Jason and Leatherface playing a girl's hunting game. So here it is. This is a real little Aussie B-slasher movie but quite good. Original idea and pretty good execution. If you love movies like wrong turn, you'll love this one.
  • I attended the world-premiere of "The Furies" at the Brussels' Fantastic Film Festival, and writer/director Tony D'Aquino was present to introduce his movie and sing for the outrageous audience (it's tradition in Brussels for directors to sing a song). Admittedly, I always tend to be more lenient and forgiving in my reviews when I hear the makers enthusiastically talk about their films. When you hear him promote his own film, it's clear that D'Aquino is primarily a die-hard horror fanatic, like myself and everyone else in the audience, who grew up with the notorious slasher of the 80s. He combined all his love & knowledge of vintage slasher cinema and made "The Furies"; - a homage to nostalgic horror with an absurd plot and loads of over-the-top gruesome gore. Somewhere in rural Australia, unknown assailants kidnap wayward young girls and release them again the middle of a forest. The girls are trapped in a sick type of VR-game and find themselves pursued by a variety of maniacal killers in horrifying masks. You'd think that the logical thing for the girls to do is stick together and team up against the killers, but the rules of this cat-and-mouse game are slightly different. Hate to say this, but the script is quite nonsensical and every next plot twist is even more ridiculous than the one before. And yet, I honestly can't dislike "The Furies" because the gore and the killers' outfits are simply fantastic! I'm not sure, since I didn't attend the Q&A session with D'Aquino, but I'm strongly suspecting the outfits are inspired by legendary mass murderers like Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, etc... "The Furies" certainly isn't a masterpiece, and probably won't ever become a cult gem, but at midnight at a festival, I love the sight of nasty axe-murders, exploding heads and scooped-out eyeballs!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was expecting something good out of this movie from the initial setup, but it lets you down quite often.


    Movie opens with immediate gore and violence. Special effects are good. We see that this is centered around a game where random women get kidnapped and thrown into a forest with random psychotic killers. Some of the girls die, and some killers kill each other. It's a nice start for a horror movie.

    Then we shift to the scene that is supposed to establish our main characters. Maddie is writing some graffiti under a bridge at night. Kayla is there, and we get the sense that they are best friends. Maddie suddenly turns on Kayla and starts a huge friendship-breaking argument about how Kayla can't do anything for herself and is always a victim. Kayla calls Maddie a loser. They both storm off and get immediately kidnapped.

    That setup makes ZERO sense. Kayla is the baddest bish in this entire movie! She saves people, kills some killers, and does everything the hero would do without much hesitation. There's literally no character change or development for her. She starts out BAMF. Should've proofread that beforehand.

    So Kayla wakes up in the forest, inside an incredibly expensive-looking black box. She gets out and meets someone. They meet the first killer. Kayla has epilepsy, and as she's randomly seizing while the killer approaches. Someone her eyeballs tap into the eyeballs of the killer? And she watches him kill the girl who saves her. She wakes up, finds the girl with her actual entire face cut off, and barely flinches. Usually people in movies (and always in real life) gag at seeing a freshly-dead corpse missing a face, especially if they were voyeuristically doing the chopping-off themselves. But Kayla doesn't. Kayla is BAMF. Or is that poor directing?

    Kayla keeps running and finds a boundary. She crosses it, and the klaxons immediately start going off in her brain. It's an ultra-sonic boundary. She turns back and sees a girl running and screaming at her. Then she sees the axe-wielding killer whose eyes she watched through as she had her seizure. He waves at her and she...waves...back? Why would you wave back? Anyway, she tells the girl to run towards her, but Axe Guy throws his axe and hits her in the back.

    As he's going to kill her, Sickle Bro--another killer--comes running out of the woods. Axe Guy looks at Kayla, then goes off to fight Sickle Bro. Kayla grabs the girl and hides her. Sickle Bro beats Axe Guy and runs after Kayla and the girl. He finds the random girl and kills her.

    Kayla meets Machete Porker and starts fighting him. Suddenly, his head explodes. Kayla wipes the brains off her face, picks up the machete, and makes her way to an abandoned mining town. Nothing phases this chick.

    The mining town should've been called Dullsville, because this is where characters hide in buildings for the next 20 minutes. Kayla finds her shack of plot stagnation and hunkers down. Suddenly, she has the sense that someone is behind her, and she swings the machete around...only to land it in another girl's neck. She's all "OMG I'm sorry" and two other girls come in while the first one is dying. Kayla doesn't care and is all "it was an accident." The other girls stay in the shack with her for some reason, after she just killed one of them.

    Now the blonde girl, Sheena, seems like a fun character. Unfortunately, she leaves almost immediately for whatever reason. The girl that stays with Kayla is Rose--an actress in her mid-20's who pretends to be a CHILD. Are we supposed to believe she's young because she's Asian? She's dressed in young girl clothes. Are we supposed to think she's mentally challenged, despite the fact that she displays competency and faculty? Who knows. Kayla gets another seizure and sees her friend, Maddie, being "kept" (?) by a killer. Why doesn't she escape? No idea.

    Sickle Bro comes barging in and grabs Rose. He doesn't kill her, so both Kayla and Sheena like...push him out of the door. And he doesn't come back. Weird fight scene where nobody really even attacks anyone and nobody gets hurt. Sheena leaves for some reason.

    Here we get all of the exposition the writer could come up with. The killers are assigned a random girl to save, while killing everyone else. There's an arbitrary stipulation for the killers that if someone kills their assigned girl, they also die. It makes for an interesting setup, where any of the girls could also start killing each other. But why don't the girls die if their killers die? And what do the killers even GET out of any of this? What do the girls get?

    Kayla suddenly SPOONS OUT THE EYE OF THE GIRL SHE KILLED (and her best friend said she was helpless?) and finds that they also have CAMERAS ATTACHED TO THEIR OPTIC NERVES. How? No clue. Must've had a LOT of time to heal for their eyes to be fine.

    Sheena comes back and learns about the new developments. Then she says the girls are easier to kill, but she doesn't attack them. Just lets them go. More running from building to building. Rose acts like she doesn't trust Kayla, and Kayla tells her they're friends. "Fwiends," a 20-something actress says in baby-talk, "you pwomise?"

    Kayla and Rose tag team to kill Sickle Bro. We get introduced to another killer here: Knife Boi. He starts coming after them but gets intimidated by Kayla and runs away.

    Sheena confronts Kayla outside near the stupid-looking "town map" and says she's going to kill Maddie for some reason? She knows that Maddie is being held captive by her killer, and both Rose and Kayla are right in front of her. Rose is watching, gets kidnapped by Knife Boi, and starts screaming. Sheena tells Kayla to go save Rose, but AXE GUY appears out of nowhere and kills Sheena. Knife Boi and Sheena are apparently linked, and Knife Boi's head explodes, saving Rose. Kayla takes the axe from Axe Guy and kills him with it.

    Rose comes out and starts whining. "YOU PWOMISED YOU'D SAVE ME," she cries. Rose is one of the worst characters I've ever seen. Kayla tells her to close her eyes, and Rose is like, "why?" Kayla says, "they can see and hear us. Maddie and I used to write secrets into each other's palms like this." So Kayla starts writing out their "plan" on Rose's palm...BUT KAYLA IS LOOKING AT HER OWN WRITING? It's the second dumbest scene in the entire movie.

    Kayla and Maddie reunite, and Rose suddenly becomes incredibly jealous of Maddie and adopts a very callous attitude. This CLEARLY indicates that she's neither a child nor mentally challenged. Maddie's killer, Pitchfork Pete, lurches from around a tree. Kayla suddenly has another seizure and is watching through his eyes, as Rose immediately grabs the knife and slits Maddie's throat.

    Kayla wakes up. Rose is all "I SAVED YOU" and Kayla scream-cries "I SHOULD'VE LET YOU DIE." Rose starts screeching and runs off.

    Kayla is now at the boundary. She cuts out HER OWN EYE--good thing they chose the left eye for everyone--and goes off into the sunset.

    THE END...?

    NO, wait! Now we're seeing the "face-getting-chopped-off-by-an-axe" scene again. Some guy is watching the footage in VR in his super nice house! And there's an intruder! It's Kayla, of course. She gets the best of him and starts interrogating him to find out more about the "company" putting on these games. YEAH, WE'D LIKE TO KNOW MORE TOO, KAYLA! Maybe we would've been more INVESTED in the movie! He's like "look it's some dude named (generic name) and that's all I know!"

    Here's the dumbest scene: Kayla turns to the couch and looks at Maddie. She starts talking to Maddie. The guy looks at the couch and is like, "who the hell are you talking to?" Maddie gets up and starts writing in Kayla's palm, then walks out. WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? WHY DO WE NEED SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT AT THE END?

    This movie had potential, but it was a major letdown. The writing was pretty bad. The writer retconned things when he could've just taken more time to set scenes and backstory up properly. We know absolutely nothing about anyone aside from Kayla, who is epileptic. And even her backstory with Maddie is wrong, since she goes throughout the whole movie killing people and ripping out eyes without even flinching.

    Is this supposed to be feminist in some way? Because it's not. The "Beauty and the Beast" reference seems like it was written to be allegorically feminist by someone who doesn't understand feminism. There's no established patriarchy here. Both the females and the male killers are risking their lives in this game. The poor direction to get Kayla to act like a bad-ass makes her seem psychotic. The other female characters do absolutely nothing. It's more or less and homage to the one character the writer fell in love with, from my perspective.

    This movie has been done WAY BETTER many times before. Severance (2006) and The Hunt (2020) immediately come to mind. Even older movies like Stone Cold's The Condemned are better. The interesting premise was ruined by total lack of character development, backstory, likable characters, and a general lack of plot.
  • kyleallencole94 September 2019
    This was one pretty hardcore slasher flick. The gore and intensity was excellent. Definitely a new favorite film of mine. I didnt really recognize anyone in this one, but it was perfectly acted and filmed. These kind of movies where people are hunted down throughout the whole thing, are so much fun. I really enjoyed it!!
  • JJett1313134 September 2019
    I was excited for this movie ever since it was first announced. it sounded like it was going to be (or it COULD BE) a really cool horror movie but after watching it last night I was majorly disappointed with the film. the lead actress was very good and some of the gore was pretty decent but there was NO character development for really any of the characters (including the lead characters) so whenever a character would get killed off, there was no emotional impact whatsoever.

    there was also basically NO storyline either. for most of the film it's just the lead actress (again, she's very good) wandering around the forest occasionally having epileptic seizures. there actually was a somewhat interesting (sort of) storyline regarding why/how the women & the killers were put into this kill or be killed setting but the movie really doesn't go into that (barely). i guess this movie is worth checking out if you don't have anything else to watch but keep your expectations in check.

    i'm all for a good slasher but this wasn't it.
  • Patient44430 November 2019
    After this year's Haunt and Trick, we were brought, The Furies, a great add-on to the slasher genre, with its own rules and premise, different yet far more entertaining than your usual.

    It was a beautiful movie, lovely executed, unexpected deep and chilling soundtrack, overall a slasher done right, one that kept these productions heading the right way, to uncharted territory, so I can't wait to see what's next.

    I will recommend it to anyone up for a different view, it has its share of great deaths, interesting killers and unexpected turns throughout its run time.

  • dennis-giles6717 November 2020
    Lots of running about,acting in this is bearable. If you like movies like Wrong turn/Wolf Creek,and the Hills have Eyes remakes,,you may enjoy this. Some great make up effect kills,but some shots are overlong and badly edited. The Asian girl in this is laughable,and barely watchable.
  • Aussie horror The Furies isn't very original: it's a little bit Saw, a little bit Cube, a little bit Hostel, a little bit Battle Royale, and a lot like so many backwoods slashers. But despite this obvious lack of freshness, it still manages to be a lot of fun, largely thanks to its extreme gore, director Tony D'Aquino ladling on the splatter for his debut feature.

    The film opens as two friends, Kayla (Airlie Dodds) and Maddie (Ebony Vagulans), are abducted, rendered unconscious, taken to a remote forest, and put inside wooden boxes. When Kayla wakes up, Maddie is nowhere to be seen, so she explores the surrounding area where she meets other girls in the same situation. Before long, Kayla discovers that she and the other young women are being hunted by a group of masked killers, part of a sick virtual reality game where their every move is broadcasted to members of an elite club via the special eyeball cameras that have been surgically implanted in their heads.

    Kayla eventually realises that each abductee has their own assigned maniac who is there to protect them; as each girl dies, so does their 'beast', which leads to a 'survival of the fittest' scenario, where the girls turn on each other to increase their chances of making it out alive.

    With the maniacs armed with a range of very sharp weapons (an axe, a scythe, a sickle, a machete, a knife etc.), the deaths are gleefully messy, an impressive array of gory effects drenching the film with blood, guts and body parts: one girl has her face hacked off, another has her arms ripped from her body, we get a superb axe in the head scene, and there's a nasty throat slashing. We also get graphic eye-ball gouging and several exploding heads. In short, The Furies is a gore-hound's delight.

    If I had one minor gripe (other than the derivative nature of the plot), it would be that lead Airlie Dodds suffers from what I call 'Samara Weaving Syndrome': in other words, she has a really off-putting, warbling scream. Must be an Australian thing.

    6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
  • IMDb estimates the budget for this film was $25,000,000. I'm not sure I can imagine that being the case. This felt like a very low-budget film to me. I've always said it's fine to have a low budget, it just means you have to be more creative and smarter with your writing. Christopher Nolan's early work for example had a far smaller budget than what he is working with now, and yet those early films were far superior to what he's currently producing because he was forced to make his script immaculately smart. So was this film able to be smart enough to overcome a low budget? Not quite.

    I'm actually a big fan of Australian horror movies. They've made some really good ones over the years and so I'm always willing to give them a chance. They're a big fan of gore the Australians and this film has it in abundance. One of the opening kills in this film is particularly brutal to watch, and it isn't just a flashing moment, it holds the camera on it and makes you watch it for an uncomfortably long time. I would say the gore throughout the movie is strongest element this movie has going for it.

    The problem with 'The Furies' is that it gets stuck in neutral for far too long. The film begins with a mildly interesting premise, but an hour later it feels like very little has advanced and we are still in the same situation. Little additions crop up here and there, and there's the odd decent surprising moment, but they are too few and far between. The ending mixes things up a bit and feels very refreshing because it's what the audience has been needing to see for the last 80 minutes. 'The Furies' is a decent effort, but nothing more.
  • I wasn't asking either. I was scolding! ☝🏼 What was there not to like? I'm a picky person. A horror snob. I haven't seen a slasher movie to give me these kind of feels since the early 90s. THIS was old school slasher style. I covered my eyes twice, screamed in a pillow and ran in place! Girls get kidnapped and put in coffins that sit in the middle of an isolated field and men in scary masks with hatchets, machetes and axes are hunting them down. But if that wasn't enough for you there were also cringe-worthy kills! How are you not impressed? How were you not entertained? I hardly ever like anything new but this was a rare gem. When it was over I felt like Horror Santa left this for me because he knew I was being good this year and I deserved this. Thanks Santa. 👍🏽
  • I actually quite enjoyed this! A solid independent movie, in really every facet. The story lines are basic and have been done as nauseum, but at least this one throws a twist in to it with the cameras.

    All facets were done well: acting, directing, production, etc, with a shout out to the special fx team for the great gore fx. It's not often that indie films yield such good results. I watched it as a Shudder exclusive, and much in the same way that Boar had some gore, this does too. I really appreciate that from horror producers and directors. DON'T SKIMP ON THE GORE! Nearly your entire audience wants to see some good, ole fashioned blood and guts.

    Well done. I recommend a watch for ANY horror fans, and even those in the Thriller camp.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Generous with 3 cos of the nice effects. The killings r gory but that's it. I saw this after reading a glowing review by fellow reviewer Coventry. A major disappointment. It is full of cliches, with zero character development n zero story. The start scene has been done to death. The film starts as the usual with a girl being chased by someone. Of course it has lots of gore but without any tension or suspense. In the entire film the girls run from this place to that place n the entire time they hide in different places. To top it all the ending is wtf. How the eye wound gets stitched n how she heals is again wtf. Basically the whole film is wtf. Better watch Wolf Creek, Wrong Turn 1 or the new The Hills Have Eyes or even better jus revisit some ol 80s slasher.
  • This juicy Ozzie horror about kidnapped women forced to participate in a deadly game of cat and mouse with masked psychos, is a robustly violent throwback to the glory days of 80's slasher movies and is an entertainingly blood soaked calling card for director Tony D'Aquino. What it lacks in backstory it more than makes up for with a cannily gross bloodlust all delivered with gory glee and classic ozploitation nastiness (a face cleaved off is a rubbery effect that you won't quickly forget). Over one hundred litres of fake blood was used by the crew during filming which took place on location at Bywong, an historic mining village just outside of Canberra. It had the working title of Killer Instinct.
  • nogodnomasters9 September 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The film centers on Kayla (Airlie Dodds) an epileptic. She is kidnapped along with other girls and becomes hunted in the vicinity of the abandoned Eureka Springs Gold Mine. For some reason, the girls are not topless. (Who is making these things?)

    This is not your run of the mill girls being hunted with cutting tools by grunting men in animal masks. It includes team pairing, exploding heads, and unique cameras. Nice creepy Aussie trees.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity in a girls being hunted film by guys.
  • kosmasp21 February 2020
    The movie does try its best with a really good idea. It never really takes off though. The premise is quite unique or rather what it tries to do with it. And that is quite fun. It is packed in a known overall scheme/format, but still there are some neat things thrown into the mix.

    Overall this is decent and should satisfy quite a lot of people. If that really is the case for you, enjoy the ride, don't worry too much about the flaws and inconsistencies in the script ... if you can, you'll be entertained, if not ... you won't
  • This movie had been on my "to watch" list for a while so finally did it yesterday. Had a few beer and was in the mood for simple entertainement. Yet despite being in this mood i kinda felt the movie was missing something.

    We get introduced in a very brief scene to the main character. This last a couple minutes but thats about it, we don't get much background/backstory on her, and don't expect any on the other characters.

    We get absolutely no infos on anything, the movie just present us the "game", set some basic rules and after that its pretty much enjoy the kills and gore and have fun. That part i feel is indeed a succes as some of the kills are very violent and altough not overly creatives, they do are brutal and well done to a point they work great for the movie. But i dunno if its for us to be able to "admire" the killer's mask and custome cloathings, wich are well done for sure, or a budget thing but everything happen in daylight, and i kinda felt no tension despite the very horrifying nature of the movie. The fact that the characters are not developed at all, with no backstory, didn't really made me care for them.

    I watched a movie with a similar style call The Hunt lately, wich i felt was absurde but fun entertainement a bit like Cabin in the Woods. This one follow a similar concept but instead of action/survival it goes into horror, but slasher style horror, and not tension horror.

    Overall its not a bad movie, had some fun with it, i just wish we would had been presented more, like more backstory to at least make me care a bit about these peoples, and something on the game, the organizers, the reasons...

    I think its worth a watch if you enjoy horror movies, its definately better than a lot of low budget horror flicks i have watched, but this won't become a cult classic for me.
  • "The Furies" is a few notable gore moments linked together by a barely-there plot and acted by actors who make no impression playing characters that are interchangeable.

    It has a premise that opens the door to some kind of social commentary about feminism, and a story that leaves it standing outside, too afraid to enter.

    It is something to do with women kidnapped by men to be hunted for sport. The social commentary of this isn't underlined enough because, one, the bad guys all wear masks for no discernible reason, and, two, basically all slasher movies are about women being killed by men anyway. The movie stops short of doing anything to underline or explore this attempt at commentary, thus revealing it to be a sham.

    So all we end up with is a few gore moments, one in which a person gets their face shaved off with an axe, however unrealistically, and another where a person's head is split down the middle. The lack of quality gore is unwittingly underlined by the filmmakers when they keep showing the corpse of the split-headed person later on, instead of coming up with new kills.

    Thus it was made for a YouTube highlight reel - don't waste your time watching the whole movie.
  • To be fair this film is entertaining the idea is good all the actors do a great job and there's no silly shaky camera work . The only thing it was missing was a little intrigue if the beauties were forced to play what about the beasts? If there was a sequel I'd hope it to be like the hunger games and be much better than the first
  • saraz-7628619 September 2019
    Wasnt terrible. Strong female leads and lots of gore. Main down fall I'd say is the ending. Overall worth a watch.
  • mark-270511 September 2019
    Seen it all before, but done brilliantly here. Gore/survival/slasher lovers will enjoy this. Brutal, original killings featuring an array of different mask wearing nut cases chasing fit, young ladies around a barren landscape. A good and sturdy horror flick. Blood, popcorn and fun. What more do you need?
  • Here's a film that goes through the motions with not much foundation, an Oz Indie, which will satisfy gore hounds. A few of the movies of much recent, and older ones, angrily reflect The Furies, but this one does have a little spin on, which doesn't really matter, where too, that part has borrowed from other films. There's one memorable classic line of dialogue of " had me in a titter or two. Basically here's another tale of the weaker sex player, pitted against the much stronger male hunter, in the harsh afternoon heat of the woods, in a nondescript area somewhere in upper NSW I'm sure. Some shots around the cabins, had me highly familiarizing myself with Belair National Park, or Parra Wirra. A well chosen locale, regardless. It's killl or be killed. Our strong lead actress, who plays Kayla, wakes up in a box dumped in these woods, where she soon finds she's not alone, with beauties and beasts. One hunter is assigned one girl each, he must take down, where girls and guys are paired. If one hunter fails in his quest, he dies too in a WEDLOCK (movie reference) way. There's shades of Series 7 in this too. The little Asian lass is funny and mad, speaking in tongues, fast and funny. She's very enterrtaining, and ads some spice to the movie. From the person operating this evil hunting group, we have SLIVER (movie reference) moments. I do admire some of the qualities of The Furies, but the female characters are shallow written, some of them, hardly likeable.The score is great. So is the title. But we've seem it all before. Some moments of The Furies actually cause fury, and has the most un-scariest masks which look to be made out of melon skin, truly pathetic, as are some moments of the film. Not without a watch, but sheer disappointments will ensue for some. Watch your eyes too.
  • DeeDee_Oswald19 June 2020
    The plot is altogether terrible and it seems an excuse to do a strong woman trope which is completely forced these days and not needed. The only reason I gave this 3 stars was for the gore which was pretty decent. Besides that what an absolute waste of time.
  • Because this terrible movie cost 7.6 million. I am Aussie and found this a total missed opportunity. Try writing a decent script, giving us heroines to root for. Damn!?! Even the supposed protagonists seemed to be victims here, that could have been explored, but again, ignored for sake of gore. There are fans of horror and there are gorehounds, this is the the gorehounds only. The 3 stars are for the practical effects only.
  • After viewing the trailer I had to give this intriguing flick a go. My expectations were a little high for this movie, but I did thoroughly enjoy it. The main actress Kayla was a good lead and it made me root for her as well as her friends' survival. The kills were intense and uniquely grotesque, and it had great practical effects. The costume design for the psychotic mutants was over the top goretastic. I'm not gonna give away any spoilers, but if you like slasher films give it a shot, it was an overall bloody good time.
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